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The Etymology of Tweak-Speak: so your brain can learn something new

Do you ever hear a word and wonder where it came from, and why we use it? That's etymology, my dude.

Wtf is etymology?

Good question. Basically, etymology is the science of investigating how words came to be and how words have developed over time. Rachel Barney has a pretty spicy explanation in the Oxford Studies of Ancient Philosophy:

As practiced by Socrates in the Cratylus, etymology involves a claim about the underlying semantic content of the name, what it really means or indicates. This content is taken to have been put there by the ancient name-givers: giving an etymology is thus a matter of unwrapping or decoding a name to find the message the name-givers have placed inside.

What the hell does this have to do with drugs?

Kind of nothing, kind of everything. These days, there's a lot of debate over the words we use. For instance,

No matter your stance on any given topic, we can all at least somewhat agree that words have weight and significance. Dan Jurafsky, a Humanities professor from Stanford, explains it like this:

Understanding why and how languages differ tells about the range of what is human, discovering what’s universal about languages can help us understand the core of our humanity.

All of this made me wonder about drugs and the people who use them. Drug users have unique slang, syntax, and structure that develops independently of the traditional language. Not only that, but drug users deal with incredible amounts of stigma from the community; stigma which begets even more convoluted terms to describe and label users and their habits. If language can have such a powerful effect on our attitudes, beliefs, mental processes, values, and feelings, I figured it would be worth it to look into a few of the terms we typically pepper into our speech. Maybe understanding the words themselves will help us better understand the community and its relationship to the rest of the world. So...yeah. Check out the history of some American drug slang, if you wish.

The Etymologies of Tweak-Speak:

We'll dive right in with one of the most confusing words on the list. We know that junkie and junkhead both appeared as a way to describe drug users around 1910-1920. The root of the word is junk, and that's where we get stuck. No one seems to know where exactly junk came from, since it's been popping up randomly for the past 800 years or so, with centuries of lost record in between.
The Javanese are an ethnic group native to Java island and the surrounding area, in what is modern-day Indonesia. From as early as 1200 AD, the Javanese were experts at building boats, which they called djons. At this time, seafaring trade was expanding across the world, and China wanted a slice of the action. The only problem was that they really didn't know how to make boats sturdy enough to go all the way to the Indo-European regions where most of the trade was happening. So they copied the djons, which became junks.
Fast forward to the mid-14th century, and the junk ships were a huge part of international trade. The Portugese were so impressed with the junk ships, they created the word junco to describe them. From there, it became a maritime word that sailors used. This is the first time we see junk in English - which meant "old cable/rope used for caulking ships".
Basically, if your boat got a hole in the side, you could use some old rope (junk) to patch the hole. The English use may have been influenced by Old French as well, where junc was a type of native reed (the reeds were fiberous enough to possibly be made into ropes and other things). In sailor terms, junk was used to describe a lot. Salt junk became a popular term for the meat that sailors ate while away at sea. The preserved meat they ate was like beef jerky, and salt junk described how tough it was, just like the junk ropes they used to repair their ships. It's the first time we see junk used in a negative way. The sailors would rather eat a sirloin steak, of course, but if they were at sea they were stuck eating the salt junk.
By the early-1800's, the American settlers were using junk not just to describe old rope, but anything that was old/needed to be thrown out. In a journal entry, one man describes "junking" lumber, stripping it down for firewood and getting rid of the excess.
Fast forward to the Prohibition Era. American gangsters had enormous power in the smuggling/trafficking of drugs and alcohol since people couldn't purchase them legally. It's unclear exactly how junk came to describe opiates, but the term was popularized with morphine and heroin users.
From there, junkie emerged shortly after. There's a theory that junkie is because addicts were stealing scrap metal (junk) to fund their habit, but there isn't a lot of evidence this was the case. In fact, we had a lot less scrap metal in the Prohibition Era than we do today, since it was reused in future building projects. The stereotype of drug addicts selling copper wire or other scrap materials probably came about later.
It's also interesting to note that the "-ie" ending in junkie is what we call a "diminutive possessive". Big words, but it basically means if you have an object, adding -ie or -y is a Dutch ending that describes the person who has a relationship to/owns the object. It's used it to show affection, like a familial relationship. For instance, a babe became a baby, a pup became a puppy, and a mama became a mommy.
So while junkhead or junker meant someone who literally "used junk", the word we use (junkie) seems to indicate someone who literally "loves junk". I love junk, how about you guys?
It's also important to understand that junk really means something different from trash. For instance, we have junk sales (or "rummage sales") in the United States, but we don't have trash sales. Trash and garbage are words used to describe things that are rotten, expired, absolutely no good anymore. Junk, on the other hand, is something that is just in disuse, but the idea is that it can be repurposed and reused again. So maybe junkies aren't trash after all, but people who can be repurposed into something even better someday. Just a thought.

Addiction in terms of drug use came about in the early 1900's. Again, it was first used in the context of morphine. Not long after, an addict came to mean someone who was addicted to a certain drug or behavior. The word itself is very old and has an extremely confusing history. Richard J Rosenthal investigated the whole thing to an amazing extent in his piece for the Journal of Addiction Research & Theory in 2018. He's way headier than I am, so I'll just let him tell you about it.

Addictio, the abstract noun derived from the verb, was the technical Latin term for the judicial act by which a debtor was made the slave of his creditor.
The sentence was pronounced, or spoken, by the judge, or praetor, according to the ancient law of the Twelve Tables. Where exactly did this leave the addictus, which in the passive form referred to the hapless individual who was physically handed over to his creditor by the praetor’s authority and physically led off in chains, to be held for sixty days or until the debt was paid? Failure to pay the debt after the lapse of the statutory sixty days rendered the debtor his creditor’s permanent property. He could then, at the creditor’s discretion, be kept, killed or sold as a common slave.
For the Romans, enslavement became increasingly associated with the passive forms of addicere, which of necessity would take on a very different connotation from the active form. To understand this, one must appreciate the distinction Romans made between active and passive forms of the verb, and in fact between active and passive in all forms of behavior. To be the recipient, to be acted upon, was to be less than. A passive human subject was a defeated individual, the object of someone else’s power. Being sentenced to be another person’s slave would be particularly humiliating. It would mean not only the loss of one’s citizenship but of one’s personhood.
The theme continued to be developed well into the imperial period. The most striking aspect of the use of addicere in each of these instances is the idea of bondage or enslavement. However, the object of that enslavement had evolved over the course of six centuries. What started as literal, the fate of the debt bondsman (addictus) under the ancient Law of the Twelve Tables, became metaphorical. One could become enslaved by vice (e.g., gambling, drinking, gluttony). A behavior like gambling, which previously might have led to one’s being sentenced into slavery, now was the enslavement.
The English verb ‘addict’ found particular resonance among the early church reformers. It’s earliest known appearance in English was in a tract by the Protestant reformer John Frith. It involves the act of choosing between two or more things. He apparently understood it as ‘preference’ or ‘choice,’ meaning (in a Christian context) the individual’s preference for a particular doctrine or interpretation of the Bible. [The Church] emphasized the dangers associated with a mistaken choice (Catholicism, the Pope, icons and idols). Most prominent was the danger of grievously offending God or of being led down the wrong path away from God. The Reformers extended their concerns to the physical realm, where one could be addicted to physical pleasures like gluttony and drunkenness.
Such ‘choices’ need not be actively chosen, however. The most influential of the Protestant Reformers next to Luther, John Calvin, [believed] man was so corrupted and enslaved by sin that he was incapable of choosing correctly. It was only through God’s grace that one was turned away from depravity and bad choices. An accomplished Latinist and writing in Latin, Calvin drew upon the legal, rather than the augural, usage of the Latin verb addicere to indicate that it is something done to or for one; it is not voluntary or within one’s control. This would be in line with the early legal meaning of addictio in Latin, where one did not act freely but was acted upon by the law [and] made the slave of one’s creditor.
[Writers from the 16th century on] were using medical metaphors to convey the seriousness of the problem, and we can't help noting that the language of disease was used both for the individual and for society. Furthermore, it was not addiction itself that was the disease, it was drunkenness or gambling, and when they referred to addiction, it was to convey ‘attachment’ or ‘preference.’
When the word addiction was deliberately omitted from four consecutive editions of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder, it was because it was considered pejorative, stigmatizing, and too difficult to define. There were simply ‘too many meanings’ the term lacked any ‘universally agreed upon definition’: the result of using it was ‘conceptual chaos’.
Inclusion in DSM-5 represents behavioral addiction’s first official recognition as a diagnostic entity. It is therefore especially notable that, in addition to the lack of a definition, there are neither criteria nor guidelines for the assessment of potential disorders. For sure.
Can we all just take a minute to remember that this song existed though? God, 2008 was a simpler time. (If you wanna get hit over the head with a brick from the past, I encourage you to listen to Paralyzer or Disturbia again, just sayin)
Then we end the root with -er, which is for "connected with, pertaining to; the man engaged in". That comes from the old Latin -arius and -arium, which is the same reason an aria is an opera solo. So I mean, referring to tweakers in general as tweakarium and a tweaker as a tweakarius is valid (probably not, but it sounds cool).

We can trace tweak through history fairly well. It starts with the Proto-Indo-European word \dwoh,* meaning "two".
[Side note: We currently can't trace words farther back than Proto-Indo-European (PIE) or any "Proto" language. There's no written record of PIE, and we really can't prove it was a language at all. Linguists compare words from newer languages that are alike in sound and meaning, and from there, group them into the "families" of Proto languages. PIE may have originated as early as 3300 BCE, which is old as shit (like before people were using wheels and domesticating horses). PIE is the most influential Proto language and has been studied the most, since English, Portugese, Russian, Italian, Punjabi, Urdu, Bengali, German, Spanish, Dutch, Danish, and many others have all originated from PIE]
From there, \dwoh* was found in Old Armenian with կից, meaning "a cross-road" and in Old English as tweo, meaning "two".
Both of these words created the Old English tweag later on, meaning "trouble, doubt, distress". It makes sense when you consider how someone at a "cross-roads" is faced with a tough decision, because they could go in one of two directions. In Old English, tweo became tweonleoht, which is where we get "twilight" from. It literally means "two-light", as in the part of the day when it's night and day at the same time.
Tweag became twikken, which has multiple meanings: trouble/doubt, plucking/pulling something, and twitch. All of these definitions are loosely connected to tweag with the idea that there is some type of problem (distress) that needs to be fixed. If you had a thorn in your foot, you might be distressed and pluck/pull it out. If you had an illness or were fearful (distress), you might twitch, and so on.
This was the definition until the 1980's, when tweak came to mean "a fine adjustment". For example, resetting a spring inside a clock would be a "tweak", but completely renovating your house would not, since it's a big project/adjustment. From there, we got tweaker, which is an interesting phrase because it only applies to methamphetamine (and rarely other stimulants), instead of all drugs. This meaning traces itself back to twitch, and a tweaker is someone who is constantly twitching/super high/sporadic and uncoordinated because of using meth. Nervousness/paranoia are also described with this definition.
The -er root, again, gives the word a literal meaning of "someone who twitches".
Personally, I like the "minor adjustments" definition. Like, "Nah bro I'm not tweaking, just making minor adjustments to my neurochemicals, thank you".

At least where I live, crank is quickly becoming an outdated/obsolete term. I don't know of anyone personally who refers to meth as crank - my guess is that in the next couple of decades it will fall out of use in this context unless a particular area or community hangs onto it. That being said, it has been widely used as a way to describe meth for 50 years, and it started in an interesting way.
In the Proto-Germanic language, \krank* was "to bend or curl up". This is also the origin of cringe, experiencing something so uncomfortable that you physically curl away. \krank* became crincan, "to bend or yield". This turned into cranc, which was used in Old-Middle Engilsh as crincan "to weave", crencestre "a spinster (woman who weaves)", and crankstaef, "a weaver's instrument (a loom)".
In the 16th century, the definition was generalized and used in other things, always meaning "to twist or bend" in some way. In the 1590's, we see records of crank meaning "the twists and turns of speech" (imagine how the stereotypical politician never gives a straight answer, "talking around" the question to avoid saying something that might sound bad). In 1848, crank was used to describe "an unreasonable act" (something that would be done by a person with twisted judgement. Even today, if we see a person behaving in a particularly cruel or cold manner, we might say that they have a "twisted mind").
By 1834, crank had become a tool. This hearkens back to the days of weaving, since a crankstaef was a piece of the loom that helped the wheel spin. By 1908, the rate of automobile manufacture was increasing. Building cars required the use of a crank, and it was around this time that crank also described the action of "turning a crank". In this way, it's quite possible to crank a crank, but you can also crank a dial, crank a lever, etc.
It's a little unclear how crank came to be used as a word for meth, but the most probable theory comes from the Hell's Angels and similar motorcycle gangs that have been active in the U.S since the 1940's. In the 1970's, the U.S outlawed methamphetamine due to the increase of people abusing the drugs. It was around this time that the motorcycle gangs controlled a majority of production and distribution, usually to rural areas. Bikers used their bikes, of course, to transport and distribute the drug, sometimes concealing it in the crankshafts of their motorcycles. The theory is that this method of crankshaft transport lent meth the street name crank.
The only thing I question is how much meth you could realistically fit in the crankshaft of a motorcycle. If you've ever seen the crankshaft of a bike, they're really not that big. Plus, they get pretty hot, which would be a little problematic. That being said, motorcycle gangs were known for customizing and adding to their bikes for a variety of different reasons. They were usually expert mechanics who could customize their bikes to be faster, more durable, and go longer distances. So I suppose there's a hundred ways, in theory, that you could increase the available space in your crankshaft and keep it from getting too hot.

Gacked is one of those expressions that has varied use depending on the community. When I lived on the West Coast, gacked was used quite often, then I moved to the Midwest and hardly encountered the phrase at all. Just my experience, not sure if it holds any water.
Anyways, gacked is a product of geeked, "to be filled with excitement or enthusiasm". You can be geeked over a new video game or makeup palette. Geeked for Christmas, geeked for the weekend, geeked to get your dick sucked. Whatever.
We usually use geek to describe someone who's very enthusiastic about a particular subject. While being a nerd requires extensive knowledge on a subject, being a geek requires only enthusiasm. We find geck in Scandinavian and Germanic languages in the 15th century. Geck was "to croak, cackle, or mock". By the early 16th century, geck was used to describe a person, "a fool or simpleton".
Fast-forward to the 1940's, when traveling circuses and freak shows were a big deal. The freak show performers came to be known as geeks - the public saw them as eccentric simpletons, entertaining but not smart enough to cope for themselves or be considered legitimate members of society.

In the 1980's, college kids began to use geek to describe their fellow classmates who were socially inept and obsessed with the computers and technology that were rapidly developing. By the 90's, we could say that someone was geeking out or geeked out if they were ignoring opportunities to socialize/have sex/etc. in favor of obsessing over tech gadgets.This explains how geeked became connected with stimulants. When you're geeked, you might show signs of social ineptness, like talking way too much, not being able to hold a normal conversation, displaying odd and erratic behaviors, or expressing ideas that seem strange and inexplicable.
I think the connection to hyper-focusing is interesting as well. In the 80's, a geek was obsessed with computers to the point where they took notice of nothing else (other people/other responsibilities /other hobbies etc.) Stim users, of course, can show this same intense and unwavering obsession, which may have strengthen the linguistic connection between geeks and meth users.
Gacked may have been a natural evolution to distinguish "meth geeked" from "geeked about other stuff", but some people believe gacked evolved from geeked because of the way you can throw up/get nauseous if you overdose on stimulants. If you were insanely high, you might vomit (or gack), and would be gacked as a result.

-- K imma end it there for right now because I'm tired of looking at this etymology dictionary. You learned something today, bitch! Yayyyy. Proud of u. Go forth with your new and probably-useless knowledge, tweakarius.
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  114. Language Development From Theory to Practice, 3rd Edition: Khara L. Pence Turnbull & Laura M. Justice
  115. Law and Social Justice in Higher Education, 1st Edition: Crystal Renée Chambers
  116. Legal Aspects of Managing Technology, 5th Edition: Lee B. Burgunder
  117. Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, Single Volume, 11th Edition: Mariann M. Harding & Jeffrey Kwong & Dottie Roberts & Debra Hagler & Courtney Reinisch
  118. Healthcare Finance: An Introduction to Accounting and Financial Management, 4th Edition: Louis C. Gapenski
  119. M: Finance, 4th Edition: Marcia Cornett & Troy Adair & John Nofsinger
  120. Making Sense Of Mass Education, 3rd Edition: Gordon Tait
  121. Management and Business Research, 6th Edition: Mark Easterby-Smith & Richard Thorpe & Paul R Jackson & Lena J. Jaspersen
  122. Marine Biology: Function, Biodiversity, Ecology, 5th Edition: Jeffrey Levinton
  123. Marketing Strategy, Text and Cases, 6th Edition: O. C. Ferrell & Michael Hartline
  124. Mastering Ubuntu Server: Master the art of deploying, configuring, managing, and troubleshooting Ubuntu Server 18.04, 2nd Edition: Jay LaCroix
  125. Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, 5th Edition: Michael F. Ashby
  126. McGraw-Hill Education SAT Subject Test Literature, 4th Edition: Stephanie Muntone
  127. McGraw-Hill Education SAT Subject Test Math Level 2, 5th Edition: John Diehl
  128. McGraw-Hill Education SAT Subject Test U.S. History, 5th Edition: Daniel Farabaugh & Stephanie Muntone & T.R. Tet
  129. Media Law: A Practical Guide (Peter Lang Media and Communication), Revised Edition: Ashley Messenger
  130. Millionaire Teacher: The Nine Rules of Wealth You Should Have Learned in School, 1st Edition: Andrew Hallam
  131. Medical-Surgical Nursing: Clinical Reasoning in Patient Care, 7th Edition: Gerene Bauldoff & Karen Burke & Paula Gubrud & Margaret Carno
  132. Mineral Beneficiation, 1st Edition: D.V. Subba Rao
  133. Modeling Monetary Economies, 4th Edition: Bruce Champ
  134. MKTG4, 4th Edition: Charles W. Lamb & Joseph F. Hair & Carl McDaniel
  135. Modern Blood Banking & Transfusion Practices, 7th Edition: Denise M Harmening
  136. Motivation: Theory, Research, and Application, 6th Edition: Herbert L. Petri & John M. Govern
  137. Mountains Without Handrails: Reflections on the National Parks: Joseph L. Sax
  138. Networks, 2nd Edition: Mark Newman
  139. New Perspectives on HTML 5 and CSS: Comprehensive, 8th Edition: Patrick M. Carey
  140. New Perspectives On The Internet: Comprehensive, 10th Edition: Jessica Evans & Ralph Hooper
  141. Occupied America: A History of Chicanos, 8th Edition: Rodolfo F. Acuna
  142. Operations Management in the Supply Chain, 7th Edition: Roger Schroeder & M. Johnny Rungtusanatham
  143. Nutrition For Healthy Living, 5th Edition: Wendy Schiff
  144. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide: Primary Care, 6th Edition: JoAnne Silbert-Flagg & Elizabeth D. Sloand
  145. Performance Management: Changing Behavior that Drives Organizational Effectiveness, 5th Edition: Aubrey C. Daniels & Jon S. Bailey
  146. Philosophy: A Historical Survey with Essential Readings, 9th Edition: Samuel Enoch Stumpf & James Fieser
  147. Physical Activity & Health, 5th Edition: Jerome E. Kotecki
  148. Physician Practice Management: Essential Operational and Financial Knowledge, 2nd Edition: Lawrence F. Wolper
  149. Physiology of Elasmobranch Fishes: Structure and Interaction with Environment (ISSN Book 34) 1st Edition: Robert E. Shadwick & Anthony Peter Farrell & Colin J. Brauner
  150. POLICE, 2nd Edition: John S. Dempsey & Linda S. Forst
  151. Police Community Relations and the Administration of Justice, 9th Edition: Ronald D. Hunter & Thomas D Barker & Melchor C. de Guzman
  152. Practice Makes Perfect Biology Review and Workbook, 2nd Edition: Nichole Vivion
  153. Prealgebra: An Applied Approach, 6th Edition: Richard N. Aufmann & Joanne Lockwood
  154. Precalculus, 1st Edition: Julie Miller
  155. Precalculus: Mathematics for Calculus, 5th Edition: James Stewart & Lothar Redlin & Saleem Watson
  156. Principles of Radiographic Imaging: An Art and A Science, 6th Edition: Richard R. Carlton & Arlene M. Adler & Vesna Balac
  157. Psychology in Everyday Life, 5th Edition: David G. Myers & C. Nathan DeWall
  158. Psychology, 2nd Canadian Edition: Saundra K. Ciccarelli & J. Noland White & V. Heather Fritzley & Tom Harrigan
  159. Quantitative Methods for Second Language Research: A Problem-Solving Approach, 1st Edition: Carsten Roever & Aek Phakiti
  160. Quantity Surveyor's Pocket Book, 3rd Edition: Duncan Cartlidge
  161. Reading Statistics and Research, 6th Edition: Schuyler W. Huck
  162. Research Methods, 9th Edition: Theresa L. White & Donald H. McBurney
  163. Research Methods in Sports Coaching, 1st Edition: Lee Nelson
  164. SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2, 10th Edition: Kaplan Test Prep
  165. Second Language Writing, 2nd Edition: Ken Hyland
  166. Sensation and Perception, 2nd Edition: Bennett L. Schwartz & John H. Krantz
  167. Separation Process Principles with Applications using Process Simulators, 3rd Edition: J. D. Seader & Ernest J. Henley & D. Keith Roper
  168. Social Network Analysis: Methods and Examples, 1st Edition: Song Yang & Franziska B Keller & Lu Zheng
  169. Social Theory Re-Wired: New Connections to Classical and Contemporary Perspectives, 2nd Edition: Wesley Longhofer & Daniel Winchester
  170. Social Welfare Policy and Advocacy: Advancing Social Justice Through Eight Policy Sectors, 2nd Edition: Bruce S. Jansson
  171. Mastering Kali Linux for Advanced Penetration Testing: Secure your network with Kali Linux 2019.1 - the ultimate white hat hackers' toolkit, 3rd Edition: Vijay Kumar Velu & Robert Beggs
  172. Pharmaceutical Calculations, 1st Edition: Payal Agarwal
  173. Sourcebook on Violence Against Women, 3rd Edition: Claire M. Renzetti
  174. Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences: A Brief Course, 6th Edition: Arthur Aron & Elliot J. Coups & Elaine N. Aron
  175. Strategic Brand Management: Global Edition, 4th Edition: Kevin Keller
  176. Strategic Management: Theory & Cases: An Integrated Approach, 13th Edition: Charles W. L. Hill & Melissa A. Schilling & Gareth R. Jones
  177. Strategic Project Management Made Simple: Practical Tools for Leaders and Teams, 1st Edition: Terry Schmidt
  178. Strategies & Tactics for the MBE (Bar Review), 7th Edition: Steven Emanuel
  179. Succession Planning Basics (Training Basics), 2nd Edition: Christee Gabour Atwood
  180. Teaching and Researching Writing (Applied Linguistics in Action), 3rd Edition: Ken Hyland
  181. The American Political System, 3rd Edition, 2018 Election Update Edition: Ken Kollman
  182. The American Presidency: Origins and Development, 1776–2018, 8th Edition: Sidney M. Milkis & Michael Nelson
  183. The Atlas of Water: Mapping the World's Most Critical Resource, 3rd Edition: Maggie Black
  184. The Basic Principles of Effective Consulting, 2nd Edition: Linda K. Stroh
  185. The Blair Reader: Exploring Issues and Ideas, MLA Update, 9th Edition: Laurie G. Kirszner & Stephen R. Mandell
  186. The Book on Estimating Rehab Costs, 2nd Edition: J Scott
  187. The Chile Reader: History, Culture, Politics: Elizabeth Quay Hutchison & Thomas Miller Klubock & Nara B. Milanich & Peter Winn
  188. The Coaching Manager: Developing Top Talent in Business, 3rd Edition: James M. Hunt & Joseph R. Weintraub
  189. The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature: Reading, Thinking, and Writing, 12th Edition: Michael Meyer & D. Quentin Miller
  190. Clinical Guide to Musculoskeletal Palpation: A Clinical Guide, 1st Edition: Michael Masaracchio & Chana Frommer
  191. Essentials of Environmental Health (Essential Public Health), 3rd Edition: Robert H. Friis
  192. The Elements of Investing: Easy Lessons for Every Investor: Burton G. Malkiel & Charles D. Ellis
  193. The Essential World History, Volume I: To 1800, 9th Edition: William J. Duiker & Jackson J. Spielvogel
  194. Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture, 4th Edition: Linda Null & Julia Lobur
  195. The Esthetician's Guide to Outstanding Esthetics: Proven Techniques From Today's Industry Icons: Beth Kenerson & Ali Shambayati & Becky Keuhn
  196. The Ethical Executive: Becoming Aware of the Root Causes of Unethical Behavior: 45 Psychological Traps that Every One of Us Falls Prey To, 1st Edition: Robert Hoyk & Paul Hersey
  197. The European Reformations, 2nd Edition: Carter Lindberg
  198. The Labor Relations Process, 11th Edition: William H. Holley & William H. Ross & Roger S. Wolters
  199. The Official SAT Study Guide, 2018 Edition (Official Study Guide for the New Sat) Study Guide Edition: The College Board
  200. The PowerScore LSAT Logical Reasoning Bible, 2020 edition: David M. Killoran
  201. The Skilled Helper: A Problem-Management and Opportunity-Development Approach to Helping, 11th Edition: Gerard Egan & Robert J. Reese
  202. The State of Texas: Government, Politics, and Policy, 4th Edition: Sherri Mora
  203. The Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations, 8th Edition: Peter M. Ginter & W. Jack Duncan & Linda E. Swayne
  204. The Sundance Writer: A Rhetoric, Reader, Research Guide, and Handbook, 5th Edition: Mark Connelly
  205. Transforming Learning with New Technologies, 3rd Edition: Robert W. Maloy & Ruth-Ellen A. Verock & Sharon A. Edwards & Beverly P. Woolf
  206. Trauma Nursing: From Resuscitation Through Rehabilitation, 5th Edition: Karen A. McQuillan & Mary Beth Makic
  207. Trigonometry, 5th Edition: Mark Dugopolski
  208. Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior, 6th Edition: Jennifer M. George & Gareth R. Jones
  209. Understanding Motivation and Emotion, 6th Edition: Johnmarshall Reeve
  210. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 5th Edition: Warren McCabe & Julian Smith & Peter Harriott
  211. Women and Sport: Continuing a Journey of Liberation and Celebration, 1st Edition: Ellen J. Staurowsky & Ellen J Staurowsky
  212. Workbook for Radiologic Science for Technologists: Physics, Biology, and Protection, 11th Edition: Stewart C. Bushong
  213. World Regional Geography: A Development Approach, 11th Edition: Douglas L. Johnson & Viola Haarmann & Merrill L. Johnson
  214. Worlds Together, Worlds Apart, Volume 1, 5th Edition: Robert Tignor & Jeremy Adelman & Peter Brown & Benjamin Elman
  215. Writing About Movies, 5th Edition: Karen Gocsik & Dave Monahan
  216. Your Statistical Consultant: Answers to Your Data Analysis Questions, 2nd Edition: Newton Rae R. & Kjell Erik Rudestam
  217. Youth, Crime, and Justice: Learning through Cases: Erika Gebo & Carolyn Boyes-Watson
  218. Understanding Operating Systems, 7th Edition: Ann McHoes & Ida M. Flynn
  219. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, 14th Edition: Bertram Katzung
  220. Ethics for the Information Age, 8th Edition: Michael J. Quinn
  221. Family Life Education: Working with Families across the Lifespan, 3rd Edition: Carol A. Darling & Dawn Cassidy & Lane Powell
  222. International Financial Reporting: A Practical Guide, 6th Edition: Alan Melville
  223. Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, 9th Edition: Kang-tsung Chang
  224. Mastering Kali Linux for Advanced Penetration Testing, 3rd Edition: Robert W. Beggs
  225. Mosby's Canadian Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests, 2nd Edition: Sandra A. Pike-MacDonald & Kathleen Deska Pagana & Timothy J. Pagana
  226. Mosby's 2019 Nursing Drug Reference, 32nd Edition: Linda Skidmore-Roth
  227. Movie History: A Survey, 2nd Edition: Douglas Gomery & Clara Pafort-Overduin
  228. Neuroscience: Fundamentals for Rehabilitation, 5th Edition: Laurie Lundy-Ekman
  229. Observing and Recording the Behavior of Young Children, 6th Edition: Dorothy H. Cohen & Virginia Stern & Nancy Balaban & Nancy Gropper
  230. Pediatric Physical Examination & Health Assessment, 1st Edition: Susan S. Sawyer
  231. The New Meaning of Educational Change, 4th Edition: Michael Fullan
  232. Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 5th Edition: William Navidi
  233. South-Western Federal Taxation 2020: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts, 43rd Edition: William A. Raabe & James C. Young & William H. Hoffman & Annette Nellen & David M. Maloney
  234. Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design, 11th Edition: Richard Budynas & Keith Nisbett
  235. Principles of Corporate Finance, 10th Edition: Richard A. Brealey & Stewart C. Myers & Franklin Allen
  236. Sport Mechanics for Coaches, 3rd Edition: Brendan Burkett
  237. An R Companion to Political Analysis, 2nd Edition: Philip H. Pollock III & Barry C. Edwards
  238. Concepts and Cases in Nursing Ethics, 3rd Edition: Michael Yeo & Anne Moorhouse & Pamela Kahn & Patricia Rodney
  239. Reference and Information Services : An Introduction, 4th Edition: Kay Ann Cassell & Uma Hiremath
  240. Qualitative Diagnosis of Human Movement: Improving Performance in Sport and Exercise, 3rd Edition: Duane V. Knudson
  241. Public Management: Thinking and Acting in Three Dimensions, 2nd Edition: Carolyn J. Hill & Laurence E. Lynn
  242. Moral Courage in Organizations: Doing the Right Thing at Work, 1st Edition: Debra R. Comer & Gina Vega
  243. Psychotherapy for the Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurse, 2nd Edition: Kathleen Wheeler
  244. Psychology of Sport Injury, 1st Edition: Britton W. Brewer & Charles J. Redmond
  245. Practicing Harm Reduction Psychotherapy: An Alternative Approach to Addictions, 2nd Edition: Patt Denning & Jeannie Little
  246. Elements of Physical Chemistry, 7th Edition: Peter Atkins & Julio de Paula
  247. Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Other Writings, 2nd Edition: Philip A. Fisher & Kenneth L. Fisher
  248. Product Demos That Sell: How to Deliver Winning SaaS Demos, 1st Edition: Steli Efti
  249. Project Management for Engineering, Business and Technology, 5th Edition: John M. Nicholas & Herman Steyn
  250. Philosophy: The Power Of Ideas, 10th Edition: Brooke Noel Moore & Kenneth Bruder
  251. Re-imagining Policing in Canada (Heritage), 1st Edition: Dennis Cooley
  252. Financial Management: Theory & Practice, 16th Edition: Eugene F. Brigham & Michael C. Ehrhardt
  253. Blue Ocean Shift: Beyond Competing: Proven Steps to Inspire Confidence and Seize New Growth: W. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne
  254. Introductory Biological Statistics, 4th Edition: John E. Havel & Raymond E. Hampton & Scott J. Meiners
  255. Creating Meaning Through Literature and the Arts: Arts Integration for Classroom Teachers, 5th Edition: Claudia E. Cornett
  256. Mathematics for Elementary Teachers with Activities, 5th Edition: Sybilla Beckmann
  257. Wiley Pathways Personal Finance: Managing Your Money and Building Wealth, 1st Edition: Vickie L. Bajtelsmit & Linda G. Rastelli
  258. Health Care Information Systems: A Practical Approach for Health Care Management, 4th Edition: Karen A. Wager & Frances W. Lee & John P. Glaser
  259. Treating Complex Trauma in Children and Their Families: An Integrative Approach, 1st Edition: Cheryl B. Lanktree & John N. Briere
  260. Profit Without Honor: White Collar Crime and the Looting of America, 7th Edition: Stephen Rosoff & Henry Pontell & Robert Tillman
  261. Uncertainty Management for Robust Industrial Design in Aeronautics, 1st Edition: Charles Hirsch & Dirk Wunsch & Jacek Szumbarski
  262. Statistics: Informed Decisions Using Data, 5th Edition: Michael Sullivan III
  263. Exploring Research, 8th Edition: Neil J. Salkind
  264. Profit Without Honor: White Collar Crime and the Looting of America, 6th Edition: Stephen M. Rosoff & Henry N. Pontell & Robert Tillman
  265. Principles of Economics 2e, 1st Edition: Timothy Taylor & Steven A. Greenlaw & David Shapiro
  266. Biological Anthropology of the Human Skeleton, 3rd Edition: M. Anne Katzenberg & Anne L. Grauer
  267. AutoCAD 2018 3D Drawing & Modeling - Mixed Units: Autodesk Authorized Publisher, 1st Edition: Ascent - Center for Technical Knowledge
  268. The West in the World, 5th Edition: Dennis Sherman & Joyce Salisbury
  269. Hospice and Palliative Care for Companion Animals: Principles and Practice, 1st Edition: Amir Shanan & Tamara Shearer & Jessica Pierce
  270. Fluid Mechanics of Planets and Stars, 1st Edition: Michael Le Bars & Daniel Lecoanet
  271. Fundamentals of Financial Accounting, 5th Edition: Fred Phillips & Robert Libby & Patricia Libby
  272. World Politics: Trend and Transformation, 2016 - 2017, 16th Edition: Shannon L. Blanton & Charles W. Kegley
  273. Health Promotion in Multicultural Populations: A Handbook for Practitioners and Students, 3rd Edition: Robert M. Huff & Michael V. Kline & Darleen V. Peterson
  274. Wiley Series 57 Securities Licensing Exam Review 2019 + Test Bank: The Securities Trader Examination, 1st Edition: Wiley
  275. Managerial Economics and Business Strategy, 8th edition: Michael Baye & Jeff Prince
  276. A Handbook to the Reception of Ovid, 1st Edition: John F. Miller & Carole E. Newlands
  277. Life-Span Development, 17th Edition: John Santrock
  278. Transport Processes at Fluidic Interfaces, 1st Edition: Dieter Bothe & Arnold Reusken
  279. Modern Advanced Accounting in Canada, 8th Edition: Murray Hilton & Darrell Herauf
  280. Essentials of Physical Anthropology, 3rd Edition: Clark Spencer Larsen
  281. Health Psychology: An Introduction to Behavior and Health, 9th Edition: Linda Brannon & Jess Feist & John A. Updegraff
  282. Empowerment Series: Human Behavior in the Social Environment: A Multidimensional Perspective, 6th Edition: Jose B. Ashford & Craig Winston LeCroy & Lela Rankin Williams
  283. Advanced Techniques and Technology of Computer-Aided Feedback Control, 1st Edition: Jean Mbihi
  284. Phase Transformations (Chemical Engineering: Chemical Thermodynamics), 1st Edition: Michel Soustelle
  285. Thermodynamics, 1st Edition: Jean-Paul Duroudier
  286. Design of Prestressed Concrete to Eurocode 2, 2nd Edition: Raymond Ian Gilbert & Neil Colin Mickleborough & Gianluca Ranzi
  287. Prestressed Concrete Designer's Handbook, 3rd Edition: P.W. Abeles & B K Bardhan-Roy
  288. Prestressed Concrete Design to Eurocodes, 1st Edition: Prab Bhatt
  289. Social-Emotional Prevention Programs for Preschool Children's Behavior Problems: A Multi-level Efficacy Assessment of Classroom, Risk Group, and Individual Level:de Catrinel Alice Ştefan
  290. Cultural Anthropology, 9th Edition: Raymond R Scupin
  291. Theories of Personality, 9th Edition: Jess Feist & Gregory Feist & Tomi-Ann Roberts
  292. Molecular Biology, 2nd Edition: David P. Clark & Nanette J. Pazdernik
  293. Microeconomics, 11th Edition: David Colander
  294. MATLAB: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving, 5th Edition: Stormy Attaway
  295. Our Origins: Discovering Physical Anthropology, 4th Edition: Clark Spencer Larsen
  296. University Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 3rd Edition: Joel R. Hass & Maurice D. Weir & George B. Thomas
  297. Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, 6th Edition: Brian Hahn & Daniel Valentine
  298. Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, 7th Edition: Brian Hahn & Daniel Valentine
  299. The Meaning of Difference: American Constructions of Race, Sex and Gender, Social Class, Sexual Orientation, and Disability, 7th Edition: Karen Rosenblum
  300. Exploring Biological Anthropology: The Essentials, 4th Edition: Craig Stanford & John S. Allen & Susan C. Antón
  301. Essentials of Biological Anthropology, 4th Edition: Clark Spencer Larsen
  302. Practical Research: Planning and Design, 11th Global Edition: Paul D. Leedy & Jeanne Ellis Ormrod
  303. Mirror for Humanity: A Concise Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, 11th Edition: Conrad Kottak
  304. Cultural Intimacy (Routledge Classic Texts in Anthropology), 3rd Edition: Michael Herzfeld
  305. Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice, 4th Edition: Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk & Ellen Fineout-Overholt
  306. A Textbook of Community Nursing, 1st Edition: Sue Chilton & Karen Melling & Ann Clarridge & Heather Bain
  307. Chemical, Biochemical, and Engineering Thermodynamics, 5th Edition: Stanley I. Sandler
  308. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, 9th Edition: Michael J. Moran & Howard N. Shapiro & Daisie D. Boettner & Margaret B. Bailey
  309. Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, 8th Edition: J.M. Smith
  310. Feedback Control Theory for Dynamic Traffic Assignment, 2nd Edition: Pushkin Kachroo & Kaan M.A. Özbay
  311. Strategies for Teaching Students with Learning and Behavior Problems, 9th Edition: Sharon R. Vaughn & Candace S. Bos
  312. Race, Class, and Gender in the United States: An Integrated Study, 10th Edition: Paula S. Rothenberg
  313. Planar Multibody Dynamics: Formulation, Programming with MATLAB®, and Applications, 2nd Edition: Parviz E. Nikravesh
  314. Oxford American Handbook of Hospice and Palliative Medicine and Supportive Care, 2nd Edition: Sriram Yennurajalingam & Eduardo Bruera
  315. Network Modeling, Simulation and Analysis in MATLAB: Theory and Practices, 1st Edition: Dac-Nhuong Le & Abhishek Kumar Pandey & Sairam Tadepalli & Pramod Singh Rathore & Jyotir Moy Chatterjee
  316. Pediatric Primary Care: Practice Guidelines for Nurses, 4th Edition: Beth Richardson
  317. Positive Evolutionary Psychology: Darwin's Guide to Living a Richer Life: Glenn Geher & Nicole Wedberg
  318. Casarett & Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons, 9th Edition: Curtis D. Klaassen
  319. Sport and Exercise Psychology: A Canadian Perspective, 3rd Edition: Peter R. E. Crocker
  320. Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing, 8th Edition: Shelia Videbeck
  321. Accounting Principles, 13th Edition: Jerry J. Weygandt & Paul D. Kimmel & Donald E. Kieso
  322. Contemporary Nursing: Issues, Trends, & Management, 7th Edition: Barbara Cherry & Susan R. Jacob
  323. Applied Sport Psychology: Personal Growth to Peak Performance, 7th Edition: Jean Williams & Vikki Krane
  324. University Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 4th Edition: Joel Haas & Christopher Heil & Przemyslaw Bogacki & Maurice D. Weir & George B. Thomas
  325. Criminal Investigation, 11th Edition: Charles R. Swanson & Neil C. Chamelin & Leonard Territo & Robert W. Taylor
  326. Handbook of Embodied Cognition and Sport Psychology: Massimiliano L. Cappuccio & Richard S. W. Masters & David Papineau
  327. Sport and Exercise Psychology Research: From Theory to Practice, 1st Edition: Markus Raab & Paul Wylleman & Roland Seiler & Anne-Marie Elbe & Antonis Hatzigeorgiadis
  328. Jawetz Melnick & Adelbergs Medical Microbiology, 28th Edition: Stefan Riedel & Stephen A. Morse & Timothy A. Mietzner & Steve Miller
  329. CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Neurology, 3rd Edition: John Brust
  330. Katzung & Trevor's Pharmacology Examination and Board Review, 11th Edition: Anthony J. Trevor & Bertram G. Katzung & Marieke Knuidering-Hall
  331. Encyclopedia of Nursing Education, 1st Edition: Mary Jane Smith & Joyce J. Fitzpatrick & Roger D. Carpenter
  332. Essentials of Stem Cell Biology, 3rd Edition: Robert Lanza & Anthony Atala
  333. Advanced Practice in Endocrinology Nursing, 1st Edition: Sofia Llahana & Cecilia Follin & Christine Yedinak & Ashley Grossman
  334. Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual, 12th Edition: James G. Cappuccino & Chad T. Welsh
  335. Gastrointestinal Nursing: A Lifespan Approach, 1st Edition: Paul Ong & Rachel Skittrall
  336. Intimate Relationships in Cinema, Literature and Visual Culture, 1st Edition: Gilad Padva & Nurit Buchweitz
  337. Nursing Health Assessment: A Best Practice Approach, 2nd Edition: Sharon Jensen
  338. Chemistry, 5th Edition: Julia Burdge
  339. International Trauma Life Support for Emergency Care Providers, 8th Edition: ITLS
  340. Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, 9th Edition: Kang-tsung Chang
  341. Middle Range Theory for Nursing, 4th Edition: Mary Jane Smith & Patricia R. Liehr
  342. International Financial Reporting: A Practical Guide, 6th Edition: Alan Melville
  343. SCHWARTZ'S PRINCIPLES OF SURGERY 2-volume set, 11th edition: F. Charles Brunicardi & Dana K. Andersen & Timothy R. Billiar & David L. Dunn
  344. Customer Engagement Marketing, 1st Edition: Robert W. Palmatier & V. Kumar & Colleen M. Harmeling
  345. Foundations of Marketing, 8th Edition: William M. Pride & O. C. Ferrell
  346. Database System Concepts, 6th Edition: Abraham Silberschatz & Henry Korth & S. Sudarshan
  347. Operations Strategy, 5th Edition: Nigel Slack & Mike Lewis
  348. Fluid Mechanics, 8th Edition: Frank White
  349. The Principles of Learning and Behavior, 7th Edition: Michael P. Domjan
  350. Learning and Memory: From Brain to Behavior, 2nd Edition: Mark A. Gluck & Eduardo Mercado & Catherine E. Myers
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Mega eTextbooks release thread (part-26)! Find your textbooks here between $5-$25 :)

Please find the list below:
  1. Business Analysis and Valuation: Using Financial Statements, Text and Cases, 5th Edition: Krishna G. Palepu & Paul M. Healy
  2. 5 Steps to a 5: 500 AP Calculus AB/BC Questions to Know by Test Day, 3rd Edition: Anaxos
  3. Mechanics of Materials, 5th Edition, Solution Manual: Dean Updike
  4. Human Resource Management, 9th Edition: Raymond J. Stone
  5. A Brief Introduction to Criminal Law, 2nd Edition: Philip Carlan & Lisa S. Nored & Ragan A. Downey
  6. A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients, 7th Edition: Ruth Winter
  7. A Guide To Evidence-Based Group Work, 1st Edition: Mark J. Macgowan
  8. A Short Guide to Writing about Literature, 12th Edition: Sylvan Barnet & William E. Cain
  9. Accounting for Managers: Interpreting Accounting Information for Decision Making, 5th Edition: Paul M. Collier
  10. Accounting Information Systems, 2nd Edition: Vernon Richardson
  11. Adobe After Effects Classroom in a Book (2020 release), 1st Edition: Lisa Fridsma & Brie Gyncild
  12. Advertising and Promotion, 4th Edition: Chris Hackley & Rungpaka Amy Hackley
  13. American Government: Enduring Principles and Critical Choices, 4th Edition: Marc Landy
  14. American Government: Stories of a Nation: For the AP® Course, 1st Edition: Scott Abernathy & Karen Waples
  15. American Pageant, Volume 2, 16th Edition: David M. Kennedy & Lizabeth Cohen
  16. 21st Century Astronomy: Stars and Galaxies, 6th Edition: Laura Kay & Stacy Palen & George Blumenthal
  17. An Introduction to Franchising, 2012th Edition: Robert Webber
  18. Anatomy: An Essential Textbook, 2nd Edition: Anne M Gilroy
  19. Andreoli and Carpenter's Cecil Essentials of Medicine, 9th Edition: Ivor Benjamin & Robert C. Griggs & J. Gregory Fitz & Edward J Wing
  20. AP U.S. Government & Politics Prep Plus 2019-2020: Kaplan Test Prep
  21. Applied Social Psychology: A Global Perspective: V.K. Kool & Rita Agrawal
  22. Basic Business Statistics: Concepts and Applications, 13th Edition: Mark L. Berenson & David M. Levine & Kathryn A. Szabat
  23. Basic Chemical Thermodynamics, 6th Edition: E Brian Smith
  24. Basic Weight Training for Men and Women, 8th Edition: Thomas Fahey
  25. Beginning Visual Basic 2015, 1st Edition: Bryan Newsome
  26. Biochemistry: A Short Course, 4th Edition: John L. Tymoczko & Jeremy M. Berg & Gregory J. Gatto & Lubert Stryer
  27. Biology Laboratory Manual, 11th Edition: Darrell Vodopich & Randy Moore
  28. Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach, 4th Edition: Stuart Reges & Marty Stepp
  29. Business Ratios and Formulas: A Comprehensive Guide, 3rd Edition: Steven M. Bragg
  30. Campbell Biology, 9th Edition: Jane B. Reece & Lisa A. Urry & Michael L. Cain & Steven A. Wasserman & Peter V. Minorsky & Robert B. Jackson
  31. CAPM® in Depth: Certified Associate in Project Management Study Guide for the CAPM® Exam, 2nd Edition: Paul Sanghera
  32. CFA Program Curriculum 2020 Level I Volumes 1-6 Box Set (CFA Curriculum 2020), 1st Edition: CFA Institute
  33. Challenging the Prevailing Paradigm of Displacement and Resettlement: Risks, Impoverishment, Legacies, Solutions, 1st Edition: Michael M. Cernea & Julie K. Maldonado
  34. Chemistry:The central science: Theodore Brown
  35. Cengage Advantage Books: Child Development: A Thematic Approach, 6th Edition: Danuta Bukatko & Marvin W. Daehler
  36. Children, Adolescents, and the Media, 3rd Edition: Victor C. Strasburger & Barbara J. Wilson & Amy B. Jordan
  37. Choices & Connections: An Introduction to Communication, 2nd Edition: Steven McCornack & Joseph Ortiz
  38. Ciottone's Disaster Medicine, 2nd Edition: Gregory R. Ciottone & Paul D Biddinger & Robert G. Darling
  39. Clayton's Basic Pharmacology for Nurses, 18th Edition: Michelle Willihnganz & Samuel L Gurevitz & Bruce D. Clayton
  40. Client Education: Theory and Practice, 3rd Edition: Mary A. Miller & Pamella Rae Stoeckel
  41. Clinical Case Studies for the Family Nurse Practitioner, 1st Edition: Leslie Neal-Boylan
  42. Clinical Immunology and Serology: A Laboratory Perspective, 4th Edition: Christine Dorresteyn Stevens & Linda E Miller
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CMV: Video games are art and are an evolution in artistic expression.

Good day! I hope I can stir up some good discussion concerning this view of mine. It's nothing too political or controversial, yet I believe a lot of viewpoints split on this premise.
Video games are art
Before I begin, I would like to define terms. I know, how obvious, but hopefully, I can minimize ambiguity this way and stick to specific meanings for our discourse.
Video games refers to "a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a monitor or other display" (Oxford Dictionary). Furthermore, when I say video games, I mean video games of all genre. Yes, even the cash-cow freemium games we all hate or even the simplest game of pong.
Art is "the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination" (ibid.). To this, I would like to add, that art also has an intended meaning or can serve as a creative vessel for other people to input meanings.
Now, this view of mine opposes two perspectives: (1) that video games are mindless past-time similar to gambling, and (2) that video games are simplistic, shallow, and hold no other meaning than to give pleasure or temporary gratification. Other ways to look at this are welcome, and may contribute to me changing my view.
Vested in my view are three main points:
1.) Video games are perfect examples of creative expression. To simply think of a game's mechanics, make them work, and audio-visually represent them is a creative process, albeit a highly techinical one. Yes, under this logic, even the barest minimum, like snake or pong is art.
2.) Video games transcend the usual expressions of art, such as paintings or books, since not only can it incorporate visual, audio, and written elements, it engages the observer (i.e. player) to participate and interact with its meaning. Never before are we more engaged in imagined worlds than today because video games have provided that for us.
3.) Video games can be expressed flexibly, that is, they can be as symbolic, simplistic, or abstract like our usual expressions of art. Its intended message can be as minimal as visual pleasure, or as deep as philosophical, existential, or political commentary.
I am not a hardcore gamer, but I do see why video games can be perceived as an art, and I don't think anyone has to be a strict gamer to understand this. Some might say, not all video games are artistic. Some are geared towards sports or gambling, and I don't discount this fact. However, to that, I would reiterate my first major point. I would concede, some games are more like art than others, but that does not mean all of them are not art.
It amazes me that the most impossible things can be visualized and interacted with in video games, and if I were an artist who wishes to share my imagination or pass along a message, I would not disregard doing so in a video game, for not only can it be audio-visually appealing, but it also allows the observer to interact.
Perhaps to change my view, I would like an example that does not classify as art or a compelling change of perspective to what we consider as art. Anyhow, I hope we can discuss this and change my view.
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submitted by onesix16 to changemyview [link] [comments]

Personal resources list for learning the language

Getting started with learning Hebrew and finding good resources proved to be a serious time sink for me. Seeing that the sidebar is… thin on the issue and the age of previous lists, I figured it might be useful to write down what I have ended up with (either using it myself or as notable examples).
edit: Although nobody can reply or vote anymore in the comments, I can still edit this post. Feel free to PM if you've got any good suggestions or such.


Verbs & Phrases
Conjugations, derived nouns, example sentences for an actual total of 1580 verbs (to 565 roots).
Lots of example sentences & phrases to 490 verbs.
Walks through the binyanim and their exceptions. Split into the main Textbook and optional Workbook; also available as French, German & Spanish editions.
Courses (best with a teacher)
Split into Vol. 1/א & Vol. 2/בּ. Vol. 1 has a religious ed. from 2008 with "newly revised texts & illustrations" but also "Strict compliance with the values of modesty [etc etc]". Each has additional audio versions & teacher's supplements.
Monolingual, probably the most extensive printed dictionary.
Eng→Heb only, but with multiple translations for an English word's distinct meanings & idiomatic uses

Electronic Dictionaries

Most mature dictionary lookup program (on- & offline ones), works with any windowed program. Alas, as far as offline Hebrew ones are concerned afaik only the Babylon ones are freely available (without nikkud or morphology support). There are also a few non-free Hebrew-only ones you can find, such as Babylon's edition of Even-Shoshan.
By the Academy of the Hebrew Language, good for collocations.
As the title suggests, a monolingual dictionary for Hebrew abbreviations.
Polished online version of Ernest Klein's 1987 Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew Language, offered by Sefaria (see below). Alternatively, PDF here.
Monolingual, good for explanations and inflections. Also with TTS for some words.
More geared towards the Hebrew native looking up English. Has an Android app and a 3rd party tooltip extension for Chrome.
Not a general dictionary, instead features eg. verb conjugation, words grouped by root, and detailed articles on certain topics.
Probably most extensive & feature rich dictionary there is, unfortunately also quite expensive.
Not a general dictionary either, instead based on a big-data approach that draws on various corpora (such as subtitles, program translations, …) to eg. present words in context (and no real guarantee for correctness). Also features eg. a synonym search and verb conjugation.
Similar: Glosbe
Its Heb↔Eng is somewhat hit-and-miss.
See also HebrewPod101 below.


Most popular spaced-repetition software. Cards are user-contributed (with all the pros and cons) as decks, eg. freely available on its Hebrew deck site.
Example: Duolingo + Hebrew from Scratch Alef & Beit + Top 2000 deck. Also includes the alphabet.
Free for desktop computers and Android (albeit as independent project), paid on iOS.
Bilingual books, articles etc. in audio & text. Starter ones are free.
Language exchange app (ie. find & IM your penpals).
Text processing
Note: I use Linux, where installing the following from source is essentially a one-line task. Compared to this, doing so can be non-trivial on vanilla Mac and extremely cumbersome on Windows.
Probably most advanced suite for (largely) automatic post-processing (ie. clean-up) of scans.
Allows OCRing a PDF (such as one produced from ScanTailor's output) with a single command. Relies on TesserAct for the actual OCR phase: one should have its current version and the "best" edition (→ slower) of its Hebrew models installed. From my experience (with clean scans of printed material), OCRing non-nikkud Hebrew works rather flawlessly (line breaks and the apparently dreaded ץ aside), whereas text with nikkud is a gamble, as is multi-lingual OCR. Note that some PDF viewers have issue properly copying the resulting text, I found only the one one integrated in Chrome to work reliably.
Considerably better for OCRing nikkud, still bad though. GUI also works only on single images rather than entire PDFs. For a GUI that instead interacts with TesserAct: OCRFeeder
Online tool to semi-automatically add nikkud to unpointed text. Spelling ambiguities mean such text must be manually checked for errors. For a far more sophisticated but paid (₪400) offline solution see this Word extension. Other much simpler and older, free offline tools are listed on Open Siddur's link list (see below).


Paid language courses
With free content, such as the dictionary and Core 100 word list, which neatly offers spoken sentences (& sometimes a picture) for each piece of vocab.
Free lessons
Rich assortment of free language lessons – audio, text, video – by the DLI (part of the US DoD)
Audio & text of US Foreign Service Institute's 1965 Basic Hebrew course.
The site features many other resources & links (incl. a free vocab trainer), but it's obvious that it hasn't been updated in years.
Basic 101 course, but development ceased years ago.
User requested & contributed pronunciations. Free account lets you request & manually download, paid one gives access to an API to do everything with programs supporting it (like GoldenDict).
Volunteer project producing audiobooks for public domain works.
Podcast with 200+ episodes, each accompanied by a Hebrew transcript.
TLV1's English-Hebrew podcast "showcasing modern Hebrew and its slang", accompanied by eg. video links and lists with words & expressions.
Something like a Israeli Netflix, with a 30s countdown its free version.
Crawls Youtube subtitles and will open/circle through these videos at words you search for.
See also u/frahs's links to YouTube channels below.
Essentially Project Gutenberg for Hebrew texts.
Contains a number of digitized books, such as Hebrew children's books (→ simple language)
Short texts (eg. news) by the Ministry of Education, with audio.
Large selection of songs, transliterated and translated.
Easy Hebrew monthly (↔English & French), paid subscription. Link is to the demo issue.
Offers eg. annotated texts & guided courses, open for contributions.
As its name suggests.
Wealth of poems, some (not all) with audio and various translations.
Neat library of bilingual Jewish texts from all ages, some eg. with audio, or the Tanakh with built-in lexicon.
Issues of the easy Hebrew newspaper from 2005-12 (publication ceased), most accompanied by audio.
Various graded user-contributed texts, eg. fiction, songs on Youtube (some with timed lyrics), news articles.
With tooltip translations of words of compound phrases (limited in free mode) that also works off-site via its web reader Chrome extension.
List of eight Israeli TV shows with English subtitles. To access the article, search for the entire URL on Google, click on the small downward triangle on its result and there on "Cached". Actually finding the series however is a different task.
Fairly unique with its TTS for arbitrary Hebrew input.
Likewise TTS for arbitrary Hebrew input, but limited free usage.
Language Q&A (Hebrew only)
Israel's official language regulator, with an informative Q&A section such as for pronunciation issues.
Lots of Q&A, eg. nuances of semantically similar words.
Ebook shops
Other link lists
Links sorted to all kinds of topics. Also some original content, such as Hebrew songs with bilingual lyrics.
Eg. with some more dictionaries, such as ones for German & French.
While its main purpose is to share Jewish texts – mostly bilingual liturgy – its Help section also contains all kinds of hints & resources for dealing with the language on the PC, eg:
Hope somebody actually finds this list useful…
submitted by niceworkthere to hebrew [link] [comments]

Beating Your Man: Microdecisions in Lane

All right. Season 6 starts in a week. Excited? Good.
Are you ready?
Hope so. Hopefully, you spent the downtime between the ranked seasons to plug the holes in your game, and to try to add more tools to your toolbox, be it more champs to your pool, a new position to play, or a new concept to take advantage of.
If not, well, time to play catch-up, huh?
This one’s going to be a more basic guide. Higher end players will know all this stuff already. But, if you don’t know how to do this, you either must be a jungler or you must be low on the ladder.
That’s right, here, we talk about how to lane.
There’s a lot of players who understand how to play this game well. Unfortunately, just because they can do it doesn’t mean that they can explain it. Performing a skill and teaching a skill are two different tasks, and it’s very possible to be good at one and not the other. After all, those who can do, those who can’t teach, right?
So to start off, I’m going to make up a few terms. As far as I know, there aren’t any official words for any of these concepts, like there is for a jungler attacking a laner (“gank”). But, we need to understand these for any of what I say later to make sense. Maybe someone’s come up with better or more popular names for these, and if so, feel free to post a link in the comments. The key words are in bold.
You might want to alt+d, alt+enter now, to keep this list up in another tab if you’re having trouble remembering them. Hopefully though, they all make enough sense by themselves.
Fortunately, this isn’t going to read like most of my other guides; each section is going to be a lot shorter. As a result, they’ll have one sentence in italics as a TL/DR, and a short explanation after it. As long as you understand these terms though, you can quickly skim the guide and get on with your life.
I’m not going to touch on jungler interaction much, as that’s kind of off topic. This guide will be about beating the man in front of you. Also, some “macro” decisions we’ll skip over, such as when to freeze or when exactly to leave lane. You can search elsewhere on this sub for that easily enough. This one’s about getting down and dirty with your opposite number; not necessarily with mechanics or strategy, we’ve talked about those elsewhere. This will be about micro decisionmaking.
Ready? Here we go.
Remember: at all times, you are playing a human being. He is who you have to beat.
No one cares if this champion or that champion is OP or not. No one cares what build is broken and which one sucks. You’ve got to beat the player in front of you, and that means playing against him. Not his champion, not his runes, and not even your champion. Him.
Avoid airballs at all costs. If you’re going to press a button, it needs to be likely to hit.
Mana aint cheap. You can’t afford to spend it and not get anything in return, unless you literally don’t have any. Even more so, putting that ability on cooldown just shows your opponent that you’re weak until it’s back. As a challenger player at a tournament I organized once said, “this game is so harder when the other guy is actually going to attack me!” Don’t give them the opportunity.
If your opponent gives a cooldown away, especially if it’s his defense, be ready to trade. If you intend to give a cooldown away, do it from safety.
This game is about picking your spots. If the odds are in your favor, get in there. If they’re not, you need to protect yourself. So, when you see your opponent use an ability, trade. For example, Take Ahri who’s maxing Q. Make her miss that key ability with a dodge in the open if you can, or push hard so she uses it on the wave. Once she does, walk forward. Even if she does charm and hit all 3 Ws...the level 1 abilities just won’t hurt that much. But, if you can hit your own key ability along with some other stuff, you’re now ahead.
On the other hand, if you need to start using abilities to prevent yourself from getting pinned, back off and do it Archer-style: just the tip. It’s fine to turn that mana into gold, but it’s not fine to lose HP too. Think ahead, and move to safety if you’re going to use an ability on the wave.
I mentioned some abilities are “defense”, ones that are designed for keeping a champion alive. For example, say Ezreal uses his dash. He’ll have to flash now to make you away! Oh, Yasuo took some incidental damage and now his shield’s up? As soon as that thing goes down, let’s give him some heat!
Try to stay away from your own minions, unless you’re both melee champions.
Airballs are bad, but extras are great. And, if you let your opponent get extras, he’s going to crush you...he’ll have you low and he didn’t miss any gold to get you there! So, keep your distance and be in the open. This way, if he shoots at you, he’s risking a lot more. Maybe you can get him to airball and you can punish him with a trade, or he won’t shoot at you...and you’ll appreciate less pressure.
Even then though, some opponents can’t help themselves. As written here, keep your cursor close to your own feet and use a fast clicking action. you’ll be more prepared to dodge this way, which you can then get in there and trade.
The general rule for pushing is to push just as much as your opponent, then a little more.
Again, we need to beat the man. If he’s at 6, you’re at 7. If he’s at 2, you’re at 3. The reason for this is threefold. First, we’ll have more minions than him if it comes to a fight. Second, if we clear the wave out, we’re free and can try to score elsewhere on the map by roaming. But thirdly, we’ll be first if it comes to a faceoff.
In an idle situation, you might want to auto to push, but you should probably not use abilities unless you will get outpushed if you don’t.
I’m seeing many lanes, as high as platinum, where players are butting heads way more often than they should be. They may be up in CS, but it’s 45-35 at 10 mins instead of 80-70, like it should be. Remember, the reason to lane is because there’s gold and experience here, and that’s what we’re here for. I’m not saying to never fight the other fact, I’m about to tell you about how often you should fight the other guy. But, there’s a lot of takeable CS that’s dropped just because laners are trying to harass when the minions aren’t dying and the enemy is far away.
Another great way to miss a lot of gold is to get pushed to tower. The damn thing is expensive; even if you’ve got the mechanics to take all that CS just fine, your opponent’s free to do all sorts of things while you’re not. He may go win another lane with a roam right now, and if it’s enough to tilt a teammate, you’re gonna have a bad time. So, don’t get into that situation...don’t get pinned unless the champion matchup says you have no other option. (Nasus early, Ezreal against a Jinx, etc.)
When you are at risk, see if your opponent can hurt you. If he can’t, take the creep normally. If he can, either play for the extra, back off and use an ability, or let it go.
If you watch pro games, at least the ones where you get to see an extended laning session, you’ll notice that both players usually give each other some distance, and harassing is uncommon. This is because they’ve got an incentive to not take any risks, no one wants to bet the game on a fistfight with someone who’s about as good as they are. They shouldn’t ever fight fair if they don’t have to. So, they play nice, easily hit their 10+cs/min numbers, and will be equipped well for the first real fight.
In solo queue though, many, many more CS will be actively contested. Your opponent will try to hit you as you take yours, and you should do the same to him. The question now is whether you actually can.
If you’ve got a creep to take, but your opponent is too far back to do anything, we don’t have a problem. But, say you’ve got a creep that needs taking, but your opponent knows this and is there to shoot at you when you do. He’s in the trading stance. You’re not getting this for free.
Well, the best case scenario would be to shoot the minion with an ability, hoping to hit an extra. If you have to pay mana or a cooldown, at least you got some opponent HP as well as the gold. Can’t get much more than that. You still get the gold if you miss the champion. Or, say you can trade, but will get the CS anyway. For example, Renekton can go in for a trade with a dash, and his E or Q should collect the dying creep no problem. You get the extra without even really thinking about it.
But, what if you can’t get extras? Ezreal’s W doesn’t hurt minions. Nasus’ E does laughable damage and is too expensive anyway, both with its mana cost and the push he probably doesn’t want. Mundo’s W isn’t taking any creeps cleanly early, and his cleaver only hits one thing.
At this point, you don’t have any good options. The least bad is to just use an ability and suck up the mana/cooldown cost. After all, abilities are usually longer range than autos, and are safer to use. But, if you go in there and auto the creep, you’re going to get smashed. After all, you have to sit still in your attack animation, meaning your opponent WILL hit a skillshot if they’re competent. You might break even or even win if you just trade and ignore the creep, but if you used anything both the creep and not your opponent, even just an auto...bam, you’ve lost this exchange.
And if you can’t win the trade even if you use everything...let it go. Some matchups just aren’t winnable, and you are a fool to try. You are much better off with your 100+ HP than the 20 gold you’ll get.
If your opponent is at risk, step forward and be a threat, but stay away from the dying creep.
Don’t give any extras away. If you let the other guy get both you HP and the creep’s gold at the same time, you’ve lost a lot. So, get in the trading stance, but don’t be next to minions for Ziggs to bomb, or behind one for Lucian to Q. Or, one of Ezreal’s gimmick, where he autos the creep and Qs right through where it died to hit you.
If you see him auto the creep, blast him. If he’s going to trade with you, keep your head and hit all your stuff. If he lets it go, great, you just won 20 gold.
If he can win a fight and he doesn’t care about creeps, all this advice is meaningless.
Losing a lane is fine. You can still win the game. But, if you go straight back to that lane where you know you will lose, only to lose it further, I have little sympathy for you. Make yourself into a second jungler, or directly lane gank another lane, but if your opponent is both willing and able to kill you and you can’t stop him...what the fuck are you thinking by going straight back?
You need to see the faceoff coming. Pay attention and be prepared for it.
The faceoff is the situation where both sides have a creep about to die. This situation, by itself, is how plats and diamonds squash bronzes and silvers. Each one is different, because of both the champion matchups and the timing. We’ll discuss more details in the moment, but the first step is to realize that it’s there and that you’re about to take your opponent on in a double-blind guessing game. Winning this guessing game will win you lanes. Guessing wrong will make you lose, and the easiest way to guess wrong is to be oblivious and not guess at all. Don’t do that!
Grass eating only works against other grass eaters.
You will come across many opponents in your career that are perfectly content to sit, wait, and auto a creep when it’s about to die. Most of these people play Vayne. And hey, if you’re on a good scaler, this is a perfectly good result. But, be aware that trading HP for gold is almost never worth it. If you keep getting shot every time you take a CS, that means you’re gonna get shot 38 times before the clock strikes 5:00. You’ll be dead well before then.
So, take the time to feel your opponent out. If he’s willing to eat grass with you nearby, light his ass up. If he’s defending himself and won’t let you beat on him for free, sit back a bit and look for an opportunity before you blow your wad.
If you’re short, don’t try to get more than the single. Use an ability or an ability+auto if they let you get close enough, but that’s it.
This is obvious...being shorter means that your auto is by default worse than his. So, don’t get into an auto attack fight.
You’ll have to see if your opponent will let you cross the bubble. You may do it with just movespeed as they shoot a creep, or they may dilly-dally near a dying creep, unwilling to use their auto attack for fear of losing it, where you can then bore in and hit them. Still though, you are not allowed to get stuck in their bubble. And, the best way for that to happen would be when you stand still while you autoattack.
If you’re tall, always try to get more than the single. Doubles, triples, all you can.
One auto alone is a loss if the minions do enough damage to you, more so if you miss a creep for it. But, the second turns that into a win, and if the other guy’s nice enough to stay in your autoattack bubble, keep tagging him until he leaves. They may even dash out, and you can then fire a skillshot now that they must click well to dodge it.
Notice if you will be first or last in the faceoff. If you’re first, get ready to give him all you’ve got.
Specifically, this means that you can’t auto yet, or you’ll lose the dying creep. Also, your dying creep will die before his, meaning he’s going to have to act after you. This is your chance to get some good damage in. Newer players will be crossed up by having to deal with both your attack and the creep at the same time, and most of them will falter.
Your first instinct might be to auto to take the creep, and fire an ability, then take the single when your auto comes back. There’s a better way if you’ve got an ability that goes through creeps: take the single directly, use your ability on both the creep to take it and hit the opponent (get the extra), then take the double and fire more abilities if able. You’ve got an extra auto’s worth of damage.
If you’re last, be aware of it. Then, decide if you’re willing to fight, willing to take the creep from afar, or going to let it go.
Being last means you’re an auto attack down; your opponent’s second auto will be there before yours is. You might have the matchup to overcome that, but if you don’t, your only way to come out ahead is opponent incompetence (he misses a skillshot or otherwise mechanically does something wrong) or your own brilliance (a great Fiora parry or dash to dodge, etc.) Don’t get yourself into tight spots if you can help it. Realize that, and don’t gamble when you’re an underdog.
If you see you’ll be last, and have the time to do something about it, do it!
“Be first Mac! I need you to be first! Beat Aran Ryan to the punch!” - Doc Louis
If you’ve been laning long enough, you’ll notice that it’s a while before the next creep goes down (tanks, etc.). You may be idle now, but you can turn the tables if you can hit that creep, kill it faster, and be first. Or, even better, just take it immediately and have your opponent be the one at risk. It’s not threesight, it’s not fivesight, but foresight that you need.
You can always opt out of this bullshit and blow your mana bar on the wave, and leave.
Don’t muddle on and hope for the best if you’re struggling. You can just fire away and press B. If you’ve got teleport, you won’t miss anything, although you’ll put pressure on your other lanes to win since you can’t save them with your D key. Even in the mid game, you cal lane as a mage against that Akali just by firing away at range, and leaving. Nothing’s making you stay in your lane.
You may or may not get freedom, but if you do, never waste it.
If you push past the 50-yard-line and can’t get the wave to stop without bouncing it off the tower, think of what you’ll do with this. You sure as hell shouldn’t sit here holding up a “gank me” sign. Instead, get the ward down, get the roam off, take a quick jungle camp, or press B to get down pit lane. The only reason to stay is if you can get off easy poke without jungler danger (did you see him?), or if he’s low enough and you have all the tools for a dive (abilites, or a teammate). Whatever you choose to do, it had better not be sitting there and waiting.
If you’re playing support, you’re never at risk. Always be considering how you can hit them without getting hit.
Even if you have a relic shield, you don’t have to take a single creep if you don’t want to. If you know auto attack ranges and general champion knowledge, you shouldn’t give free damage away, ever. Realize that you’re there to threaten the enemy ADC as much as protect your one likes a wallflower who sits behind their ADC and thinks their job is to look pretty.
In a paired lane, being line astern is only okay if they are, AND you can win a 1v1 trade.
Don’t EVER get into a 1v2. This will happen if one of you is too far forward of the other, and both of the other champions are able to hit you. This means they’re side by side, while you’re one in front of the other. Very bad.
Even then, if you’re ahead of your partner and so is an opponent, you’ll just get a 1v1, and what good is that if you can’t win it?
Know your blue line, and plan to leave before you get there.
If you overstay your mana bar, you’re headed straight for a trap. You won’t have the waveclear to keep up with autos only, so you’ll get pinned to your tower. The next wave will arrive before you’re done with this one, and you’re stuck. If you refuse to let one wave go, you’ll end up staying for three or more as you desperately try to waveclear to get your gold.
And when you’re waveclearing, you’re not fighting. The other guy can beat you easily with no abilities to defend yourself, or he can go try to win elsewhere knowing you can’t respond. It’s never okay to be sitting there farming while your team is losing the game elsewhere, so don’t get into that situation: be prepared for when you need to back off for more mana, and get out sooner rather than later. It’s much better to lose one wave then two or three.
You can move in at any time if your red line is bigger than his.
This isn’t exactly obvious, but you don’t need to have your opponent low enough for you to hit everything to kill him. You just need to have more left when all abilities are used and it’s down to autos than he does. He will then be facing flash or die, and the former’s no good if you’ve got yours and you’re far enough from his tower.
This requires a lot of champion knowledge, and with that website it may even be worth making a spreadsheet for every champion’s max damage on demand. If only I had the time...or the desire to touch Excel away from my day job…
If your defense is a dodge and your opponent’s key ability is a skillshot, abuse it as long as you will not be ganked.
When I was five years old, I played Contra on the NES. A LOT. Some sections where there was so much going on were hard, and I’d be glad I had used the Konami code. But, against one enemy or one bullet, I couldn’t possibly lose. I had enough reflexes and awareness that all I had to do was press the A button to jump or the down button to go prone, and I couldn’t possibly die.
You’ll need your defense ability to survive a gank, but if you see the jungler elsewhere or you’re far enough back to be ungankable, abuse that shit. Hooks aren’t instantaneous. Blitzcrank has no hope of hitting you with that hook if you’re Lucian or Graves, and you have the reflexes and awareness that I had when I was five. Even Sivir’s spellshield works for this...she laughs at hook supports. Either they stand there and don’t use their skillshot, so you can shoot them. Or, they use it and you dodge...and you still shoot them.
This guide’s more skimmable than the others, and I hope having to make up some terms wasn’t too much of a problem. But, hopefully you’ll see that laning is a game of choices, more so than a game of champion selection or mechanics. Before you leave, I do have one last bit of advice for you:
Don’t overcommit to a decision. Be ready to change up at the drop of a hat.
One autoattack from the opponent can change the next faceoff from first into a last. Your opponent can change his disposition suddenly, and you’ve got to react to this. If you see that superpassive opponent finally walk forward for no reason, it’s your own damn fault if his jungler’s gank succeeds.
Things change, things aren’t set in stone, and be willing to adapt with the situation. Unfortunately, it’s fast paced and it’s hard, and it might not be for everyone. If it’s not for you, well, you could always take up jungling.
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Gambling definition is - the practice or activity of betting : the practice of risking money or other stakes in a game or bet —often used before another noun. How to use gambling in a sentence. the practice or activity of betting : the practice of risking money or other stakes in a game or bet —often used before another noun… gambling - Dictionary definition and meaning for word gambling Definition (noun) the act of playing for stakes in the hope of winning (including the payment of a price for a chance to win a prize) (old-fashioned or law) gambling (= the activity of playing games of chance for money and of betting on horses, etc.) He spent all night at the gaming tables. See gaming in the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary noun. 1 usually in singular An act of gambling. ‘Dad likes a bit of a gamble’. More example sentences. ‘He paused and thought about doubling down, but seemed afraid to put out the extra money on such an insecure gamble.’. ‘Though many see the stock market as a casino, shares are not a gamble.’. : Gambling, betting; (now) esp. an illegal form of gambling in which bets are taken on the occurrence of numbers in a lottery. sattu, n.: In South Asian cookery: flour made from a mixture of roasted and ground pulses and cereals such as barley and gram. Noun. 1. gambling - the act of playing for stakes in the hope of winning (including the payment of a price for a chance to win a prize); "his gambling cost him a fortune"; "there was heavy play at the blackjack table". gaming, play. Gambling definition, the activity or practice of playing at a game of chance for money or other stakes. See more. gambling definition: 1. the activity of betting money, for example in a game or on a horse race: 2. the activity of…. Learn more. In sense 4 the English word has been borrowed into numerous other languages, as e.g. French sport (1828), Italian sport (1829), German Sport (1828), Swedish sport (1857), Dutch sport (1866), Danish sport (1866), etc. Compare also Spanish deporte sport (late 19th cent.), spec. use (after English sport n. 1) of deporte disport n. Definition of 'gambling'. (gæmblɪŋ ) uncountable noun. Gambling is the act or activity of betting money, for example in card games or on horse racing . Gambling is a form of entertainment.gambling casinos. Synonyms: betting, gaming, punting, wagering More Synonyms of gambling. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary.

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