tumble Urdu Meanings

tumbled meaning in urdu

tumbled meaning in urdu - win

The FBI is putting together a RICO case against the Clintons and Teneo. Or they should be.

EDIT: Found the "Friends of The Clinton Centre" address and added it
EDIT 2: Added more info about The Clinton Centre I found in the wikipedia edit history.
I'm not sure where to post this so I figure it'll be welcome here at least. I sorta tumbled down a rabbit hole earlier today when researching the Huma Abedin FOIA-released emails. I only started compiling stuff today, and I haven't spent TOO much time on it, so let me know if I'm wrong about anything.
Grab a snack, this is a long one:
The Clintons are heavily involved with:
Let's begin.
Doug Band:
Doug Band was a longtime counselor to Clinton, and more. From his Wikipedia entry:
Douglas J. Band previously served as counselor to President Bill Clinton. He began working in the White House in 1995 working with Cheryl Mills as an unpaid intern in the White House Counsel's Office. Band served in the White House Counsel's office for four years, becoming a special assistant to the President before he was made one of the youngest deputy assistants ever to serve a President.[7] Band concluded his final year in the White House in the Oval Office as the President's Aide.[7] "
" Band served as counselor and chief advisor to President Clinton until 2013, and has been described as "the key architect of Clinton's post-presidency."[7] Although he was not the CEO, he oversaw the 1,200 employees of both the William J. Clinton Foundation and the President's personal office.[7] In his previous role, Band traveled to nearly 100 countries, over 2,000 cities, and helped and advised several heads of state transition out of public office into private life.[5] He assisted in creating and building the Clinton Global Initiative that has raised, according to figures released by the Clinton Foundation, $69 billion for 2,100 philanthropic projects around the world.[10] Clinton has credited Band with being the originator of CGI and has noted that "Doug had the idea to do this."[11] Band resigned from the Clinton Foundation in April 2015.[12]
Band was responsible for negotiating with the Obama Administration for then-Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to become Secretary of State.[13] He also accompanied former President Clinton during negotiations leading to the release of American journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee on August 4, 2009.[14]
And, from this article from newrepublic.com:
Twelve years earlier, at the age of 27, Band had entered Clinton’s orbit as that lowliest of Washington archetypes: the body man. He was the all-purpose aide who carried the bags, provided the pen, watched the clock, kept the cigars close, and ensured the Diet Cokes were always chilled. And after the inglorious end of Clinton’s presidency, Band had stayed on. It was he who had engineered Clinton’s transformation into a philanthropist-king, and over the years, the pair had formed a bond that was more like father and son than boss and factotum. “The most important thing about Doug is that he sort of took control of President Clinton’s career at a moment when he was dropping from about sixty percent [favorability] to thirty-nine percent,” says Paul Begala, the former Clinton adviser. “You look up today and Bill is in a league inhabited only by himself and Nelson Mandela and the Pope. He’s one of the most beloved people on the planet and an American political colossus as well. That’s just astonishing—and Doug’s been central to that.”
(The whole article is worth a read, really. Also I have a side-theory that Doug and Bill tag-teamed Monica Lewinski, but that one might be reaching.)
Declan Kelly:
First and foremost, it's pretty darn odd that Declan Kelly's wikipedia entry is only seven sentences long. Here it is, in its entirety:
> Declan Kelly was the Irish Ambassador to Malaysia and Thailand from 2010 to 2015.[1][2] Prior to that appointment he was the Irish Ambassador to Canada, succeeding Martin Burke.[3]
> He was schooled at St. Vincent's C.B.S., Glasnevin, and is married to Anne Bernadette Kelly. He gave the 2007 convocation address at St. Thomas University in New Brunswick[4]
> Prior to his placement as ambassador at the Irish embassy in Ottawa, Kelly was the ambassador to Australia, New Zealand and Fiji.[1][5] Earlier, Kelly had been posted to Ottawa from 1985 to 1990 as the First Secretary and Charge d’Affairs at the Irish Embassy.[3]
> Kelly was Republic of Ireland Consul General in San Francisco from 1992 to 1998.[1] "
EDIT: Apparently this is a different Declan Kelly  
It's especially weird because there's no mention of anything to do with info from this article from politico (the whole article is worth a read if you have a sec):
The fact that Kelly and Band were laying the groundwork for their enterprise while Kelly was working for the State Department, reported here for the first time, represents a fresh illustration of the blurring of the lines between Hillary Clinton’s political network and her State Department that critics have long noted. And it shows how one enterprising fundraiser was able to insinuate himself into Clinton's inner circle and then built a 500-person, multinational consulting firm whose value, at least at first, was greatly enhanced by its founders’ closeness to the Clintons.
Huma Abedin:
If you've been following the election you'll have heard Huma's name once or twice. The short version from her Wikipedia entry:
Huma Mahmood Abedin (Urdu: هما محمود عابدین‎; born July 28, 1976)[1] is an American political staffer. She has been a long-time aide to Hillary Clinton, and was U.S. Secretary of State Clinton's Deputy Chief of Staff at the State Department. Prior to that she was traveling chief of staff and served as assistant for Clinton during Clinton's campaign for the Democratic nomination in the 2008 presidential election.[2][3][4] She is married to Anthony Weiner, a former U.S. Representative from New York. Abedin serves as vice chairwoman of Clinton's 2016 campaign for President.[5]
Emails released via FOIA request show that Abedin worked at both the state department under Hillary Clinton and Teneo. From this Politico article:
The messages illustrate the relationship between Clinton’s most trusted confidante and the private consulting company that asked for the favor, Teneo — a global firm that later hired Abedin. Abedin signed on with the company while she still held a State Department position, a dual employment that is now being examined by congressional investigators. "
And from The Washington Post regarding one of the emails from September 2012:
“Stella O’Leary called to say she saw HRC this week and that HRC ‘firmly instructed’ her to urgently form a 501c3 called Friends of the Clinton Centre,” Desai wrote. Referring to both Clintons by their initials, Desai continued: “I also asked if the new org could be flexible so that any funding raised could be used in whatever manner WJC and HRC wish in Ireland and Northern Ireland and not restricted to support only the current iteration of the Clinton Centre in Enniskillen.”
A 501-3C is a form for creating a tax-exempt nonprofit organization. I did some research and found that "Friends of The Clinton Centre" is a indeed a nonprofit company that I can't find a lick of information about. The only thing I know is that it's mail is delivered delivered C/O an Irish lawyer's office in lower Manhattan (I found it on google maps earlier while at work and now that I'm home I can't for the life of me find it again). I called the number listed and the lawyer's firm answered and confirmed their address for me. The address it is listed under is: C/O O'Dwyer & Bernstein, Llp, 52 Duane St., 5Th Fl., New York, New York, 10007. This is a very important area for international and domestic business; within a two-block radius of the place you'll find:
And it's relatively close to Wall Street and the Federal Reserve Bank as well.
So when I couldn't find any information on Friends of The Clinton Centre I just investigated "The Clinton Centre" instead. I found was this crappy site about it which reads:
The Clinton Centre was officially opened in 2002 by President Clinton who gave his name to the facility in dedication to peace and prosperity in Ireland and around the world.
Situated centrally in the island town of Enniskillen, in the heart of the Fermanagh Lakelands, The Clinton Centre is an ideal Business Centre for your conference or meeting.
Firmly established as one of the region’s most promising conference and meeting centres, our unique multi-purpose design is suitable for a variety of business, conference and arts events.
I found a few articles about the Centre, both from irishtimes.com. The first one, from Wed, Jun 5, 2002, is about its inception. I suggest reading the whole thing, but here's the end of it:
Mr Clinton last visited Enniskillen in May last year, when he met families bereaved in the bombing and unveiled an inscription on a memorial window of the Peace Centre, which is dedicated to the victims of the blast.
As Mr Clinton arrived at the building, police forcibly removed one of those injured in the bombing from the entrance to the centre and frogmarched him across the road.
Mr Jim Dixon was protesting that victims of the bombing had no role in the establishment of the centre.
"Victims have had no input, but they are using the victims to get money for it," he claimed. After leaving Enniskillen, Mr Clinton will travel to Dublin for discussions with business leaders about the financing of the Clinton Library in Arkansas.
He will then play a round of golf with senior business executives before receiving an international achievement award for his role in the peace process.
He will leave the following morning after a meeting with the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern.
It seems to me like the author was trying to help people connect the dots without outright saying anything, but that's just speculation.
The other article, from August 1, 2015, regards the aforementioned Citizens United FIOA case looking into Clinton corruption where the Abedin emails came from:
Citizens United claim that in 2012, Amitabh Desai, foreign policy adviser for Clinton family charity The Clinton Foundation, consulted Mrs Clinton's chief of staff and other Clinton aides about establishing a not-for-profit organisation called Friends of The Clinton Centre to fund the Enniskillen-based William J Clinton International Peace Centre, opened by Bill Clinton in 2002
Citizens United's suggestion that this was an Irish 'slush fund' for the Clintons was flatly denied by Mrs O'Leary, who told The Irish Times it was "the funniest thing I have ever heard."
"I don't think the Clintons need a slush fund in Enniskillen," she said.
The group are also critical of long-serving Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin, highlighting Ms Abedin's role in organising a Dublin dinner for Irish supporters of Mrs Clinton in 2012 while working for her at the State Department, a matter also documented on email.
Teneo Holdings
Alright so, Teneo Holdings scares me. It was founded by the two guys I mentioned, Doug Band and Declan Kelly, and Irish businessman Paul Keary. Keary doesn't appear to have a wikipedia entry and in fact there seems to be very little information about him at all except for his bio on the Teneo Holdings website. Odd.
Here's an excerpt from Teneo's website about "The Teneo Way"
Teneo believes that three core disruptors are changing the lives of CEOs:
With these disruptors as a backdrop, Teneo embodies an entirely new approach to CEO advisory services, an approach that stems from a worldview we call the Teneo Way. The Teneo Way is based on the insight that, while the fundamental roles and responsibilities of modern leaders have not changed, the environment in which they develop and execute strategy has been radically transformed. These environmental changes make it harder than ever for a CEO to maintain the integrity of his or her strategy, and they demand a new mode of strategic counsel that:
Teneo uses 12 operating divisions – to guide the leaders of corporations, governments and not-for-profit institutions through this uncertainty. Our experts work together to diagnose problems, devise and execute treatments and monitor results, all from the CEO’s perspective. Success requires an approach that integrates innovation, communications and execution across the client’s entire organization. Seamless, efficient and confidential – that is what distinguishes the methodology embodied in the Teneo Way.
(Note: I didn't format that incorrectly, they have "this is the vision behind..." with it's own bullet point. Sloppy work, Teneo)
Further on they talk about social media:
Misinformation reposted across social media undermines traditional reputational control – for instance, the recent havoc in the wake of fraudulent tweets that caused market movements representing billions of dollars. On the upside, studies indicate that the trust in and public perception of a CEO improve when he or she is active on social media. Facebook has surpassed 1 billion active users, more than 500 million are active on Twitter, and China’s leading microblogging site, Weibo, has more than 500 million accounts.
The explosion of social media and the ubiquity of other digital communications channels mean that CEOs must embrace “big data” as a paradigm to increase productivity and efficiency. Exponentially expanding sets of both structured and unstructured data can now be correlated across multiple silos. These innovations have enabled profitable new business solutions in every industry, and leaders are combining human ingenuity with data-driven insights to chart a new future. Simply put, big data is increasingly vital to maintaining a leadership position – and ignoring it raises the risk of falling behind the competition.
Teneo guides our clients through these technological shifts, providing counsel to monitor and protect their reputations from potential threats and helping them take advantage of the opportunities presented by radical technical innovation.
It sounds to me like they Correct the Record a lot.
If I were to speculate on this, my guess would be that the FBI is investigating Teneo, the Clintons, and all the other major players. I would guess that Teneo's clients, some of the most powerful and influential people/companies/governments in the world, are very interested in passing the TPP. I would guess that they would use every favor they could to ensure the next POTUS is someone they trust will return the favor and pass the TPP.
submitted by dantepicante to HillaryForPrison [link] [comments]

(Critique) Hell's Bells

I've never done this on this Subreddit before...so hi, guys. Earlier today I drafted up an Urban Fantasy (that's what I was going for, anyway) and I'd be really grateful if you would take a look at it and tell me what you think!
Late one chilly winter’s evening, in a train station somewhere in Poughkeepsie, a light flickered on and off like a dying CRT monitor. To you, flickering lights are just that; faulty lights. To me, they mean something much, much worse. I drew my tattered woollen coat taut around my lithe form, moth-eaten collar turned up, and studied the ancient plasterboard station-building.
I was, as I so often found myself these days, alone. There wasn’t another soul for miles, as far as I knew, and not a peep, not so much as a birdsong, came from the vast swathe of trees on the opposite side of the tracks. My eyes darted from the small interior, empty and pitch dark because of the late hour, to the old tracks, late evening’s fog swirling up around them and obscuring my view. If my luck held out, the train would arrive shortly, I could board it, and breathe easy for a while. If not, I’d be in trouble.
Another glance at the copse of trees opposite – Autumn had taken the vibrant green from the leaves and left ruddy browns and fiery oranges in their wake – and I was reassured that if anything came from that direction, I’d have plenty of warning.
But as things turned out, I wasn’t in luck.
Swift as a humming-bird, the axe sliced it’s way millimetres above my shaggy mane of hair. I heard the whistle as it went, felt the gentle breeze it brought. I took a hasty step backward in retreat –
And the sole of my shoe slipped clear. I failed to regain balance in time, and I tumbled to the ground with all the grace of an obese, dizzy man with two left feet attempting a dance number.
The creature, the gargantuan humanoid with a malformed head and a face marred by bulbous growths, came to tower over my prone form. I climbed to my hands and knees – both were skinned raw – and looked up at my attacker. I’ll tell you know, it could have killed me then. I think it was going to, or considered it at least. It would have been simple to raise that big, mean-looking axe high above its head and part my head from my body.
But it didn’t.
Instead it gave a deep, hoarse chuckle, and that proved its undoing. I keep a sharpened section of flint tucked into my waistband, you see, because when you run with the vagabonds and the homeless you learn a few things about self-defence on the cheap. I drew out that piece of flint, sharp as a good blade, and with a burst of speed, launched myself upward at the femoral artery. Its shock manifested itself as a moment of indecisiveness, and that was off benefit to me. With an almost animalistic snarl, I drove my contemptible little weapon deep into the creature’s thigh. Its hide was tough, almost as hard as tree-bark, but desperation can drive a man to great feats, and my home-made knife slid inside like a hot knife into butter. Hot, thick-as-syrup blood spurted when I twisted my knife and pulled it free, and the creature screamed.
‘Screamed’ is too light a word, in all honesty, because that beast howled like he’d caught his wife in bed with a farm animal, and not one of the nice-looking ones, either. It sank to its knees, its axe lying discarded on the ground behind it. I smiled in between my fight for breath. I hadn’t done a lot in that fight, but when you’ve spent the last two years eating what little food you have only when you absolutely need to, and the most exercise you get is running from either cops, dogs, or cops and dogs you tend not to be in the best shape. So yes, I panted, with my tongue hanging from my mouth and my eyes bulging and everything.
I panted while my attacker slowly died.
Moving slowly, I took a seat in front of it, legs crossed over each other, head in the palms of my hands and my elbows rested on my thighs – I sat easy, confident. The creature pressed a hand bigger than my head to its wound, and was failing terribly, because purpley-red blood bubbled in the spaces between its sausage-like fingers.
“You don’t like the type my sister usually sends.” I spoke first. It turned its eyes to me, like a cats and just as feral. Yellowed like plaque on teeth, its eyes told me its rank among its people. I concentrated for a moment. Really, really concentrated, more than I should have had to, and blinked. He tried to recoil when it looked into my eyes, saw their colour, but I moved with some speed and caught the back his head in my palms and I held him there.
“I…I didn’t know!” It said. Its voice was as deep as what you get when you slow down a recording of someone talking mixed with the grating of nails on a chalkboard. “That didn’t answer my question.” I returned.
“..You didn’t ask a…question.” He struggled, his body shutting down from the inside.
“Humour me!” I snapped, an iron in my tone I didn’t know I still possessed.
“It was…Teknass…he makes moves-”
“On the throne!” I cut him off. “On the Chair of the Damned?” I swear he withered under my eye. I swear I saw him break when my cool fury presented itself.
“No…on the other side…he already sits on the Chair.” Fading now, definitely fading. His eyes fluttered from open to close like the wings of a tiny insect, his breathing shallow. “…he seeks legitimacy…he seeks to have none opposing him.”
I concentrated again – Christ, I was tired – harder, this time. Much harder. I strained against myself, I went until I was read in the face, until the vein in my forehead threatened to pop. Any longer and it might’ve. When I was confident I’d built up enough strength, I slapped away the hand that the creature held to his wound and pressed my own palm against it.
“Look at me!” I barked, losing him. “This’ll hurt.” It didn’t have to, truth be told. I could have healed him in such a way that he wouldn’t feel a thing, but a faint warmth and some itching. But he’d still tried to kill me, orders or not, and I couldn’t very well just let that go. I could feel the taut tendrils of flesh writhe and squirm under my will. I felt them cry out to each other. I felt them knit themselves back together. The smell of cooking meat filled my nostrils. His flesh bubbled and boiled under my hand as I put on the finishing touches – cauterising the wound.
To his credit, the Damned didn’t cry out, didn’t scream. We winced a-plenty, but he didn’t scream. “What’s your name, giant?” I asked, once I’d helped him up. “T’urdu.” He replied, testing his leg.
“I need you to take a message back to Court, T’urdu. Back to Teknass.” I clapped him on the shoulder. I felt him wince under my touch. “Now, preferably, you’ll find the balls to stand up during an Open Council.” I gave him a look that said he really didn’t have a choice.
“…What message, sire?” And I knew then he was my man.
“Tell them they cannot replace me so easily.” I turned and walked toward the tracks, leaving T’urdu to watch my exposed back. If he were going to attempt again, if he was merely waiting for another moment to strike, this would be it. I was testing him. The tracks vibrated as the train approached, but I could hear it a mile off anyway. The light had stopped flickering.
I called over my shoulder; “Tell them that if they desire Hell, they’ll have to kill me themselves to have it. Tell them to leave me in peace, to stop sending hired killers. Tell if they do not, I will return and tear strips from their souls for eternity, until they are mad with pain.” My train arrived, the one that would take me back to the Community. It was empty, as these things usually are in the early hours.
“Yes, sire.” Said T’urdu from behind me. “Is there anything else?”
“Tell them Lucifer still lives!” I turned to face him with a flourish, arms stretched out wide, a spring in my step. “Tell ‘em they’re a bunch of bastards.”
And I winked, and got my train.
Perhaps tomorrow will be better, I smiled, as we hurtled down the track.
I thought back to the trouble that had dogged at my heels for the past two years.
But then again, perhaps it won’t.
submitted by Koala-Baseball to fantasywriters [link] [comments]

tumbled meaning in urdu video

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The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Tumble but also gives extensive definition in English language. The definition of Tumble is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. tum·ble (tŭm′bəl) v. tum·bled, tum·bling, tum·bles v.intr. 1. To perform acrobatic feats such as somersaults, rolls, or twists. 2. a. To fall, roll, or move end over end: The rocks tumbled down the hill. The kittens tumbled over each other. The asteroids tumble through space. b. To spill, roll out, or emerge in confusion or disorder: Toys ... Tumble Meaning in Urdu. Tumble is an English language word that is well described on this page with all the important details i.e Tumble meaning, Tumble word synonyms, and its similar words. Tumble meaning in Urdu is لوٹ پوٹ ہوجانا and Tumble word meaning in roman can write as Lot Pot Ho Jana. 13 senses of "tumble" with Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation. Tumbled Urdu Meaning - Find the correct meaning of Tumbled in Urdu, it is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from English to Urdu. There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Tumbled in Urdu is لوٹ پوٹ, and in roman we write it Lot Pot. tumble meaning in Urdu (Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US: 1) tumble. Noun. An acrobatic feat of rolling or turning end over end. ... The clothes tumbled in the dryer. Rising smoke whirled in the air. Tumble Urdu Meaning - Find the correct meaning of Tumble in Urdu, it is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from English to Urdu. There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Tumble in Urdu is لوٹ پوٹ, and in roman we write it Lot Pot. Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation of whirl. whirl meaning in Urdu (Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US: 1) whirl. Noun. Confused movement. He was caught up in a whirl of work. A commotion of people fought for the exits. ... The clothes tumbled in the dryer. tumble definition: 1. to fall quickly and without control: 2. to fall a lot in value in a short time: 3. to move in…. Learn more. Tumbled Meaning in Arabic: Searching meanings in Arabic can be beneficial for understanding the context in an efficient manner. You can get more than one meaning for one word in Arabic. You have searched the English word "Tumbled" which meaning "هبط" in Arabic. Tumbled meaning in Arabic has been searched 1346 times till 22 Jan, 2021.

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