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The seen and unseen issues with recasting

(To the admins I hope you don’t see fit to delete this as it is related to the issues of recasting in warhammer)
Clearly recasting is a contentious topic to be sure but one that pops up regularly, particularly during times of economic challenge as hobbyists look to save the most money. I thought it might be interesting to look at the impact of recasting as most places have a no discussion rule so I think a lot of people may not be aware of what the issues are or why artists, model makers, people involved heavily in the miniatures industry like me have an issue with it.
What is it?
To start it’s important to clarify what I mean by recasting.
Recasting is a process whereby someone takes a pre-existing item, in this case a miniature on sprue, or parts of a miniature, and makes a cast of the item(s) which then lets them make the model again and again at a negligible cost.
Many countries or nation states have their own views on the legality of recreating IP for your own use; look up art works copying an original, fair use, fan fiction, digital media such as videos/music etc. for various industries takes on what you can and can’t do with IP. Generally though the legal approach in the western world is that if you are copying something you have already bought from the company for your own use, this is acceptable.
Making direct copies of items and selling the product that you don’t own the rights to is theft. This has been repeatedly proven worldwide in courts across multiple industries, various services, and countless products. To argue differently is factually wrong. Buying recast goods is for want of a better word, theft.
What are the issues?
As you would expect the most common cause of recasting, and the most common reason that people don’t like their products being recast is down to money. The recaster wants to make it and the original seller wants to be the one that does that instead. The most common argument you will see in favour of recasting is that it’s not hurting anyone because they are a big business.
Target number one here is GW. I regularly see people justifying where they stand on recasting based purely on the fact that Games Workshop is a massive company and charges a premium for their miniatures. This is true, they do charge a lot, often above the rest of the industry for a similar weight in plastic, and this is also a fact. Without even going into an explanation about why GW costs more you need to understand that supporting recasting because you dislike GW also hurts the people you haven’t thought of; the little guy who isn’t charging as much.
There is a regular trend with recasting sites where they start with just GW and often take donated models from customers to make a mould out of, and they expand their stock. As they grow in size and renown on invite only sub Reddits and forums, they expand outward, maybe a model from Scibor, or Warlord, they are companies too right so what’s the harm? Well as the recasters grow again they start producing from individuals who make very limited money on the small range of busts or 75mm figures they produce, like Michael Kontraros Collectibles, or Raul Latorre. These are individuals who DO get hurt by this immoral and shady business practice (see theft).
I urge you to read Raul’s post below, and a call from Michael Kontraros to understand from people affected by the practice what issues you are causing.
In Raul’s case he is a one man company designing, developing, testing, making, and marketing his product which takes a lot of time for a slim margin. This time needs to be included in the end product’s price or it simply would not be possible for fantastic artists to be able to make these models. When someone manages to recast his model and dump it on the market incredibly cheap because they don’t have to cover any of the development cost, they can outsell the original designer 5 to one. These smaller companies and individuals that charge less often struggle to stay open as soon as their products start to be recast as they are already making such slim margins but are doing it because they have a passion for the industry!
Let’s put it this way, if you would object to your stuff being stolen, then don’t do it to someone else. In addition, if everyone in the hobby had the attitude of just buying knock offs then there wouldn’t be a hobby as no one could afford to make the miniatures in the first place.
The other big argument often thrown around is that the hobby is expensive and it’s your right to get whatever you want as cheap as possible. This is somewhat tied into the above section where I would question why your right trumps the right of the person who created the item to benefit from their hard work?
I do agree though, the hobby is bloody expensive and a lot of us spend more than we need on models we don’t actually need, it is a rare hobbyist who doesn’t have a pile of shame. It is also most definitely your right to get models as cheap as you can, within the confines of the law. Support your LGS, they often sell cheaper than GW. Find a bargain second hand, nothing wrong with picking up pre-loved miniatures. Look for different models and game systems as there are a swathe of designers and model companies out there that sell amazing products that you probably haven’t heard of but are competitively priced. Play proxy games with your friends until you can responsibly buy the models you want; using old soap bottles and cans is how several iconic vehicles exist in the 40k world right now! WORK THROUGH YOUR PILE OF SHAME! There are plenty of ways of saving money within the hobby as again, and I cannot stress this enough, you have no actual need to purchase plastic/resin/metal models. You are not going suffer because you didn’t buy a 2000 point GW army in one go instead of working at it.
My right to this or that gets thrown around a lot but then just drifts lazily away when it comes someone else’s right that isn’t their own. I have been called (and will be again for this piece I am sure), a GW shill and fanboy, for pointing out that companies also have rights, and yours don’t trump theirs. The reason companies have rights is because it sucks to have your stuff stolen (see the previous section). As mentioned in the previous section as well, what about the rights of companies that are a 1 man band? When in your mind do you justify them from moving from ‘we shouldn’t do this’ to ‘they are big and bad it doesn’t matter’?
A somewhat relevant analogy is that it would be far cheaper for me to buy a stolen phone because it doesn’t affect me right? It’s my right to have it cheaper so that’s what I will do! What if it’s your phone that gets stolen? Again we are back to the fact that theft hurts all those on the receiving end, I implore you to stop justifying it solely because it benefits you.
What can I do?
Aside from the cost saving options I mentioned previously you can vote with your wallets. If you think something is too expensive then just don’t buy it. Support manufacturers that you value the products of rather than benefiting from their work but simultaneously complaining about it.
When any manufacturer asks for feedback, give them a sensible, reasoned response. As someone who has worked on a sales team that looks at customer feedback, it is all read and studied. There is literally 0 point asking for feedback and chucking it, it takes more effort (and therefore cost) to go through the process and do nothing off the back of it. Screaming into the void about faceless corporations achieves nothing. Stealing from a company then complaining about why they don’t listen to you and why prices are so high achieves nothing.
Recasting doesn’t belong in the hobby, call it out if you see it. Personally I won’t take commissions from them, nor play games with recasts or people who are using them.
How do you know any of this?
I have a great deal of friends and colleagues who work in many different areas of the industry who are impacted by the cost of recasting. There are also artists who post about the issues they face on social media, it’s not too hard to find people who are impacted.
I have access to (soon to be removed I am sure) several invite only forums and websites that deal in these products. I keep track of them so that I can see what products are being made and what they look like. This helps me identify recasts so that I can turn down the models from commission requests. It also helps me identify people trying to hide behind the anonymity of the internet to get away with theft and then cry wolf when they are called out on it.
Why does GW cost so much?
For the benefit of those who may not understand why GW costs so much (and again I would love it to cost less to bring it more in line with other companies in the industry), this section is an incredibly inadequate but rough breakdown about the cost of running a company.
There are a few big areas that GW has to spend money; GW employs over 1000 staff from over 100 people on the design team (sculpting, painting, concept work, writers, book design, art work, packaging design etc) through to cleaners, retail, charity work, the School League etc. Each of these people deserves a wage and GW pays that and that is really not cheap. Each of these people have their own opinions that makes up the whole picture of GW so maybe think about them before you brand the company as a faceless evil that doesn’t deserve your time or money.
Stores and production floorspace are the second biggest cost. GW is one of the only miniatures companies to have a vast number of stores across the UK and expanding through Europe and America (over 500 in total). They also produce the vast majority of their products in Nottingham, keeping manufacturing local without outsourcing everything to the lowest bidder. Even if YOU don’t use the stores it doesn’t mean they are free to maintain, and it categorically does help to expand the interest in the miniatures hobby by having widespread availability across the world. There are generations of hobbyists that wouldn’t exist if they didn’t have a local store that got them into the hobby.
A third ongoing cost that I can’t quantify as it is not my area of expertise is the cost of the machinery and tooling although I understand it is significantly less than the previous two. As the hobby grows and the clamour for more frequent releases and greater demand at each release continues, more machinery is needed to keep up with demand. Each of these machines can cost hundreds of thousands of pounds and then has ongoing running costs. Each different plastic sprue also has a correlating metal mould that is used to make the sprue. These also cost tens of thousands of pounds each to make in the detail and durability required.
Don’t get me wrong, GW makes a lot of money but we need to stop trying to pretend that they have 0 outlay and that every decision they make is just to wring every penny out of you in a plot of machiavellian proportions.
Yes GW makes a lot of money, but it also grows the hobby we love, and a LOT of people get to do a job they love because of the money GW makes. Every time you support recasting to get at GW you are joining a group that indirectly effects over 1000 jobs (and increasing) and potentially stunt the growth of the hobby. Again, if everyone took the recast approach, there would be nothing to recast because the hobby wouldn’t exist.
TLDR for the whole post: Recasting is theft. You are hurting more people than just a faceless company when you support recasting. Your rights aren’t better than anyone else's. There is no moral grey area here.
As a final point my name is Ed and I paint miniatures for a living, I don’t try and hide this. I don’t hide my zero tolerance on recasting so to the user who contacted my work to try and get me fired because I said “Shame it’s a recast” on your post, fantastic detective work. It was interesting to see that you deleted your post to hide my comment and posted your same models again afterwards, got something to hide?
submitted by Sando365 to Warhammer [link] [comments]

The seen and unseen issues with recasting

(To the admins I hope you don’t see fit to delete this as I hope sheds some light on why recasting is a no go on this sub and elsewhere, although I will understand if you do)
Clearly recasting is a contentious topic to be sure but one that pops up regularly, particularly during times of economic challenge as hobbyists look to save the most money. I thought it might be interesting to look at the impact of recasting as most places have a no discussion rule so I think a lot of people may not be aware of what the issues are or why artists, model makers, people involved heavily in the miniatures industry like me have an issue with it.
What is it?
To start it’s important to clarify what I mean by recasting.
Recasting is a process whereby someone takes a pre-existing item, in this case a miniature on sprue, or parts of a miniature, and makes a cast of the item(s) which then lets them make the model again and again at a negligible cost.
Many countries or nation states have their own views on the legality of recreating IP for your own use; look up art works copying an original, fair use, fan fiction, digital media such as videos/music etc. for various industries takes on what you can and can’t do with IP. Generally though the legal approach in the western world is that if you are copying something you have already bought from the company for your own use, this is acceptable.
Making direct copies of items and selling the product that you don’t own the rights to is theft. This has been repeatedly proven worldwide in courts across multiple industries, various services, and countless products. To argue differently is factually wrong. Buying recast goods is for want of a better word, theft.
What are the issues?
As you would expect the most common cause of recasting, and the most common reason that people don’t like their products being recast is down to money. The recaster wants to make it and the original seller wants to be the one that does that instead. The most common argument you will see in favour of recasting is that it’s not hurting anyone because they are a big business.
Target number one here is GW. I regularly see people justifying where they stand on recasting based purely on the fact that Games Workshop is a massive company and charges a premium for their miniatures. This is true, they do charge a lot, often above the rest of the industry for a similar weight in plastic, and this is also a fact. Without even going into an explanation about why GW costs more you need to understand that supporting recasting because you dislike GW also hurts the people you haven’t thought of; the little guy who isn’t charging as much.
There is a regular trend with recasting sites where they start with just GW and often take donated models from customers to make a mould out of, and they expand their stock. As they grow in size and renown on invite only sub Reddits and forums, they expand outward, maybe a model from Scibor, or Warlord, they are companies too right so what’s the harm? Well as the recasters grow again they start producing from individuals who make very limited money on the small range of busts or 75mm figures they produce, like Michael Kontraros Collectibles, or Raul Latorre. These are individuals who DO get hurt by this immoral and shady business practice (see theft).
I urge you to read Raul’s post below, and a call from Michael Kontraros to understand from people affected by the practice what issues you are causing.
In Raul’s case he is a one man company designing, developing, testing, making, and marketing his product which takes a lot of time for a slim margin. This time needs to be included in the end product’s price or it simply would not be possible for fantastic artists to be able to make these models. When someone manages to recast his model and dump it on the market incredibly cheap because they don’t have to cover any of the development cost, they can outsell the original designer 5 to one. These smaller companies and individuals that charge less often struggle to stay open as soon as their products start to be recast as they are already making such slim margins but are doing it because they have a passion for the industry!
Let’s put it this way, if you would object to your stuff being stolen, then don’t do it to someone else. In addition, if everyone in the hobby had the attitude of just buying knock offs then there wouldn’t be a hobby as no one could afford to make the miniatures in the first place.
The other big argument often thrown around is that the hobby is expensive and it’s your right to get whatever you want as cheap as possible. This is somewhat tied into the above section where I would question why your right trumps the right of the person who created the item to benefit from their hard work?
I do agree though, the hobby is bloody expensive and a lot of us spend more than we need on models we don’t actually need, it is a rare hobbyist who doesn’t have a pile of shame. It is also most definitely your right to get models as cheap as you can, within the confines of the law. Support your LGS, they often sell cheaper than GW. Find a bargain second hand, nothing wrong with picking up pre-loved miniatures. Look for different models and game systems as there are a swathe of designers and model companies out there that sell amazing products that you probably haven’t heard of but are competitively priced. Play proxy games with your friends until you can responsibly buy the models you want; using old soap bottles and cans is how several iconic vehicles exist in the 40k world right now! WORK THROUGH YOUR PILE OF SHAME! There are plenty of ways of saving money within the hobby as again, and I cannot stress this enough, you have no actual need to purchase plastic/resin/metal models. You are not going suffer because you didn’t buy a 2000 point GW army in one go instead of working at it.
My right to this or that gets thrown around a lot but then just drifts lazily away when it comes someone else’s right that isn’t their own. I have been called (and will be again for this piece I am sure), a GW shill and fanboy, for pointing out that companies also have rights, and yours don’t trump theirs. The reason companies have rights is because it sucks to have your stuff stolen (see the previous section). As mentioned in the previous section as well, what about the rights of companies that are a 1 man band? When in your mind do you justify them from moving from ‘we shouldn’t do this’ to ‘they are big and bad it doesn’t matter’?
A somewhat relevant analogy is that it would be far cheaper for me to buy a stolen phone because it doesn’t affect me right? It’s my right to have it cheaper so that’s what I will do! What if it’s your phone that gets stolen? Again we are back to the fact that theft hurts all those on the receiving end, I implore you to stop justifying it solely because it benefits you.
What can I do?
Aside from the cost saving options I mentioned previously you can vote with your wallets. If you think something is too expensive then just don’t buy it. Support manufacturers that you value the products of rather than benefiting from their work but simultaneously complaining about it.
When any manufacturer asks for feedback, give them a sensible, reasoned response. As someone who has worked on a sales team that looks at customer feedback, it is all read and studied. There is literally 0 point asking for feedback and chucking it, it takes more effort (and therefore cost) to go through the process and do nothing off the back of it. Screaming into the void about faceless corporations achieves nothing. Stealing from a company then complaining about why they don’t listen to you and why prices are so high achieves nothing.
Recasting doesn’t belong in the hobby, call it out if you see it. Personally I won’t take commissions from them, nor play games with recasts or people who are using them.
How do you know any of this?
I have a great deal of friends and colleagues who work in many different areas of the industry who are impacted by the cost of recasting. There are also artists who post about the issues they face on social media, it’s not too hard to find people who are impacted.
I have access to (soon to be removed I am sure) several invite only forums and websites that deal in these products. I keep track of them so that I can see what products are being made and what they look like. This helps me identify recasts so that I can turn down the models from commission requests. It also helps me identify people trying to hide behind the anonymity of the internet to get away with theft and then cry wolf when they are called out on it.
Why does GW cost so much?
For the benefit of those who may not understand why GW costs so much (and again I would love it to cost less to bring it more in line with other companies in the industry), this section is an incredibly inadequate but rough breakdown about the cost of running a company.
There are a few big areas that GW has to spend money; GW employs over 1000 staff from over 100 people on the design team (sculpting, painting, concept work, writers, book design, art work, packaging design etc) through to cleaners, retail, charity work, the School League etc. Each of these people deserves a wage and GW pays that and that is really not cheap. Each of these people have their own opinions that makes up the whole picture of GW so maybe think about them before you brand the company as a faceless evil that doesn’t deserve your time or money.
Stores and production floorspace are the second biggest cost. GW is one of the only miniatures companies to have a vast number of stores across the UK and expanding through Europe and America (over 500 in total). They also produce the vast majority of their products in Nottingham, keeping manufacturing local without outsourcing everything to the lowest bidder. Even if YOU don’t use the stores it doesn’t mean they are free to maintain, and it categorically does help to expand the interest in the miniatures hobby by having widespread availability across the world. There are generations of hobbyists that wouldn’t exist if they didn’t have a local store that got them into the hobby.
A third ongoing cost that I can’t quantify as it is not my area of expertise is the cost of the machinery and tooling although I understand it is significantly less than the previous two. As the hobby grows and the clamour for more frequent releases and greater demand at each release continues, more machinery is needed to keep up with demand. Each of these machines can cost hundreds of thousands of pounds and then has ongoing running costs. Each different plastic sprue also has a correlating metal mould that is used to make the sprue. These also cost tens of thousands of pounds each to make in the detail and durability required.
Don’t get me wrong, GW makes a lot of money but we need to stop trying to pretend that they have 0 outlay and that every decision they make is just to wring every penny out of you in a plot of machiavellian proportions.
Yes GW makes a lot of money, but it also grows the hobby we love, and a LOT of people get to do a job they love because of the money GW makes. Every time you support recasting to get at GW you are joining a group that indirectly effects over 1000 jobs (and increasing) and potentially stunt the growth of the hobby. Again, if everyone took the recast approach, there would be nothing to recast because the hobby wouldn’t exist.
TLDR for the whole post: Recasting is theft. You are hurting more people than just a faceless company when you support recasting. Your rights aren’t better than anyone else's. There is no moral grey area here.
As a final point my name is Ed and I paint miniatures for a living, I don’t try and hide this. I don’t hide my zero tolerance on recasting so to the user who contacted my work to try and get me fired because I said “Shame it’s a recast” on your post, fantastic detective work. It was interesting to see that you deleted your post to hide my comment and posted your same models again afterwards, got something to hide?
submitted by Sando365 to minipainting [link] [comments]

The seen and unseen issues with recasting

Clearly recasting is a contentious topic to be sure but one that pops up regularly, particularly during times of economic challenge as hobbyists look to save the most money. I thought it might be interesting to look at the impact of recasting as most places have a no discussion rule so I think a lot of people may not be aware of what the issues are or why artists, model makers, people involved heavily in the miniatures industry like me have an issue with it.
What is it?
To start it’s important to clarify what I mean by recasting.
Recasting is a process whereby someone takes a pre-existing item, in this case a miniature on sprue, or parts of a miniature, and makes a cast of the item(s) which then lets them make the model again and again at a negligible cost.
Many countries or nation states have their own views on the legality of recreating IP for your own use; look up art works copying an original, fair use, fan fiction, digital media such as videos/music etc. for various industries takes on what you can and can’t do with IP. Generally though the legal approach in the western world is that if you are copying something you have already bought from the company for your own use, this is acceptable.
Making direct copies of items and selling the product that you don’t own the rights to is theft. This has been repeatedly proven worldwide in courts across multiple industries, various services, and countless products. To argue differently is factually wrong. Buying recast goods is for want of a better word, theft.
What are the issues?
As you would expect the most common cause of recasting, and the most common reason that people don’t like their products being recast is down to money. The recaster wants to make it and the original seller wants to be the one that does that instead. The most common argument you will see in favour of recasting is that it’s not hurting anyone because they are a big business.
Target number one here is GW. I regularly see people justifying where they stand on recasting based purely on the fact that Games Workshop is a massive company and charges a premium for their miniatures. This is true, they do charge a lot, often above the rest of the industry for a similar weight in plastic, and this is also a fact. Without even going into an explanation about why GW costs more you need to understand that supporting recasting because you dislike GW also hurts the people you haven’t thought of; the little guy who isn’t charging as much.
There is a regular trend with recasting sites where they start with just GW and often take donated models from customers to make a mould out of, and they expand their stock. As they grow in size and renown on invite only sub Reddits and forums, they expand outward, maybe a model from Scibor, or Warlord, they are companies too right so what’s the harm? Well as the recasters grow again they start producing from individuals who make very limited money on the small range of busts or 75mm figures they produce, like Michael Kontraros Collectibles, or Raul Latorre. These are individuals who DO get hurt by this immoral and shady business practice (see theft).
I urge you to read Raul’s post below, and a call from Michael Kontraros to understand from people affected by the practice what issues you are causing.
In Raul’s case he is a one man company designing, developing, testing, making, and marketing his product which takes a lot of time for a slim margin. This time needs to be included in the end product’s price or it simply would not be possible for fantastic artists to be able to make these models. When someone manages to recast his model and dump it on the market incredibly cheap because they don’t have to cover any of the development cost, they can outsell the original designer 5 to one. These smaller companies and individuals that charge less often struggle to stay open as soon as their products start to be recast as they are already making such slim margins but are doing it because they have a passion for the industry!
Let’s put it this way, if you would object to your stuff being stolen, then don’t do it to someone else. In addition, if everyone in the hobby had the attitude of just buying knock offs then there wouldn’t be a hobby as no one could afford to make the miniatures in the first place.
The other big argument often thrown around is that the hobby is expensive and it’s your right to get whatever you want as cheap as possible. This is somewhat tied into the above section where I would question why your right trumps the right of the person who created the item to benefit from their hard work?
I do agree though, the hobby is bloody expensive and a lot of us spend more than we need on models we don’t actually need, it is a rare hobbyist who doesn’t have a pile of shame. It is also most definitely your right to get models as cheap as you can, within the confines of the law. Support your LGS, they often sell cheaper than GW. Find a bargain second hand, nothing wrong with picking up pre-loved miniatures. Look for different models and game systems as there are a swathe of designers and model companies out there that sell amazing products that you probably haven’t heard of but are competitively priced. Play proxy games with your friends until you can responsibly buy the models you want; using old soap bottles and cans is how several iconic vehicles exist in the 40k world right now! WORK THROUGH YOUR PILE OF SHAME! There are plenty of ways of saving money within the hobby as again, and I cannot stress this enough, you have no actual need to purchase plastic/resin/metal models. You are not going suffer because you didn’t buy a 2000 point GW army in one go instead of working at it.
My right to this or that gets thrown around a lot but then just drifts lazily away when it comes someone else’s right that isn’t their own. I have been called (and will be again for this piece I am sure), a GW shill and fanboy, for pointing out that companies also have rights, and yours don’t trump theirs. The reason companies have rights is because it sucks to have your stuff stolen (see the previous section). As mentioned in the previous section as well, what about the rights of companies that are a 1 man band? When in your mind do you justify them from moving from ‘we shouldn’t do this’ to ‘they are big and bad it doesn’t matter’?
A somewhat relevant analogy is that it would be far cheaper for me to buy a stolen phone because it doesn’t affect me right? It’s my right to have it cheaper so that’s what I will do! What if it’s your phone that gets stolen? Again we are back to the fact that theft hurts all those on the receiving end, I implore you to stop justifying it solely because it benefits you.
What can I do?
Aside from the cost saving options I mentioned previously you can vote with your wallets. If you think something is too expensive then just don’t buy it. Support manufacturers that you value the products of rather than benefiting from their work but simultaneously complaining about it.
When any manufacturer asks for feedback, give them a sensible, reasoned response. As someone who has worked on a sales team that looks at customer feedback, it is all read and studied. There is literally 0 point asking for feedback and chucking it, it takes more effort (and therefore cost) to go through the process and do nothing off the back of it. Screaming into the void about faceless corporations achieves nothing. Stealing from a company then complaining about why they don’t listen to you and why prices are so high achieves nothing.
Recasting doesn’t belong in the hobby, call it out if you see it. Personally I won’t take commissions from them, nor play games with recasts or people who are using them.
How do you know any of this?
I have a great deal of friends and colleagues who work in many different areas of the industry who are impacted by the cost of recasting. There are also artists who post about the issues they face on social media, it’s not too hard to find people who are impacted.
I have access to (soon to be removed I am sure) several invite only forums and websites that deal in these products. I keep track of them so that I can see what products are being made and what they look like. This helps me identify recasts so that I can turn down the models from commission requests. It also helps me identify people trying to hide behind the anonymity of the internet to get away with theft and then cry wolf when they are called out on it.
Why does GW cost so much?
For the benefit of those who may not understand why GW costs so much (and again I would love it to cost less to bring it more in line with other companies in the industry), this section is an incredibly inadequate but rough breakdown about the cost of running a company.
There are a few big areas that GW has to spend money; GW employs over 1000 staff from over 100 people on the design team (sculpting, painting, concept work, writers, book design, art work, packaging design etc) through to cleaners, retail, charity work, the School League etc. Each of these people deserves a wage and GW pays that and that is really not cheap. Each of these people have their own opinions that makes up the whole picture of GW so maybe think about them before you brand the company as a faceless evil that doesn’t deserve your time or money.
Stores and production floorspace are the second biggest cost. GW is one of the only miniatures companies to have a vast number of stores across the UK and expanding through Europe and America (over 500 in total). They also produce the vast majority of their products in Nottingham, keeping manufacturing local without outsourcing everything to the lowest bidder. Even if YOU don’t use the stores it doesn’t mean they are free to maintain, and it categorically does help to expand the interest in the miniatures hobby by having widespread availability across the world. There are generations of hobbyists that wouldn’t exist if they didn’t have a local store that got them into the hobby.
A third ongoing cost that I can’t quantify as it is not my area of expertise is the cost of the machinery and tooling although I understand it is significantly less than the previous two. As the hobby grows and the clamour for more frequent releases and greater demand at each release continues, more machinery is needed to keep up with demand. Each of these machines can cost hundreds of thousands of pounds and then has ongoing running costs. Each different plastic sprue also has a correlating metal mould that is used to make the sprue. These also cost tens of thousands of pounds each to make in the detail and durability required.
Don’t get me wrong, GW makes a lot of money but we need to stop trying to pretend that they have 0 outlay and that every decision they make is just to wring every penny out of you in a plot of machiavellian proportions.
Yes GW makes a lot of money, but it also grows the hobby we love, and a LOT of people get to do a job they love because of the money GW makes. Every time you support recasting to get at GW you are joining a group that indirectly effects over 1000 jobs (and increasing) and potentially stunt the growth of the hobby. Again, if everyone took the recast approach, there would be nothing to recast because the hobby wouldn’t exist.
TLDR for the whole post: Recasting is theft. You are hurting more people than just a faceless company when you support recasting. Your rights aren’t better than anyone else's. There is no moral grey area here.
As a final point my name is Ed and I paint miniatures for a living, I don’t try and hide this. I don’t hide my zero tolerance on recasting so to the user who contacted my work to try and get me fired because I said “Shame it’s a recast” on your post, fantastic detective work. It was interesting to see that you deleted your post to hide my comment and posted your same models again afterwards, got something to hide?
submitted by Sando365 to Warhammer40k [link] [comments]

How to anonymously host the continued development of youtube-dl offshore

Original sources of this guide (might be more up to date in case you're viewing a mirror of it):
In this guide I will go through how to anonymously host the continued development of youtube-dl offshore using companies that have a track record of being very resilient to DMCA takedowns. As a general disclaimer, youtube-dl is not illegal, no matter how much the RIAA wants it to be. Hosting it is not illegal, but the RIAA doesn't care about what's legal, so we'll have to act accordingly and not rely on companies that will bend over backwards for them. This post is basically my way of flipping the bird to the RIAA.
DMCA ignored hosting providers
RIAA report including DMCA ignored hosting providers
MPAA report including DMCA ignored hosting providers
United States Trade Representative report including DMCA ignored hosting providers
ESA report including DMCA ignored hosting providers
Europol report including DMCA ignored hosting providers
La Liga report including DMCA ignored hosting providers
Former bulletproof hosting reseller reviews offshore hosting providers
Former bulletproof hosting reseller on what the most warez friendly hosting providers are
(Novogara aka Ecatel recently got busted for tax evasion and are shady as hell in general, allowing anything to be hosted on their servers, so it's best to stay away from them.)
Take into account what data center the hosting provider uses. If they don't run their their own data center the company running the data center can shut down the server if the data center isn't DMCA ignored. That isn't to say that resellers can't be resilient, but it depends on how resilient the data center they use is.
This goes without saying, but keeping the hosting provider secret makes it a lot harder to take down.
Some countries like Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Korea force hosting providers to use government SSL certificates, meaning that they can MITM the connection.
CDNs and proxies to hide the real hosting provider
DDoS-Guard - Highly recommended. Based in Russia. Doesn't care about DMCA at all. DDoS-Guard is mentioned in the MPAA's Notorious Markets report and currently provides protection for Nyaa (the world's largest public torrent tracker for anime and manga) and Sci-Hub (the world's largest piracy website for academic papers which is under constant legal pressure from big US publishers). Has a free plan and accepts Bitcoin for paid plans. DDoS-Guard might be inaccessible outside of Europe for a few hours/month, meaning that sites using it would be unreachable outside of Europe during that time. This is probably peering related, but I'm not sure. Just tell site visitors to use ProtonVPN's free plan and connect to one of their VPN servers in the Netherlands if that happens.
While I recommend DDoS-Guard, I'll list some other alternatives in case something happens:
CloudFlare - Might be a honeypot, especially since I'm not sure how they'd be able to get away with this otherwise, but CloudFlare works for now. Just don't expect privacy from them. They're a US based company so they'll probably be reigned in eventually, but for now they're having their Wild West days. CloudFlare has a free plan. If CloudFlare is not configured properly when set up the real hosting provider will be leaked. More info about that here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
It's a myth that Cloudflare does not forward DMCA complaints, they forward everything. However, Cloudflare does not store any "sensitive data", which means forwarding "useless" information is similar like ignoring the DMCA request. A general advice is that whenever you use Cloudflare you should use a bulletproof backend server as well to avoid DMCA takedown request in the first place, so less or nothing gets forwarded (less "leakage risk").
Source: CHEF-KOCH / Warez / Bulletproof
OVPN's public IPv4 proxy (the Switzerland proxy) - Swedish company that provided a proxy for The Pirate Bay for a while, went to court because of it, and won. The two advantages with their Switzerland proxy in particular is that it's hosted by Interxion - the same Netherlands based company that is hosting Feral Hosting's DMCA ignored seedboxes - and that Switzerland is a pretty good jurisdiction. OVPN also scores well on That One Privacy Site. Accepts Bitcoin.
Before we go into registering a domain, I think it's worth considering if it's really worth keeping the name youtube-dl or if it could be spun off into a more accurate and less trademark infringing name like media-dl, for example. It downloads video and audio from a lot more sites than just YouTube, after all.
Resilient TLDs (there are more options than just these)
.is - As of a few years ago ISNIC had only ever suspended one domain and it was connected to ISIS.
When we asked whether ISNIC would follow Greenland’s lead and move for a proactive suspension, we got a clear answer.
“The short answer is no. Such an action would require a formal order from an Icelandic court. ISNIC is not responsible for a registrant’s usage of their domains,” ISNIC’s Marius Olafsson told TorrentFreak.
“This policy applies equally to any .is domain,” Olafsson says, adding that it’s the domain owner’s responsibility to abide by the law, not theirs.
“Domains can hardly be considered illegal any more than a street address. A street address is not illegal even if there is illegal activity in one apartment at the address,” ISNIC says.
.ru / .su - Good for anything that doesn't affect Russia or go against Russian interests.
.to - Used by a lot of torrent and other filesharing websites. I have never seen one get suspended. .to is managed by a US company though, so it being "bulletproof" could change.
.cr is a resilient TLD according to the International Intellectual Property Alliance's (IIAP) report: domain is still online despite actions against it from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the U.S. Embassy in Costa Rica. Other notorious infringing sites are following the trend of using .cr domains as a safe haven (e.g., Costa Rica’s failure to deal effectively with its obligations regarding online infringement, more than eight years after they came into force under DR-CAFTA, is a serious concern.
In case you want cheaper options that are available on Njalla, .ws and .ch are said to be pretty good.
.ec is also looking pretty solid as Library Genesis (the world's largest book piracy website, which is under constant legal pressure from big US publishers) have been using it for some time without getting suspended.
Vulnerable TLDs
.com, .net, .cc, .tv, and .name are operated by VeriSign, a Washington DC based company that is controlled by the US government.
.org, .info, .asia, .aero, .ag, .bz, .gi, .hgn, .in, .lc, .me, .mobi, .mn, .sc and .vc are operated by Afilias, a company that blocked one of WikiLeaks' domains.
.site, .website, .tech, .online, .uno, .fun, .space, .store, and .press are operated by Radix, a company that has an anti-piracy partnership with the MPAA.
All TLDs operated by Donuts, a company that has an anti-piracy partnership with the MPAA.
Resilient domain registrars/resellers
Njalla - As anonymous as you can get when buying a domain. Njalla is a Nevis registered company that buys the more common domains from Canada based Tucows, which is pretty abuse friendly and some TLDs like .is they buy from the registry directly. They then lease it to you while legally speaking they own the domain. This means that you don't have to give them any personal information to register it and they take Monero. Njalla is mentioned in the RIAA and MPAA's Norotious Markets reports. Njalla has a Tor Hidden Service, PGP key, and has support for registration via XMPP with OTR. Njalla is run by one of the Pirate Bay founders and they kept the Pirate Bay sense of humor alive when dealing with DMCA.
NiceVPS - As anonymous as you can get when buying a domain. NiceVPS is a domain reseller based in the Dominican Republic that buys the domain from easyDNS and then leases it to you, meaning that you don't have to provide any personal information since they own the domain on paper. Accepts Monero. Has a Tor Hidden Service, PGP key, and warrant canary. I've seen NiceVPS recommended on some websites, but I'm not sure how solid it is. Doesn't seem to offer all of the TLDs that Njalla, Openprovider, and easyDNS offer, including a lot of the more resilient ones.
Openprovider aka Hosting Concepts B.V. - Netherlands based registrar that is one of the most abused registrars by rogue pharma sites. Doesn't suspend domains without a WIPO decision or court order. Has a full section dedicated to it in the United States Trade Representative's 2019 report and a brief mention in the 2020 report.
easyDNS - Canada based registrar that has a big focus on due process. The current registrar of The Pirate Bay's .org domain, which it defended against the RIAA. Wouldn't suspend a domain for a video downloader like youtube-dl unless ordered by ICANN, CIRA, or a court according to their takedown policy. Accepts Bitcoin.
There are a few resellers of bulletproof Russian and Chinese registrars that accept cryptocurrency, but because those are pretty much only used by cyber criminals they would not be a good look for this project. And there's also the risk that they'll just be gone one day without a word and no way to transfer domain and not much recourse. Because of those reasons I'm omitting them from this list. I think the above mentioned registrars and resellers will be good enough, the project is legal after all.
Worth considering:
In order to anonymously directly register a domain at any of the other mentioned services than Njalla and NiceVPS you'd have to fake the WHOIS information, which violates ICANN's rules and registrars usually suspend domains because of that. I could especially imagine easyDNS doing this. Not sure how the other registrars would react to that, but ICANN does have the power to withdraw their accreditation - meaning that the registrars would lose the ability to issue domains - if they don't follow ICANN's rules. In the cases of Njalla and NiceVPS they aren't a registrar, they just fill in their own details and buy the domain for you from a registry/registrar when you register a domain using them.
If you use Njalla or NiceVPS you're handing over control of the domain to somebody else and have to take their word for it that you'll always have access to the domain. It's easier to trust Njalla than NiceVPS in this case since it's known who owns Njalla and they have more of a track record than NiceVPS, which is fairly unknown.
Let's Encrypt - Free, uses open source software, backed by EFF, Mozilla, and others. Easy to set up and easy to maintain with an auto-renewal script.
If you're using CloudFlare, you'll have to use their phony SSL certificate.
Keeping your server secure and other technical advice
Check your server, and how reliable it is in terms of security and privacy, online services like can test your server and it's configuration to ensure nothing is "leaking".
Check if someone can see your hidden backend server IP via In general you should block every IP connection to your backend server, only allow your own connection, VPN's or reverse proxies. You quickly can check if someone has an "open" backend IP service via services like
Source: CHEF-KOCH / Warez / Bulletproof
If you use CloudFlare, also check that your backend isn't leaking using CrimeFlare.
If you have set up email with your domain, use SMPT and a custom mail server so it doesn't leak your origin server IP. Email is the easiest way to leak origin server IP addresses.
Use SSH instead of VNC. With VNC the login information is sent unencrypted via plaintext, meaning that a rogue exit node in the Tor network and any server the login information is sent over on the clearnet could record your login information if they wanted to.
Use a password generator for all accounts and have it set to the max number of characters. Don't put the login information into a proprietary password manager or an online password manager. Make sure to back up the login information to multiple hard drives/SSDs/USBs/etc.
Try and make the site portable so that all software and all configurations can be saved to an ISO that can be spun up at any hosting provider at a moment's notice in case the site has to move at some point.
If you get a VPS, make sure it's KVM. KVM is much more secure than OpenVZ since OpenVZ doesn't have much separation between different customers on the same server. OpenVZ is also easy to oversell. Xen is also secure, but has worse performance than KVM.
Use nginx, it has a lot better performance than Apache.
Use MariaDB. It's a more up to date fork of MySQL developed by MySQL's original developer after he sold MySQL to Oracle. Contains bug fixes that sometimes have not gotten into MySQL yet. It is of course fully compatible with MySQL databases.
Basic security hardening (I'd probably use OSSEC + Shorewall instead of fail2ban and ufw, but I'm not an expert at this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
nginx configuration for improved security (and performance): GitHub Gist | blog post ( and are both Google Public DNS resolvers, so if you enable OCSP stapling, use a more privacy friendly DNS resolver, like Njalla's public DNS, one of the DNS resolvers mentioned on PrivacyTools, one of the DNS resolvers in DNS66's settings, or an OpenNIC server that doesn't keep logs. Digitalcourage e.V. and Chaos Computer Club are pretty trustworthy organizations, so their DNS servers from DNS66's settings along with Njalla's DNS resolver are probably solid, at least. Few OpenNIC servers seem to last very long, judging by that most of them were added in 2019 and 2020. If you use CloudFlare for the site, just use CloudFlare's DNS, they'll get site traffic data regardless, so just use them for that DNS resolver as well instead of sending out data to another party.
nginx tuning for best performance
nginx SSL/TLS hardening including HTTP Strict Transport Security
Top 25 Nginx Web Server Best Security Practices
Let's Encrypt auto-renewal script
If you need FTP server software, Pure-FTPd is the most secure option. Use SFTP instead of FTPS for better security and less of a headache.
Disable password access for administration, require login using a SSH key, and limit the number of login attempts.
Change default ports, like SSH. If anyone tries to access the default SSH port, have the firewall block them for a few hours.
Disable root login.
More security tips for SSH are available here. Don't implement port knocking though.
Disable nginx logging once everything is set up to protect user privacy and improve performance.
Keep the software up to date to decrease the risk of your serveVPS being hacked.
Don't use analytics. If you have to, self-host Matomo (formerly known as Piwik). It's open source.
Keep up to date backups of the site on multiple hard drives/SSDs/etc.
Anonymous payments
Bitcoin is fully traceable nowadays and tumbling/mixing your Bitcoin won't make any difference.
Tumblers are useless
Against my better judgement, I’m going with this click bait heading, but the premise is correct. Due to the software running real time analysis on the ledger, simply avoiding taint and breaking up coins is now entirely ineffective, as it matches the full bitcoin amount to be received over a period of time, as the software is built around a neural net of sorts (talking out of school here, I’m not a programmer) it appears to self-correct in real time as a more "likely" or "accurate" owner conclusion is reached.
Source: Blockchain Analysis and Anti-Money Laundering (X-post from /DarknetmarketsOz)
Meanwhile Monero was the only cryptocurrency that that the US government couldn't track when they took down one of one of the biggest darknet drug markets and seized the site operator's cryptocurrencies. This is because Monero is the only major cryptocurrency properly designed to be private.
There has apparently been some recent developments when it comes to tracing Monero. You can read more about it in my comment on Reddit or Raddle. I wouldn't worry too much about it at this stage though.
Use I2P or Tor when transacting with cryptocurrency. I2P has some privacy benefits in its design over Tor:
Unidirectional tunnels instead of bidirectional circuits, doubling the number of nodes a peer has to compromise to get the same information. Protection against detecting client activity, even when an attacker is participating in the tunnel, as tunnels are used for more than simply passing end to end messages (e.g. netDb, tunnel management, tunnel testing) Tunnels in I2P are short lived, decreasing the number of samples that an attacker can use to mount an active attack with, unlike circuits in Tor, which are typically long lived. I2P APIs are designed specifically for anonymity and security, while SOCKS is designed for functionality.
However, I2P doesn't have as much funding and reseach or as big of a developer community behind it. I2P's userbase is also a lot smaller than Tor's. A full comparison about that can be found here. Monero chose I2P over Tor.
More information about Monero + I2P/Tor is available here.
Either get cryptocurrency donations or use a peer-to-peer exchange that doesn't enforce KYC (Know Your Customer) to buy Monero or Bitcoin. Unlike centralized exchanges, private sellers on decentralized exchanges won't automatically submit all their data to the government. Even if you get all of the cryptocurrency via donations and it therefore has no connection to your real identity at all you should still anonymize it via Monero so that it can't be traced from the donation wallet to the hosting provider which you want to keep hidden.
Some private sellers on peer-to-peer exchanges won't require IDs, while some might require it. If nothing is mentioned, it's worth asking the seller before you send them any money. A few even accept cash meetups and cash by mail (watch out for being scammed or mugged though). If you do go to a crypto for cash meetup, make sure it's in a public place with lots of people in case something goes wrong. LocalCoinSwap, LocalCryptos, and LocalMonero even has sellers that accept gift cards (which you could buy with cash in a physical store). However, most gift cards are only redeemable in the country they were bought in, making this an option that won't work outside of the countries the sellers are based in. The one exception to this that I know of are Steam Wallet gift cards, which work internationally.
If your method of paying for cryptocurrency involves going somewhere to buy it/a gift card/a prepaid card/a burner phone, consider leaving your phone at home since it's essentially a tracking beacon. If it's a cryptocurrency for cash meetup you might want to have it with you in case something goes wrong though.
From what I've read there are some centralized exchanges that don't require KYC, but at least some of them freeze funds if they think it seems suspicious (which I would imagine a Tor IP would fall under) and they refuse to release the funds until they have been provided with an ID.
If you decide to buy cryptocurrency using a normal payment method, a wire transfer would be the option that involves the least amount of companies getting the transaction info, though I don't think you'd have much recourse with getting your money back if you got scammed and paid via wire transfer.
Bitcoin ATMs may require ID and usually have surveillance cameras around them, but this may vary depending on where you live.
If you bought Bitcoin, use to exchange it to Monero. If the service provider only accepts Bitcoin and not Monero, exchange the Monero back to Bitcoin so that the Bitcoin has been anonymized. Don't pay in Bitcoin without exchanging it to Monero and back first.
Prepaid cards usually require SMS verification and are sometimes limited to purchases within the country they were sold in, so be sure to read up on whatever card you're considering using. Vanilla Visa gift cards used to be the go to for VPN buyers back in the day since they only required putting a zip code into a website, but things change, so read up about activation requirements and international purchases for the card in your country before buying anything and if you get information from an unofficial source, try and make sure that it's at least somewhat recent. If SMS activation is required there are two options. One option is buying a push-button burner phone and a prepaid SIM card at a physical store using cash, activate it at a major public place and then once the prepaid card is activated shut off the phone and take out the SIM card and the battery. Another option is buying access to a dedicated number in the same country that you bought the card in at an online SMS inbox site using cryptocurrency (the free SMS inboxes that have shared phone number might be used up already). The catch 22 there is that you wouldn't have any cryptocurrency yet at this stage, so it's not really an option unless you figure something out that I wasn't able to think of. If the prepaid card can't do international purchases you could withdraw the money into an anonymously created PayPal account (requires SMS verification). Expect the prepaid card and PayPal account to almost certainly get frozen if you try to pay with it over Tor. The risk is lower when paying via a VPN IP, but it's still a notable risk, especially if it's a VPN server with lots of users and you can never verify that the VPN provider isn't logging you. An anonymously paid for self-hosted VPN on a dedicated IP address in the same country that you bought the prepaid card would be less likely to cause the card to get frozen. A residential proxy/proxy would be the least likely to get the card frozen. Just don't connect to that residential or self-hosted VPN/proxy directly using your real IP address since your ISP would see that and since you would be the only user of that self-hosted VPN it would be directly identifying. You could use the prepaid card on public WiFi, but that will give out your general location and will give the WiFi network your IP address. It will also give the WiFi network your MAC address, so be sure to set the MAC address to be random (just search something like "[operating system] random mac address on wifi" on DuckDuckGo). Then there's the issue that most browsers other than Tor Browser, SecBrowser, and Bromite are bad combating browser fingerprinting. Sure you could also customize Firefox with arkenfox user.js (formerly known as ghacks-user.js) and a bunch of add-ons to combat all the different kinds of tracking, but you'll just make your browser more unique the more you modify it.
Anonymous Internet browsing
Use Tor when doing anything in connection with the site, including when using PuTTY and FileZilla. Verify the integrity of the Tor Browser installer using PGP before running it so that you know that it hasn't been tampered with. Use a bridge if you don't want your ISP/government to see that you're using Tor. Running Tor over a VPN may seem like a good idea, but even if the VPN provider really doesn't keep logs (which is impossible to verify) using Tor over VPN can make you easier to track since that makes the VPN service a permanent entry node [1][2][3][4] and there's also VPN fingerprinting. If Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) is a concern you can use Pluggable Transports [1][2] to disguise the Tor traffic. Keep Tor Browser up to date. Never run Tor Browser in full screen. That makes you more easily trackable as websites can detect the real resolution of your screen. Don't install any add-ons or plugins, that makes you a lot easier to track. If you have logged in and then logged out of a site it can link you to other accounts you have on the same site using session cookies if you login to those accounts without hitting the "New Identity" button to relaunch Tor Browser with a clean slate. Block JavaScript when the website doesn't require it, that's the closest thing you'll come to an ad blocker. Use the Hidden Service version of sites when available, that way your Internet traffic never goes onto the clearnet and it also adds three more proxies between you and the site's server for a total of six proxies.
Since you shouldn't use an ad blocker with Tor Browser it's important that you keep your operating system up to date to minimize the risk of getting infected in case you come across some malicious JavaScript via for example malvertising when you have JavaScript activated.
If you use Windows and don't want to switch to Linux (even though you can set up dual boot or just boot it from a USB without even having to install it on your computer), use a non-admin user account and have an admin account that you only use to authorize trusted software to run, that will mitigate 94% of critical Windows vulnerabilities. You can use a tool like W10Privacy to decrease the amount of tracking in Windows 10, just be sure that the tool you use is updated to match the latest version of Windows 10 or you might brick your OS.
Use an end-to-end encrypted no logs email provider located outside of Five Eyes, Germany, Enemies of the Internet, and countries under surveillance - preferably ProtonMail - when signing up for all of those services. Use a different email address for anything not related to the administration of the website. ProtonMail has a Tor Hidden Service, but signing up for ProtonMail is only possible on the clearnet address, so you'd have to go into Tor Browser's privacy settings and change "Prioritize .onion sites when known" from "Always" to "Ask every time" when you register the ProtonMail account. Change it back to "always" once the registration is complete. And yes, it is possible to sign up for ProtonMail via Tor. It's not easy finding an exit node that hasn't gotten blocked yet, and you will most likely need a secondary anonymous email account on another email provider to send a verification code to, but it is possible. Don't try using a disposable email service, ProtonMail blocks pretty much all of them so you'll just waste time and will probably get your account frozen. Once you have made an account, go into Settings > Security and then wipe and disable the authentication logs. Once that's done - before you sign up for anything - log out and wait a while then log back in, just to see if their anti-fraud system decides to freeze your account or not.
If you go for a email provider other than ProtonMail, keep in mind that it has to be there for the long haul in order to be usable. If it suddenly shuts down without notice, you're pretty much shit out of luck. So try and go for one that has been around for a while and seems like it will continue to stick around.
Comparison of alternatives:
Use a new username that you haven't used before.
Use end-to-end encryption for all private communications. ProtonMail has built-in end-to-end encryption between ProtonMail accounts. If you want to encrypt email with PGP when communicating with non-ProtonMail users follow this guide. That will allow you to import it into ProtonMail. Just remember that the subject line will not be encrypted by PGP. PGP/MIME gives out less metadata than PGP inline and is just better in general, so use PGP/MIME. For file transfers you can also use OnionShare if the receipient also uses Tor Browser or put the file(s) into a password protected .7z file using 7-Zip with the "Encrypt file names" option enabled + a password generator set to the max number of characters that you then upload to Disroot Upload. Be aware that the lufi software that Disroot Upload runs on keeps the filename visible after the file has been deleted. If you need an end-to-end encrypted pastebin, self-host PrivateBin or use Disroot's PrivateBin. Disroot uses a privacy respecting hosting provider and claim that they don't keep logs for services that don't require an account, such as Disroot Upload and Disroot's PrivateBin.
Use DuckDuckGo instead of Google. At least when doing work related to the site. It has a Tor Hidden Service that you can easily find by searching "duckduckgo onion" or "duckduckgo hidden service" on DuckDuckGo.
Rely on open source software and privacy respecting services when it comes to processing and storing data related to the site., awesome-privacy, AlternativeTo, and GitHub makes it easy to find privacy respecting alternatives.
Keep software on your devices up to date to decrease the risk of it being compromised by an exploit.
And yeah, I probably went pretty deep on some of the less relevant sections, but I thought it was best to include everything.
submitted by Fuck_the_RIAA to youtubedl [link] [comments]

On Chinese influence operations in Singapore

On Chinese influence operations in Singapore
I answered this question on Quora and it got a modestly significant number of views (about 50 upvotes). but it got removed by moderation, I don't know why. Probably because it upset some Chinese nationalists/pro-Chinese Quorans (Lin Xieyi comes to mind). As we all know, Reddit is a liberal Western echo chamber so I suppose my views will find some resonance here.
I posted it on Quora because I think it's important to debunk some of the ill-informed and simplistic opinions about Singapore's foreign policy toward China. There are too many of those kinds of people voicing those opinions there. And I think too many of our people are not sufficiently educated on our foreign policy positions. This has to change if we are to be immunized against influence operations.
I am neither pro-China nor anti-China. I am pro-Singapore and anti-bullsh*t.

Do Singaporeans agree with the ex-diplomat that China is exercising influence, pressure and coercion on Singapore?

At first I didn’t, or was undecided, but now I do.
If you are a PRC patriot, or are uncomfortable with speculation and insinuations, please stop reading now. It’s for your own good.
Let’s examine the source in question. Who was this “ex-diplomat”?
· Bilahari Kausikan was former Permanent Secretary of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs
· He has substantial experience in the foreign policy arena. I assume he might be privy to classified information which is withheld from our public.
· He is no longer a civil servant; he is a pensioner. As such, his views do NOT officially reflect those of the Singapore government.
· Despite this, his views hold substantial weight and are frequently published in the Straits Times (which, although not under direct govt control, toes the official line and operates under some form of para-state oversight)
· He has not been outright repudiated by other foreign policy elites (as was the case with Kishore Mahbubani). From this we may infer that his views resonate somewhat with the establishment, or our foreign policy orthodoxy
· There are some things which our government cannot publicly/officially state, out of prudence…by which I mean, complicating our relationships with certain powers
· It is possible that the government prefers to use “unofficial” means (such as retired civil servants) to clarify or rebut certain narratives
Now let’s examine the substance of his argument.
That China exercises influence, pressure and coercion on Singapore, is not surprising. What should be disturbing is the MEANS or the CHANNELS through which it deploys its influence. There are LEGITIMATE channels for interstate intercourse. These include diplomacy, state media, international aid etc. etc. It is entirely natural (whether it is fair or acceptable is a different debate) for Great Powers to leverage their superior political/economic/military resources to make smaller states comply with their wishes, whether through persuasion or coercion.
But Bilahari Kausikan’s concern is with the ILLEGITIMATE channels: covert influence operations. These are violations of Singapore’s sovereignty, albeit under the cover of plausible deniability. Influence operations fall under the purview of covert action, which is different from espionage - and far more insidious. Espionage seeks simply to steal information. Covert action is intended to influence events (for example, domestic politics or foreign policy) within a target nation-state to one’s own benefit
Now let me be clear: All Great Powers conduct influence operations and espionage. China is no exception. Neither is the US. And Singapore is not exempted from their attempts. Our response has been very even-handed.Examples of foreign interference in the course of history and in SingaporeAn American diplomat once tried to influence the 1988 Singapore General ElectionSingapore Protests U.S. 'Interference' After Diplomat WithdrawnRussia spy claims: US nabs Singapore centre research fellow
But this is not a valid excuse. People who employ this excuse are essentially saying “So what? everyone does it”. To quote the Chinese Ambassador’s response “I would say firstly that every country hopes to gain recognition and support for its development philosophy and foreign policies. In this sense, China is no different.” This is equivalent to arguing that wife-beating is acceptable, because many husbands beat their wives! The issue here is not that China or the US wants our support. The issue is the means by which they seek to procure our support.
American influence operations seek to impose a liberal-democratic ideology on Singapore. They are mostly ineffective because American notions of liberalism do not find much resonance among our public political consciousness. Nonetheless, these operations should be exterminated/neutralized whenever and wherever they are detected.
But Chinese influence operations are more dangerous and insidious because they seek to impose a CHINESE identity on multiracial Singapore. This is something much harder for our population to resist, particularly because our national identity is so young and malleable. The appeals of ethnicity and culture are primordial and enduring.

In August, Huang Jing was exposed for giving “supposedly "privileged information" to a senior member of the LKY School, so it could be passed on to the Singapore Government. The information was duly conveyed by that senior member of the LKYSPP to very senior public officials who were in a position to direct Singapore's foreign policy”.
About 3 months later, LKYSPP Dean Kishore Mahbubani, who previously was a senior MFA diplomat (and presumably has contact with “very senior public officials who were in a position to direct Singapore’s foreign policy”), stepped down from his position. If you go on Youtube and watch the speeches and interviews he has been giving, he has become something of a hype-man advertising China’s rise.
I think we can put two and two together.
I do deeply respect Kishore Mahbubani. I think he is an intellectual worth reading and worth listening to. I have no doubt that he earnestly, sincerely believes in the views that he propounds. I definitely agree with many of his ideas about the rise of Asia and China. In fact, I will be buying his new book “Has China Won?”. But I also think some of his ideas regarding China lack nuance. Reality is often complex.
When Lin Xieyi speculated that Huang Jing was a US agent, this was Kausikan’s comment: “This is the sort of stuff we must expect, intended to confuse the issue. Some of it will come from the seemingly neutral or well-meaning or the naive or from those whom Lenin used to call 'useful idiots'”Ambassador-at-large, Bilahari Kausikan, scoffs at Quora user questioning who Huang Jing is working for
Kausikan shared more details on the Chinese influence campaign in this lecture, which I encourage all of you to watch:
If you don’t have time, I’ll summarize (tl;dr skip to the bolded italics):
When Singapore stood firm on its right to state its position on an issue of undoubted importance to us and to the region (South China Sea), the Chinese activated their influence apparatus and went into high gear to pressure the government - our government - to change position…
Not all influence operations pose the same degree of risk. The uniqueness of Beijing’s influence operations stems from China’s triple identities. And this prescribes three tracks on which China conducts its foreign policy and influence operations.
First, the PRC is a state like any other state, operating within a still largely Westphalian international order… On this first track of state-to-state relations, there’s nothing particularly unusual about what Beijing does, except the unusually assertive assertive behaviour of some Chinese diplomats of late, in countries as far-ranging as Malaysia, the PNG and Sweden.
Secondly, the PRC is not just any state, it’s also a Leninist state…and the characteristic modus operandi of a Leninist state is the United Front, which Mao Zedong called the CCP’s “magic weapon”… the main characteristic of a Leninist state is the total subordination of state and society to the interests of the Party, irrespective whether the Party’s interest is internal or external. And as such, the United Front represents a blurring of the distinction between domestic and foreign policies and a significant modification of the principle of non-interference that goes far beyond what is generally considered acceptable diplomatic practice.
Thirdly, the PRC is also a civilizational state: the embodiment and exemplar of millennia of the Chinese nation’s history and culture, now rejuvenated…and this identity as a civilizational state finds expression in the work of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office… In plain language, overseas Chinese should identify their interests with China’s interests and work to advance China’s interests. And this represents a deliberate blurring of the distinction made between the 华人 (ethnic Chinese) and the 华侨 (overseas PRC citizens)…
Now these 3 identities prescribe 3 tracks on which China conducts relationships. And taken holistically, they create a sophisticated and flexible instrument of influence that is far more effective than the conventional operations conducted by other countries. China’s influence operations are effective because the 3 tracks on which it operates makes it difficult to deal with or even grasp - even understand - in entirety.
On the first track of state-to-state relations, the usual tactics of persuasion, inducement or coercion may be deployed as appropriate, whether overtly through diplomacy or covertly through intelligence organizations. But the United Front may simultaneously operate to, for example, emphasize coercion or inducement even as the first track stresses persuasion. And the third civilizational track may conveniently wrap everything up in appeals to ethnic pride…Now the tendency of all governments and in particular foreign ministries is to focus on the first track of state-to-state relations and to want to keep them on an even keel…But this can all to easily lead to Chinese activities on the other two tracks being overlooked or downplayed.
[the narrative of China’s absolute rise and America’s inevitable decline] and others were propagated by various means: WeChat with Chinese-speaking populations, social and mainstream media, whispering campaigns, business, clan and cultural associations, as well as conventional agents of influence reporting to Chinese intelligence organizations who cultivate what Lenin called “useful idiots”.
It was difficult to pin down the precise origin of such narratives, but the messaging was to consistent, and too insistent, to be coincidental…many Singaporeans did not realize they were being fed oversimplifications and swallowed them whole or played along for other reasons. Businessmen, academics, and others with interests in China were given broad hints that their interests might suffer unless Singapore was more accommodating and passed the messages to the government…Appeals to ethnic pride were made to others. The aim was to instil a fatalistic acceptance of the inevitability and desirability of a Chinese identity for multiracial Singapore and get Singaporeans to pressure the government to align Singapore’s interests with China’s interest.
In any case and for whatever reason, the 2016–2017 Chinese influence operation was effective. The pressures on the government were great. It was very difficult to explain the somewhat abstract importance of UNCLOS or the nuances of our position on the South China Sea or the complications of our relationship with China to the general public, to whom the Chinese narratives were more easily understood. And it cannot be denied that ethnic appeals resonated strongly with a probably not insignificant section of our public.
It’s clear enough for whom Huang Jing worked. I told you he had dual US-PRC citizenship. In case you don’t know, holding dual citizenship is forbidden in China. Huang Jing today holds a senior academic position in China, apparently without sanction for holding American citizenship.
As the only majority ethnic Chinese sovereign state in the region, Singapore is a special case. A majority Chinese Singapore that nevertheless conducts an independent foreign policy may be something of an anomaly in Chinese eyes.
This is not the ravings of some conspiracy theorist. This is our former Permanent Secretary of Foreign Affairs speaking.

What is a strategic narrative? A weaponized story.
In its influence campaigns against Singapore, the PRC advances a number of strategic narratives, all of which are, at best, questionable in their truthfulness. Sadly, some of our Singaporean Chinese compatriots sometimes buy into these narratives and even confidently echo them. Now, most of our population is only cursorily interested in foreign affairs and may find such superficial narratives plausible. This must change if they are to be immunized against these narratives.
This is a war of narratives. China cannot officially pressure us to choose sides. But they can paint a certain picture through unofficial channels and try to box us into a corner. They can try to tell us “See, this is what you are doing! Stop it!”. When they do that, we MUST push back by painting our own narratives and showing them that “no, actually we’re not doing that. We’re doing THIS”.
MYTH 1. Surely as a “Chinese country”, Singapore should “explain” China’s position (on the South China Sea and other issues) to the rest of Southeast Asia
MYTH 2. China is rising and US is declining; therefore we should bandwagon with China. You should get on the right side of history!
MYTH 3. If you are not with China, then you are against China! You are an American puppet/proxy, or, if you are ethnic Chinese, even worse - a race traitor!
MYTH 4. Singapore has no claims in the South China Sea, and purports to be a neutral/non-aligned country so why is it “taking sides” with the US against China by agreeing with the PCA ruling and hosting US naval assets?
MYTH 5. Unlike Lee Kuan Yew, the current PAP leadership under Lee Hsien Loong doesn’t know how to deal with China. Relations were sooooo much better under LKY.
Let me proceed to puncture each of these myths in turn, with great pleasure.
MYTH 1: We are NOT a “Chinese country”. We are a country that happens to have a majority ethnic-Chinese population that organizes itself on the basis of multiracialism/multiculturalism. This has been fundamental to Singapore’s identity since the days of Lee Kuan Yew, and this is something we must always remember, no matter how many times we are accused of being “race traitors” by our mainland friends. When the PRC tries to impose a “Chinese” identity on multiracial Singapore, we MUST resist.
Yes, we share ties with mainland Chinese on the basis of blood and culture. This ethnocultural kinship should be celebrated, not denied (as in the case of some HKers). Our similar cultural programming allows us to understand the Chinese mindset in some respects, to “empathize” with it.
But it does not mean we should unreservedly parrot China’s claims to the rest of Southeast Asia. As country coordinator for ASEAN-China relations, our job is to uphold ASEAN centrality; to represent the interests of ASEAN, of our REGION, in dealing with China. It is not to represent China’s interests in dealings with ASEAN. We have no obligation, moral or otherwise, to advocate or support China’s interests. Understanding them is one matter. Supporting them is another. The two are not mutually irreconcilable, but they must be distinguished.
MYTH 2: This myth, like many other myths, has a grain of truth to it. It is very ably represented by the speeches and works of Professor Kishore Mahbubani, our former ambassador and an intellectual whom I admire very much. Unfortunately, it is also extremely oversimplified and ignores many problematic nuances.Indeed, China is rising and has been for quite a while. You would have to be blind to deny that. But China’s rise is not going to be linear; it is going to be a long, winding, and fluctuating road. China has many internal structural problems of its own to deal with. From the way some people talk about China in juxtaposition to the West, it makes it sound like the Chinese are strategic masterminds while the Westerners are a bunch of bumbling idiots. Like I said, grain of truth, but grossly oversimplistic. It ignores many of the US’ intrinsic strengths and some of China’s structural challenges.
China is rising, but America is NOT in decline, except in relative terms. Militarily it is still pre-eminent in the Asia-Pacific. Its military dominance is receding and will continue to recede in time, as the PLA Navy becomes stronger. China is becoming more and more economically central to our region and the world; depending on which index of measurement you use (GDP PPP, GDP per capita, absolute GDP) it may have already eclipsed the US economy. China is pushing the frontiers of cutting-edge technology like 5G. This process is inevitable.
But what is not inevitable is the outcome of China displacing the US as regional or global superpower. This is an outcome that is FAR from certain. It is still too early to tell. The only thing we can say for now is that the regional strategic equation will become more and more symmetrical over time. As with buying new stocks/shares on the financial market, it is too early to count our chickens before they are hatched. Some views on China’s rise (Mahbubani’s included) tend to take the Whig view of history - “up and up and on and on”
The Chinese never tire of reminding us that China’s presence in Asia is a permanent geographic fact, while America’s presence is the product of a political calculation. This implies both enhanced threat and opportunity for the rest of East Asia (be nice to us, because you have to live with us for the rest of eternity). And that is true - what is our Plan B if America withdraws from the region? Without America, the balance of power in Asia cannot be maintained. But again, this myth is too simplistic. America’s presence in Asia is not as fragile as the Chinese would like us to think.
Asia is burgeoning with growth. In the next few decades the economic center of gravity is going to shift toward the Asia-Pacific. America has an interest in retaining access to this region, in economic and military terms. I do agree that China cannot be contained - it is so interdependent with America that America might as well try to contain itself as to contain China. But we should not underestimate the degree to which America has integrated and committed itself to the Asia-Pacific.
MYTH 3: This one I find the most ludicrous and at the same time the most hilarious. Just because I disagree with China’s stance on a SPECIFIC, SINGLE issue means that I must have been brainwashed by western media into being an anti-China dog? Hahahaha.
This is what is known as a false dichotomy. It is powerful because these dichotomies do exist, but they are a spectrum rather than a binary choice of A or B. China posits an illusory binary between itself and the West, and forces you to choose between them. If you are not A, then you must be B and ONLY B and nothing else. Substitute A and B with pro-China and pro-US, pro-CCP and pro-democracy, blah blah blah. You get the idea. This ignores all the nuances in between.
This myth is also the most insidious and dangerous one because it denies the existence of AGENCY on the part of small states. It denies that small states can ever act autonomously -that anything that we do must be driven by the hidden hand of Great Power competition.
Singapore’s policy can be characterized as strategic hedging. I will admit we lean slightly toward low-intensity “soft” balancing against China, but it is still more nuanced than “hard” balancing against China and “hard” bandwagoning with the US.
By the way, Singapore is not the only country practicing a hedging strategy. Duterte has recently taken to flirting with China; I don’t blame him, I think it’s a smart move. But he has also increased cooperation with Japan, and he has not abolished the alliance Treaty which formally commits the US to defend the Philippines in wartime. Thailand has grown closer toward China as well, buying Chinese tanks, but it is still a US ally. Even Myanmar: when Myanmar realized in the 2000s and early 2010s that it was growing more and more dependent on Chinese investment, infrastructure etc., what did it do? It initiated a rapprochement with the Obama Administration. Malaysia under Mahathir began to reassess a number of Chinese infrastructure projects in light of its indebtedness to China. The American 7th Fleet still calls at Malaysian ports. Vietnam is probably leaning even further toward the Balancing end of the spectrum than Singapore - the very existence of Vietnam as an independent entity is predicated on thousands of years of resisting subordination to China.
So, fellow Singaporeans, do not believe that we are alone in playing this delicate game of power-balancing. That is what China wants you to believe: that we are acting alone and inadvertently as a US proxy, when in reality we are making calculated choices to minimize risk and maximize gain.
MYTH 4: Yes, Singapore is a non-claimant state. We have no territorial claims in the South China Sea and we take no position on the claims of Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, China etc. But what we do have is an interest in FREEDOM OF NAVIGATION in the South China Sea (enshrined in international law, namely UNCLOS). We want our merchant ships carrying our imports and exports to be able to transition the South China Sea freely. Trade is the lifeblood of our free and open economy.
Now, some mainland Chinese might argue that China has not explicitly threatened the right of freedom of navigation in the area. They are right. China has not demanded we pay a toll or tariff for passing through the area, not yet anyway. Hopefully it never does. But China’s behavior of creating and militarizing artificial islands in the South China Sea has not exactly inspired confidence on the part of Southeast Asian states regarding its future behavior.
And in case you think our statement on the PCA’s verdict was somehow “extreme” or “new”, let me read out the statement to you:
Singapore has taken note of the Award made by the Arbitral Tribunal convened under Annex VII to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Unclos) on 12 July 2016 on the case between the Republic of the Philippines and the People’s Republic of China. We are studying the Award and its implications on Singapore and the wider region.
Singapore is not a claimant state and we do not take sides on the competing territorial claims. However, we support the peaceful resolution of disputes among claimants in accordance with universally recognised principles of international law, including Unclos, without resorting to the threat or use of force. As a small state, we strongly support the maintenance of a rules-based order that upholds and protects the rights and privileges of all states.
Singapore values our long-standing and friendly relations with all parties, bilaterally and in the context of Asean. We urge all parties to fully respect legal and diplomatic processes, exercise self-restraint and avoid conducting any activities that may raise tensions in the region.
Singapore supports the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea and the expeditious conclusion of a legally binding Code of Conduct in the South China Sea
In other words, we did NOT even explicitly SUPPORT the ruling of the PCA in favor of the Philippines. We simply positively acknowledged the ruling and said that international law is important and we should all respect it. Can that be any less provocative? How could this be construed in any way as “taking sides”? Are the Chinese really so thin-skinned that they object to us even SPEAKING about the SCS issue?
Let me remind you that the PCA was the same court that ruled in favor of our dispute with Malaysia over Pedra Branca. So what would the implication be if we supported the PCA ruling for ourselves, but turned a blind eye to its ruling over the SCS? International law for me, but not for thee?
Note also that Singapore was not alone: Vietnam, Myanmar, and Malaysia also positively acknowledged or outright supported the ruling of the PCA. Why did we deserve to be singled out for coercion?
Non-alignment/neutrality is a PREFERENCE. It is not a solution. Singapore cannot prosper and be secure simply by pursuing a “hiding” strategy of laying low and hoping not to be noticed. I will be happy to elaborate if you disagree. We host the US military because we consider it productive to our security interests (and that of regional security) for America to maintain a regional presence. This is to provide a counterweight to China and give us strategic space to maneuver. It is NOT to contain China or obstruct its rise.
And while we are on the subject, we should note that the US military only maintains a purely rotational presence in Singapore. There are NO permanent US military bases or assets stationed here. The naval base which their aircraft carrier uses belongs to us. We should also further note that Singapore has NO formal treaty of alliance with America. In fact it is rumored that in 2003 America offered us the status of a major non-NATO ally - a formal security commitment from the US to defend Singapore…and we rejected them. Now, is that how we would behave if we were really American proxies?
“I am non-aligned in the sense that I do not want to be involved in power blocs…but when my security, Singapore’s survival, Singapore’s prosperity is threatened, I cannot be neutral” - Lee Kuan Yew
“Singapore has to take the world as it is, it is too small to change it. But we can try to maximise the space we have to maneuver among the big ‘trees’ in the region” - Lee Kuan Yew, One Man’s View of the World, 2013
MYTH 5: Kishore claimed that “now that LKY is no longer with us, we should change our behaviour significantly…we should be very restrained in commenting on matters involving Great Powers”. I agree with him that we should be circumspect, pragmatic, even cold-blooded, when it comes to dealing with Great Powers. We must tread carefully.
But has there been any fundamental change in Singapore’s policy toward China post-LKY? No. Our relationship with the US goes back to the 1990s. Likewise with China we have always (and I emphasize, we CONTINUE to) promote the engagement of China with the region and the world. China must come to terms with the world order, just as the world order must accommodate China.
The Chinese like to grumble about the good old days of LKY and how well he got along with them. Again, they are not wrong. But this is a form of historical cherry-picking, of selective memory. Remember that LKY was one of the only Asian leaders to go up against a CCP-backed communist united front and win. Remember also that Mao’s China issued frequent propaganda proclamations labelling him a “running dog” of the West.
Lee Kuan Yew’s views on China were not one-dimensional. They were complex and nuanced. They were tactful, yes, but honest and direct. He did not shy away from political incorrectness.
“The Chinese may make a miscalculation…they may become assertive and pushy, which is contrary to their long-term interest, which is to win over the smaller countries in the south to their side” - Lee Kuan Yew, 2011
“[My uncle-in-law] had this romantic idea that, you know, [China] is a land of my forefathers. I have no doubts that the land of my forefathers would have brought me down in the world…They (the Chinese) wanted me to contribute [to my uncle-in-law’s manor house which the Chinese refurbished and made into a historic tourist site]. I said no, no, I’m not Chinese, I’m Singaporean, I’m not going to visit the place…I have no romantic view about where I sprang from. I’m very grateful that my great grandmother who was born here decided she’s not going to go back (to China) with her husband because she doesn’t know China…I’m a lucky fellow. Yes, we are all lucky fellows. But the older generation has this romantic idea…I discovered when I was a student in England, that I had more in common with the Singaporeans and Malaysians of other races than with the Chinese from China because they are completely different. Their dress, their manners, their language. They are a different lot, that’s all. They come from a different society. Of course, at the end of the day they are Chinese.” -Lee Kuan Yew, Hard Truths, 2011
“That romantic idea of going back to the bosom of your motherland is a delusion. We have become different, that’s all. You can go back to China, you’re still different…If you go to China, I don’t think you will belong. They’ll say okay, we’ll accept you. But look at even the Malayan communist cadres who sent their families and children there…- nevertheless, they were treated differently…You think you’re Chinese , and that you will blend in, but you will not. You are already different. We are already different. Just like the American and the British people, or for that matter, the South African whites, Australians, New Zealanders and the British. The Taiwanese mainlanders and Chinese mainlanders, who have not stayed in Taiwan, yes, they are same stock, same heritage, but had different exposure, different standpoints, different views of the world. Are we Chinese? Yes, ethnically. Can we sit down with the Chinese and really feel part of them? Not possible. Because you speak Chinese? No. Your major premises are in your mind” - Lee Kuan Yew, Hard Truths, 2011
“[The Chinese] expect us to be more respectful - you must respect me. They tell us countries big or small are equal, we’re not a hegemon, 不称霸. But when we do something they don’t like, they say you have made 1.3 billion people unhappy … So please know your place” - Lee Kuan Yew, Hard Truths, 2011
“I do not see Singapore surviving on the Chinese economy. If we spoke only Chinese, we would not be today’s Singapore. What is the difference if China is ten times stronger? It will make us ten times stronger? No. Our prosperity comes from linkages with the world…the future is the same. We are not Hainan Island. We are not Hong Kong, where they have no choice. We are in the centre of an archipelago of great diversity, with rich natural resources, and the world will come here” - Lee Kuan Yew, One Man’s View of the World, 2013
“How can [the Chinese object to the American logistics hub here]? That is crude. If they ask us to stop the logistics base, our answer would be: you can use the logistics base and store your equipment here (so we would host both the Chinese and Americans” - Lee Kuan Yew, One Man’s View of the World, 2013
“Singapore is quite comfortable with the Americans being present. We do not know how brash or assertive China will become. When I said in 2009 that we must balance China, they translated the word in Chinese into ‘conscribe’, and there was a big uproar among their netizens, who asked how dare I say that when I am Chinese. They are hypersensistive” - Lee Kuan Yew, One Man’s View of the World, 2013
“You have to accept the fact that they (China) are the biggest boy in the neighbourhood. They will not be the biggest in the Pacific because the US will always be there to counterbalance them. But increasingly, they would be able to keep the US away from the coastal regions. That’s a development we have to accept. No more [uncomfortable for Singapore] than for the other countries…It’s even more tricky for Vietnam. We have no conflict of interest with China…we have no such overlapping claims with them.” - Lee Kuan Yew, One Man’s View of the World, 2013
Let me emphasize again: I see the rise of China as a good thing in the long-term. It is not an ABSOLUTE good, but it is good. China is a FRIEND, even if friends can be pushy at times and we do not always agree with our friends about everything all the time. Singapore and China have no fundamental clash of core interests. Indeed, I think it is possible for our core interests to align with China. Not only with China, but also with the US, India, Japan, etc. Whether or not it aligns with China to a greater degree than with other powers is to be seen, and in large part decided, by China’s own behaviour.
But in any case if there is alignment, our lodestar must always be our NATIONAL INTEREST - Singapore’s own national interest - determined by Singaporeans’ own choices ALONE and no one else’s, undiluted by the manipulation of ANY foreign entity. And in case you think I’m only referring to China, go look at our handling of the 1988 Hendrickson Affair.
Huang Jing was only one manifestation of this. Foreign powers will continue to attempt to influence our policy. When they stick their fingers into our sovereign discursive space, we must continue to quietly, tactfully, but ruthlessly slice those fingers off.
伤其十指 不如断其一指
防人之心 不可无
EDIT: someone anonymous gilded me! Thank you so much!! I am really honored haha
EDIT 2: Platinum? Thanks so much anonymous! You are too kind!! I don’t even know what to do with it
EDIT 3: Posted in geopolitics. Prepared to be attacked by angry Chinese redditors
EDIT 4: The post is back up on Quora again. Seems like moderators revised their earlier decision
submitted by ned_stark97 to singapore [link] [comments]

Proctorio: Down the Rabbit Hole

As if a global pandemic wasn't enough, hundreds of thousands are infected with a different, digital type of virus. Proctorio.
Amazon. Baylor University. Georgetown University. Boston College. University of South Florida. Duke University. Columbia University. Howard University. The University of Iowa. Kent State University. Louisiana State University. Mayo Clinic. The Ohio State University. The University of Texas at Austin. Texas Tech Unviersity. The University of Washington. These are just some of the 400 or so colleges, institutions, and companies using Proctorio.
Like a real plague, its goal is to survive. To live long enough that it becomes ingrained in modern culture. Irreplaceable to change. However, any company bent on the idea of growth, and the path to complete domination, has to make a few missteps.
So how did I get here? Why am I here? What is Proctorio? These are, among many, questions I will answer in this document.

Chapter 1: Proctorio

For those unaware, Proctorio is a software that, as they put it:
Using state-of-the-art technology and end-to-end data security, Proctorio ensures the total learning integrity of every assessment, every time. Our software eliminates human error, bias, and much of the expense associated with remote proctoring and identity verification.
Proctorio also integrates effortlessly with whatever learning management system you already use— no scheduling, waiting or additional logins required— for instant, objective, secure results.
On paper, an anti-cheating system sounds great. But Proctorio takes everything about anti-cheats and thins it down, until it's a shield for dishonesty and threats.
Proctorio is an example of capitalism that has gone too far. I'm actually kind of terrified that Proctorio will take this down because of a DMCA takedown, considering their track record with tell-all pieces regarding information that is public and in their code. I banned both the CEO and their PR team from this subreddit but I imagine they have alternate accounts (which is in violation of Reddit terms of service, mind you).

Chapter 2: Justice for Ian Linkletter

On new/mobile Reddit (we're working on old Reddit), our banner mentions Ian Linkletter. Who is Ian, and why does he need justice?
Ian Linkletter is a learning technology specialist at the University of British Colombia. UBC's had some history with Proctorio, because they have a year-long contract with them, and we need to go over that history to understand Ian.
A user on UBC's subreddit released a post saying that he, unfortunately, received an error trying to start his mid-term test. He contacted Roy from Proctorio, who responded with "Hi" according to the post and ignored him. So, how did Proctorio react?
They released his chat logs. artfulhacker, CEO of Proctorio, released his chat logs.
If you’re going to lie bro … don’t do it when the company clearly has an entire transcript of the conversation
[S]hame on you.
(I need to point out here that the usage of 'bro' is relatively unprofessional in a situation like this). While Mike apologized for releasing the logs and deleting them, you can still access them using Removeddit. This is where Linkletter gets involved, through a tweet he made which has now led to a lawsuit from Proctorio.
While pacertest1 did lie about the context of the support chat, releasing chat logs proves you have no "zero-knowledge encryption" and suing someone over statements they made on a Twitter account is completely absurd.
These support agents are also allowed to view any and all webcam footage for "verification purposes" as well as a live ID check.
Proctorio is logging data 24/7 and none of this data is encrypted. It is likely this is also being sold to advertisers. End of story.

Chapter 3: Data Collection

Now let's talk about that word. Data. On Proctorio, it means two things:
  1. Money.
  2. A weapon to hurt low-income families.
What do I mean by hurting families who don't make that much money? Let's look at how Proctorio works:
If you dissect the Chrome extension (no Firefox add-on, which is odd), you'll see a line that means, "Your connection is terrible and you will experience issues during an exam. If you decide to take an exam on this connection we will notify your institution you were warned and ignored the warning".
This is also applied for webcam, which is required at all times and you need to look at the screen, but not too much! If you're suspicious, you're required to take a 360 degree view of your room, which needs to be quiet and without people in the background.
All of this data is also viewable to the mysterious Proctorio agent, even when Proctorio begs and pleads that it isn't!
A report from PBS determined 44% of U.S. children live in low-income families, who happen to be most hit by Proctorio's garbage. Hell, it's not even that at some points. If you don't have a working camera or installed an operating system that doesn't have drivers for your webcam, you're screwed. Most webcams are sold out now. The ones that aren't sold out aren't good enough for Proctorio. Oh, and teachers are also forcing students to pay for spyware.
Proctorio hurts low-income families and is most likely making money off of data collection and selling it to third-parties. It's no secret Amazon has a contract with Proctorio.

Chapter 4: Security

We've been talking a lot about encryption, so let's see how Proctorio works under the hood with some samples from their extension and how I know for a fact they're not using zero-knowledge encryption even with these chat logs.
First: The samples.
  1. DevTools. If you open up Chrome DevTools, you'll be sent to a page that says, "Smile! Whoops... You just tried to hack Proctorio and were caught. Your IP has been locked and evidence is being forwarded to your school admin". Nice to know that when I'm working with CSS in DevTools I'll be hacking Proctorio. For clarification as well, your IP is not "locked" and there's no evidence sent to the school administrator. It's just a fear tactic.
  2. VPNs. "The traffic between your computer and the internet is being intercepted. Proctorio can not guarantee the security of your private information. Please disable any VPN software or use a different internet connection" and "VPN, proxy servers, or any identity concealing services can not be used with Proctorio. Please disable these when you are ready to use Proctorio" are two messages that exist and exist just so that Proctorio can reroute browsing traffic to their servers, and puts wool under your eyes while doing it. They're also sneaky about it by preventing you from using tools like Charles or Burp, and you can't see where that data is coming from because of the lock on DevTools. Very clever, Proctorio.
  3. Software locks. What's also clever is your software locks. If you have any of the following open, you can't access Proctorio, period: Sc="virtual microphone;virtual audio;splitcam;manycam;logmein;parallels access sound;parallels audio controller;avermedia;vmware;vdp source;vixs puretv;airparrot;virtualbox;sound siphon;bytescout;blackmagic;soundflower;what u hear;nomachine;screaming bee;apowersoft_audiodevice;remote proctor;magic sound;morphvox audio;manycam virtual microphone;logmeinsounddriver;airparrot;remote audio;line 1 (virtual audio cable);morphvox audio;pro tools aggregate i/o;autoaggdevice;procasteraudioredirector;twat 69;microphone (screaming bee audio);cable output (vb-audio virtual cable);splashtop;ishowu".split(";"), Vc="virtual camera;virtual webcam;virtual device;virtual driver;webcammax capture;fake webcam;openni;sparkocam;ispy;vlc capture;ucanvcam;manycam;magiccamera;splitcam;ip camera;mjpeg camera;xsplitbroadcaster;scanner mouse;logmein;hava video device;hava remote video device;hava video crossbar;hava remote video crossbar;vmware;pg camera for windows store apps;pg splitter;cyberlink webcam splitter;hp webcam splitter;cyberlink web camera filter;vdp source;vixs puretv;dxtory video;hp web camera filter;airparrot;camera plus;asus virtual;virtualbox;corel camera;corelscreencapture;live! cam virtual;iglasses;bytescout;blackmagic;arcsoft;decklink video capture;camtwist;professional financial camera;decklink video capture;webcam sharing manager;srp5702;00) depth;00 depth;droidcam source 3;droidcam source 2;droidcam source 1;droidcam source mini (240p);thinkvantage virtual camera;arcsoft webcam sharing manager;tridef smartcam;splashtop;ishowu;Hauppauge WinTV".split(";"), Tc=["vmware","virtualbox","parallels access sound","parallels audio controller"],Uc="bytescout;blackmagic;professional financial camera;decklink video capture;hauppauge;nomachine;soundflower"
  4. Strings. No, not the strings Proctorio is using to puppet around schools, strings as in text. The real meat of this data dump is what Proctorio has written down. {console.warn("Proctorio desktop application is not installed!"); Interesting for a Chrome extension to have. "id="pio_header_assigned_proctor" data-pio-tooltip="The name of the proctor assigned to review the attempt">" I thought you were using machine learning AI and facial detection software and that was supposed to be better than humans. ""C059":{"message":"You may not have food on your desktop nor eat during the exam." and ""C060":{"message":"You may not have drinks on you desktop nor drink during the exam." This is fucking unacceptable of Proctorio to have as an option. Humans biologically need food and water. I didn't know eating an apple or drinking water was considered academic dishonesty. Damn, I should consider starving, considering I might be called a cheat by an anonymous proctor if I don't. ""C064":{"message":"You may not take the exam in a public setting such as a coffee shop or library with others in the general vicinity." While this is well intentioned, it's really, really poorly implemented. If this is designed towards colleges, where students have dorms, why is this in the software?
Go ahead, Mike. Go argue with professionals on the Internet and call their peer-reviewed papers "opinion pieces". Insult academic honesty while calling me eating an orange academic dishonesty.
So let's talk about actual dishonesty here. What does "zero-knowledge encryption" mean? In short, nothing. It's a buzzword.
What they actually mean is that they have a key distribution system encrypted with AES-GCM, but the problem with that is that it's in a Chrome extension, which is just a repackaged ZIP file. Their daily vulnerability test isn't even a test, it's just a vulnerability scanner. Not the same thing as a code audit or penetration test.
Proctorio's usage of AES-GCM exists in an object called dhs.mode.gcm which functions for encryption, decryption and a few other ones for GHASH block multiplication and XOR + GMAC utility. You don't need to know that though to understand my point.
GMAC keys are essential in AES and can be leaked with timing leaks. For GHASH block multiplication, they leak the lowest bit of f with each iteration. f gets bitwise right-shifted 128 times, meaning yes, the GMAC key can be leaked. This isn't FIPS 140-2 compliant, Mike. Sorry to interrupt your DMCA takedown spree on Pastebin of some of this information.
This also isn't impossible to prevent. Students aren't obedient lapdogs, so to be this irresponsible is a sin in my book.
There is no encryption, because they cough up these keys for free. You are giving risks to students on their own computers and ruining the world of security for business deals. That is not capitalism, that is being evil. You aren't an artful hacker, you're an asshole.

Chapter 5: Eyes

ADHD. It's a serious disorder that 16% of people will develop in their lifetimes. One of the main symptoms is the fact it's hard to focus. Proctorio requires eyes on the screen at all times (but of course, not all the time since you might get flagged), so students with ADHD get flagged. Want to keep the fact you have ADHD a secret? Tough. Fucking. Luck.
And what about screen readers? Not allowed. "But I have anxiety!" Proctorio doesn't care. Proctorio is ableist by all definitions of the word. It is unacceptable that people with disabilities are treated like shit. I don't have a disability myself, but there are tons of people in the world who do. Is it that much to allow screen readers or turn off the eyes rule? Or is it that you have a superiority complex and need to shove it in everyone's faces?
And now, food for your eyes.
It’s hilarious, students pretending to care where their data goes.
~ Mike Olsen, Proctorio CEO.
Oh no, Mike! Going to give me a slap on the wrist and have my IP blacklisted because I didn't dance around? I don't use Proctorio and never will. Speaking of warnings...
 "description": "lms metrics abnormal audio desc", "message": "e.g. consistently talking or in noisy room" "description": "lms metrics abnormal audio title", "message": "Abnormal changes in audio levels highlights test takers that had significant changes in audio activity throughout the exam." "description": "lms metrics abnormal clicks desc", "message": "e.g. rapidly clicking on various parts of the quiz" "description": "lms metrics abnormal clicks title", "message": "Abnormal clicking will highlight test takers who interacted with the quiz page less than the rest of the class" "description": "lms metrics abnormal copy desc", "message": "e.g. excessive copies and pastes" "description": "lms metrics abnormal copy title", "message": "Abnormal copies and pastes highlights test takers who may have taken material from the exam or brought answers into the exam extensively." "description": "lms metrics abnormal duration desc", "message": "may indicate help from outside sources" "description": "lms metrics abnormal duration title", "message": "Abnormal exam duration will highlight test takers who have finished significantly faster or slower than the rest of the class." "description": "lms metrics abnormal end desc", "message": "may indicate an attempt to bypass system or connectivity issue" "description": "lms metrics abnormal end title", "message": "End Times will highlight test takers whose LMS end time does not match the Proctorio end time" "description": "lms metrics abnormal eyes desc", "message": "e.g. consistently looking at different areas of the screen" "description": "lms metrics abnormal eyes title", "message": "Abnormal eye movement will highlight test takers who may have unauthorized materials within the test environment." "description": "lms metrics abnormal faces desc", "message": "e.g. utilizing additional people" "description": "lms metrics abnormal faces title", "message": "Abnormal number of faces detected will highlight test takers who may have received help from others during the exam." "description": "lms metrics abnormal head desc", "message": "e.g. consistently looking at notes or off the screen" "description": "lms metrics abnormal head title", "message": "Abnormal head movement will highlight test takers who looked away from the camera significantly more or less than the other test takers." "description": "lms metrics abnormal ip desc", "message": "e.g. collaborating with other test takers on quiz at same time" "description": "lms metrics abnormal ip title", "message": "Exam Collusion will highlight test takers who took the exam at the same time on the same network" "description": "lms metrics abnormal keys desc", "message": "e.g. typing more than other test takers" "description": "lms metrics abnormal keys title", "message": "Abnormal use of keystrokes highlights test takers relying on copy and paste or struggling with free response questions." "description": "lms metrics abnormal less", "message": "less" "description": "lms metrics abnormal more", "message": "more" "description": "lms metrics abnormal mouse desc", "message": "e.g. consistently moving the mouse" "description": "lms metrics abnormal mouse title", "message": "Abnormal movement of the mouse will highlight test takers who interacted with the quiz page less than the rest of the class." "description": "lms metrics abnormal resize desc", "message": "e.g. consistently changing quiz window size" "description": "lms metrics abnormal resize title", "message": "Abnormal resizing of the browser highlights test takers who may have had notes or other material hidden behind the quiz window." "description": "lms metrics abnormal scroll desc", "message": "e.g. rapidly moving through the quiz" "description": "lms metrics abnormal scroll title", "message": "Abnormal scrolling will highlight test takers who interacted with the quiz page less than the rest of the class" "description": "lms metrics abnormal start desc", "message": "may indicate an attempt to bypass system or connectivity issue" "description": "lms metrics abnormal start title", "message": "Start Times will highlight test takers whose LMS start time does not match the Proctorio start time" "description": "lms metrics abnormal unfocus desc", "message": "e.g. open separate webpage" "description": "lms metrics abnormal unfocus title", "message": "Abnormal amounts of navigation away highlights test takers using external applications or material differently than the rest of the class." "description": "lms metrics frame audio desc", "message": "e.g. talking or noisy environment" "description": "lms metrics frame audio incident", "message": "Audio levels in the room increased above the threshold" "description": "lms metrics frame audio short", "message": "Audio Levels" "description": "lms metrics frame audio title", "message": "Flag Changes in Audio Levels" "description": "lms metrics frame clicking short", "message": "Clicking" "description": "lms metrics frame collusion short", "message": "Exam Collusion" "description": "lms metrics frame copy desc", "message": "e.g. duplicating exam content" "description": "lms metrics frame copy incident off", "message": "Test taker copied and pasted values" "description": "lms metrics frame copy incident on", "message": "Test taker attempted to copy and paste values" "description": "lms metrics frame copy short", "message": "Copy & Paste" "description": "lms metrics frame copy title", "message": "Flag Copy and Paste" "description": "lms metrics frame duration short", "message": "Exam Duration" "description": "lms metrics frame end time short", "message": "End Times" "description": "lms metrics frame eyes desc", "message": "e.g. look at different monitor" "description": "lms metrics frame eyes incident", "message": "Test taker's eyes were looking away from the quiz page" "description": "lms metrics frame eyes short", "message": "Eye Movement" "description": "lms metrics frame eyes title", "message": "Flag Eye Movements" "description": "lms metrics frame faces desc", "message": "e.g. multiple test takers taking the same exam" "description": "lms metrics frame faces incident", "message": "Multiple faces detected in the image" "description": "lms metrics frame faces short", "message": "Multi-Face" "description": "lms metrics frame faces title", "message": "Flag Multiple Faces" "description": "lms metrics frame head desc", "message": "e.g. look at notes" "description": "lms metrics frame head incident", "message": "Test taker was looking away from the quiz page" "description": "lms metrics frame head short", "message": "Head and Eye Movement" "description": "lms metrics frame head title", "message": "Flag Head and Eye Movements" "description": "lms metrics frame keys desc", "message": "e.g. typing on multiple choice exam" "description": "lms metrics frame keys incident", "message": "Test taker typed on the keyboard" "description": "lms metrics frame keys short", "message": "Keystrokes" "description": "lms metrics frame keys title", "message": "Flag Keystrokes" "description": "lms metrics frame mouse short", "message": "Mouse Movement" "description": "lms metrics frame resize desc", "message": "e.g. move browser to uncover other window" "description": "lms metrics frame resize incident off", "message": "Test taker changed zoom level or re-sized the browser" "description": "lms metrics frame resize incident on", "message": "Test taker attempted to change zoom level or re-size the browser" "description": "lms metrics frame resize short", "message": "Browser Resize" "description": "lms metrics frame resize title", "message": "Flag Browser Resize" "description": "lms metrics frame scrolling short", "message": "Scrolling" "description": "lms metrics frame start time short", "message": "Start Times" "description": "lms metrics frame unfocus desc", "message": "e.g. open separate webpage" "description": "lms metrics frame unfocus incident off", "message": "Test taker navigated away from the quiz page" "description": "lms metrics frame unfocus incident on", "message": "Test taker attempted to navigate away from the quiz page" "description": "lms metrics frame unfocus short", "message": "Navigating Away" "description": "lms metrics frame unfocus title", "message": "Flag New Windows or Tabs" "description": "lms metrics tamper av desc", "message": "Potential audio/video hardware issue detected" "description": "lms metrics tamper av title", "message": "Video Tamper" "description": "lms metrics tamper page desc", "message": "Potential webpage issue detected" "description": "lms metrics tamper page title", "message": "Page Tamper" 
Just some of the many things you can get warned for.
 "description": "copy/paste", "message": "Test taker $action$ values $val$% $rel$ than the average.", "placeholders": { "action": { "content": "$1", "description": "the test taker's action based on what the professor enabled" "rel": { "content": "$3", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$2", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "description": "resize", "message": "Test taker $action$ zoom level or browser size $val$% $rel$ than the average.", "placeholders": { "action": { "content": "$1", "description": "the action the test taker performed based on the professor settings" "rel": { "content": "$3", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$2", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "description": "audio", "message": "Audio levels exceeded the threshold $val$% $rel$ than the average.", "placeholders": { "rel": { "content": "$2", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$1", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "description": "head movement", "message": "Test taker was looking away from the quiz page $val$% $rel$ than the average.", "placeholders": { "rel": { "content": "$2", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$1", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "description": "eye movement", "message": "Test taker was looking away from the quiz page $val$% $rel$ than the average.", "placeholders": { "rel": { "content": "$2", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$1", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "description": "multi face", "message": "Multiple faces were detected in the image $val$% $rel$ than the average.", "placeholders": { "rel": { "content": "$2", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$1", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "description": "mouse movement", "message": "Test taker moved the mouse $val$% $rel$ than the average.", "placeholders": { "rel": { "content": "$2", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$1", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "description": "mouse movement", "message": "Test taker scrolled $val$% $rel$ than the average.", "placeholders": { "rel": { "content": "$2", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$1", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "description": "mouse movement", "message": "Test taker clicked the mouse $val$% $rel$ than the average.", "placeholders": { "rel": { "content": "$2", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$1", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "description": "mouse movement", "message": "Test taker took $val$% $rel$ time than the average to complete the exam.", "placeholders": { "rel": { "content": "$2", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$1", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "A695_8": { "description": "navigation away from the page", "message": "Test taker $action$ from the quiz page $val$% $rel$ than the average.", "placeholders": { "action": { "content": "$1", "description": "the action that was performed (based on prof settings)" "rel": { "content": "$3", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$2", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "A695_9": { "description": "keystrokes", "message": "Test taker used the keyboard $val$% $rel$ than the average.", "placeholders": { "rel": { "content": "$2", "description": "more/less based on the value" "val": { "content": "$1", "description": "the test taker's value relative to the average (%)" "description": "lms results metrics summary text ip", "message": "$count$ other test taker$plural$ took the exam on the same connection at the same time.", "placeholders": { "content": "$1" "plural": { "content": "$2" 
"Zoom level"? How fucking petty of you. In no way is that academic dishonesty, to not be able to see things.
Proctorio isn't doing these things by "accident". Don't forget that. They intentionally put these things in and refuse to listen when they're told no.

Chapter 6: The End

Don't let Proctorio get away with this. Don't let one of the most evil companies on Earth get away with ruining privacy, threatening people who speak out, digitally stabbing the poor and people with impairments.
We will keep pushing this fight and getting this out to the media. We need your help fighting them as well. Contact the FCC and tell them to conduct an investigation against their claims of "zero-knowledge encryption". Make petitions. Keep this in the news for as long as possible. There is a lot more to the story of Proctorio. I don't think it's any secret that this company hides its history and tries to cover things up. Report these practices to the FTC. Report them to the Office of the Attorney General of California for breaking the CCPA (if you live in California, of course). Contact your colleges. We are not standing for injustice. We want justice. For Ian Linkletter. For Erik Johnson. These people were silenced trying to get the truth out there. No more. Fuck you, Proctorio. It's over.
The following will be a list of links and resources you can use to contact organizations to put Proctorio on the radar:
File a complaint about privacy.
California Attorney General
Proctorio refuses to give information and says the information is encrypted. This is in violation of the CCPA.
Only go here if you live in California and have used Proctorio.
Other Resources
Good place to spread the word. Make a petition here to not use Proctorio. There's already one by Erik Johnson for Miami University. The University of British Colombia will not be continuing its deal with Proctorio past February 2020.
We're making good progress. The Verge and various other news sites have covered this. Mike Olsen is a traitor to American freedom.
I also want to give credit to Erik Johnson and Soatok for a lot of this research. I couldn't have done this without them.
I will edit this with more information if it comes out. Thank you for reading this.
submitted by ElijahPepe to Proctorio [link] [comments]

Companies You Should Be Cautious Of

These are companies that are legal but that have lied, misrepresented their products, or otherwise behaved in a shady manner, and as such, you should be extra cautious before deciding to trust them. They are sorted below by category.


Detroit Natural Selections - A licensed dispo in MI that has repeatedly sold vitamin e oil in carts from fake brands to the public. Given their willingness to sell fakes and poison their customers, everything there should be considered dirty.
Elite Wellness Bay City - A licensed dispo in MI that has repeatedly sold vitamin e oil in carts from fake brands to the public. Given their willingness to sell fakes and poison their customers, everything there should be considered dirty.
Plan B Wellness - A licensed dispo in MI that has repeatedly sold vitamin e oil in carts from fake brands to the public. Given their willingness to sell fakes and poison their customers, everything there should be considered dirty.
Sun Valley Caregivers - Licensed rec store in CA that has been busted multiple times selling illegal fakes.
Holistic Health Wayne - "Medical Only" dispo selling counterfeit Stiizys and fake brands.
Seabright Distribution is using its distribution license to sell fake Dr Zodiak products (an AZ exclusive brand) to CA rec dispos.
Sun Valley Caregivers have been busted selling multiple fake brands of carts with no licensing and no testing, including Hi-Fly, a black market brand.
Downtown Patient Group (C10-0000368-LIC), a dispensary, is selling Big Chief carts, a notoriously unlicensed fake company that uses fake labs.
The Cookies Dispensary in Maywood is selling unlicensed and untested Big Chief carts.
The Cookies Dispensary in Seattle is selling herb produced by an unlicensed (ie illegal) producer (Blue Dream, 6033062890010002) under the White Runtz brand name. This processor has applied for a license, but it is on hold and not active, and they have already been selling to dispos for months.
Flyt Lounge/Delivery Oakland, CA dispo and delivery service that has been pawning off gross fake carts from unlicensed producers as though it were legit and from a desired producer..
House of Dank Flint, MI dispensary that was notorious for selling Danks before legalization, is now selling fake, illegally produced and untested "house brand" products. Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Pic 4. You will notice the labels are missing half of the legally required info (like the lab test), the QR code is gibberish, and though Trucenta is listed as the manufacturer on both, different license numbers for Trucenta are given, and neither number matches was the state has on file as belonging to Trucenta - the numbers don't match any on file, in fact.
Veralife They are selling highly impure carts (>10% cannabinoids) that have 70% phytol, the dangerous to inhale vitamin e precursor. Like the vitamin e and phytol cut sellers, they falsely claim phytol is a terp.
Hey High LA, CA dispo and delivery service that is selling unlicensed, untested fakes.

Marijuana Brands

Bud Technology, a producer that is only licensed for infusions (CDPH-10003528, a type N license), and is not legally allowed to make extracts/floweetc. This means they are not subject to the proper regulations and oversight that is required for extract/flower producers, and any non-infusion product they make should be considered suspect. Their brands include Boomba Labs, BT Weekly, Flor Pure Flower, Royal Family. They formerly made carts for Dime Industries as well, but then Dime switched to a properly licensed producer (Evergreen Management, CDPH-10002933).
Dr. Zodiak - used to be licensed (in AZ only), but got busted with dangerous levels of pesticides and lost their license. They had many sub-brands, like Lynnwood Lemonade Clear, Frosty's Snowcone Clear, Silverback Clear, Bobby's Blue, and *Razzle Dazzle Clear. Still commonly counterfeited.
Dyme - they are licensed in OR and CA, but they use the dangerous cut phytol in their carts, which is not tested for in either state. Consider their products dirty, even if licensed and accompanied by a seemingly clean lab test.
Fuel - They are licensed in MI... but they've sold crap carts massively cut with vitamin e to licensed dispos, forcing a recall. Consider all their products potentially cut/contaminated, even if it comes with licensing and seemingly real lab tests.
Left Coast Extracts. - Currently in the process of going legit, but the fakes still outnumber the licensed versions. They only have a medical mj producers license (CDPH-10003930), so be sure you get them from a dispensary that is licensed for medical (the store can still sell to rec customers if they've also a rec license), and verify the license and test on the cart with the state and lab, to ensure you aren't getting one of the fakes.
Motor City High - They are licensed in MI... but they've sold crap carts massively cut with vitamin e to licensed dispos, forcing a recall. Consider all their products potentially cut/contaminated, even if it comes with licensing and seemingly real lab tests.
Royal Highness - They started on the black market, then got licensed in MI... then sold crap carts massively cut with vitamin e to licensed dispos, forcing a recall. Consider all their products potentially cut/contaminated, even if it comes with licensing and seemingly real lab tests.
Savage - Makers of Savage Sticks. They started on the black market, then got licensed in MI... then sold crap carts massively cut with vitamin e to licensed dispos, forcing a recall. Consider all their products potentially cut/contaminated, even if it comes with licensing and seemingly real lab tests.
True - They are licensed in MI... but they've sold crap carts massively cut with vitamin e to licensed dispos, forcing a recall. Consider all their products potentially cut/contaminated, even if it comes with licensing and seemingly real lab tests.
Winberry Farms - they are licensed in OR and CA, but they use the dangerous cut phytol in their carts, which is not tested for in either state. Consider their products dirty, even if licensed and accompanied by a seemingly clean lab test.
Platinum Vapes - they are licensed in many states. Recently their MI branch released some carts with oil that was dyed pink, to benefit the Susan G Komen foundation, a scam "charity" that pays 85% of its received donations to its executives and uses the rest to "raise awareness" of breast cancer by suing actual breast cancer researchers and treatment centers for daring to use the color pink. Shady "non-profits" aside, none of the things in cannabis that give it its color are oil soluble, for example the pink in pink strains is water soluble, and none of these natural pigments can dissolve in oil or be extracted with distillate, which means they used an oil soluble dye to color their oil, in order to funnel profit to ghouls. If they are willing to dye their oil, who knows what other crap that isn't tested for they are willing to put in there.
Jetty Extracts - they are licensed in many states and widely available in dispos. Though they are considered a premium brand of extracts, they also make a d8 product via synthesis but do not test for residual reagents (since this is not required by state law, which made only considering extractions, not synthesis). See the Delta 8 section below for more elaboration on why reagent testing is needed for synthesized cannabinoids when it is not needed with extracted ones.
FarmaceuticalRX's - An MMJ brand in PA. They also make a d8 product via synthesis but do not test for residual reagents (since this is not required by state law, which made only considering extractions, not synthesis). See the Delta 8 section below for more elaboration on why reagent testing is needed for synthesized cannabinoids when it is not needed with extracted ones.
Canuvo - A licensed brand in ME. They make a d8 product via synthesis but do not test for residual reagents (since this is not required by state law, which made only considering extractions, not synthesis). See the Delta 8 section below for more elaboration on why reagent testing is needed for synthesized cannabinoids when it is not needed with extracted ones.
Matter NY brand sold by Veralife. They are selling highly impure carts (>10% cannabinoids) that have 70% phytol, the dangerous to inhale vitamin e precursor. Like the vitamin e and phytol cut sellers, they falsely claim phytol is a terp.

"Hemp Derived" Delta-8-THC sellers

Update - the DEA has just clarified the legal position of d8, and it is as we here have been saying all along: All isomers of THC are illegal, and d8THC that is synthesized does not fall under the hemp exception because it is not present in hemp. So all current "hemp derived" d8 sellers are selling a schedule 1 drug and have been ordered to stop immediately. While we at cleancarts push for full legalization and hate to see the DEA stop the sales of any cannabis product, we do not mourn the loss of the shady d8 sellers who have trolled reddit and the greater MJ community and sold weak, contaminated, poorly made and dangerous d8 products. Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish
Delta-8-THC is present in hemp is such low amounts (<.00001%) that it isn't feasible to extract it from hemp. It isn't even detectable in most hemp strains. The only real way to get delta-8 starting with hemp is to synthesize it by isomerizing CBD, which is present in hemp in great quantity, into delta-9-THC and then into delta-8-THC using reagent chemicals such as chlorine bleach, hydrosulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, p-Toluenesulfonic acid, citric acid, organo-metallo complexes with cadmium or lead, or zinc chloride/bromide. Then to improve color, sometimes silica or bleaching clay (such as t-41) is added. The reagents and other chemicals used are all extremely toxic to vape, difficult to remove, and must be completely gone from the final product for it to be safe. There are less common reagents used to isomerize, but that are all also extremely dangerous. Because of this, you can only trust delta-8-THC sellers who test for the reagent they use (as well as for purity, pesticides, and heavy metals) and who are licensed by their states hemp program. To date, no "hemp-derived" d8 company tests for the reagents they use. There are, however, plenty of legit marijuana producers in legal states extracting it from marijuana, no weird chemicals or synthesizing required. Delta-8-THC does not get you high like delta-9-THC does, it is more like CBD in effect, be wary of any delta-8 cart that gets you high like delta-9 does, as the tests below show, it likely means there is delta-9 (and a lot of other chems) in with the delta-8.
The following is a list of disreputable delta-8-THC brands and contaminated delta-8-THC products.
3Chi - A company licensed through their states hemp program (IN #18_0235). Currently using an army of fake accounts to promote their products here on reddit, by posting fake reviews, and shouting down/threatening anyone who questions their products or practices. They relentlessly harass and threaten any reddit user who says anything critical or even questioning of them. Be wary of positive reviews made by new accounts that only post praise for the company. Be aware that the shady trolls who run this company will attempt to torment and silence you if you do not mimic their shills praise for their products. Multiple users have contacted me after having been threatened by them, distressed to the point that some have deleted their posts concerning 3chis shady behavior, and some have even deleted their whole accounts. They are truly the most hateful and toxic company online. Their shill accounts on Reddit include the following users: chickenpattydaddy (contacted other users to threaten them into removing posts critical of 3chi), r33fermadness (runs delta8, a sub created to promote 3chi/CannaAid), FloridaFlows (contacted other users to threaten them into removing posts critical of 3chi), SweatyObligation, Gaulster, bwinter14, Whoneedpacks, Jcreations100, TrilliumOcean, mrhempyhands, skyhio (3chi reseller), alargeburrito, boyyywut, bapp0-get-taco, SyntheticBagel, Outside-Comparison12, dogconnoisseur, heavyhands88, MuayKickJitsu, 9oyardxo, Deadelmogaming, bugabo21, hempgurl, and many more (they will be added as users report them). Their source of delta-8 is in question (Edit: no longer, they now admit they synthesize their d8 and that their claim of extracting it was a lie), and they do not test for residual reagents, bleaches, or solvents. Currently awaiting more info from them on what reagent/s they use to isomerize and if they test for their presence afterwards. If they provide answers, this entry will be updated. When independently tested, their products have been found to be below the claimed total percentage of cannabinoids, with far less d8 than is claimed, and large amounts of d9 (well over the legal limit), and a large number unidentifiable chems, indicative of an incomplete and dirty reaction that was not cleaned up.
Warning: Their terms of service state that they will DOX and troll you, and it is no idle threat, they threaten and DOX anyone who even questions them.
The owner of the company was involved in fraud before they started pushing their BS d8..... and is subject to federal reporting because of it.
Skyhio - Another brand owned by 3chi.
TerpFex - Insufficient labs - they don't test for solvents, or residual reagents. They are a 3chi brand.
CannaClear - This one is three layers of sketchy..... Started out on the black market, selling dirty marijuana extract, got cloned and now the packaging is available online for every dealer to buy and fill at home with vitamin e and synths.... recently this sketchy black market brand started selling questionable synthesized d8 on the clearnet, with insufficient labs, or course - they don't test for pests, metals, solvents, or residual reagents. To make things extra fun they have the same phone number listed for customer service as 3chi, and may be affiliated.
CannaAid - Currently using an army of fake accounts to promote their products here on reddit. There are reports from established reddit users (5 year old accounts, active continuously in varied subs) about them mismatching label claims and labs, and there are reviews from suspect accounts about them having suspiciously strong effects not in line with delta-8-thc. They are likely the same shady trolls as the ones running 3chi (see below). Be wary of positive reviews, esp those that claim to get you high. Source of delta-8 is in question, and they do not test for zinc chloride/bromide/reagents.
*Note: both CannaAids and 3Chis website are registered to the same small proxy service. Now, since its a proxy, we don't know who registered it, but it'd be quite a coincidence if two unrelated companies both happened to pick the same proxy registrar. About as big a coincidence as the sub delta8 just organically always having effusive praise for exclusively these companies (because the mods delete anything else)....
Trulieve - Claims their delta-8-thc is extracted from Charlottes Web... a strain with almost-no-to-no detectable delta-8-THC, but does have CBD which can be isomerized to delta-8-THC. They do not test for zinc chloride/bromide/reagents.
10 Dollar Cartridge - AKA "delta 8 Solutions". They lack lab testing for their products. They do list a blank, detail-less one on their preorder page for an unnamed product, but it doesn't show that it was one of their products that was tested, much less which one it was, and it doesn't include any results for metals, pesticides, residual solvents, or to see if there are any of the extremely dangerous chemicals used to isomerize CBD into delta-8 are still present. Super sketchy untested bargain basement synthetically made carts not a safe bet.
SnapDragon Cannabis - Like other online d8 sellers making d8 from CBD, they refuse to test for residual amounts of the chemicals they use to turn CBD into d8, or even admit to what the chemicals they use are (likely bc all chems used to turn CBD into d8 also make d9, either as a first step or at the same time, so admitting they use any specific chem will be admitting that they are breaking the law). They claim they don't use acids to isomerize CBD to d8... but the only other way to turn CBD into d8 involves using reagents with heavy metal complexes, which are just as hard to remove from the final product and just as harmful to inhale, albeit in a different way from the strong acids. The dangerous chemicals used in synthing up their d8 may explain why it comes out such a disturbing shade of pink....When independently tested, their products have been found to be below the claimed total percentage of cannabinoids, with far less d8 than is claimed, and large amounts of d9 (well over the legal limit), and a large number unidentifiable chems, indicative of an incomplete and dirty reaction that was not cleaned up.
Honey Creek Labs - Resold by many companies, including Greene Rush Hemp, MYCBDhaven, delta710, bulkdisty, and more. Continuing the theme, they offer no testing for residual reagents used in making CBD into d8. Worse, independent testing has shown huge discrepancies over their claimed test results. Samples were found to contain as much as 14.8% d9, and as little as 44.7% d8, despite the manufacturers labs claiming 95% d8. The high rate of contamination with d9 indicates they are having quality control issues with the reaction; not a good sign that they are able to completely remove the dangerous reagent chemicals used. In addition to health concerns, the high presence of d9 is a frightening revelation for people using their products who are expecting to be in compliance with federal law, or who need to pass urinalysis. The user Bassomatic42, a moderator at the vendor run delta8 sub, is affiliated with them. I know because they messaged me, asking to have the brand removed from this list, complaining about all the boxes of d8 they have to sell..... Naturally I told him not until there are independent labs showing they are clean.
Pharma CBD - Provides generic lab report for their d8 cart that doesnt mention their company or brand name (could easily be stolen) - not that it matters if it isn't, because they don't test for pests, metals, solvents, or residual reagents.
My CBD Haven - Another sketchy company that doesn't test for reagents. When independently tested, their products have been found to be below the claimed total percentage of cannabinoids, with far less d8 than is claimed, and large amounts of d9 (well over the legal limit), and a large number unidentifiable chems, indicative of an incomplete and dirty reaction that was not cleaned up.
Rogue Cloud - Another sketchy company that doesn't test for reagents. When independently tested, their products have been found to be below the claimed total percentage of cannabinoids, with far less d8 than is claimed, and large amounts of d9 (well over the legal limit), and a large number unidentifiable chems, indicative of an incomplete and dirty reaction that was not cleaned up.
Green Rush Hemp Co - Another sketchy company that doesn't test for reagents. When independently tested, their products have been found to be below the claimed total percentage of cannabinoids, with far less d8 than is claimed, and large amounts of d9 (well over the legal limit), and a large number unidentifiable chems, indicative of an incomplete and dirty reaction that was not cleaned up.
Triangle Trading Company - Insufficient labs - no safety tests.
Drip - Insufficient labs - no safety tests.
Pure D8 Flower - Insufficient labs - they don't test for pests, metals, solvents, or residual reagents. No, there is no d8 flower (Hemp doesnt have d8, only marijuana does, and then only in minor amounts) - its just sketchily made D8, sprayed onto some hemp flower.
Harbor City Hemp - Insufficient labs - they don't test for residual reagents.
Hemp Hop - Insufficient labs - they don't test for pests, metals, solvents, or residual reagents.
Delta Remedies - Insufficient labs - no safety tests.
Utoya - Insufficient labs - they don't test for pests, metals, solvents, or residual reagents.
Savage - Insufficient labs - they don't test for pests, metals, solvents, or residual reagents.
Hempire Direct - Insufficient labs - they don't test for pests, metals, solvents, or residual reagents.
8Delta8 - Insufficient labs - they don't test for pests, metals, solvents, or residual reagents. They don't even have any labs at all.
Bearly Legal - Insufficient labs - they don't test for pests, metals, solvents, or residual reagents.
No Cap - Insufficient labs - no safety testing
Black Tie - Insufficient labs - no safety testing
HempHop - Insufficient labs - no safety testing.
Apotheca - Insufficient labs - no safety testing.
Krystilion aka d8savvy - Insufficient labs - no safety testing.
Owl's Oil - Insufficient labs - no safety testing
Wellness Collection / Maine Wellness - Insufficient labs - tno safety testing
Urth Tree - Insufficient labs - no safety testing.
Treetop Hemp Co - Insufficient labs - no safety testing.
Herbee's Holistics - Insufficient labs - no safety tests.
Delta Effex - Insufficient labs - no safety tests.
Exotics Delta 8 - Insufficient labs - no safety tests.
Cannagarden Co - Insufficient labs - no safety tests.
Quality Control Carts - Insufficient labs - no safety testing Delta-8 Alternatives - Insufficient labs - no safety tests.
Rogue River Extracts - Insufficient labs - no safety tests.
Star Thistle Ranch - Insufficient labs - no safety tests.
Bearly Legal - No labs. Just none.
Treetop Hemp Co - Insufficient labs - they don't test for metals, or residual reagents.
Canna Stillery aka Meniscus Grow aka Satchel Alchemy - No labs. Just none.
Extract Labs - Insufficient labs - no safety testing
Hempy Longstocking - Insufficient labs - no safety testing
Triangle Trading Company / Highest Elevation - No labs. Just none.
Secret Nature CBD - Insufficient labs - they don't test for residual reagents.
Black Water Hemp - Insufficient labs - no safety testing
Buy Delta 8 Online - Insufficient and fake labs - they don't test for residual reagents or pests... and the COAs they give out list the web and physical address of a lab in CO, but give the name of an unrelated lab in CA, indicating its a fake lab report.
Hemp Masters - Insufficient labs - they don't test for residual reagents, pests, or solvents.
Lula CBD - Insufficient labs - they don't test for residual reagents, or solvents.
Hemp Masters - Insufficient labs - no safety testing
Shop.Lucidity / Lucidity Independent - Insufficient labs - no safety testing
Crystal Creek Organics - They post no labs for their delta 8 products whatsoever.
Royale Highness - They have no labs whatsoever, and their packages lie and claim the d8 is extraced from hemp (when hemp doesnt have d8, it is made through synthesis starting with CBD). They use the same logo as the notorious black market turn licensed but still dirty brand "Royal Highness".
HempHio Cannabis Co - They post no labs for their delta 8 products.
Oakwood Botanicals - They post no labs for their delta 8 products.
Delta Farms - They post no labs for their delta 8 products.
Compassionate Buds - They have potency labs... but no safety tests at all.
Exotics - Another d8 brand using the same name/logo and boxes as a black market fake cart brand. They post no labs for their delta 8 products whatsoever.
Deltiva - They have potency labs... but no safety tests at all.
Half Moon CBD - They have potency labs... but no safety tests at all.
Georgetown Hemp - GTH - Insufficient labs - they don't test for residual reagents or bleaches.
Your Cure CBD - They post no labs for their delta 8 products whatsoever.
A Gift From Nature CBD - They have potency labs... but no safety tests at all.
Z.E.N. - They post no labs for their delta 8 products whatsoever.
Loud - Yet another fake d9 brand turned sketchy d8 brand. No labs for their delta 8 products whatsoever.
Cake - No labs. No hemp program license, no company website, just nothing. Super fake, seems to be a "brand" that exists only as anonymous bulk purchases on alibaba.
Colorado Cures - Insufficient labs - they don't test for residual reagents or bleaches.
Koi / Koi CBD. - Insufficient labs - they don't test for residual reagents or bleaches.
BeeZBee - They post no labs for their delta 8 products whatsoever.
The Hemp Collect - Insufficient labs - they don't test for residual reagents or bleaches. Worse - they use the extremely dangerous to inhale Vitamin E in their vapor liquids, despite it causing an epidemic last year.
Catskill Hemp Co - They post no labs for their delta 8 products whatsoever.
Straight 8 - No labs. Just none.
Turnt - No labs. Just none.
D8 Brand - Insufficient labs - they don't test for residual reagents or bleaches.
Cosmo - No labs. Just none.
Zilla - They have potency labs... but no safety tests at all.
Cloud 8 - No labs. Just none.
Phat Hempies - They have potency labs... but no safety tests at all.
Palm Treez - No labs. Just none.
Loud House - They have potency labs... but no safety tests at all.
Green Post CBD - They have potency labs... but no safety tests at all.
The Hemp Barn - They have potency and residual solvent labs... but no metals, pesticides, reagents, or bleaches tests.
Binoid CBD - They have potency labs... but no safety tests at all.
Urb - They have potency labs... but no safety tests at all.
The Hemp Doctor - They have potency labs... but no safety tests at all.
Bay Smokes - They have potency labs... but no tests for reagents or bleaches.
Canna River - They have potency labs... but no safety tests at all.
Buffalo Puff - They have potency labs... but no safety tests at all.
Saliv-8 - They have no labs whatsoever, and a user reported that it wrecked their throat and sent them to urgent care.
Puff Delta 8 - They have no labs whatsoever.
Delta XL - They have no labs whatsoever.
Earthbound Hempz - They have potency labs... but no safety tests at all.
Sun State Hemp - They have potency labs... but no safety tests at all.
Miracle Leaf - They have no labs whatsoever.
Apical Greens - Insufficient labs - they don't test for residual reagents or bleaches.
D8Hi - They have potency labs... but no safety tests at all.
JahRootz - They have potency labs... but no safety tests at all.
The Helping Friendly Hemp Co - They have potency labs... but no safety tests at all.
*Str8t * - They have potency labs... but no safety tests at all.
Colorado Hemp - They have no labs whatsoever.
Hellfire - no safety tests.
Anchored Manufacturing - no safety tests.
GO hemp - They have no labs whatsoever, and they use counterfeit Raw Garden branded carts.
Recreational8 - no safety tests.

CBD brands

Deluxe Leaf - Presents fake potency labs, no safety tests.
Super Naturals - They have no labs whatsoever.

Cannabis derived terp companies that ship nationwide

Hemp, the only federally legal cannabis source for terpenes, doesn't have a lot of terps, and doesn't come in the same strains as marijuana, which are what consumers desire. Additionally, extracting terps from saleable hemp buds renders them unable to be sold. It would cost more to extract from hemp than any producer would ever be able to sell the terps for, so it just isn't done. The terpenes that are on the national market are blends of terps from other botanical sources. Some blends are better than others, but they are not from cannabis. Anyone who claims to have cannabis derived terps and is willing to ship it nationwide is lying, either about the source or legality of their product. Marijuana is the only remotely economically feasible source of terpenes from cannabis, and even then, it is 100x more expensive than other sources.
There was one company that actually did sell cannabis derived terps, at a cost of about $80 per ml: Blue River Terps..... but they were busted for using federally illegal marijuana as the source and stopped operating as a terp supplier. Nowadays, the only cannabis derived terps that are available are from licensed marijuana producers, and are only available through licensed retailers in states with legal marijuana.

Carts and similar hardware

Fake Oil Brand Carts - Carts meant to be filled at home and sold as though they were made by a legit oil producer. Danks and the like. These are usually made with dangerous and unsafe materials, and cost more than a proper cart like a SPRK or a CCell.
Kandypens - Lead solder, plastic on heating elements. Gross tasting and toxic.
Fake CCells, no-name carts - This goes for all cloned/generic carts. Cloned/generic carts are usually made with lead solder, which contaminates the oil.
Cart.Farm - Buys existing but uncommon generic unbranded carts from cart manufacturers on alibaba and markets them as though they were new designs. Every cart design he has was sold years prior by other people (his "new" gcells are clones of airistechs 5 year old qcells, his ceramic carts released a year ago are clones of carts that have been sold for 7+ years). When pressed about metals testing, he shared a fake lab test. Since the carts sells are untested, unbranded clone carts, they should be considered as suspect as every other untested unbranded clone cart. Doubly so since the seller is giving out fake labs and trolling.
Vape4Ever - sells unlicensed knock offs as legit ccells.


True Terpenes - Dangerous cuts. Sold mineral oil mislabeled as "terpenes", continues to sell the long chain lipid phytol mislabeled as "terpenes".
Mass Terpenes - Dangerous cuts. Sold vitamin e mislabeled as "terpenes", continues to sell the long chain lipid phytol mislabeled as "terpenes".
Denver Terpenes - Undisclosed ingredients. Their terpene blends, which are labeled as pure terps and theoretically should cleanly evaporate, leave behind a sweet sticky residue instead. This is because their so-called "terpenes" actually contain a mix of terps, essential oils, heavy plant oils, long chain lipids, and synthetic flavorings.
Holy Terp - Undisclosed ingredients, mystery cuts. There is no way to tell what is in their terps... except in the case of their "flavorless terps", which you can be sure contains no terps, because no terp is flavorless. Likely phytol or PEG.
Terpene Botanicals - Undisclosed ingredients, mystery cuts. - They sell a "flavorless viscosity adjuster" and "bulking agent" with no ingredients list. Usually such mystery cuts are vitamin e or phytol.
Terpenes Raw - Undisclosed ingredients, mystery cuts - They sell a "flavorless terpene", but all terps have flavor. Usually when a manufacturer sells a flavorless terpene, it is vitamin e or its precursor phytol. But whatever it is, there's no way to know, except that it definitely is not a terpene.
Abstrax Tech - Undisclosed ingredients, mystery cuts. - They claim their TEC temper "is a tri-ethyl citrate base with a proprietary mixture of odorless, tasteless terpenes" - but there is no such thing as odorless, tasteless terpenes. They claim their Terp Temper "a hydrogentated tri-terpene mixed with other flavorless terpenes and odorless terpenes with antioxidant and anti-irritant components." Again, no terp is flavorless or odorless, and it should be noted that both phytol and vitamin e can be considered hydrogenated (likely what they meant by "hydrogentated") triterpene antioxidants. It doesn't make them actual terps, nor does it make them safe to vape. Likely they are selling vitamin e or phytol.
Floraplex - Dangerous cuts. Sold vitamin e mislabeled as "terpenes", continues to sell dangerous thickeners mislabeled as "flavorless terps" which don't evaporate off at room temp. All terps have both flavor and scent and are volatile (they evaporate at room temp).
Mr Extractor - Dangerous cuts. Sold vitamin e mislabeled as "terpenes". Likely started the whole vitamin e thickener craze. While they no longer sell thickeners, consider everything they sell suspect. If they were willing to lie about 1 product being terpenes, they are willing to lie about all their products.
East Coast Terpenes - Undisclosed ingredients, mystery cuts. The list no ingredients anywhere, and they sell a "flavorless" liquidizer, which is often code for "vitamin " or "phytol".
The Terpenes Store - Undisclosed ingredients, mystery cuts - They sell a "flavorless terpene" blend called "Liquefy", but all terps have flavor. Usually when a manufacturer sells a flavorless terpene, it is vitamin e or its precursor phytol. But whatever it is, there's no way to know since they don't list ingredients for any product, except that it definitely is not a terpene.
Lab Effects - Undisclosed ingredients, mystery cuts - They sell a "flavorless terpene" called "The Cut", but all terps have flavor. Usually when a manufacturer sells a flavorless terpene, it is vitamin e or its precursor phytol. But whatever it is, there's no way to know since they don't list ingredients.
Kind Terpenes - Undisclosed ingredients, mystery cuts - The list no ingredients anywhere, and they sell a "flavorless" liquidizer, which is often code for "vitamin " or "phytol".
The Flavored Herb aka The Perfumers Apprentice - Undisclosed ingredients, mystery cuts - This is a supplier of many of the smaller terp companies listed above. They sold vitamin e as their "Apprentice Dilutant". Now they sell phytol under the same name.
TerpenesCali - aka institute liberal. A small shop selling essential oil blends as terps. No testing, no ingredients.
TerpsUSA - seller of mystery liquidizers and thickeners. No ingredients or MSDS, only a promise that every product is pure terps - same as every sketchy vitamin e cut seller.
Liquid Nugz - seller of mystery liquidizers and thickeners. No ingredients or MSDS, only a promise that every product is pure terps - same as every sketchy vitamin e cut seller.
My Terpenes - seller of mystery liquidizers and thickeners. No ingredients or MSDS, only a promise that every product is pure terps - same as every sketchy vitamin e cut seller.
Peak Supply Co - Sells the dangerous cut "Viscosity", which used to be vitamin e but is now phytol (just as bad). Lies and pretends its "pure terps".
We got reports!
user reports:
3: This is misinformation
1: It's targeted harassment at me
This is factually correct, and no, a factual recounting of your misdeeds is not targeted harassment. Not like when 3chi, for example, threatens and attempts to DOX anyone who says anything they don't like. Such as when when they demanded that I endorse them with the threat of non-stop trolling until I do.
Fuck you :)
submitted by DisturbedSporocystia to cleancarts [link] [comments]

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