Das System der Kamarilla - JUNGE FREIHEIT


kamarilla - win

Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

Welcome to the official subreddit of Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg, an alternate history mod for Hearts of Iron 2, Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game and Hearts of Iron 4.

Schleicher's Kamarilla (german focus tree)

what even is Schleicher's Kamarilla and what does it do?
submitted by TurboSoggyMoist to Kaiserreich [link] [comments]

What is the point of Schleicher's Kamarilla?

Recently I played Kaiserreich after a long break and tried playing as Germany again. I went down the path to Schlecher's Kamarilla focus.
Does it still only change the name of Paternal autocrats party since its unfinished or does it do something new that I missed?
submitted by Nituri to Kaiserreich [link] [comments]

A reason for Schleicher’s Kamarilla?

Other than making you pat aut, is there any reason to go down the path other than rp purposes?
submitted by utemt5 to Kaiserreich [link] [comments]

What Schleicher's Kamarilla actually do?

What Schleicher's Kamarilla actually do? submitted by SunkenSeeker to Kaiserreich [link] [comments]

What's the point of Scleicher's Kamarilla?

I dunno it seems interesting and I'm not 100% sure what it does.
submitted by KaiserFranz1919 to Kaiserreich [link] [comments]

What does the German focus "Schleicher's Kamarilla" do?

submitted by whattnow to Kaiserreich [link] [comments]

A different germany

Nat pop germany? Like the italians? Or Pelley's America
submitted by cCaptain6 to Kaiserreich [link] [comments]

Heil Kaiser Wilhelm!

The Weltkrieg was by far the most devastating conflict to ever occur in Europe. Not since the Thirty Years’ War had there been such an abhorrent amount of wonton devastation. The European empires sought Endsieg, and as a consequence, millions of Germans would either perish or be wounded on the battlefield. The Great War would spare no one, with the Steckrübenwinter and other famines killing nearly a million German civilians. The subsequent November Armistice would see an end to the gargantuan bloodbath.
January 1919 - October 1919
The November Armistice would also see the start of the bloody German Revolution. To fulfill the implication of Wilson’s points, and as a reaction to growing leftist unrest, Wilhelm II “abdicated” and went into exile in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. To ensure stability within the German state, Prince Maximillian Baden and Friedrich Ebert collaborated to transition Germany to a Constitutional Monarchy. Philipp Scheidemann would then issue the impromptu declaration of a republic, which threw a wrench into Ebert’s plans. This resulted in the rise of the Spartacist Regime, which ultimately proved to be immensely unpopular with broad swathes of the conservative German society.
Quartermaster General Wilhelm Groener would eventually restore order in the Deutsches Reich, with the Freikorp suppressing subordinates of the German Revolution. The German Communist Party and the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany were completely exterminated. The Majority Social Democratic Party survived, albeit it was severely wounded and a complete shadow of its former self.
October-November 1919
With the German Revolution violently and thoroughly suppressed in the unending Weiße Terror, Groener and Hindenburg went about undoing the damage of the Revolutionary Governments. Reforms such as universal suffrage were to be allotted to all men and women over the age of twenty-one, making the Deutsches Reich arguably more democratic than the United Kingdom in some aspects. The October Referendum would see the rights, privileges, and properties of the nobility and royalty being assured by Ebert. The Deutsches Reich would, in turn, transition into a constitutional monarchy.
With Kaiser Wilhelm and Crown Prince Wilhelm in exile, Imperial Regent August Wilhelm and Reichskanzler Wilhelm Groener were presented with the issue of who would be the next Kaiser. Imperial Regent August proposed that his son be crowned. However, it was thought that Alexander was too young and that issues might arise from skipping over claimants. August would ultimately suggest that his nephew become the Kaiser.

Coronation of Prince Wilhelm

Prince Wilhelm Friedrich Franz Joseph Christian Olaf was to be crowned on 25th December 1919 at Burg Hohenzollern. The impromptu ceremony occurred an hour after the Christian Christmastide in the Schlosskirche. Shortly after that liturgy, Prince Wilhelm had been informed that he was to be the next Kaiser of the German Empire, and so to keep him calm, had been given a few sips of alcohol.
In truth, preparations for the ceremony had been in the works since the Spring of 1919. Who exactly would be coronated was only recently decided. Everything from the uniforms to the location had been carefully decided. Konigsberg had been a popular option among military circles, but Groener decided against it because it symbolized Prussian dominance over German society, which would give France more ammunition. Aachen was popular because of its connections to Charlemagne, Roman-German Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. However, Aachen was occupied by the Rhenish authority and was therefore considered unfeasible. Hohenzollern castle was eventually decided on, and Prince August Wilhelm arranged it so that his family would pay for everything. Because of the lack of, Groener and Wilhelm ordered the creation of a German state crown and formal coronation procedures. The new monarchy was to be different from the one before.
The event that followed was extravagant enough to humble Russian Tsar and British Monarch alike. The Imperial Procession began in the municipality of Bisingen, where both prince and pauper were able to observe from the sidelines. Clad in royal vestments, Prince Wilhelm was escorted by a company of mounted Gardes du Corps and rode atop a pale white horse as he diligently paraded to Mount Hohenzollern. And upon reaching the gates of Burg Hohenzollern, the Gardes du Corps continued no further, allowing Prince Wilhelm to ride through the Adlertor and up the perron alone. He then dismounted and was ushered into the Grafensaal.
Assembled on the left-hand side of the Grafensaal were various landed nobility of the Deutsches Reich, of which many of whom happened to be relatives of the prince. On the right-hand side were the numerous commanders of the Deutsches Heer and Kaiserliche Marine. And at the end of the room was a large throne, which had on its cushion large jewel-encrusted regalia.
Prince Wilhelm walked down the aisle, picked up the Imperial State Crown of Germany, and crowned himself König von Preußen and Deutscher Kaiser Wilhelm III. He then equipped the rest of the Reichskleinodien and sat on the throne.
“Es lebe Kaiser Wilhelm”
“Es lebe Kaiser Wilhelm!”
“Es lebe Kaiser Wilhelm!”
The Grafensaal erupted with the sound as cheering as the Deutsches Heer and Kaiserliche Marine swore complete allegiance to the Kaiser alone. Reichskanzler Groener and the Deutscher Adel would also swear allegiance to the Kaiser. Not only would the Kaiser derive his legitimacy directly from the will of God, but he would lean on his strength and merit, the likes of which would be benefited by force of arms wielded by his loyal subjects, and also of their governments. The Deutsches Heer and Kaiserliche Marine, in turn, would maintain their dominance in German society by deriving their legitimacy from the Kaiser, establishing itself as the fourth estate.
Kaiser Wilhelm was also appointed Summus Episcopus of the Prussian Union of Churches. And Prince August Wilhelm was sworn in as Imperial Regent. The Kaiser planned to stay at Burg Hohenzollern for a time before possibly moving to Neues Palais. So as to help with public approval, August announced a cut in taxes, along with several large donations to various food banks and charities around the nation.
The crowning of Kaiser Wilhelm III, and the restoration of the royalty and nobility, confirmed the victory of the Militarist Counterrevolution over the November Revolution. The German left had been thoroughly crushed, albeit it convinced Groener to implement moderate reforms like Bismark before him. Nevertheless, the movements and legacies of Friedrich Ebert, Philipp Scheidemann, and Karl Liebknecht would be demonized in mainstream German society for foreseeable future. They would be overshadowed by the unity and stability Kaiser Wilhelm III would bring to the nation.

Wilhelm’s Kamarilla

Following his coronation, certain figures would come to surround the Kaiser and form his entourage. Though in a clearer sense, they confided more with the Imperial Regent. August Wilhelm would later formally create the Geheimrat to advise on policy, and would privately appoint those of Kaiser Wilhelm’s clique as Geheimräte. This clique would come to be known as Wilhelm’s Kamarilla.
Wilhelm Groener, Hindenburg, and Tirpitz - The Militarist Faction
Reichskanzler Wilhelm Groener was the military dictator of the German Reich in all but name. And because of this, and his role as head of the government, he was often seen speaking to the Imperial Regent.
To maintain a popular front for the regime, Hindenburg retained his position as head of the Imperial German Army. He planned to retire soon, but because of his popularity, he agreed to help whenever necessary.
Tirpitz had retired and was now a political figure within the DNVP. And as former Secretary of the Imperial German Navy, he would work to maintain the militarist stranglehold over Berlin.
Heinrich Claß and Wolfgang Kapp - The Reactionary Faction
Because of his role in Gang of Five, Heinrich Claß met regularly with Imperial Regent Wilhelm, and through him had the ear of the Emperor. Claß sought to create a successor to the Preußisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Volksbildung, which would centralize all of Germany’s educational institutions. He blamed the rise of problematic ideologies on Judeo-Bolshevik infiltration and saw education as a way to stem the tide.
Wolfgang Kapp was briefly scouted by Wilhelm Groener for the role of puppet chancellor, but Groener would eventually decide to take the position for himself. Wolfgang Kapp was able to acquire the important position of Minister of the Interior. He would stress the importance of the German National People's Party-German People’s Party Bloc. If the bloc were to unify and become stronger, then Germany would only stand to benefit.
Wolfgang and Heinrich Claß would work to absorb numerous sympathetic parties into the DNVP. Being a prominent survivor of the Bavarian Red Terror, Anton Drexler of the German Workers’ Party (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) would catch their attention. The party chairman and völkisch poet had been attempting to rebuild his party and the Thule Society since March of 1919. And after several conversations, he would allow his party to be absorbed. This trend was repeated with several other small right-wing parties.
Prince Henry of Prussia - The Aristocratic Faction
Prince Henry of Prussia often conversed with the Imperial Regent. He was seen as more sensible and capable than his older brother, though Henry himself still respected the former Kaiser. Henry represented the interest of the various landed nobility of Germany, though he sympathized with the militarist, as his home of Schleswig-Holstein could possibly be partitioned off to the Danes.
Eugen Schiffer and Gustav Stresserman - The Liberal Faction
Eugen Schiffer was a liberal and represented the bourgeoisie and big business of the German Empire. He was a parliamentarian monarchist and opposed the November Revolution, and therefore kept close to Wilhelm Groener during the Crisis of 1919. He sought to transform the German Empire into something Friedrich III would be proud of.
Vice Reichskanzler Eugen Schiffer kept in close contact with Foreign Minister Gustav Stresserman. Stresserman proved to be a skilled politician and showed a lot of promise as a foreign minister. Together they were major figures in Germany’s largest political party, the National People’s Party, and held heavy influence over the Imperial Regent.
submitted by Tion3023 to SWWP [link] [comments]

How to annex Austria and is it worth it?

I'm sick of having to wait for the French to reach Bavaria to get them on my side. I need them to open up a front in Italy (plus eliminating them could allow me to help Bulgaria out in the Balkans). SO I've thought of whether it would help if I supported the Magyar revolt and partitioned the empire. Is it helpful at all, and how do you do it?
Also, is the Schleicher Kamarilla path helpful? I've heard it makes it easier to justify war goals, but by how much? And does it always depose Wilhelm, or leave him as figurehead? How evil is Schleicher?
submitted by NortAm_Monarchist to Kaiserreich [link] [comments]

Any interesting quest ideas for a new storyteller?

I started running a new VtM chronicle. I have two regular players and one occasional. The two players are playing a nosferatu and a tremere.
The nosferatu is a neonate, all about computers, technology and information gathering, with focus on obfuscate, stealth and a little bit of firearms.
The tremere is a fledgling, heavily focused on the occult, mastering bloodmagic and rituals, a little fight in him, he wants to become more and more powerful in magic.
The other player is a malkavian, heavy on politics, very social oriented.
The city I've created is a small anarch city with a nosferatu baron, with not many Kindred around for it's size (about 4 "friendly" Kindred NPCs so far). But the city is at a point between two large kamarilla cities and one of the princes already declared he wants the city under his domain, second prince didn't react yet.
Do you guys have ideas for any cool quest hooks I could throw into the game? Some sources for inspiration?
submitted by Akirppap to WhiteWolfRPG [link] [comments]

Questions regarding German elections and parties

I was wondering, does electing certain parties give you different options? Like, does Germany become more democratic if you elect the social democrats or the market liberals? Or does it not matter? What is the “right” choice in the 1937 elections?
Also, what does the whole Schleicher Kamarilla mean? Does that focus give you a new focus tree?
submitted by somanyryans to Kaiserreich [link] [comments]

Progress Report 22

Hello everyone, and welcome to a surprise development diary on KR4. Today, we broke 100.000 subscribers on the steam workshop.
We'd like to take a moment to thank every one of those subscribers, the new ones and those who stuck with us since 0.1, released on December 1., 2016. Seriously, thank you. We'd also like to take a minute to remember those who, sadly, are not with us anymore - first and foremost Alex Jones of Hausaland, who could not convince us of the danger of Hausaland frogs being turned gay by manipulated water supplies and was therefore removed in hotfix RIP, Alex, you shan't be missed. A close second is of course Bob Brown of Tripolitania.
Okay, enough being joculous. Today, we'll talk about the complete overhaul of the German Focus Tree incoming in 0.4 I've been working on.
The Kaiser's new clothes
When I dug through the ~200 events Germany had (which is actually not that much for a country in Kaiserreich), I found out that there was a lot of stuff in there that nobody had bothered to look over for at least several years! It took some time (and a flamethrower), but everything should be up to date now, presenting your newest German politics.
First off, the option to elect the National Populists to power in the elections of 1937 is gone, with the cited reason being "A National Populist Germany is totally unrealistic and would never happen". The three options are now either a coalition of Social Democrat SPD and Social Liberal FVP for the first Social Democrat Reichskanzler, Otto Wels, a coalition of the burgeouis centre parties flogging to the banner of the Lion of Africa, Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, or a continuation of the DKP government under Franz von Papen. As you can see, there is a rather big focus on personal prestige in the elections. That is because the German elections now actually represent the modus operandi of the German Empire: The people vote, but the Kaiser still gets to do whatever he wants.
That's right, the result of the election has no influence on who is actually allowed to form a government by His Majesty the Kaiser. This is the big difference between true parliamentary monarchy and the more authoritarian German variant. This is also, who would have thought, a major pain in the butt for the more liberal factions. They can therefore reform Germany into a true parliamentary monarchy where elections actually mean something, choosing on the way between the restoration of the old federal privileges of the various German monarchies or further centralisation.
On the other side is this nice fellow, Kurt von Schleicher. He can come to power if the Kaiser decides he needs a time-out from this whole democracy business and forms the core of what is commonly called the kaisertreue Kamarilla, a group of shady individuals recruiting themselves out of military and higher nobility, vying for influence in the Berlin court. The lower nobility, the famous Junkers, who form the Deutsche Vaterlandspartei (German Fatherland party) under the always charming Alfred von Hugenberg. For various reasons, there's a lot of bad blood between them and the Kaiser's inner circles, and one of the Kaisers conditions for von Schleicher to become Reichskanzler is therefore to keep them as far away from power as possible. But lately, there have been reports of some meetings taking place in notable Berlin establishments, and there might be more to von Schleicher's ambitions than what the Kaiser is in the know about...
The State of the Economy
It's good, really. The industry is humming along, the grain is coming in from the eastern member states of Mitteleuropa, many citizens have work. It's looking up for the Kaiserreich, and it seems like nothing will be able to stop the golden age of the late Reichskanzler Tirpitz.. apart from a major economic breakdown with repercussions in the whole world, of course. But how would that ever happen?
If something like that ever were to happen, there would maybe be some sort of Focus Tree related to it, maybe detailing two possible paths to deal with it – either following Hjalmar Schacht, the president of the Reichsbanks plan to jumpstart the economy again by boosting demand, or von Groeners idea of boosting supply. Maybe Schachts plan would have such parts as approaching Poland for a trade agreement, while Groener would implement reforms such as the sale of unprofitable colonies? And maybe, there would be some other economical stuff that could be implemented after this hyptothetical crisis were successfully overcome, such as the implementation of a single currency for all of Mitteleuropa or maybe something like a more indirect variant of government for the stupendously expensive colonial empire...? But this is of course never going to happen.
What is instead going to happen is that the economy is going to be just fine and the Kaiser Wilhelm Society will finally be expanded, leading to some increasing scientific innovation. And there will be some further improvements to the German economy, some contracts with leading companies, some infrastructure overhaul, and this will all lead to the economy being even better than before!
Trust me, guys. This is exactly what is going to happen.
Expanded Military Expansion
The military Focus Tree has also been greatly expanded and can now be roughly split into three parts.
First off is the long-demanded Maginot equivalent. We decided that under the Ludendorff dictatorship in the twenties, it wouldn't actually have been all that unlikely for Germany to go and build an enormous row of fortresses on its western border, leading to a small fortification race with the Commune. In 1936, these forts have been long abandoned, but with war becoming an ever greater threat, they can be reactivated – given ample preparation, of course.
Then, there is the centerpart, where you decide between either expanding and innovating on the existing doctrine or go into a totally radical new direction pursued by names such as Manstein or Guderian. At the end of these military reforms stands a renewal of Militarism in the face of the Syndicalist threat, and then finally the option to end this threat once and for all.
Third, there is the new Air Force Tree. In 1936, the German Air Force is non-existant, owing to the immense prestige of the conservative Ground Forces. However, the Red aron, Man, Manfred von Richthofen himself, has repeatedly asked for permission to create his own independent Air Force and put research into new doctrines for air warfare. This can lead to a new focus on bomber groups and even the replacement of the image of the Knight in Shining Armor by the Pilot in his old rustbuck- shining aircraft, leading to greater ace generation chance. You heard that right, we looked at the HoI4 wiki and decided to get fancy with the modifiers.
Securing the Place in the Sun
And last but not least we have the pretty much brand-new Naval Focus Tree. It opens with the completion of the 1934 Navy construction plan, opening into either a global or a North Sea branch and two doctrine paths before closing again with another construction program and finally the focus Deutschland beherrscht die Meere (Germany rules the seas), which can only be completed after defeating the Republican Navy of the Union of Britain. Or letting someone else defeat it for you, of course. The important part is the German navy being the single largest force projection mechanism left outside of Görings fat bulge.
The somewhat unspectacular doctrine branches allow the player to either choose between Fleet in Being or Base Strike Doctrine, yadda yadda. However, these doctrines now come fully equipped with fancy German names, Präsenzflotte and Operative Manövergruppen, respectively. Then there is a focus to establish a marine corps – something the German Empire OTL lagged behind in very much, interestingly.
Then, The global branch gives the player some convoys before giving the option to enlarge the Singapur harbour, allowing for some more... extensive... military operations to be carried out in the Pacific. The North Sea branch, on the other hand, concentrates on the defensive against the Republican Navy, giving an option to lease the harbour of Trondheim for 25 years as well as a preemptive defensive move on Denmark, should they not allow German guardians once war against the Syndicalists has broken out. Then there are some Foci allowing you to fortify the North Sea coast (gotta do something against those pesky invasions!) as well as the various smaller bases Germany has around the world – this should be the first time St. Helena has ever been explicitely affected by any Focus Tree.
That's it for this Update…
…see you tomorrow, back on schedule with the update on South America and the Ottoman Empire! Until then, the team is always looking for more members to help out with our new wiki or with minister picture conversion, so if you want to write wiki articles or can run a Photoshop script (it’s really not that hard), just join our Discord.
And download the Kaiserreich Music Mod! Suggestions always needed!
submitted by LordZarasophos to Kaiserreich [link] [comments]

US-German Relations

Hey! I was always wondering why the German Empire is supporting the AUS in the 2nd ACW. As far as I know, German relations with the US were - thanks to the large german-speaking population in the Midwest - quite good until WWI. Since the US never entered the war, there can't be any resentment, right? There are no cultural relations with the American South, so the decision to support the AUS could only be strategical, primarily targeting the Federal Government.
I am wondering whether it would be more "logical" to have Germany support either the AUS or the Federal Government (by the players decision), reflecting the basically strategic nature of this intervention. Politically, the German Empire stands much closer to a market-liberal/social-conservative Federal Government or the MacArthur Junta than the isolationist Huey Long Clique, I think. A support of the illegitimate AUS should - immersion-wise - be more secret and maybe limited to the DKP or Kurt von Schleicher's Kamarilla. Since the Empire is trying to uphold international stability and trade, such amove would have grave consequences for Germanys eternal relations.
What do you think?
submitted by Ydrgn01 to Kaiserreich [link] [comments]

Paternal Autocrat Germany help required.

What is the Scheichers Kamarilla all about? Ive done it a couple times and the only thing it does is just make me Pat Autocrat and give me a choice to choose a minister. Is there nothing else related to this path?
submitted by proweed2005 to Kaiserreich [link] [comments]

In 4 Jahren zu Bundeskanzler Bernd Höcke oder Präsidialksbinette II - Electric Boogaloo

(Im Angesicht des Scheiterns von Jamaika sei dies die Skizze, wie Optionslosigkeit, Unwille und Machtstreben nun möglichst nicht wirken sollten. Alle Ähnlickeiten mit bereits existierender deutscher Geschichte sind rein zufällig)
Gemäßigte Präsidialkabinette: Altmeier
Bereits im Herbst 2017 hatte de Maizière mit Altmeier über eine geplante „Steinmeier-Regierung“ gesprochen, die mit Hilfe von Notverordnungen regieren sollte. Am 26. Dezember trafen beide erneut zusammen, diesmal waren auch Bundesverteidigungsminister von der Leyen, der CSU-Abgeordnete Dobrindt und Steinmeiers Staatssekretär Otto Meissner; sie alle versuchten Altmeier zu überreden, im März 2018 die Führung einer Regierung zu übernehmen, die sich auf Artikel 48 stützen sollte. Altmeier zögerte noch. Im Januar 2018 erörterte Meissner mit Volker Kauder, dem Fraktionsvorsitzenden der CSU, die Möglichkeit, eine „antiparlamentarische und antipopulistische“ Regierung zu installieren, die ohne Unterstützung der SPD und ohne das Vertrauen des Bundestags auskommen sollte. Am 1. März 2018 willigte Altmeier gegenüber Steinmeier ein, ein Kabinett ohne die SPD zu bilden. Dabei fasste er bereits Neuwahlen ins Auge, die er auf den Sommer 2018 terminieren wollte.
Am 27. März 2018 löste sich die geschäftsführende Bundesregierung auf, nachdem sich der Bundespräsident entgegen seinen vorangegangenen Versprechen geweigert hatte, diesem Kabinett die Vollmachten des Artikels 48 des Grundgesetzes zu gewähren.
Schon drei Tage später ernannte Steinmeier Altmeier zum neuen Bundeskanzler. Das neue Kabinett bestand aus Mitgliedern der "Jamaika"-Fraktionen mit Ausnahme der FDP und wurde um Vertrauensleute Steinmeiers vom konservativen Flügel der SPD erweitert. Es hatten de Maizière und der Bundespräsident entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Regierung – nach Einschätzung des Berliner Historikers Henning Köhler war der Bundeskanzler nur ihr „Juniorpartner für die Erledigung der laufenden Geschäfte“. Nach den Vorstellungen des Bundespräsidenten und seiner Berater sollte mit der neuen Regierung eine Rechtswendung vollzogen werden. Obwohl sie im Bundestag keine Mehrheit hatte, bestand sie Misstrauensanträge von Seiten der SPD und der Linken, da Teile der FDP sie gegen den Willen Lindners vorerst unterstützten. Aber schon nach wenigen Wochen stimmten SPD, Linke, AfD und jetzt auch Teile der FDP gegen eine Vorlage Altmeiers zur Deckung des Bundeshaushaltes. Diese enthielt Beitragserhöhungen und Leistungseinschränkungen bei der Arbeitslosenversicherung. Altmeier verhandelte zunächst mit der SPD, um zu einem Kompromiss zu gelangen, gab dies jedoch von sich aus früh auf, da er befürchtete, die Unterstützung der gemäßigten Rechtsparteien zu verlieren, wenn er eine Abmachung mit der SPD abschlösse. Nachdem der Bundestag also die Deckungsvorlage abgelehnt hatte, wurde dieselbe in Form von zwei Notverordnungen Steinmeiers in Kraft gesetzt. Dabei stützte sich der Bundespräsident auf Art. 48 des Grundgesetzes, das Notstandsgesetz. Solche Notverordnungen konnten aber jederzeit wieder vom Bundestag rückgängig gemacht werden. Und genau das passierte auch zwei Tage später den zwei Notverordnungen – mit knapper Mehrheit wurden sie auf Antrag der Sozialdemokraten außer Kraft gesetzt. Altmeiers Deckungsvorlage schien damit endgültig gescheitert. Doch direkt nach dieser Abstimmung, die die zwei Notstandsgesetze außer Kraft setzte, verlas Altmeier im Reichstag ein Dekret des Bundespräsidenten, das den Bundestag auflöste. Acht Tage später wurden von der Regierung (durch den Bundespräsidenten, der diese unterstützte) die beiden Notverordnungen in verschärfter Form wieder in Kraft gesetzt – nur, dass diesmal kein Bundestag bestand, der sie wieder für nichtig hätte erklären können.
Die Neuwahlen des Bundestages vom 14. September 2018, die wegen der steinmeierschen Auflösungsanordnung anstand, fand vor dem Hintergrund einer Wirtschaftskrise statt, die im Frühjahr 2018 in Deutschland eingesetzt hatte. Die FAZ bezeichnete sie als „Erbitterungswahlen“. Das Ergebnis war fatal: Die AfD konnte ihre Sitzzahl von 87 auf 217 Sitze erhöhen und war damit plötzlich zweitstärkste Partei. Steinmeier ließ durchblicken, er werde den Bundestag sofort wieder auflösen, wenn dieser die Notverordnungen erneut ablehnen sollte – Neuwahlen würden aber lediglich für die Linke und insbesondere für die AfD von Vorteil sein. Daher entschloss sich die SPD, in dieser Zwickmühle gefangen, die Politik Altmeiers zu tolerieren. Mit den Stimmen der Sozialdemokraten wurden die Misstrauensanträge von Seiten der FDP, der AfD und der Linken gegenüber der Regierung Altmeier fortan abgelehnt. Die SPD musste jetzt eine Politik mittragen, auf die sie keinen Einfluss hatte.
Nun setzte der Mechanismus der gemäßigten Präsidialregierungen ein: Wenn ein Gesetzesentwurf der Regierung keine Mehrheit im Bundestag fand, setzte der Bundespräsident diesen in Form einer Notverordnung in Kraft, obwohl das Grundgesetz diese Notverordnungen nur für Notsituationen vorgesehen hatte. Im Grundgesetz (Art. 48) war nicht festgelegt worden, wie eine Notsituation zu definieren sei und wer sie feststellen könne. Es hieß dazu nur „Das Nähere regelt ein Bundesgesetz“. Ein solches Gesetz ist jedoch nie verabschiedet worden.
Wenn der Bundestag das Recht wahrnahm, die Aufhebung der Notverordnung vom Bundespräsidenten zu verlangen, oder dem Bundeskanzler sein Misstrauen aussprach, löste der Bundespräsident gemäß Artikel 25 der Verfassung das Parlament auf. Neuwahlen mussten laut Grundgesetz nach spätestens sechzig Tagen abgehalten werden, und der gewählte Bundestag spätestens nach weiteren 30 Tagen zusammentreten.
In diesen neunzig Tagen konnte das Kabinett mit Notverordnungen regieren, die der Bundespräsident erließ. Sowohl die Exekutive als auch die Legislative lag nun beim Bundespräsidenten und beim Bundeskanzler, der die Notverordnungen gegenzeichnen musste. Die Gewaltenteilung war somit großteils aufgehoben. 2019 entstanden lediglich 34 vom Bundestag verabschiedete Gesetze, aber 44 Notverordnungen.
Dieses relativ stabile „System Altmeier“ basierte auf der parlamentarischen Tolerierung der Regierung durch die SPD: Der Bundestag hätte mit Mehrheit die Notverordnungen außer Kraft setzen können. Die SPD allerdings, die in Altmeier das kleinere Übel im Vergleich zu den Sozialisten und Rechtsextremisten sah, verhinderte dies. Ferner hätte der Bundestag mit Zweidrittelmehrheit eine Volksabstimmung über die Absetzung des Bundespräsidenten entscheiden können (Art. 43) oder den Bundespräsidenten beim Bundesverfassungsgericht (Art. 59) anklagen können.
Mit der Tolerierung durch die SPD konnte Altmeier bis Mai 2020 vergleichsweise stabil regieren, obwohl er als „Hungerdiktator“ verschrien war (höhö): Seine scharfe Austeritäts- und Deflationspolitik verschärfte die Wirtschaftskrise und ließ breite Schichten verarmen. Diese Praxis stand im Widerspruch zu seinem ursprünglichen Auftrag, nämlich „antipopulistisch“ zu regieren. Der Widerspruch spitzte sich zu, als im Frühjahr 2020 die Wiederwahl Steinmeiers anstand. Gegenkandidaten waren die Kommunistin Wagenknecht und Bernd Höcke. Wieder willigte die SPD ein, das kleinere Übel zu unterstützen, und Steinmeier wurde mit ihrer Hilfe wiedergewählt, nahm es dem Bundeskanzler aber übel, ihn in Abhängigkeit von den Verfassungsfeinden gebracht zu haben, den Populisten und den Sozialisten.
Das Verbot der NPD und PEGIDA vom 13. April 2020 schien die Bundesregierung noch weiter nach links zu rücken. Das widersprach den Plänen der Kamarilla um Steinmeier, denn de Mazière hatte vor, PEGIDA in eine Aufrüstung der Bundeswehr, die er plante, einzubeziehen. Dadurch sollte die AfD an den Staat herangeführt und dadurch „gezähmt“ werden. Das PEGIDA-Verbot musste da stören. In der Folge musste von der Leyen als Bundesverteidigungsministerin zurücktreten. Einen weiteren Grund für den Sturz Altmeiers bildete die Mietpreisbremsenverordnung, die von den ostdeutschen Grundbesitzern stark kritisiert wurde. Als Steinmeier daraufhin erklärte, er werde keine Notverordnung Altmeiers mehr unterzeichnen, trat am 30. Mai das gesamte Kabinett zurück; die außenpolitischen Erfolge, wie die Stundung der Eurorettungszahlungen für ein Jahr (20. Juni 2019, Juncker-Moratorium) nutzten ihm nichts mehr. Damit war die Zeit der gemäßigten Präsidialkabinette, die noch durch eine wenngleich rudimentäre Mitverantwortung des Parlaments gekennzeichnet war, vorüber. Es begann die Zeit der reinen Präsidialkabinette, die ohne oder gar gegen den Bundestag regierten, oder, in der Terminologie Karl Dietrich Brachers, auf die „Phase des Machtverlusts“ unter Altmeiers folgte die „Phase des Machtvakuums“ unter seinen Nachfolgern.
Reine Präsidialkabinette: Söder und de Maizière
Der nächste Bundeskanzler wurde Söder vom äußersten rechten Flügel der CSU. Aufgrund des von ihm gebildeten „Kabinetts der Saupreissn“ wurde er aus der Partei ausgeschlossen. Gröhe hatte am 8. Mai 2020 mit Höcke vereinbart, dass die AfD die neue Regierung tolerieren würde; als Gegenleistung hatte ihm Söder die Aufhebung des PEGIDA-Verbots und eine Auflösung des Bundestags zugesagt. Söder hielt sich an diese Zusage, woraufhin es im Wahlkampf zu bürgerkriegsartigen Zusammenstößen zwischen der wieder zugelassenen PEGIDA und ihren Gegnern kam.
Bei den Bundestagswahlen vom 31. Juli 2020 wurde die AfD mit 37,3 Prozent der abgegebenen Stimmen stärkste Partei. Gemeinsam mit den Linken, die 14,3 Prozent erhielten, hatte sie eine negative Mehrheit im Parlament: Der Bundetag war damit lahmgelegt. Am 12. September erlitt die Regierung Söder eine beispiellose Niederlage, als ihr der Reichstag mit 512 zu nur 172 Stimmen das Misstrauen aussprach. Söder war schon mit einer Auflösungsorder Steinmeiers in die Sitzung gekommen, doch hatte Bundestagstagspräsident Schäuble ihn absichtsvoll ignoriert. Für den 6. November 2020 wurden nun erneute Neuwahlen angesetzt. Söder hatte noch versucht, Steinmeier dazu zu bewegen, keinen Wahltermin festzulegen, doch war der Bundespräsident vor diesem offensichtlichen Verfassungsbruch zurückgeschreckt.
Die Reichstagswahlen vom 6. November 2020 erbrachten leicht gesunkene Stimmenzahl für die AfD (33,1 statt 37,3 %), änderten aber nichts an der verfahrenen Situation, dass die beiden Parteien, die die Bundesrepublik ablehnten, gemeinsam eine Mehrheit hatten. Dennoch betraute Steinmeier mit der Regierungsbildung erneut Söder, der nun offen dafür plädierte, den Ausnahmezustand zu erklären: Man solle den handlungsunfähigen Bundestag erneut auflösen und die Neuwahlen aussetzen, bis mit einem Abklingen der Wirtschaftskrise auch der politische Radikalismus abgeklungen sei. Bis dahin müsse man mit Unterstützung der Bundeswehr gegen die Verfassung regieren. Dieses Vorhaben verhinderte de Maizière, indem er bei seinem Untergebenen Eugen Ott ein Planspiel in Auftrag gab, das zeigte, dass im Falle eines Bürgerkriegs die Bundeswehr den bewaffneten Kräften der AfD und der Linken unterlegen sein würde.
Söder trat daraufhin zurück und Steinmeier ernannte am 3. Dezember 2020 de Maizière zum Bundeskanzler. Nachdem sein Plan einer Querfront aller sozial orientierten Kräfte von den Freien Gewerkschaften über den Arbeitnehmerflügel des CDU bis zum gemäßigten Flügel der AfD um Alice Weidel gescheitert war, plädierte er ebenfalls für einen Staatsstreich: Der Bundestag solle aufgelöst werden, ohne einen Termin für Neuwahlen festzulegen. Als Steinmeier dies erneut ablehnte, trat de Maizière am 28. Januar 2021 zurück.
Übergang zur völkischen Diktatur: Höcke
Bernd Höcke hatte am 23. November 2020 über den Staatssekretär Otto Meißner den Antrag zur Führung eines Präsidialkabinetts gestellt, aber Bundespräsident Steinmeier lehnte diesen Antrag am 24. November 2020 unter anderem mit der Befürchtung ab, dass ein von Höcke „geführtes Präsidialkabinett sich zwangsläufig zu einer Parteidiktatur mit allen ihren Folgen für eine außerordentliche Verschärfung der Gegensätze im deutschen Volke entwickeln würde“, was er (Steinmeier) „vor seinem Eid und seinem Gewissen nicht verantworten könnte.“
Am 30. Januar 2021 wurde Höcke dann trotzdem durch Steinmeier zum neuen Bundeskanzler ernannt, nachdem es ihm mit Söders Hilfe gelungen war, eine Koalitionsregierung zusammenzustellen, das sogenannte „Kabinett der nationalen Konzentration“, die mit 41,4 % (AfD 33,1 %, CSU 8,3 %) allerdings im Reichstag keine Mehrheit hatte, also auf den Bundespräsidenten angewiesen war. Höckes „Kabinett der nationalen Konzentration“ war also zunächst nach wie vor ein Präsidialkabinett. Markus Söder wurde Höckes Vizekanzler. Die Ernennung Höckes war durch Paragraph 53 des Grundgesetzes gedeckt. Höcke schien in Kontinuität zu seinen Vorgängern zu stehen, verfügte im Unterschied zu seinen Vorgängern aber über eine Massenbasis.
Höckes „Präsidialkabinett-Zeit“ endete im März mit der Bundestagstagswahl 2021: Jetzt hatte sein Kabinett auch die parlamentarische Mehrheit: AfD 43,9 %, CSU 8,0 %. Sein Kabinett war von da an nicht mehr allein abhängig vom Bundespräsidenten.
Trotzdem regierte er fortan nicht parlamentarisch, sondern diktatorisch, da aufgrund des Volkrückholungsgesetzes vom 24. März 2021 die Regierung selbst alle Gesetze „anordnen“ konnte, wozu nicht einmal mehr der Bundespräsident benötigt wurde.
ZLNG;: Es ist ganz oft Wahltag, meine Kerle
submitted by filthyandcynical to de [link] [comments]

[EVENT] Chancellor von Schleicher Resigns

Over the past few weeks and months, the rumours of a renewed charge by the KPD and their leader, Ernst Thälmann, against the von Schleicher government have intensified - culminating in the supposed proposal of a vote of no-confidence against the government of Kurt von Schleicher.
To preempt this move, Reichskanzler von Schleicher has resigned with immediate effect. Reichspräsident von Hindenburg has appointed Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath as the new Reichskanzler, according to Article 53 of the Constitution of the German Reich. Reichskanzler von Neurath has agreed to induct the German National People's Party and Centre Party into a temporary government which will receive representation - however limited - in the Reichstag.
It is believed that the government, despite this representation in the Reichstag, will continue to rule largely through Reichspräsident von Hindenburg and Article 48 of the Constitution of the German Reich.
It is well known throughout Berlin that von Neurath has been selected by von Hindenburg out of the knowledge that any of the Kamarilla would likely suffer the same fate as has been suffered by von Schleicher, and also through the situation of complete and utter disarray within the Reichstag and the parties which are represented there.
von Neurath has had it made very clear to him that Reichspräsident von Hindenburg still holds all of the real power - and that it would serve the Chancellor well to keep this in mind through everything he attempts.
submitted by Qasimanov to Brink_of_War [link] [comments]

Trump is not Hitler, he's Hindenburg

From choice bits from Wikipedia:
In spite of his lack of interest in holding public office, he decided to stand for the post anyway as he believed only he could "save" Germany.
He was aided by the support of the Bavarian People's Party (BVP), which switched from supporting Marx, and by the refusal of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) to withdraw their candidate Ernst Thälmann.
Hindenburg's rationale for accepting the republic was that his main interest was in making Germany great again by revising the Treaty of Versailles
Hindenburg felt that democracy was incompatible with the militaristic volksgemeinschaft that would unite the people into one.
Pyta described Hindenburg's first five years in office as attempt to use his own prestige and the power of the presidency to create an inclusive volksgemeinschaft under his leadership
However, deep down Hindenburg had a fundamental antagonism towards the pacifistic Social Democrats, who could never be part of the militaristic volksgemeinschaft that he wanted to see, and as such, the SPD just had to go.
In 1927, Hindenburg shocked international opinion by defending Germany's actions and entry in World War I by repudiating Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles in a speech celebrating the opening of the Tannenberg memorial.
In private, Hindenburg often complained to his associates that he missed the quiet of his retirement and bemoaned that he had allowed himself to be pressured into running for president. He carped that politics was full of issues such as economics that he did not understand, and did not want to. He was surrounded by a coterie of advisers antipathetic to the Weimar constitution.
The younger Hindenburg served as his father's aide-de-camp and controlled politicians' access to the President, enjoying far more power than what his position would suggest, making him into "the constitutionally unforeseen son of the President".
The younger Hindenburg served as his father's aide-de-camp and controlled politicians' access to the President, enjoying far more power than what his position would suggest, making him into "the constitutionally unforeseen son of the President".
If the Reichstag should threaten to annul any laws so passed, Hindenburg could counter with the threat of dissolution.[168] The German historian Eberhard Jäckel wrote that the idea of presidential government was within the letter of the constitution as the "25/48/53 formula" did make a presidential government possible, but violated its spirit as Article 54 stated the Chancellor and his cabinet were responsible to the Reichstag, and thus the idea of a presidential government was an attempt by Hindenburg and his kamarilla to do an end-run around the constitution.
The first attempt to establish a "presidential government" occurred in 1926–27, but floundered for lack of political support.
the "Grand Coalition" government would fall to be replaced with a "presidential government" which would exclude the Social Democrats under all conditions, adding that the coming "Hindenburg government" would be "anti-Marxist" and "anti-parliamentarian", serving as a transition to a dictatorship.
the "Grand Coalition" government would fall to be replaced with a "presidential government" which would exclude the Social Democrats under all conditions, adding that the coming "Hindenburg government" would be "anti-Marxist" and "anti-parliamentarian", serving as a transition to a dictatorship.
Brüning's first official act was to introduce a budget calling for steep spending cuts and steep tax increases.
Hindenburg for his part grew increasingly annoyed at Brüning, complaining that he was growing tired of using Article 48 all the time to pass bills. Hindenburg found the detailed notes that Brüning submitted explaining the economic necessity of each of his bills to be incomprehensible.
In the summer of 1931, Hindenburg complained in a letter to his daughter: "What pains and angers me the most is being misunderstood by part of the political right".
The American historian Henry Ashby Turner noted that Hindenburg was always a bit slow when it came to thinking, and many people who knew him as an old man assumed this was just senility when in fact Hindenburg's sluggish mental processes and his rather "simplistic" ways of understanding the world had been well documented from his teenage years on.
a man who rarely read books and even then only read military books
namely he did not know what to do when confronted with difficult decisions and he needed the help of others to resolve a problem
For the German people, Hindenburg was an image of strength and power, owing to his 6'5 frame and bearlike physique
Hindenburg as president often broke down in tears when confronted with decisions that required deep thoughts that he was incapable of, and despite his stress on loyalty and keeping one's words, Hindenburg was a selfish man who disregarded his friends and freely broke his promises when keeping his promises proved inconvenient.
"Please see from the following that the charge that I opposed a government of the Right is completely false. It was not I...but solely the disunity of the Right (emphasis in the original) and its inability to come together in the main points that constituted the obstacle to such a development...Despite all the blows in the neck I have taken, I will not abandon my efforts for a healthy move to the Right".[194] Hindenburg made it clear in private that he regarded Brüning as too moderate, would replace him after his reelection, and wanted a government that would bring together all of the right-wing parties including the National Socialists
Unlike Brüning, Papen ingratiated himself with Hindenburg and his son through flattery. Much to Schleicher's annoyance, Papen quickly replaced him as Hindenburg's favorite advisor. The French Ambassador André François-Poncet reported to his superiors in Paris that "It's he [Papen] who is the preferred one, the favorite of the Marshal; he diverts the old man through his vivacity, his playfulness; he flatters him by showing him respect and devotion; he beguiles him with his daring; he is in [Hindenburg's] eyes the perfect gentleman."[202] Just after becoming Chancellor, Papen secretly took an oath of feudal loyalty to Hindenburg, declaring upon his honor as a knight and gentleman that he would serve Hindenburg forever.[203] Papen's anachronistic feudal oath had nothing to do with the Weimar constitution and had no legal standing, but for the Junker Hindenburg, whose understanding of social relations were essentially medieval, this oath made him Papen's liege lord and as such he now had a duty of "knightly fealty" to stay loyal to his "knight" Papen.
submitted by BourneAwayByWaves to EnoughTrumpSpam [link] [comments]

Von Schleicher's Germany

Though I'm sure this has probably been done here before, I'd like to have a go at it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_von_Schleicher
What if von Schleicher was able to create a right wing coalition to rule Germany that doesn't include the Nazis, because Hitler never existed?
Schleicher was deeply involved in merging the military and government before his political career and in fact it seems as though his political career was the next step in creating a military dictatorship in Germany with him at the helm seeking revision of the Versailles treaty. The militant right wing was supposed to be his pawn to achieve his goal, but historically Hitler preempted him and had Schleicher assassinated in 1934.
Historically Schleicher was not a fan of the Nazis, but saw them as useful against the left. Of course the Nazis were not the only militant right wing party at the time who were either working with the Nazis are for themselves. There is most certainly a less influential Nazi party analogue even without Hitler.
In late 1926-early 1927, Schleicher told Hindenburg that if it was impossible to form a government headed by the German National People’s Party alone, then Hindenburg should "appoint a government in which he had confidence, without consulting the parties or paying attention to their wishes" and with "the order for dissolution ready to hand, give the government every constitutional opportunity to a majority in Parliament".[18]
This was the origin of the "presidential governments". Together with Major Oskar von Hindenburg, Otto Meißner, and General Wilhelm Groener, Schleicher was a leading member of the Kamarilla that surrounded President von Hindenburg. It was Schleicher who came up with the idea of a presidential government based on the so-called "25/48/53 formula". Under a presidential government, the head of government (in this case, the chancellor), is responsible to the head of state (president), and not to a legislative body.
The "25/48/53 formula" referred to the three articles of the Constitution that could make a presidential government possible:
-Article 25 allowed the President to dissolve the Reichstag.
-Article 48 allowed the President to sign into law emergency bills without the consent of the Reichstag. However, the Reichstag could cancel any law passed by Article 48 by a simple majority within 60 days of its passage.
-Article 53 allowed the President to appoint the Chancellor.
Schleicher′s idea was to have Hindenburg use his powers under Article 53 to appoint a man of Schleicher′s choosing as chancellor, who would rule under the provisions of Article 48. Should the Reichstag threaten to annul any laws so passed, Hindenburg could counter with the threat of dissolution.
Hindenburg was unenthusiastic about these plans, but was pressured into going along with them by his son along with Meißner, Groener and Schleicher. During the course of the winter of 1929-30, Schleicher, through various intrigues, undermined the "Grand Coalition" government of Hermann Müller with the support of Groener and Hindenburg.[23] In March 1930, Müller′s government fell and the first presidential government headed by Heinrich Brüning came into office.[24]
submitted by wiking85 to HistoricalWhatIf [link] [comments]

kamarilla video

Kamarilla - No Juegues KamaRiLLa - Kamarilla - Dark Clouds - YouTube KamaRiLLa - YouTube Kamarilla - YouTube

Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'Kamarilla' auf Duden online nachschlagen. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Unter Kamarilla oder Camarilla (von spanisch: camarilla (Diminutiv von cámara, Kammer) „Kämmerchen“, Privatkabinett des Königs) versteht man eine Günstlingspartei, die ohne Befugnis und Verantwortung Einfluss auf die Entscheidungen eines… Durch ein Zusammengehen mit den Deutschnationalen unter Alfred Hugenberg, die einen weiteren Teil der Kamarilla um Hindenburg bildeten, sollte diese Front hergestellt werden. Das hatte Hitler ... Kamarilla. [. - ˈ rilja; die; spanisch, „Kämmerchen“. ] einflussreiche Hofpartei ohne Ministerien- oder Kammerverantwortung. Berühmt wurde die Kamarilla unter Friedrich Wilhelm IV. von Preußen, die den König während der Revolution 1848/49 in streng konservativem Sinn beeinflusste. Kamarilla Ka ma r ị l la 〈 a. [ -r ı̣ lja ] f. - , -r ị l len 〉 Günstlingspartei in der Umgebung eines Monarchen od... Unter Kamarilla oder Camarilla (spanisch, metonymisch aus camarilla „Kämmerchen“, „Privatkabinett des Königs“; Diminutiv von cámara „Kammer“) versteht man eine Günstlingspartei, die nicht den offiziellen Regierungsorganen angehört, aber ohne Befugnis und Verantwortung Einfluss auf die Entscheidungen eines Herrschers ausübt. Diese Partei trat in Spanien nach der Restauration ...

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Kamarilla - No Juegues

Cumbia Argentina de los 90s , Bailanta Gracias Adrian Montenegro por el cd. Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung:https://amzn.to/2UKHXysKamarillaUnter Kamarilla oder Camarilla versteht man eine Günstlingspartei, die ohne Befugnis und V... KamaRiLLa Live @ Herman's Hideaway, 10-13-06performing an original song, "I've Seen You Change" Denver, CO Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. İf you like this track please support me and subscribe thanks. The next video is starting stop. Loading...


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