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Lost in the Sauce: Barr's DOJ shut down investigations of Trump and admin officials

Welcome to Lost in the Sauce, keeping you caught up on political and legal news that often gets buried in distractions and theater… or a global health crisis.


On Saturday, Trump announced on Twitter that he has put his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani in charge of his campaign's long-shot post-election legal challenges. Other people on the team include Joseph diGenova, Victoria Toensing, Sidney Powell, and Jenna Ellis.
  • Giuliani worked with a Russian agent to smear Biden. diGenova and Toensing tried to get the Justice Department to drop charges against corrupt Ukraine oligarch Dmytro Firtash. Powell represents Michael Flynn and champions "deep state" conspiracies. Ellis said gay marriage leads to pedophilia.
NYT: Mr. Trump turned to Mr. Giuliani earlier on Friday in reaction to the latest setback he faced in court, this one relating to votes in Maricopa County, Arizona… A half-dozen other Trump advisers have described Mr. Giuliani’s efforts as counterproductive and said that he was giving the president unwarranted optimism about what could happen… In an Oval Office meeting with aides on Thursday, Mr. Trump put Mr. Giuliani on speakerphone so the others could hear him. He angrily accused the aides of not telling the president the truth
Giuliani’s conspiracy-riddled rant at Four Seasons Total Landscaping was so disastrous that it “scared off many of the lawyers” recruited to argue election-related lawsuits. Politico: “Campaign officials described the episode as disastrous...there are widespread concerns within Trumpworld and GOP circles that Giuliani’s antics are thwarting the president’s legal machinery from within.”
Two major law firms have withdrawn from Trump campaign cases as his legal challenges crumble. Arizona’s largest law firm Snell & Wilmer dumped the RNC and Trump campaign effort to challenge votes in Maricopa County. Porter Wright Morris & Arthur is abandoning Trump’s attempt to block Pennsylvania's popular vote for Joe Biden.
  • In one day (Friday), nine cases meant to attack President-elect Joe Biden's win in key states were denied or dropped - seven in Pennsylvania, one in Arizona, and one in Michigan.
The new federal chief information security officer, Camilo Sandoval, has already taken leave from his day job to participate in a pro-Trump effort to hunt for evidence of voter fraud in the battleground states. The group, Voter Integrity Fund, is a newly formed Virginia-based group that is analyzing ballot data and cold-calling voters. Sandoval was officially appointed on Nov. 4, 2020, but lists his starting date at October on his personal LinkedIn page.
WaPo: Sandoval is part of a hastily convened team led by Matthew Braynard, a data specialist who worked on Trump’s 2016 campaign. Another participant is Thomas Baptiste, an adviser to the deputy secretary of the Interior Department who also took a leave to work on the project. Braynard said in an interview that several other government officials on leave are also assisting the effort, but he declined to identify them.
Media’s role:
  • Facebook Cut Traffic To Leading Liberal Pages Just Before The Election: Liberal page administrators who spoke with BuzzFeed News said that their reach declined by as much as 70%, and still hasn’t recovered.
  • Facebook Live Spread Election Conspiracies And Russian State-Controlled Content Despite Employee Fears: The social network’s live video tool has recommended videos featuring misinformation and the hyperpartisan views of Trump allies leading up to and following election day in the US.
  • In the week after the election, Trump’s postings dominated Facebook, accounting for the 10 most engaged status updates in the United States, and 22 of the top 25. “I WON THIS ELECTION, BY A LOT!” was his top post.
  • YouTube Is Doing Very Little to Stop Election Misinformation From Spreading
  • Social media app Parler receives financial backing from conservative hedge-fund investor Robert Mercer and his daughter Rebekah, The Wall Street Journal reported. Parler turned into a kind of de facto home for conservatives’ protests against the election— including the persistent “Stop the Steal” campaign— after the race was called for former Vice President Joe Biden. Several high-profile conservative social media personalities encouraged people to abandon Twitter and Facebook because of their moderation policies, and instead follow them on Parler.


Emily Murphy, the head of the General Services Administration, still hasn’t signed the official letter that would allow the incoming Biden team to formally begin the transition. House Democrats are assessing options to force the GSA’s hand, which could include summoning Murphy to the Hill to testify or suing her. “Obviously, Congress could file suit against the GSA administrator for failing to do her duty. We could seek to get a court to, in fact, issue an order
Her ascertainment is the legally necessary precursor to the government’s assistance to the Biden-Harris Presidential Transition Team. It releases $6.3 million dollars to the team, which is funded by public and private money; a loan of expanded federal office space and equipment; access to government agencies that will begin sharing information and records about ongoing activities, plans and vulnerabilities; national security briefings for the president; and other support.
  • The Office of the Director of National Intelligence recently confirmed that it is not providing national security briefings to the president-elect. The Defense Department has also reportedly indicated that it will not meet with the Biden-Harris transition team until Murphy formally affirms the apparent winner.
One of the officials fired in Trump’s latest purge was helping prepare for the transition to the new administration. USAID Deputy Administrator Bonnie Glick was removed abruptly to make way for a Trump loyalist after she had been supportive of transition planning, including the preparation of a 440-page manual for the next administration.
The GSA’s refusal to enact the transition has locked Biden’s team out of crucial Covid-19 pandemic data and government agency contacts. The president-elect’s Covid-19 task force has been trying to work around the federal government by connecting with governors and the health community.
  • The head of Operation Warp Speed, Moncef Slaoui, called on the White House to allow contact with the Biden team, saying “It is a matter of life and death for thousands of people.”
White House’s Office of Management and Budget is considering 145 new regulations and other policy changes they could enact before Biden’s inauguration - rules that will be challenging to undo once they are finalized. Critics and supporters of the administration say they expect a final burst of regulations to be finalized in the weeks before Jan. 20.
The rules under development include policies that the incoming Biden administration would probably oppose, such as new caps on the length of foreign student visas; restrictions on the Environmental Protection Agency’s use of scientific research; limits on the EPA’s consideration of the benefits of regulating air pollutants; and a change that would make it easier for companies to treat workers as independent contractors, rather than employees with more robust wage protections.
Last week, both Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and White House trade adviser Peter Navarro said they’re preparing for a second Trump term. “There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration,” Pompeo said during a news conference Tuesday afternoon (clip). Pompeo then doubled down on Fox News (clip). “We are moving forward here at the White House under the assumption there will be a second Trump term,” Navarro said on Fox Business Friday (clip).

DOJ interference

Attorney General William Barr stopped career prosecutors in DOJ’s Public Integrity Section from investigating whether President Trump broke any laws related to his conduct with Ukraine last year. The section was initially given the green light to pursue “a potentially explosive inquiry” into Trump, but after the Senate acquitted the president during impeachment proceedings, Barr sent the case to the U.S. attorney’s office in Brooklyn.
Prosecutors in DOJ’s Public Integrity Section were also prevented from bringing charges against former interior secretary Ryan Zinke by political appointees atop the Justice Department. Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen told prosecutors that they needed to gather more evidence and refine the case against Zinke for lying to Interior investigators.
  • The investigation into Zinke stemmed from his decision to block two Native American tribes—the Mashantucket Pequot and Mohegan—from opening a casino in Connecticut. Zinke’s office had been lobbied heavily by MGM Resorts International, which had been planning to open its own casino very close to where the tribes intended to break ground.
Sixteen assistant U.S. attorneys specially assigned to monitor malfeasance in the 2020 election urged Barr on Friday to rescind his memo allowing election-fraud investigations before results are certified. "It was developed and announced without consulting non-partisan career professionals in the field and at the Department. Finally, the timing of the Memorandum's release thrusts career prosecutors into partisan politics," the prosecutors wrote.
An internal Justice Department investigation found that federal prosecutors who oversaw a controversial non-prosecution deal with Jeffrey Epstein in 2008 exercised “poor judgment” but did not break the law. “They just say he used poor judgment, and that's their way of basically letting everyone off the hook while offering some sort of an olive branch to the victims that we acknowledge weren't treated perfectly,” said Brad Edwards, who sued the DOJ in 2008 on behalf of Epstein accusers.

Immigration news

Eastern District of New York Judge Nicholas Garaufis (Clinton-appointee) ruled that Chad Wolf was not legally serving as acting Homeland Security secretary when he signed rules limiting DACA program applications and renewals. Therefore, in a win for Dreamers and immigration activists, Garaufis said the changes were invalid.
The judge described an illegitimate shuffling of leadership chairs at the Department of Homeland Security, the agency responsible for immigration enforcement, for the predicament of Wolf's leadership and that of his predecessor, Kevin McAleenan.
"Based on the plain text of the operative order of succession," Garaufis wrote in the Saturday ruling, "neither Mr. McAleenan nor, in turn, Mr. Wolf, possessed statutory authority to serve as Acting Secretary. Therefore the Wolf Memorandum was not an exercise of legal authority."
  • There's a renewed push to get Chad Wolf confirmed as Homeland Security secretary -- a position in which he's been serving in an acting capacity for a yearr -- before Inauguration Day. In the past week, Homeland Security officials spoke to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's office about bringing the nomination to a floor vote in the coming weeks.
Within the last six months, as the coronavirus pandemic gripped the US, the Trump administration filed 75 lawsuits to seize private land along the US-Mexico border for the border wall." People right now are having to choose between their health and their homes," said Ricky Garza, a staff attorney at the Texas Civil Rights Project, a legal advocacy group.
After a series of price increases, Trump’s border project will cost taxpayers $20 million per mile of border fence. A review of federal spending data shows more than 200 contract modifications, at times awarded within just weeks or months after the original contracts, have increased the cost of the border wall project by billions of dollars since late 2017.
DHS has expelled unaccompanied immigrant children from the US border more than 13,000 times since March, using the coronavirus as an excuse to deny children their right to asylum. Previously, unaccompanied children were sent to government-run shelters as they attempted to pursue their asylum cases.
Migrant children from Central America are being expelled to Mexico, where they have no family connections. The expulsions not only put children in danger - the policy violates a diplomatic agreement with Mexico that only Mexican children and others who had adult supervision could be pushed back into Mexico after attempting to cross the border.
The House Judiciary Committee released a report on the Trump administration’s policy of separating families at the border, revealing that the federal agency that cares for migrant children was not told about the policy. The chaos contributed to the inability to later reunite parents and children.
The Trump administration is trying to deport several women who allege they were mistreated by a Georgia gynecologist at an immigration detention center. Hours after one detained woman spoke to federal investigators about forced hysterectomies at a Georgia detention center, she said ICE told her that it had lifted a hold on her deportation and she faced “imminent” removal. Six former patients who complained about Dr. Mahendra Amin had already been deported.
Northern District of Illinois Judge Gary Feinerman (Obama-appointee) blocked a key Trump administration policy that allowed officials to deny green cards to immigrants who might need public assistance Advocates who had feared that the policy would harm tens of thousands of poor people, particularly those affected by widespread job loss because of the coronavirus pandemic.


Microsoft said it has detected attempts by state-backed Russian and North Korean hackers to steal valuable data from leading pharmaceutical companies and vaccine researchers. “Among the targets, the majority are vaccine makers that have COVID-19 vaccines in various stages of clinical trials.”
Two census takers told The AP that their supervisors pressured them to enter false information into a computer system about homes they had not visited so they could close cases during the waning days of the once-a-decade national headcount.
The Supreme Court on Tuesday signaled it’s unlikely to tear down Obamacare over a Republican-backed lawsuit challenging the landmark health care law. Chief Justice John Roberts and Trump appointee Justice Brett Kavanaugh strongly questioned whether the elimination of the mandate penalty made the rest of the law invalid. Kavanaugh appeared to signal on several occasions that he favored leaving the rest of the law intact if the mandate is struck.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) was sued last week by four whistleblowers claiming that he abused his office to benefit himself, a woman with whom he was said to have had an affair, and the wealthy donor who employs her before retaliating against the members of his staff who reported him to the FBI.
The Trump administration is rushing plans to auction drilling rights in the U.S. Arctic National Wildlife Refuge before the inauguration of Biden, who has vowed to block oil exploration in the rugged Alaska wilderness. Biden’s efforts could be complicated if the Trump administration sells drilling rights first. Formally issued oil and gas leases on federal land are government contracts that can’t be easily yanked.
submitted by rusticgorilla to Keep_Track [link] [comments]

Banned from the Cosmopolitan Las Vegas for life

I got banned from the Cosmo last year and I really wanted to go back so I sent a letter of apology to the security team which was denied. They said they will still charge me with trespassing if I step foot on property again. I guess I wanna know what else I can do? To this day I still have no idea why I was banned. I just know that the situation escalated very quickly to where nothing made much sense and the management kept changing the reason. So this what happened:
I was visiting Vegas for the 2nd time in my life. I was walking through the casino with a friend visiting from Brazil. We were coming back from going out and still wanted to hang out so we sat down at one of the roulette tables. I was explaining how to play, and the gentleman next to us was getting "C" chips. So I was asking the dealer what that meant for the game but it was kind of loud so I didn't get a clear answer. I asked the gentleman how much they're worth and he said "however much you want" and I found that answer vague so I asked again and he simply answered with "five." I assumed its $5 each, so the gentleman that was playing with them, handed me 5 chips and insinuated for me to play. I turned to my Brazilian friend and kept explaining the game for another minute, telling her that its only $25 so w/e just place then anywhere. Everything was fine at that point. Then as soon as I put the chips down on one of the colors on the table, management started yelling at us so the situation got tense. We felt uncomfortable so we just went to the bathroom to avoid the yelling. When we came out there was the hotel management and police waiting and we had to explain the situation what had happened so I just explained that we came in, sat down, and the man gave us the chips. When the police were talking to us, we kept asking management what was going on and they just kept saying, "we're reviewing the footage." After around 1.5 hours of talking to them they finally said that the gentleman that GAVE us the chips, said that it was theft, (but suspiciously he would not be pressing charges), that the chips were actually worth $5,000 each (meaning he gave me 25k). The management gave us multiple reasons for banning us such as: "you girls are hustlers" (my personal favorite), another reason was that "casino rules are different", then we were doing something illegal by money laundering, and lastly that its simply unacceptable to take chips from someone (but people do it all the time). After two hours of talking to the police, we were told that we would be banned and escorted out. However, the police did mention that after 6 months time I could write a letter of apology to the cosmo, and they would likely lift my ban. They took down our names, and took pics of our IDs and called MGM Grand (hotel we were staying at during that time) to cut our stay short as well, so we had to check out indefinitely next morning.
Yesterday I sent an email to the security team and my request was denied. I thought this would blow over and I'd be able to go back but it really bothers me that I was treated like a criminal. I still have no clue as to what I did so wrong. Something super sketchy was going on though cause the guy with the "C" chips had like 8 stacks of 10 chips (each chip worth 5k) and this was a minimum table. So he could have already been being watched and maybe he was doing the money laundering so they thought I was associated with him. Any suggestions? Should I contact a lawyer?
submitted by nads1234567 to vegas [link] [comments]

Banned from all MGM properties, advice?

So I was here last summer and was enjoying the benefits of mgm Mlife platinum status. I was $2000 spend away from re-qualifying as platinum Mlife. I only had 4 days left in vegas to make the spend at mgm properties. So I went to the buffet and I asked people if they would like to skip the line, pay me cash for the buffet and I would pay for their buffet so it would be recorded as my spend.
I did this a few days in with several large groups at the Bellagio. I didn't feel like I was doing anything inherently wrong or breaking any specific rules. Long story short they secretly called security and about 7 of them surrounded me in the buffet line and took to me to the back room. In the security room I told them I wanted to leave and it's illegal to keep me there but I every time I got up to leave they stood in way and blocked the door.
I asked them wahat law they could keep me under and they said “suspicion of selling comps which is a felony” long story short(er) the said it was illegal for me not to give them ID and they would call the cops if I didn't and I eventually relented.
Now I'm banned from all Mlife properties which is a severe inconvenience to say the least. The thing is couldn't have been selling comps since I was paying in cash with the money the people in line gave me I was just adding my life card to the transaction. No one seemed to actually know what I was doing but they just knew something was off and that I was helping people skip the long line.
Now this happened exactly one year ago and I want to be un-banned from the property. I figure I have 3 options:
  1. call and ask nicely to have to banned ended after 1 year aka now
  2. hire a lawyer to send a later saying I was falsely confined (legally I may have been) and say they can make this all go away if I'm unbanned (expensive options probably)
  3. call a host and tell them the situation and offer transfer 10K or so into a casino account and see if they'll try to pull some strings to make it happen
What do you guys think is the best way to be allowed back? Any advice would be appreciated!
submitted by eastc057 to vegas [link] [comments]

Vegas "Know Before You Go"

As we are in the home stretch to EDCLV, it seems like a good time for the usual "know before you go" infodump. Vegas veterans can skip down to PARKING as there are new policies that will be in place just in time for EDC.
CASINOS • You must be 21 with a .gov ID to drink, go to a nightclub on the Strip, gamble, or even loiter in the "gaming areas" (Walking through is fine but don't stand and watch table games or sit at a slot machine.) Casinos do. not. play. when it comes to this - people lose their jobs for serving alcohol to underage people and underage gambling is 'handcuffs and a call to Metro' bad.
• Do not take photos of the "gaming areas." It's not illegal but basically every casino has rules against it and getting 86'd out of your accommodations on a major event weekend will ruin your trip real quick. The occasional selfie or quick shot isn't going to draw much attention but, say, periscoping a walking tour of the gaming areas or recording your friend's epic craps run is going to get you a talking to.
• Bare chests and bikini tops (and bottoms) are frowned upon by casino security so make sure you have an opaque cover up for walking across/through public areas. Restaurants can have even more strict dress codes (Even the casual places.)
ALCOHOL • Open containers are A-OK on the Strip proper with a couple caveats: 1) No glass containers. 2) Packaged alcohol (i.e. stuff you buy from a CVS or Walgreens) cannot be opened or consumed within 1000 ft. of the point of purchase or any other place that sells packaged alcohol. This is generally most pertinent to those staying downtown as the distance basically means you have to take a purchase all the way back to your room to open/drink it.
GETTING AROUND • Uber and Lyft do legally operate in Vegas. However, they operate under regs very similar to the taxis in Vegas (See below) and Uber rates in Vegas are the highest in the US due to how short the average trip distance is. Be also aware that surge multipliers can be absolutely obscene here.
• Taxis & TNCs can only pick-up/drop-off at designated locations in the resort corridor or at the airport (taxi stands/TNC drops) so please don't be that person trying to jump into a stopped cab on a corner or trying to get an Uber to pick you up from in front of the Bellagio fountains.
• As a pedestrian, stay out of the roadway. There are plenty of pedestrian bridges and outside of intersections with marked crosswalks, LV Blvd and the major cross street are designed for maximum vehicle volume and zero pedestrians. If you find yourself jumping a fence or tightroping a curb alongside traffic, you have fucked up.
• Relative distances on the Strip can be very misleading. Going from one place to another place at a casino "next door" or "across the street" can be a brisk 15-20 minute walk.
PARKING Ok, here's the doozy: In a bald-faced move to increase revenue so a handful of c-level execs can get fat bonuses the interest of providing "convenient, safe and secure parking," MGM Resorts is instituting paid parking at its casinos just in time for EDC attendees to arrive. The only way to get out of paying is to either be a NV resident or have the required tier level in MGM's player's club, M Life. Parking fees are completely separate from the daily resort fee but MGM is kind enough to allow you to roll the parking fees into your room bill.
EDIT: Thanks to OH2AZ and ReddGold for pointing this out - reservations made before May 12 are exempt from paying for parking.
If you are staying at Monte Carlo, Luxor, or Excalibur: self parking is $8/day and valet parking is $13/day
If you are staying at Aria, Bellagio, Mandalay Bay/Delano, MGM Grand, Mirage, or NYNY: self parking is $10/day and valet parking is $18/day
If you are staying at Circus Circus: self parking is still complimentary but valet parking is $13/day
Go here for all of the gory details.
submitted by DrkHeart to electricdaisycarnival [link] [comments]

SHOT 2018/My tales of adventure in Las Vegas

So, you wanna go to SHOT show? You think it's all fun and games? Get to play with guns? See Jesse James and R. Lee Ermey? SHOT show is the annual pilgrimage of the unwashed masses to Las Vegas to rub elbows with youtube celebrities, bloggers and overseas businessmen copying US made equipment and share infectious disease.
If you love guns, gambling and gonorrhea - SHOT show is for you! It is not my typical idea of a good time. I am not a big fan of Las Vegas.
However: I do attend for a few reasons. First, I do enjoy travel and I'm platinum on AA so I can usually score an upgrade. Second, industry people are in there that I do hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars with business with so it's nice to put a face with the name and see what deals are out there. SHOT for me has been a bust for the past few years. Being a value guy, I want to buy at $1000 and sell at $3000 and as of recently the gun business is more like buy for $1 and sell for $1.10 if you get what I mean.
We used to do business at SHOT and now it's just checking in on foursquare, instagram and rubbing elbows with bloggers and the like. I want to make money, not spend money so this is very annoying to me.
Anyways, onto the play by play.
Monday, January 22nd. One day before SHOT show.
The TSA line is a shitshow thanks to, well TSA. I have pre check and breeze right through.
I slog my way to the lounge, as shitty as it is to wait for my winged chariot to DFW. I have gone from being in an abusive relationship with Delta to being in an abusive relationship with AA. Although if you really want to experience the battered spouse feeling, UA is a few gates over.
I board my flight to Dallas/FW and my Renton assembled chariot is having a problem with one of the ring laser gyros, the hate agent tells us we are delayed for an indeterminate amount of time. Even as an AA Plat, I have no cleared upgrades. I am number 4 on the list with one seat open to Dallas/FW. I am 39/61 for Dallas/FW to LAX.
Fuck my life.
I gate check my bags to make life easier for me and the rest of the folks slumming it. If I don't have to worry about being short on time, I like to gate check to free up bins for those who are not as fortunate. Eventually I board and ask the FA to say hi to the captain and get a ride report. Light chop all over north texas today and we're going to take the long way around the field due to wind.
Me: I guess it's true. Dallas always does seem to blow a little harder in the postseason...
CA: Hahhahaha
FO: You got that right! Go eagles!
Having brightened the day of the flight crew, I head back to my MCE seat in Y and kick back and relax by listening to my Rumours, my favorite fleetwood mac album on my ipod.
We land at Dallas an hour and a half late eating into my 4 hour spa layover I had planned. I hightail it to the Centurion lounge in terminal D, my home away from home. Thankfully I don't need a massage since I brought my friend Laura some homemade chocolate rice crispy squares and she gave me a one hour massage and gave me a happy ending.
I grab a plate and help myself to some of the excellent chicken and some mashed red potatoes and bacon It is cheesy and DELICIOUS. Between that and the poblano rice, I can feel it going straight to my thighs. No, I do not care. NOM NOM NOM
The lounge is packed. The bar is full and I grab a quick single malt as I have my meal since American's not going to feed me. They begin boarding to LAX as I walk out of the lounge. I make it to the gate and the entire plane has boarded because the screens say they are boarding group 9.
Giving the FA a friendly nod, I ask to say hi to the captain and I stride through J and say hello to the two gentlemen flying today. Aviation nerd protip: CHECK YOUR ROUTING!
I didn't, but I had a hunch since arriving from the east we'd get the ANJLL 1 or the HLYWD 1 arrival. I got a 50/50 shot. Let's see how good I am.
Drop my bags at the threshold, poke my head in.
Me: Howdy guys, we still looking good for the Hollywood 1 tonight?
CA: Man, you did your homework yes we are! GABBL transition as a matter of fact!
Damn I'm good.
FC: Nice! I know you guys take a rash of crap from drunk Parker so I like to say hello to the folks who do the heavy lifting and I'm a total airplane dork so it's cool to check the place out.
CA: I'm an airplane dork too! I'm Jeff Rowland, nice to meet ya!
SUPER nice guy. He gave me a tour of the airplane, even took a picture of me in the left seat.
Here he is showing me some stuff around the airplane. He gives me the grand tour of the 787-9 including this neat feature that actually measures how many G's they have on landing so they know whether or not they need an overweight landing inspection or not. AMAZING airplane. I'm shown all the bells and whistles and they tell me how fun the plane is to fly. Jeff takes a few pics of me in the best seat of the house. I tell the guys I'll see them at the in and out burger on Sepuldeva and I hike back to my seat in W.
The FA's were wondering where I was, and they gave away my assigned seat. I take an empty center aisle seat and make life easier for everyone. W in the 787-9 is a solid hard product. The BE Aerospace MI-Q seat is a good ride whether in it for 3 hours to LAX or 13 to CDG like I was in a few months ago.
The boarding door closes for an on time departure and I watch another airplane movie - American Made with Tom Cruise. He's so dreamy. Jeff's PA's were really lame and had a whole bunch of people laughing in the back on the way to LA. The flight was not long enough. The landing is a perfect grease job on 24L and we await a tug to get towed into gate 41 at LAX. I say thanks again to the flight crew - worthy of note,
My next hop via a 737 to LAS is uneventful. I stop at the Centurion lounge for some freshly squeezed OJ. It is DELICIOUS as AA's app tells me my bags are being unloaded.
I grab my things and hop in the last car Hertz has in the gold section - a 2016 Toyota Corolla. Times are rough. I'm at Circus Circus again. I check in and tell the lady about the last time I was there with the neighbors and the extremely loud sex. Full story: tail end of this -
She damn near busts a gut laughing and upgrades me to a skyrise room and gives me a line pass and complimentary buffet.
I arrive to my room where housekeeping has not cleaned it to my exacting specifications. Specifically, there are like three hairballs from a cat in the chair next to the desk. I ask for another room and they set it up for me. It's now 1AM. In and out burger is closed.
Tuesday, January 23rd SHOT Show Day One
You gotta get into the palazzo garage before 8AM or you are not getting a spot. I get in at 8:01 and miraculously find a spot. They are doing so much construction at the resort that I don't recognize it. I grab my pass and check in with some other industry associates. My first day is semi-eventful as I check out the sig 365, a very promising concealed carry product as well as a few other really neat things and many many useless items.
I run into u/chugbleach in the basement and we trade stories. He shows me some neat stuff he's been working on. We plan to dine later in the week and I continue walking the show when I see the most amazing booth ever.
I let fluff buy the hook, he posts $120 to win $100 if he gets his HMG gun by the end of Q1. If gun arrives on time, he gets $100 from me. If no, I get $120 from him.
I walk back to chug.
CB: Okay lets go
We walk briskly not 100 feet. I stop quickly. Chug looks confused.
I gesticulate wildly to our right.
This is what we see.
I crack up laughing and can barely contain myself. This is the greatest thing I have seen in weeks.
On that note it is time to take a break for lunch. I head up to one of my vendors who has a hospitality suite for the show and they are serving jambalaya for lunch every day. As a Louisiana boy, we do love jambalaya. There's a reason I spend lots of money with them. I eat and have a coke as I trade gun jokes with other gun dealers. I wander around the show and nothing else jumps at me.
I walk the footbridge over to the Wynn to see how the house is doing. The poker room is full. I draw $2500 from my credit line and head down to the craps table to throw some dice. I have some mixed success as it's getting late and I want to hit the in and out burger so as I'm getting ready to leave, Laura sends me a bunch of filthy text messages about what she wants to do to me when I get back. My chips and raging boner leave the tables quickly as I duck into the bathroom to tell her that if she wants to treat me like a prisoner on a conjugal visit - I went to 8 years of catholic school, she's entering a world of pain. She says game on.
After a quick trip to the cage to cash out, I'm up or down something like $100. I swing by in and out burger for a double double. It is delicious. Sleepy time.
Wednesday, January 24th. Day 2 of SHOT show.
Alarm goes off at 7:45 AM. I wash up, eat and get breakfast. In the garage by 8:15. Still manage to find a spot! Attendance is down this year. I get in line at Larue. They run out of dillo dust at 8:39. This is the line at 8:35
The show opens at 8:30. Fuck my life. I grab a dillo and some stickers for some friends and a few HK calendars. I wander around and talk to the guys over at Franklin Armory and their new SBR that isn't an SBR, SBS that isn't an SBS and rifle that isn't really a rifle BUT IS STILL A FIREARM. The projectiles they want to sell have fin stabilization and it's like a 55 grain flying Lombardi trophy. It's an interesting idea but I'm not 100% certain I would buy one personally. I trade war stories with a few other friends I meet up with at the show. I head down to the basement and I'm looking at a few accessories from Tactical Walls.
Just as I'm ready to leave - Joe Mantegna shows up and says hi to the reps.
FC: Mr Mantegna! I love your work! Can I get a picture?
JM: Sure.
Someone grabs my phone and snaps a pic
FC: You are great in the simpsons as Fat Tony. Just the best!
JM: (in fat tony voice) I don't get mad. I get stabby.
FC: That's awesome! Thanks! Enjoy the show!
I send the pics to some friends who enjoy snappy Mamet plays and they are all jealous. I head down to the basement. The ATF booth is vacant due to the government shutdown. So is the FBI booth. Oh well. I head upstairs to the manufacturer supplier section and I find out that Olympic Arms is still in business making things. I do a lap and get some business cards from some precision machine companies that can make some elaborate parts. Jambalaya again for lunch. Nom nom nom.
I head down to FN to talk shop with the guys down there and give them shit. FN's new innovation is a two tone FDE/Black gun. So now 50% of the gun does not have to match. I trade barbs with Mike Hoffman and we debate the age old question, is it really gay if you can suck your own cock? Just as I mention this, Steve Bannon shows up at the booth. That's my stop. I say hello to the director of commercial sales on my way out and go to the Knights booth where I find they're making 6.5 Creed stuff now. Interesting how quickly that cartridge has caught on. I talk shop with a few of the KAC guys and then I steal some more HK Kalendars for friends back home.
I hit the Circus Circus buffet with my free pass for the unpleasantness and it is not that great at all. They ran out of roast beef. I mean, really? SHOT SHOW IS IN TOWN! We are beef eating gun owners, and you're gonna run out of roast beef? This would never happen at the Wynn, an amazing property. I make a mental note to sell my MGM Mirage stock and buy some Wynn in the morning. I head back to the craps table and lose a shitload of money. I witness a heater happen after I color up and watch people go nuts. My luck at MGM properties has not been good. Ugh. I don't feel like doing gunnit live and head to sleep early.
Thursday, January 25th. Day 3 of SHOT show.
I message Chug and let him know that it's gotta be tonight if we're gonna hang since I fly out Friday night for Boston. We plan to make plans for dinner. I head to the show and get there at 3 minutes to 8. One of my best customers calls me wanting an XM2010. I head over to Remington and through some finagling they manage to say YES WE CAN SELL IT EVEN THOUGH WE ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO SELL IT. I work up a quote and get the customer the info and tell him what's what. I visit the nighthawk custom booth where they have a new gun chambered in .45 APC.
I kid with a few FBI guys about their attention to detail. I saunter about the show. Leatherman Tool Group always has some nice things to play with. Tim Leatherman is engraving tools for people with his autograph. I'm happy with all of his products I own and I stop by to shake his hand and tell him that my wave has saved my ass on a hundred different occasions and I once resurrected a Ford off the side of the road. He says he loves hearing the stories and he's a pretty nice guy.
I wander about a little more and I find myself over at the Emerson Knife Company booth looking around.
For those not in the know, Emerson has a bunch of specwar types as customers. Damn good knives and operator customers. One of them is behind the table wearing a badge that says JOHN SMITH - JOHN SMITH INC. He's got arms that are as thick as my legs and he looks like a Navy Seal. He bolts upright from his seat and looks at my wrist.
"Is that a 1675?"
FC: Sure is! Damn good eye! My dad won it in an underground poker game in Hong Kong in 1968 from a couple of navy guys on shore leave that flew F4's off Dixie Station.
"Holy crap, that's fucking awesome!"
We talk watches and guns and killing people for a while. He says he's in the navy and the budweiser insignia necklace he is wearing tells me everything I need to know. Nice guy. I wonder what his real name is as the show closes down and as I walk out the magpul booth gives me a laugh. A paper sign on the door says "DOOR IS LOUD AF CLOSE GENTLY"
I'm not kidding -
I head over to Chug's hotel and he gives me the grand tour. It's way nicer than my hotel. We go out and have dinner. I'm asked if I like Thai.
FC: Tie good, you like shirt?
Nobody gets my simpsons jokes. We go to dinner where a good time is had by all. Chug gets a call and needs to drop off a SHOT show pass to a co-worker of his flying in. As opposed to all the mechanics of a dead drop at the palazzo etc I tell him fuck it, just give it to me and I'll pick him up from the airport. In exchange, I tell him I want all the leftover chicken wings from the Thai place.
It's a deal. I grab the wings and head to McCarran. There's a guy in a BRZ hauling ass and I decide to see what this shitbox can do. I get the Corolla up to 115 MPH on the highway before backing down to a more sensible speed. After 5 minutes of MARCO / POLO I find the fellow and give him his shot show pass and a ride to his hotel. I find it funny that last year I ran an unapproved uber substitute and here we are again and the same thing is happening. I'm offered gas money or a beer after the show and I tell him hey, it's your first time at SHOT - enjoy the show, don't sweat it.
I hightail it up the strip to the Palazzo where I play a bit and eventually see a heater in progress. I split the 6/8 for $120 each and they hit. I press it and they hit again. Maybe this won't be a bad trip after all. Table craps out and I cash out still down a few bucks but better than when I started.
By the time I make it back to the room, it's 4AM. I eat the chicken wings. They're delicious.
Friday, January 26th. Day 4 of SHOT show.
I've gotten most of what I want to get done, done. I ordered some Firearm Instructor body armor from one of my guys since lots of people want me dead first thing in the AM and things were going good. I sleep in and debate what I want for breakfast when I realize things are going a little too good. Nothing really bad has happened this trip yet. I pack up and get ready to leave the hotel when I get a push notification.
My flight to Boston has been canceled.
My confirmed first class seats on one of the hardest to upgrade legs in the entire AA route network - LAX to BOS, gone. AA proactively books me on the flight leaving LA a few hours later IN COACH. A middle seat, even. No, just no. I call American and they tell me the plane is broken. Damnit. I look on the app for acceptable reroutings and there is nothing available in first. I say fuck it, I'll deal with this shit later. I have the rental car until midnight, lots of time to make a new plan. I check out of the hotel, throw my bags in the car and head down to the show and it's a freaking ghost town. Parking spaces everywhere. I say bye to a few folks as my phone sends me a notification. WSJ: STEVE WYNN ACCUSED OF DECADES OF SEXUAL MISCONDUCT
I skip lunch and walk across the street to the Wynn and their corporate office.
You see, I have a simple theory. If the allegations are false, they should have no problem sending someone out to listen to my concerns and say the allegations are false and here's everything we're doing to fight it. If the allegations are true, they'll send down hired goons to throw me out the door.
It's sorta like spousal infidelity. If A finds evidence of B cheating, credit card statements, sexts, racy pictures, etc - and A confronts B and B admits it and says I want a divorce, B is guilty. If B says A is cheating on them what the fuck are you doing looking at my credit card statements and phone you're the one that's wrong and invading my privacy get the fuck out of my house - B is really guilty.
That's the theory. If they go full retard and bounce me off the property, the stock is probably going to go down some more. If they address the concerns, things should not be as bad.
Since I walked through the property the last time I was in town, I knew where the corporate office was. The name on my broker statement says WYNN RESPORTS and so did the sign on the doors. I walk through the doors and to the end of the hallway where there's another electronically locked door that is unlocked.
There's a security guard who is nonplussed sitting at a desk wondering if I'm lost. I explain to him that I'm a shareholder and I want to know what this company is doing about this catastrophe. He says he can't say/do anything and I'm instructed to leave. I ask him if he can take a message. He says yes, and I'm like you just said you can't do anything. So what's that supposed to mean?
I argue with him about what he supposedly can and cannot do as I eat raspberry macrons that have been plated at the reception area of the corporate office. THESE BETTER BE THE BEST FUCKING MACARONS I HAVE EVER EATEN GODDAMNIT. They are. Fuck.
He tells me that my best bet is to talk to someone else at the resort, not him. Fine.
I leave and head to the concierge desk - because from one concierge to another, we can solve problems. I explain the situation and instead of routing me to the press office or investor relations - they give me a phone and tell me to speak to guest services. AKA the people that help you with your stay as a guest of the hotel. I give the lady taking the message about 15 minutes worth of comments and she's assured me that they'll be passed along to management.
Given the circumstances I think that's the best I'm going to do today. Now, there's the issue of me being stuck in vegas for another night. I look down at my phone and AA has offered three itineraries flying out of McCarran tomorrow IN FIRST CLASS that gets me to Boston in a timely fashion. I jump on the 625AM flight to Charlotte. This means I need to be at the car rental by 525AM and out the door around 0430. Fuck my life. And I have nowhere to sleep/showeshit/shave.
As I'm walking back to the esplanade to cross back over to the Palazzo where my car is, I notice the registration desk. I get in line and a lovely lady asks what she can do for me.
I tell her that I'm a shareholder and I'm pretty mad about the way the company is handling their sex offender in chief. And given the $18 haircut I took on the stock today, if there's an angry shareholder discount on a room tonight I think that would be more than fair given the circumstances. She agrees and gets me a bottle of water and the manager. The manager asks me if I've stayed at the hotel before, the answer is yes and asks to see my ID so she can see if she can plug me in at a repeat guest rate.
A few minutes go by and I wait patiently at the desk when I'm tapped on the shoulder.
There's two former NFL linebackers, one with his back towards me and the other introducing himself as the director of security.
Hmmm. Lets see. For those not in the know, there's only one exit in and out of the wynn registration desk.
If there's two bodies on me, there's gotta be at least two more at each side of the wall behind it that I can't see, I figure 4 sets of eyes running the eye in the sky all with their eyes glued to the monitors, the director of security is holding my ID which means he's already got my play, my comps, my markers, run me through central credit, my red card, he's got metro running me for wants/warrants and there's probably an unmarked metro ford next to a service exit with an open door and a seat reserved for me in the back.
I look down at my watch. The market is closed. I can't sell. Fuck. Because there is no way in hell this stock is holding $180 monday morning.
Quickly, I bang out a message to my brother letting him know I am about to be arrested at the Wynn and to start googling Las Vegas bail bonds.
The two security guys tell me to step away from the front desk and they want to know what the hell I'm doing. I tell them I want answers from the management of this company about how they're handling this disaster. They say I can't just walk into a casino corporate office and ask to speak to someone.
Well, I just did. Why can't I?
They said it represents a major security risk and a breach of their perimeter. After all, Mr. Wynn takes his security at the hotel very seriously.
Me: I suppose if I were a sex offender with hired goons, I'd take my security seriously too. And if you really didn't want people going back there - last time I checked, this is a casino. The doors have locks. Perhaps you should have oh I don't know, locked them?
Wynn Security: What makes you think you can just walk in here and talk to us like that?
Me: I'm a stockholder. Technically you work for me.
Wynn Security: You honestly expect that a big company like us is going to send someone out of the corporate office to talk to a guy like you about a thing like this? That never happens in corporate america.
Me: That's strange. Michael Moore did exactly that and that's what made him famous. What's your point?
We bantered in the registration area of the Wynn for something like an hour and 45 minutes as the director of security wandered back and forth. They never backed down with the questions and I never backed down from the answers. A lot of casino security is former law enforcement so they're looking for that time you change your story like on an episode of cops. For instance, if it was cops it would go like
Cop: who's drugs are these?
1: Never seen em before
fast forward 2 min
1: I mean my friend smokes pot, maybe it's his
Cop: I thought you said you never seen em before?
fast forward 2 min
1: So I smoke a little pot okay
Cop: I thought you said it might be your friends pot?
fast forward 2 min
1: yeah it's my pot
They were looking for a reason to throw me out and as far as I can tell, they probably still are. I'm sorta expecting a registered letter in the mail barring me from the property in a week. If I start yelling, it's disorderly conduct and they have a case. If start pushing someone around, same thing. But if I speak candidly and gesticulate wildly and raise cogent points about how every single hotel employee I've dealt with thus far owns a combined total of zero shares in the company - they have no skin in the game and I do. So, they can't really criticize my opinion as wrong because I'm the stockholder not them. At least, that's my opinion. I could be wrong.
Well, the goons disagreed with me and said I was wrong. They also said that this could have been accomplished with a phone call. I said no, because you wouldn't take a phone call seriously. And now you're taking this seriously. So, match point: FC.
They didn't like that. It would not surprise me in the least if Steve Wynn was in the security booth with a radio telling his guys to find some reason to arrest me and have me sent to Clark County booking. This guy just feels guilty as sin. I can't prove it but my gut has usually been right about this sort of thing.
As I'm waiting for my inevitable arrest and booking, I wonder if American Airlines will allow me another flight change due to temporary incarceration. Because there's no way I'll be able to leave the state with an ROR or a signature bond out. I look over at Mean Joe Greene Jr and tell him I was too angry to eat lunch and I'd like to have a seat before my blood sugar crashes and my head hits the floor and Steve sends me a bill for the shattered italian marble.
He gestures towards a chair in the reception area and I have a sit. He offers to bring me another water. I decline. He brings me a water anyways. I consume both the waters as compliments of the house as a sign of untoward cooperation.
Out of the corner of my eye I see the director of security talking to two metro PD guys with handcuffs out. I hear over the radio they're asking for a rover to take me down to the security office for fingerprinting and photographs. He is gesticulating wildly.
The director of security comes back over and he tries to get me to crack on my story. I tell him I'm here as a shareholder as a private citizen demanding accountability of the management. I will not apologize for walking through an unlocked door to the corporate office asking to speak to someone to hear out my concerns, I will not apologize for going to the concierge since the previous person was very unhelpful and I will not apologize for expecting the highest standards of a fortune 1000 company chairman and CEO. And until you pony up and buy some stock, I'm not about to take a lecture about what is and isn't acceptable behavior from people who don't have skin in the game protecting what should be by all accounts a registered sex offender.
He looks back at Metro PD.
They shrug.
They've got nothing chargeable on me.
Hell, I'm not even counting cards this time.
Next thing I know he quickly walks away and returns with a late 20's hispanic fellow who introduces himself as the hotel manager. He says that he's gotten a report from security and that Mr. Wynn's private life he cannot comment on but the concerns I have will be sent up towards management.
FC: So you're the hotel manager? So you report to Matt Maddox. You tell him that this is a mess. Nobody comes back from this sort of thing. Not Harvey Weinstein. Not Louis CK. Not Matt Lauer. Not Bill O'Reilly. Not Bill Cosby. Not Kevin Spacey. Not Charlie Rose. Not Al Franken. And the LAST time this happened at Mirage, a shareholder revolt wound up sending the company into the hands of MGM. What's to stop Sheldon from across the street from doing the same thing? You tell them that.
The manager nods and offers me a room at a rate, inclusive of resort fee and taxes of $335/night. I take out my phone, look at the Hotel Tonight app and realize that I'm being charged more money than if I were to book the room from a consolidator.
Now, I don't mind the lie about understanding where I'm coming from. I do mind the insult to my intelligence. I am handed back my ID and the hotel manager offers his business card. I take his business card and go over to the cage. I close my credit line and take my deposit out of the cage. I'm down for the trip. Fuck this shit, I'll deal with it later. I call my brother and tell him that I've been released. We look at some flights and to get back to Boston will require another night in Las Vegas. Everything leaving tonight is full due to the conventions closing up.
AA has some seats open in first via Charlotte and Philly, I take the Charlotte flight leaving at 6:30 AM from McCarran and they confirm me seats in first all the way to Logan. This is the only thing to go right today. I purchase some clean clothes since I will not have time to do laundry in Boston anymore due to the delay and head over to the palace station oyster bar. The wait is about 2 hours but I make some friends in line while I'm there. I am torn between the alaskan chowder and the bouillabaisse. I ask Steve behind the bar what he thinks is best. He says do the bouillabaisse. I tell him that sounds excellent, and to add extra lobster. I ask him how long, he says could be 30 minutes but check back in 20. I tell him I'm gonna go hit the tables and I'll be back in 20. The timer on my phone begins counting down.
I belly up to the nearest craps table and I drop my cash down. I tell them I want it in black and red and the croupier complies. I bet the 6/8 split with mixed success and the pass line with odds. The shooter misses the point. I look down at my dwindling stack of chips and there's 15 minutes left.
Fuck it. Go big or go home. Lets get this shit over with. The point comes off. I drop $100 on the pass line. New shooter gets the dice and the come out roll hits a 10.
I look at the gal with the whip. I throw her a stack of chips.
FC: Full odds on the ten, $200 hard way, give me all the numbers and a nickel c and e.
New shooter proceeds to hit every number on the board, midnight, yo and a speed limit. Pass line pays even money. Pass odds pays 2-1. I'm looking down at a big stack of chips. What the fuck just happened?
I drop $100 on the pass line again, the point comes out for an 8. I take full odds and all the numbers. New shooter hits every number on the board, midnight, yo, except the 8. The guy next to me has the all or nothing at all working so the only thing left to hit is the 8 and it's gonna pay 175:1. The 8 does not hit. Everyone is chasing the 8'er from Decatur.
I look down at my stack and the table limit and the boxman.
FC: hey Joe, what's the juice on laying the 8?
Joe: 5 points!
I take down my pass line odds.
FC: I want everything off and I'll lay the 8 for a dime.
Everyone at the table looks at me like I'm a lunatic. I slide over two purple chips and two green for the vig.
Time remaining until bouillabaisse: 8 minutes.
Lets see what happens. The dice bang around a bunch of more times. I'm ahead for this trip. Way ahead. Next thing I know, the gal with the whip calls no roll. One of the dies have left the table.
Time remaining until bouillabaisse: 4 minutes.
This is my stop.
FC: Take down my lay, and I'll color up.
The boxman colors me up, I leave a nice tip for the crew and start to walk over to the cage to cash in. I hear screaming and profanity, I turn around and I see the dealers stacking chips. The shooter has 7'd out.
Time remaining until bouillabaisse: 2 minutes.
There's a long line at the cage. I walk back to the oyster bar and I see a big bowl with a plate covering it. Steve behind the bar has thought of everything.
I turn the plate over and look down at my stack of chips. Maybe today won't be so bad after all.
The bouillabaisse is delicious. The win is even more delicious. I nom my way to the bottom of the bowl and settle up the bill. I leave Steve a nice tip as I head over to the Palazzo to say hi to some friends. I find myself at a craps table you can hang meat upon. This is not good. It's getting late and I head over to my room at the Mandalay Bay.
Now, here's the fucked up part. This girl I've been hooking up with didn't hook up with me before I left for SHOT. She's been messing with my brain for a whole week. I check in to the Mandalay Bay where there's a goddamn pornstar convention going on.
I find myself down at a craps table at 11PM and bringing a frontier flight attendant named Amber back to my room. The lucky streak continues. My flight leaves in a few hours. I kick her out of my room and pass out.
Flight leaves at 625 for CLT. Need to be at McCarran at 525. Out the door of the hotel by 5AM at the latest. I set my alarm.
*Saturday, January 27th. *
I wake up to see the sun shining through my hotel room. I look down at the alarm clock. 8:01AM.
My long standing joke is that I sleep like a dead prostitute. The evening of ravenous illegal in 48 states sex has taken its toll. Fuck. I grab the phone and press the button for guest services. I turn on the speaker as I open my bag wide and just stuff everything in as fast as I can. I throw my boots on as I tell them to check me out over the phone. I haul ass downstairs to the garage and I get to McCarran and board the shuttle to Terminal 1. I walk up to the AA desk knowing I am 11 different kinds of fucked. Nancy the gate agent starts working on my departure. AA's rule is 2 hours from departure on a flat tire. That's 8:25 AM. It's a few minutes before 9. Nancy the great agent cannot get anything to work. She has to put me in the special services line. By the time I get there, they tell me I'm flying standby and I'm on the flight to Philly leaving at 1PM in the afternoon. There is no way in hell they can get me on the 10AM to Phoenix.
My cousin is getting married in Boston and she is going to fucking kill me. I told her I'd be there around 6PM on the rebooking. And now I'm going to be leaving for Philly in 4 hours. Granted, the Amex Centurion Lounge has freshly squeezed OJ but that's not going to be enough today. I run to TSA and get cleared. I run past the Centurion to head straight for the Phoenix gate. Hopefully other folks have had an irish layover. The gate agent there starts working me and she says that they have two open seats and that they're gonna get me on. Just sit tight. I step to the side to let her help a few other folks gate check bags. The clock is ticking and her colleague closes the boarding door as I'm standing next to the gate looking fucked. I take a deep breath and try to keep it together.
A tap on the shoulder.
"Sir, your boarding pass. Exit row window. I've taken the liberty and called back to make sure there's space in the overhead for my bags so you don't have to gate check. You are good to go."
I look up at the three ladies working the podium.
FC: Can I hug any of you?
Gate Agent 1: No
Gate Agent 2: I'm sick
Gate Agent 3: Sure, why not?
I head behind the counter and give her a hug. She seems pleased.
I hightail it to the door. Gate agent 2 opens it up for me. I run down the jetway like a charging rhino, Chris Christie like. The flight attendants greet me by name and they realize that my nose is bleeding from the 8 ball I shared with Amber a few hours back. The FA points at my nose and asks me if I'd like to step into the lav. I realize it's probably pretty bad. I leave my bags in the galley and duck in and I stuff a bunch of paper in my nose as an ersatz tampon. I walk back out, grab my bags and I declare to the entire plane it's the dry air not a cocaine problem.
Nobody believes me.
I take my seat and there's an empty seat between me and an in uniform FA on the way home. We chat a bit and Cathy thinks my story is hilarious. She even gets on AA's PALL list for the flight to Boston and checks and says I'm number one on standby R4. A nice lady, I offer her one of my extra LaRue Dillo's. She thinks they're cute.
The working FA walks back and looks down at the traveling FA and says very discreetly there's a 40 minute ground hold due to PHX losing a runway. This is gonna be really really tight. My connecting flight to Boston is not looking good. We wait the 40 minutes for the hold and make it to PHX about 15 minutes behind schedule. I bolt to the Boston gate. I ask if they've cleared all the standby passengers. They say yes. I say I should be number one and they hand me a ticket in coach.
FC: Any way I can talk you into a seat in the front of the plane?
The hate agent just looks at me funny. He does not seem to think that's happening. He asks me if I have status on the airline. Sure do. He says no promises.
I tell him no sweat, I'm gonna go take a leak and come back around in 5.
I walk back up and he hands me my new boarding pass.
I call my cousin and tell her that I'm gonna be a few hours late. Great ride all the way into Boston. I sleep like a dead prostitute.
Just as we cruise past the city of big shoulders, the FA wakes me up.
"Mr Hayden, would you like some ice cream?"
I look at my neighbor who is a middle age female executive and she is plowing through hers like Sherman through Atlanta.
FC: You know what, Chuck? I've always wanted to say this. I'll have what she's having.
Ice cream on the ground, delicious.
Ice cream on a plane, FUCKING FANTASTIC.
FC out.
submitted by FirearmConcierge to guns [link] [comments]

WAYNE ALLYN ROOT=> The Vegas Massacre Exposé: What Really Happened?

What Really Happened in Vegas on October 1st? Was ISIS involved?
By Wayne Allyn Root
The Vegas Massacre is clearly the new “JFK Murder Conspiracy” updated for the 21st century. The whole story stinks to high heaven. It’s rancid. Clearly, our own government, FBI and Las Vegas police are involved in some sort of cover-up. The question is- what are they covering up?
Las Vegas is my home. I have the top radio talk show in this town. Many dozens of Vegas residents have gotten in touch with me to give me their take on the Vegas Massacre. Included in that group has been MGM employees, top MGM executives, survivors of the worst mass shooting in US history, as well as law enforcement and retired homicide detectives. From my own gut instincts, investigation and these interviews with key players, I’ve pieced together this story. It’s not a pretty picture.
Like any good detective, I have lots of working theories. A good detective doesn’t rule anything out. Maybe it really is as simple and clean as “Stephen Paddock did it, case closed.” But there are way too many unanswered questions, problems and mysteries with that storyline.
So here are my “Top 20” nagging questions, inconsistencies and theories about the Vegas Massacre…
#1) RAMBO.
How did an overweight, out of shape, 60-year old, anonymous guy (on no one’s radar) with no military training and no military or law enforcement history become Rambo overnight? He carried out this plot with no help? Got hundreds of pounds of weapons to his room? He broke open a hurricane-strength 800- pound window? Set up sniper-type guns? Pulled off worst mass shooting in America’s history with no training, no help? Even though the one over-riding theme of every survivowitness I’ve spoken to, or heard from is…they saw or heard multiple shooters. Yet the FBI and Vegas police immediately discounted this theory. Why?
#2) The Constantly Changing Timeline.
Did guard Jesus Campos arrive before the shooting started, or after, or during? Why has the story changed so many times? Why can’t anyone get it straight? It’s telling how authorities finally settled on the one timeline most beneficial to MGM- the single biggest employer in a “company town” called Las Vegas. More on this under the Jesus Campos storyline.
#3) The Police Homicide Division isn’t Investigating the worst mass shooting in U.S. history?
FACT. I had guest on my Vegas radio show from a recently retired Vegas homicide detective. The detective reported that the Vegas Sheriff did NOT give the case to a division of 30+ experienced Vegas homicide detectives who deal with murder all day, every day.
He gave the case to a short-handed division of Internal Affairs that investigates police officer’s accidental discharge of a weapon. Huh? The Sheriff gave the worst mass shooting in US history to a small division of five cops who have never investigated a homicide? Why?
#4) The Vegas Sheriff.
Sheriff Joe Lombardo. In the interests of full disclosure, I was a fan. I supported the Sheriff in his election. I feel he is in very tough position here. MGM is biggest employer in this town and a huge donor to his past and future campaigns. During press conferences, it’s clear Sheriff Lombardo is under restraint in what he can and cannot say. The Las Vegas FBI bureau chief stands right behind him in every press conference with a look that could kill. The FBI clearly doesn’t want Sheriff Lombardi to reveal much. Why?
Since literally every Vegas Sheriff in history retires and goes to work as head of security for a large Vegas hotel for $250,000 per year (like MGM), and Vegas is a company town with MGM being the leading employer, and billions of dollars are on the line due to liability, insurance and tourism issues, it’s easy to see why the Vegas Sheriff is in tough spot. This might well explain the lack of information forthcoming from the LVMPD (Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department). Everyone involved is in a difficult spot.
#5) Where’s the video?
Vegas has video cameras everywhere. After NYC terror attacks we had videos on TV within hours. In this case…in hotels covered by hundreds of videos…6 months later we’ve never seen one video of the killer walking through the hotel. Why?
#6) The girlfriend.
Marilou Danley just happened to fly to Philippines a few days before her boyfriend carried out worst mass shooting in US history? Really? Great timing for her. And she just happens to admit her fingerprints could be on the ammo? And she just happened to erase her Facebook profile within an hour of the shooting…even though no one had released the name of Stephen Paddock in the media. How did she know it was him? How did she know to erase her FB page?
Oh, and the Philippines just happens to be a ISIS Islamic terror hotspot. And Paddock just happened to wire her $100,000 in the Philippines days before the massacre.
And Paddock just happened to have child porn on his computer. And ISIS is known to make money through child sex trafficking and child slavery. More on this “child porn” connection later.
#7) Money laundering.
Paddock had no obvious huge income stream. Paddock himself bragged that he was “one of the biggest High Roller video poker players in America.” Really? He lived in a $300,000 home in Mesquite, Nevada. That’s as middle class as you get. No one in his neighborhood could afford to gamble millions of dollars on video poker.
Sounds a lot like money laundering to me. What better way to mask money laundering than running millions through a Vegas casino. Who money launders? Terror groups like ISIS.
#8) Rich or “Heavily in Debt?”
First, we were told by the media that Paddock was “rich” and “a huge High Roller.” Of late, the Vegas Sheriff changed the story to “he was heavily in debt and may have had a grudge against casino for heavy losses.” Which one is it? Why does the story keep changing? Paddock left an estate of about $5 million. Why would he be angry at MGM over a few losses in the past year? How was his $5 million fortune earned? Money laundering still fits the puzzle. Perhaps he made partners along the way with ISIS?
#9) Paddock Paid Off His Marker?
This has NEVER been mentioned in the media once. I got this inside scoop directly from Paddock’s longtime Mandalay Bay casino host. Paddock owed MGM $100,000. On Friday night before the massacre Paddock won $100,000 playing video poker. If he was planning to die on Sunday he certainly would have blown it on hookers and cocaine. Or bought a Maserati and had it shipped to his girlfriend. Or gambled even higher amounts with the $100,000. But that’s not what Paddock did.
Instead he took the $100K and paid off his $100K MGM marker. He paid off his debt in full? Why would a crazed killer do something so responsible? Why would a suicidal man do that?
He wouldn’t. This was a man expecting to come back to MGM to enjoy many future free High Roller suites (provided by MGM). He clearly wanted MGM to keep giving him VIP treatment. This was not a man planning on mass murder and suicide within 48 hours.
#10) Child porn.
Police say they found child porn on Paddock’s computer. But it was announced after the shooting, Paddock’s hard drive was gone. Removed from his computer. Nowhere to be found.
So how did police find child porn? Not one journalist questioned this development. No one ever asked, “Did the hard drive miraculous re-appear?” Police never said a thing. First it was gone. Then they found child porn. Strange.
But if in fact child porn was found (on another computer removed from his home, or office) wouldn’t it make sense to investigate the connection to ISIS and the Philippines, where child sex trafficking is a primary mode of funding for Islamic terror groups?
#11) Every single witness from that concert that I spoke to, or heard, claimed there were multiple shooters.
Some swore they saw multiple shooters. Some say they were being fired at from different directions and levels. Yet police and FBI have ruled that out. So, all the witnesses are wrong?
#12) Jesus Campos. The “hero” security guard. Did he show up before…during…or after the massacre? His timeline changed multiple times. Why? MGM coaching him on timeline to make their liability less severe?
Why would the ONLY witness to worst mass shooting in US history be allowed to leave the country days later?
Worse, HOW did he drive many hours to Mexico with a bullet hole in his leg…only days after being seriously wounded? He needed a cane to appear on “Ellen” a month later. Yet he was fine 3 days after being shot? Does any of this make sense?
The amazing thing never mentioned by mainstream media was Ellen is not only a comedian, but she has multi-million-dollar partnership with MGM, with Ellen themed slot machines. So the only witness to the worst mass shooting in US history gave exactly one interview EVER. Ellen herself announced it would be his only interview ever. Yet it was arranged to be given exclusively to a comedian who is partners with MGM?
Where has Jesus disappeared to since? Never seen again? Is he living in a penthouse of a MGM property somewhere in world with millions in bank, courtesy of MGM? FBI and police don’t find this odd?
Top security execs at MGM called my radio show. All of them said they never heard the name Jesus Campos in their lives before the shooting. How is this possible?
Was he even registered as a security guard with State of Nevada? Or with MGM? Friends of mine got into the MGM database and Campos name either was never there, or it was scrubbed from the system. Why? An investigative reporter friend of mine reports Campos name was never in the state of Nevada system.
#13) Terrible & faulty security at MGM.
I have written about this storyline in my Las Vegas newspaper column multiple times. Dozens of MGM employees have called my radio show, or emailed me, to tell me how terrible security was at all MGM properties. My newspaper columns lay out a condemnation of MGM and their pathetic CEO Jim Murren. See:
Murren slashed the budget for security…fired experienced guards…hired part time guys with no experience our training…he made the properties a gun free zone…had inferior walkie-talkies with dead zones all over the hotel…employees had no crisis training…no one was prepared…MGM had no rapid response SWAT team…Mandalay Bay changed guards at the exact same time each night: 10 PM- which is why the shooting started at that time when security was most disorganized…and worst of all…MGM let High Rollers use freight elevators with no security present, or questions asked. MGM guards called me to say they could NEVER question High Rollers about anything, or they’d be fired. So, no one ever asked Paddock a thing.
Amazingly, nothing has changed. Today, months later, my spies report they got on a Mandalay Bay freight elevator and went up to infamous 32nd floor. No one stopped them. No one asked them a question.
CEO Jim Murren is a pathetic, bleeding-heart, liberal who believes in donating MGM shareholder money to organizations like CAIR (called a Muslim terror front for Hamas by even Democrat US Senator Chuck Schumer) and The Southern Poverty Law Center (who puts Christians on “Hate Lists”). See two of my columns about MGM CEO Murren:
COMMENTARY: MGM’s CEO risks angering many of his customers
COMMENTARY: Sun publisher’s defense of Jim Murren comes up woefully short
Murren should certainly be under scrutiny for his incompetence and lack of proper security at Mandalay Bay, yet the liberal-biased mainstream media has protected him. They’ve never aimed the cannon at him once. Why? Are liberals protecting a “fellow traveler?”
#14) The mysterious stock sales patterns of Jim Murren and top MGM execs and Board of Directors in the days before the Vegas Massacre.
COMMENTARY: More questions surrounding the Las Vegas Strip shooting
Why hasn’t media reported this? Is anyone aware by pure chance/coincidence the CEO of MGM sold most of his MGM shares in the weeks leading up to the massacre…and so did his top executives and some of his top Board members. How strange is that timing? When does this EVER happen at a public company?
I’ve never heard of a CEO of a public company selling off every share in his own company. What a complete lack of confidence. Does anyone think this is strange? Has anyone in the media ever asked the CEO about this? His eye was certainly not on the ball. Knowing all of this, it’s certainly not surprising that Paddock (or his partners in crime) chose a MGM property for the site of The Vegas Massacre.
Why has his MGM Board kept him employed? He’s a CEO that sold most of his stock, then presided over the worst terror attack in US history. These issues don’t concern the MGM Board? Bizarre.
#15) ISIS.
Here’s the BILLION DOLLAR question no one wants to discuss. Why? Did the FBI miss an obvious sign again? Does MGM have serious insurance issues if this attack is declared “terrorism”? Is Las Vegas worried about tying ISIS to Vegas and hurting tourism? Yet the signs were clear that there could be a connection to ISIS from the start.
First, ISIS promised in a video (covered in blood) in the Spring of 2017 to attack Vegas. See:
Second, the Vegas Massacre had the M/O of several previous ISIS attacks. They seem to enjoy attacking concerts and hotels. See the Paris nightclub concert and Manchester Arianna Grande concert. Not to mention numerous hotels attacks throughout the world.
But this never occurred to the FBI?
And Paddock (or his partners in crime) just happened to pick a country music concert? A place filled with people hated by ISIS or any Islamic extremist group- whites, Christians, Trump-loving conservatives. Coincidence?
But this never occurred to the FBI?
Third, then ISIS took credit 4 times for the Vegas massacre.
Never before in history has ISIS ever taken credit four times for any terror attack.
The FBI immediately announced ISIS wasn’t involved. How strange is that? ISIS promised to attack Vegas. A hotel and concert was attacked. ISIS claimed credit four times. The FBI took five minutes to rule them out as suspects.
The Islamic terror experts I interviewed on my radio show- to a man- all believed this had at least some Islamic terror fingerprints on it…all believed ISIS has to be (at the very least) a leading suspect…
and all agreed ISIS does NOT have a history of taking credit for attacks they aren’t involved in. The ISIS experts I interviewed reported a false claim by ISIS only happened once- at a Philippines casino. And even that attack is in dispute. The Philippines government calls it a robbery. Many terror experts believe it was clearly ISIS coordinated.
In history, ISIS has never taken credit for any attack four times. Still the FBI ruled them out almost instantly. Why?
#16) Did CEO Murren & MGM pay for a terrorism insurance rider?
This is just an educated guess. I called several insurance experts. All reported that typical insurance policies for billion dollar hotels don’t pay off for terror attacks. The company needs to purchase an expensive additional insurance rider specifically for terrorism. Yet MGM executives who have called me all claim that Murren is cheap and focused 24/7 on cutting costs.
If MGM had no insurance rider for terrorism, they desperately need this attack to be classified as “murder by a madman” versus “terrorist attack.” It’s the difference between collecting a billion dollars (or more) from insurance…or nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada. This could be why police, FBI, MGM and everyone involved is so desperate to not mention terrorism. MGM is the world’s leading gaming company. Billions of dollars of stock investors, thousands of jobs and the economy of Las Vegas are all effected by the classification of this attack.
I made this guess publicly for the first time on my radio show when interviewing an attorney representing 50 of the survivors. He was in Vegas that day for a meeting of all the attorneys from across the country involved in this case. He was shocked at my educated guess. He stated live on the radio that this was exactly what his fellow attorneys suspect.
#17) The autopsies.
The Las Vegas coroner refused to release the autopsies. The media had to sue to get information released. The media won and the Nevada Supreme Court ruled the information had to be released to the public. See:
Nevada Supreme Court overturns Las Vegas shooting autopsies ruling
Yet at that point, the Vegas police demanded $500,000 to release mountains of their info on the Vegas Massacre to the media. Once again, a Nevada judge had to rule they have no right to do that. See:
Strange. Why are Vegas authorities so desperate to not release information on the Vegas Massacre to the public?
#18) Trump.
There is no biggest supporter or defender of President Trump than myself. I think he’s the greatest conservative president in U.S. history. But he’s been strangely silent on this high-profile incident. It’s not just any incident. It’s the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.
Even liberal Trump-haters have to agree on these points. President Trump loves controversy. Right? He loves to weigh in on every crisis or controversial issue, right? He doesn’t care if he offends anyone, right? He loves to dominate headlines, right? Don’t all liberals agree about that?
But the President has mysteriously steered clear of this story.
NEVER a peep from Trump about his theories on The Vegas Massacre. Nothing. Nada. Zero. Crickets. In the almost 6 months since this terrible event, the President has never said a word…no theory…never ventured even a guess. Isn’t that strange? Out of character?
#19) To sum it all up…
We’re almost at the 6-month mark. And we know as little now as the day after the massacre.
How can this be? After every other mass shooting we know everything within hours. With this one, the most-high profile mass shooting in U.S. history, we know NOTHING. Zero. We’re completely in the dark. Don’t you find this strange?
But I’m not done yet…
I’ve saved the best for last. Drumroll please…
#20) Now here’s my biggest theory/mystery of all…
The Timeline:
A working theory of mine.
A highly suspicious/mysterious timeline, almost impossible it could be a coincidence…
October 1- Vegas Massacre
October 25-29- Just days after Vegas Massacre, President Trump’s son-in- law Jared Kushner makes secret unannounced trip to Saudi Arabia- as per “Politico.”
Purpose? As announced by Politico- “President Trump is asking for Saudi Arabia’s help in “combating terror financing.”
Media reporting on what they termed a “secret trip.”
November 5- Only days later, the roundup begins by the King of Saudi Arabia and his security forces- they arrest, detain, interrogate and TORTURE over 300 billionaire Saudi Princes. These are the most wealthy and powerful men in Saudi Arabia. Why? Why does this happen only days after a last-minute, secret visit by Trump’s son-in-law with an urgent diplomatic message from President Trump?
See media reports:
Even more remarkable of a “coincidence”…
One specific Saudi prince who was arrested and tortured was Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who just happens to be the owner of Four Seasons hotel- on the top floors of Mandalay Bay.
Read a story on his torture:
See CNBC story on the arrest. CNBC compared it to arresting Bill Gates or Warren Buffett in the USA. See:
That specific Prince was then transferred to highest security prison in Saudi Arabia to be tortured. See comments from his business partner Bill Gates about the arrest:
Civil Rights groups announced to the media how worried they were about the billionaire prince. See:
This doesn’t seem more than a little strange? Could the timing of all of this be just a little coincidence?
A prince worth $15 to $20 billion…partners with Bill Gates in owning the Las Vegas Four Seasons…just happens to be arrested, tortured and imprisoned in highest security prison in Saudi Arabia?
All happening within days after Vegas Massacre, which happened to occur literally on his property (just floors below his hotel).
Meanwhile President Trump- who loves chaos, crisis and controversy- is strangely silent. Not one word about the Vegas Massacre in 6 months.
All a coincidence?
Or was the Vegas Massacre some kind of international incident involving Islamic terror cells either coming from Saudi Arabia…or financed by Saudi billionaire princes sympathetic to the ISIS cause?
Were these 300+ arrests of billionaire princes by the new King of Saudi Arabia within days of getting an urgent diplomatic message from President Trump just a coincidence?
Or was all of this based on what happened in Vegas?
Have I put 2 + 2 together? Certainly, this storyline and timeline is worth exploring and asking questions. The mainstream media has never said a word. Crickets. Asleep at the switch.
As wild as all of these questions and scenarios are, they make far more sense than the story we’ve been told by FBI, police and our government.
The scenario I’ve laid out makes far more sense than the fact that we know nothing about the worst mass shooting 6 months after the fact.
We know nothing about the shooter, or his motive.
There are no videos.
There was no suicide note.
A 60-year old overweight nobody, with no military or law enforcement experience, became Rambo overnight, and without help, pulled off the worst mass shooting in US history?
If you believe that story, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.
Was ISIS involved? Did the shooting involve Saudi Arabia, or the financing of some kind of terror cell by radical Saudi princes? Did Paddock act alone? Did MGM have the necessary terrorism insurance rider in place? Who the heck is Jesus Campos? Why is the FBI appear missing in action? Why are Vegas authorities so desperate to keep information out of the public’s hands? These are all questions that need to be asked. The big question is…
Why is no one asking them?
Wayne Allyn Root is the host of “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show” on Newsmax TV, nightly at 8 PM ET, found on DirecTV channel 349, Dish TV channel 216, or at He is also a nationally syndicated radio host of “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show” found at
Wayne Allyn Root speaks with Fox News’ Jesse Watters about the Vegas massacre:
Watch highlights of Wayne Ally Root Show “WAR Now” on Newsmax TV:
The post WAYNE ALLYN ROOT=> The Vegas Massacre Exposé: What Really Happened? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
from The Gateway Pundit
submitted by peterboykin to TheMAGANetwork [link] [comments]

What is the maximum extent of my "right to play" in the state of Nevada?

Many of this subreddit's regulars will likely remember my recent Vegas report, in which I described how the powers that be have turned the bulk of on-strip 6D and 8D blackjack into an abyss of 6:5/H17/<80% pen/nDAS. What stood out the most to me was that the $25+ double deck games were mostly untouched. In fact, most of them were the only 3:2 games in the ENTIRE casino (case in point of Mandalay, Luxor, MGM, and Four Queens downtown).
So, basically, my conclusion from this is that everything except DD is unplayable.
Interestingly enough, however, DD happens to be my game of strength. It's what I have the most practice in, and my biggest-winning sessions/trips to Vegas have all been from playing DD.
Of course, that comes with much more heat, which resulted in me getting flat-bet at the El Cortez (though that's supposedly the sweatiest joint in town). As silly as it may be, that's the single event that stood out the most to me. I'll never forget the moment that the pit boss came charging towards me, telling me I'd been flat-bet, and I couldn't bet more than a certain amount. It's relatively meaningless in theory - but in practice, it's messed with my brain ever since it happened.
Anyway, the point of the posting...
In summary - I'm thinking of giving DD a go again, it remains perfectly playable, and I don't have any real reason to give a shit if I get caught.
My question therefore seeks to clarify the following, on the assumption that the pit has caught onto my play and has taken some kind of measure to prevent me from playing or changing my bets...
I realize this question is kind of convoluted in the way it's spread out. But I think I make the point reasonably clear. That is, I want to go back to counting cards on playable games - I recognize that these are highly watched games where my reasonably detectable behaviour can and will eventually get caught - I don't give a fuck about what they want to do, I only give a fuck about what I can legally get away with, no matter how many laws I have to cite, how many lawsuits I have to threaten, or how many casinos I have to sprint out of. This posting therefore seeks to clarify what the maximum extent of my rights are, and how I can go about exercising them. Any opinions/insights are most welcome.
submitted by judeatwork to blackjack [link] [comments]

[Table] IamA marketing executive at a casino AMA!

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Date: 2014-05-07
Link to submission (Has self-text)
Questions Answers
So if he was making more than 500k it would be okay in your book? That's pretty messed up. Seems like I'd be even more of a piece of shit if I was that successful.
Are you involved much with the general goings on of the casino? If so, what goes through your head when you see huge amounts of money being gambled away by someone who doesnt know when to walk away? Yes, I'm an executive so I'm in touch with most everything that goes on. Most of the time when I see something like that, I just say "good for us" and try not to think about whether or not the person can afford it or not.
How much do you make a year? Unless you are making like $500,000+, then you are a piece of shit. you are destroying thousands of people's lives so that you can make a living and afford your bmw and other status symbols. I don't make $500K a year so I guess that makes me a piece of shit.
What is the worst most tasteless thing you or the casino in general did to make money? I, obviously, like to think I'm uber classy. But in general I think paycheck cashing promotions are pretty tasteless. E.g., Cash your paycheck and get 5% of the total value in free slot play.
Can you ELi5? Sorry, to me that just sounds like you hand over your $1000 you earned, and get back $50? Which seems wrong...? Or do you get an extra $50? Hmmm... Thoroughly confused myself. Let's say your check is $1,000. The casino will cash your check and then also give you $50 in promotional credits to be used on the slot machines. The idea is that since we've given you some "free" money to begin playing the machines you will also dip into the $1,000 cash that we also handed you.
Are there any clauses that prevent you from just spending the $50 in free bets and cashing out the $1k without actually playing with it? No, you get the $1K in cash and the $50 can only be used in the slot machine. I've done this once when I started my new job and my direct deposit wasn't set up yet so they issued me a live check.
How many people just walk directly out of the casino after cashing the check with their 5% bonus? I don't know, I've never run this promotion but generally speaking when we give away promotional credits, the "walk rate" is in the 25% range.
How often do you go to the strip clubs in vegas? If you go how much do you spend? Do you get treated better if they know what your job is? I really don't like them so not often unless someone is in town that wants to go. I don't have a moral objection, just think it's a waste. "Hey do you like to eat steak? Give me $20 to smell this delicious steak! No, you can't try it!!!".
So that having been said, I might spend $20 to give to the girls on the stage and maybe a lap dance.
No, I don't get treated better because of my title really. They usually just care about how much money you spend and that's it.
What are some sneaky strategies that you use to get people to spend more money? I don't mean obvious things like having ATMs...but things related specifically to gambling.. Ummm... Off the top of my head I think the sneakiest thing is probably side bets on table games (e.g., play an extra $5 and if your two cards are a pair then you win $25) because the odds are terrible or things like advertising low table game limits but modifying the rules (e.g., blackjack pays 6:5 vs 3:2) to increase the house advantage.
Some casino customers are super cheap and only play $1 Blackjack. Others are whales and the casino spends a lot of money to attract them, but they are rare. Somewhere in between, I imagine, there are customers who spend a significant amount and exist in numbers to make most of the casino's profits. First, we quantify most everything by "theoretical worth". That is, how much we can expect to win from you based on the house advantage of the game you play and how long you play. The general formula is decisions per hour X house advantage X hours played X average bet. So, $25/hand at blackjack X 1.5% house advantage X 2 hours played X 60 decisions per hour = $45 in theoretical worth.
Is that true? How much does a "bread and butter" customer gamble in a day? Second, It really depends on the particular property. The number is a lot higher for Wynn then it would be at Joker's Wild (a really, really dumpy casino on the outskirts of Vegas). That having been said, most places will be very happy to have you if you are in the $150-300 a day in theoretical worth range.
That sounds pretty affordable. Assuming a 30% comp return I guess that comes out to $50-90 in comps a day. 30% includes the stuff we send you in the mail generally too so at the $300 range you could expect a room and a meal a day.
What kind of awful rules are you using to have a 1.5% house advantage, or is that number based on the average player being really terrible? How much in comps would I actually generate for two hours of $25 a hand Blackjack? I just threw the 1.5 number out there. We also factor in skill into house advantage so as to be more favorable to the player, comp wise. comp wise we'd probably give you 15% of the $45, or $6.75. That's just in what we call discretionary comps that the pit supervisor or host can give you. Then you could expect another 30% in the mail via free bets, hotel, food, etc.
I guess you need to register with the casino loyalty club so you know what we are spending. Correct.
I currently reside in Arizona, where you can't swing a dead cat without hitting an Indian reservation and - as a result - a casino. Well I've worked all over the country and, yes, of course we always keep an eye out on new competition that would impact our existing customer base, especially as the business has seen much more legalization in new jurisdictions in the past 20 years.
The casino/resorts are getting increasingly sophisticated. Better facilities, better entertainment, and better marketing. For Vegas, I think most strip properties have dealt with this by investing in properties in regional markets so as to send their customers to their Vegas properties so it is pretty accretive. Someone from Harrah's Ak-Chin in the Phoenix area gets offers from Harrah's Las Vegas quite often.
Is this something the Vegas casinos consider a rising threat, welcome competition, or something else? How do you - as a marketing guy - react to the fact that a trip to a casino no longer necessarily means a trip to Nevada or New Jersey? The bigger problem really is for the markets where they were a monopoly for some time and really rested on their laurels. Reno and Atlantic City come to mind. Those markets are dying fast and there really isn't much upside. In Atlantic City, for example, you have casinos buying competitors just to close them so as to reduce the inventory.
What really happens when somebody wins on a slot machine? Like, what is the behind the scenes stuff that we don't see? Are they checking out the cameras to make sure it was that specific person before they payout? What if you switch seats? What if an underage gambler wins?... What if they switch seats with an of-age gambler?? Honestly, I've never done that, but I've always wondered the underage stuff because I've never ever got carded on slots! I've won hand-pays before (nothing really exciting) and they always hit me with the tax form. What do you guys do with the tax form? Does it get sent out from you guys or does it remain my responsibility from thereon? I worked as a slot analyst (analyzing machine performance) years ago and never on the floor so I don't know/remember the exact steps. Essentially, though, it's verifying that the machine is functioning properly and recording the details of the jackpot for audit/regulators. If it is a taxable jackpot ( >= $1,200) then we are required to fill out the IRS W2G form to report it to them for tax purposes so at that point we have to get your ID, etc. to facilitate that. Then of course, there is the matter of actually paying you the money, verifying that it is the correct amount, etc. The tax form does get sent to the IRS. You can request the taxes not be taken out of your jackpot as you are only taxed on the net win at the end of the year.
How did you get involved in the casino bussiness? 1/2.) Just needed a job and applied to a very entry level job and worked my way up.
Did you set out to work at one or did it come about another way? 3.) It can be fun and exciting.
What do you enjoy most about your job? Least? 4.) There's a lot of pressure to make money/meet your budget so all of the bullshit that goes along with that. Dealing with politics, having to adjust staffing, etc. And I don't like that at my level the usual tenure is 2-3 years so you move around a lot. I'd like to be more settled, especially in a place I'd really want to live for a long time and I don't feel like I have much control of that in this business.
1) When you talk about being moved around a lot, is that relating to being moved around in what you do at a particular casino? or more like which casino your working at? 2) Do you feel that your skills at this current job gives you fallback options should your tenure run out? ( Such as in other service based industries?) 1.) I mean there is only one of me at every casino so if something happens whether I don't like where I work or what something different (e.g., more money) or they don't like me (shocking, it happens!) then the likelihood that I have to move is high, especially if I'm in a city that only has a handful of casinos. 2.) I obviously feel like my skills could take me anywhere! But in reality, it has been tough to change industries when I've tried. Usually places like hotels don't pay as much as casinos and look for more sales-related skills and restaurants don't really have marketing people except at the corporate office whereas my skills are more analytics-oriented. And both usually pay less than casinos.
time I went to Vegas (around 30 years ago) it still had that "mob" vibe. When I got married there in the 90s (I joke now that I gambled on marriage in Vegas and lost half my stuff) it was much more "corporate" and "family friendly." The "What Happens in Vegas" campaign seemed to try and change that perception. Do you think there's value in returning Vegas to a more "wise guy" kind of feel...playing up the classic vibe, or is it just a big collection of theme parks with gambling? The problem with returning to that type of vibe is that it's difficult/impossible given how big the casinos are. Sure it was easy for Benny Binion to control everything and not be "corporate" when the old Horseshoe was literally 1/10th the size of MGM Grand.
What was UNLV like? Did you live in the dorms? It seems like a strange school where everyone commutes and there's no college life around the campus. What are the pros and cons of going there? I went there for grad school so was older and had a wife and a house. It is definitely a commuter school so there's not a lot of school spirit. I went to undergrad a school with a huge, huge, huge, football program so it was a bit of a change for me. I also didn't find the students to be terribly bright (with exceptions, of course). On the upside, a lot of people like living in Vegas and the Hotel Administration College (where I went) has very, very good brand recognition.
Do you find people have lots of misconceptions about the casino industry? That the games are rigged and that we love giving away a lot for nothing/little in return are probably the two biggest.
So what's up with prostitutes and the casinos? I understand that prostitution is illegal in Vegas, but that they're still there. Is it like the movies, where they're just hanging out in the casino bars waiting to be picked up? Yes, they hang out at the bars and then there are services you can call and have them sent to your room. If it's overt, casino security will clear them out of the bar area but the vice cops generally focus on human trafficking kind of stuff.
As an insider, what do you think the job prospects are in the industry for someone with a similar education background, but no casino experience? 1.) The industry relies heavily on industry experience so job prospects are good if you're willing to start in a low position and work you're way up. If you go to UNLV and get the degree I got and expect for some casino to make you a Director of VP with no experience then you're going to be very disappointed.
Is that just bizarre luck? 2.) Bizarre luck.
What does the industry think about states with Indian reservations that prohibit casinos like Texas? 3.) Definitely potential opportunity. I've read about that small tribe in Texas. It'll happen eventually in Texas. The people in Louisiana will not be happy, though.
Is it viewed as a potential opportunity for growth with a small tribe, more competition, or a wedge to open the state to gambling? 4.) No problem!
For every average person out there, would you suggest not playing? I mean, in the sense that, it's just not a viable option? Viable for what? Making consistent money? Then definitely not. If you are entertained by thrill of gambling and have the discretionary funds to do it, then by all means.
Aw okay! cool. Any idea why people do it? Is it just a thrill? Would being a "whale", make more of a difference? For the people that do it for entertainment, it's the thrill of anticipation.
Was it hard getting a job with such a detailed degree? My undergrad degree is pretty bland, political science, so it wasn't hard at first. I did my grad degree in casino management because I was living in Vegas, wanted to get an MBA, didn't want to take 2 years off from work to get a full-time degree, didn't have the support of my job to get an executive MBA, and didn't like UNLV's MBA program.
EDIT: Thanks for answering my first AMA question! Really good answer too! NP! Keep asking away!
What's your favorite aspect of your job? And do you like to gamble yourself? 1.) It can be exciting. Picking new acts to play in your showroom seems more exciting to me than selling propane. 2.) Yes...
What is the best way for tourist to get the best bang for buck in your casino for entertainment, food, gambling etc to have a good time and not go broke? I'm currently working at a Vegas strip property.
If you can answer in terms of Vegas, that would be great also. Unless you have something more specific in mind, the first place I'd direct you to is the Las Vegas Advisor Top 10 Deals List.
With legal online poker gaining momentum which might mean eventual legal online gambling for other house games online; are the casinos doing what they can to kill this before it starts or your thoughts on this? Las Vegas Sands / Venetian is actively trying to kill it (which I don't really understand) but everyone just sees it as a means to make more money so are ready to pounce when it's legal.
I don't know if you're still answering questions, but what are the qualifications for being, say, a Texas Hold'em Dealer in Vegas, specifically your casino, and are the dealers specific to just one game? I.e. omaha, hold 'em, pai gow, stud... Also, without being too specific, what is the average annual income for said occupation? Are the dealers payed solely by tips/do they get to keep all tips? 1.) Generally there are poker dealers and table games (e.g., blackjack) dealers. Few do both. Among the table games dealers, most know multiple games as the more you know the more hirable you are. In terms of the qualifications it's just that you've gone to some sort of dealer school (there are commercial ones and some casinos do it in-house), experience, and a live audition. 2.) Really depends on the market and the casino. At the high end like Wynn or Venetian they will do close to $100K/year but at an entry-level place it could be more like $25K/year. It's base salary plus pooled tips (aka tokes).
3.) You've never thought of dealing the WSOP? They need as many dealers as they can find.
Do Casino's design their decor for different target groups? Of course. Hard Rock and Cosmo are designed for younger demographics and Wynn and Venetian for older affluent ones.
I find all Casino's to be outright horrible to my senses due to the noise/flashing lights. Encore and the new Barrymore are definitely designed for the Asian gambler. And you'd, obviously, have to assume the casinos in Macau are, too, although I've never been.
Could you describe your typical work day? also I've had some great times a Joker's Wild! Ha! I honed my dice skills at JW!
Typical work day is get to work and look at the previous day's financial results and react accordingly. I.e., ask the analysts to pull numbers, talk to the head of a certain department about their opinion on something, etc.
Emails emails emails.
Then it's usually a lot of meetings about upcoming things whether it be planning an event, approving new advertising, doing the strategic planning for the property for 2015, meeting with vendors, etc.
Emails emails emails.
By this time the numbers or reports I've asked to be run are ready so I sit down and look at them and act accordingly (e.g., hey, looks like we're spending too much on postage to mail to customers too far away, let's change the way we do this for next time), etc.
Emails emails emails.
Then it's usually time to go home but 2-3 times a week I'll have a dinner or event to go to with a vendor or colleague or someone from the press.
Emails emails emails.
Probably 2-3 Saturdays a month I'll go in and work for a few hours just to catch up on stuff or if there's an event to meet and greet players, make sure everything is going well, etc.
Emails emails emails.
Has the rise of 6:5 blackjack been hurting the game's popularity, or are there enough people who don't "get" the odds change (or don't care) that it all works out in the end? Is the odds change enough to swing the game back in the casino's favor in the long run even if players count cards? And what about continuous shuffling machines: have any of the casinos you've been with used them, and how did the players react? The masses don't care about either especially if you're able to offer low limits. The limit and the number of decks is what attracts people to a bj game. Still never going to allow counting.
Is is harder to get jobs in the background or management functions of the casino? Well certainly there are more what we call "front of house" positions (dealers, porters, servers, bartenders, etc.) than "back of house" positions (accountants, IT, warehouse, etc.) so in terms of pure numbers, yes it's easier to get -any- FOH than -any- BOH position.
I'm an IT grad looking to move back to Vegas and wondered if there were more "non-floor" jobs than actually functional jobs. That having been said, if you're wanting an IT position shouldn't be too hard if you're willing to work anywhere and have a little experience. If you're wanting to just jump into the CIO job at Bellagio, more difficult.
Great! thank you. I've got about 8 years under my belt, but dear CIO for me. This really eased my worry about options. thanks. You should be OK as long as you're not too picky.
Just how rigged are the automatic roulette machines? They aren't. The games have to go through pretty rigorous testing by the state or an agency of the state to be allowed to be sold. Gaming Labs International is one such company.
I would think that SEO campaigns and similar web based marketing would be ineffective techniques for a casino in a place like Las Vegas. Is this the case? I know I'm quite late but I would love to know if you have time. We definitely do SEO/SEM campaigns but primarily for hotel related keywords for people looking for hotel rooms. I worked at a place a little outside of the main city in the south one time and we'd buy broader search terms for people looking for "entertainment in main city" in case they didn't know there was a casino nearby.
Thanks for the response. I was just curious about engaging people in person in public? Do you operate campaigns on the street such as call to action flyers or similar? Are there laws specific to this type of promotion in Las Vegas? Not a typical marketing channel most casinos explore, but it's not entirely unheard of. Sorry I'm not entirely sure of the laws.
Who owns the casino you work at? Is it one guy or a publicly traded company? I'd rather not say as I don't want to be outted but I have worked for large publicly traded companies, privately held companies (e.g., owned by hedge funds), and publicly traded companies where one individual owns the majority of the shares. I've never worked at a privately owned casino owned by one individual, though.
How do I get over 65 year olds excited about my product? Without knowing what said product is, the best thing I can say is to figure out how to make it relevant to them.
What does a marketing exec. at a casino make a year? Depends on the size of the property. 75 at a small riverboat casino to 250 at a large place like Bellagio.
To succeed in marketing, what is the first step to landing a successful job? and what should be the over arching goal in mind to maintain a competitive advantage over fellow competition as well as new shifts in market trends? 1.) be tenacious. take any job you can get. be a sponge and learn everything you can.
2a.) don't be afraid to fail, but be smart (and profitable) about it.
2b.) don't rest on your laurels. stay in touch with your customers.
Go on ... What does a casino do in that regard? From a gambling standpoint, people in that age range like penny slots so we offer a lot of penny slots. We put on shows that would appeal to them. We would make the decor more classic vs hip. Etc.
I've always wanted to work in the gaming industry. I have a strong sales background and a B.S. degree... which department would you recommend to get my feet wet? Probably player development which is the department that deals with VIP guests or maybe special events/promotions.
What's the best movie you've seen this year? You did say we could talk about life in general... Absolutely! 12 Years a Slave.
Edit: Also, Dallas Buyer's Club.
Dang, haven't seen it yet...will have to wait for it on DVD or streaming. Edit: Haven't seen that one either. I'm starting look like a Philistine. It's pretty heavy but sometimes that's good.
Do you prefer to market for families or adults? Casinos are adult fun, but I've noticed a shift in the past decade. Definitely adults.
Your AMA was one of the best, you answered almost every question, so if you're still answering here's one: If a young person comes in and wins more than 100k and then just leaves, would you suspect him/her of anything? It really depends more on the manner in which you win and how you behave. We're required by law to fill out a Currency Transaction Report for transactions over $10,000. So if you got to that point you would have already given us your ID, etc. We'd obviously make sure that surveillance is watching you to make sure you're not cheating but if you're on a random hot streak and betting $10K/hand then it wouldn't be a huge deal at most strip properties.
How about a free load just this once? lol. But hypothetically what would 10 grand get you :( At my place, (which is not an uber classy place like Wynn or Venetian), you'd get pretty much whatever you'd want. Suite, dinners, limo from the airport, show tickets, etc. We'd generally reinvest in you 30% of your loss so just figure out what $3,000 in comps would get you.
What advice can you give to new grads who want to get into marketing, but can get work due to lack of experience? As I mentioned in a previous post, I believe you really just need to be tenacious and take anything to get your foot in the door. It's a very crowded field, especially on the what I call "pretty picture" side of marketing. I wish I had a more specific answer to give you.
What does being a marketing executive involve? I usually say I'm in charge of driving profitable revenue. The departments that report up to me are charge of advertising, promotions, entertainment, public relations, direct mail/database marketing, and VIP marketing.
I'm coming to Vegas in December from Australia, can you PM me your email address? Just PM me. Happy to see if I can help
Do casinos hire interns? I'm currently a student at a public university. Absolutely. I think most of the major companies have management training/internship programs. Go to their careers websites. Caesars Entertainment, MGM International, Pinnacle Entertainment, Penn National Gaming, etc.
Would you recommend a job in marketing? what skill sets would be helpful for marketing? i'm interested in it but not entirely sure what it's about. I think the best combination in today's world is to be more right brained with a creative bent as more and more the question asked of marketing folks is "quantify how your idea makes me money?" and less and less "what's the most most creative idea you have?"
It's a crowded field especially on the left brained side (e.g., advertising and public relations) because people think it's "cool". So if that's you're interest, I'd say being tenacious and creative is what is going to get you far in that world because it's tough to get your foot in the door and you have to have thick skin and then when you do get your foot in the door you are going to have a very short leash to prove yourself.
Any specific company you recommend? If you're at the intern stage, apply liberally.
Do you have the sides backwards, or do I? Um, well I think of left brained as creative and right brain analytical?
How selective is the casino management program at UNLV? The hotel management program in general is not selective but the casino management program is difficult because it's pretty quantitatively-focused so there's a lot of attrition.
What do you do for family entertainment in Vegas? I'm single so that having been said, there's all your typical family stuff to do here: parks, camping, hiking, movies, bowling, etc.
You don't have any family in Vegas? What's something that you go do with your friends, then? I'm not from here and my ex-wife hated living here thus why she's my ex. My friends and I go and see concerts, go to bars, we like guns so go shooting sometimes, and most Sundays cook for each other.
Sounds like a nice life! It's OK. City is kind of soulless and superficial.
One of my favorite aspects of Vegas is that if you want your experience to improve, it's usually a strategic $20 tip away... whether that be a tip to upgrade your room when you check in, to skip the long line at a club, to get a table with a great view at dinner... What potential 'Experience' improvements would you recommend in Vegas? Link to
Vegas or Macau. Which is better? Better for what?
Have you read The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester? I haven't.
So basically I should just buy from the half off kiosks? Yes.
How do you feel about those who are addicted to gambling and those who have lost everything because of it? Bad, obviously.
Late to this ama, are you still taking questions? Sure!
Sure buddy. Do you mean to say that you don't believe me?
I just got started in hospitality marketing, any advice? Doing what, exactly? Just be willing to make not a lot of money for awhile and be willing to relocate frequently if you want to move up the ladder. I guess those are the first things that come to mind.
Have you had any good marketing ideas that you couldn't do due to marketing regulation. Not necessarily due to regulation but a lot of times you're gun-shy to do a promotion because well, what happens if no one shows up?
Bastard. Danka.
Last updated: 2014-05-11 03:39 UTC
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