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Game Concept: Fallout Cincinnati

(Repost because I posted this really late and I was hoping to get some more discussion on the ideas.)
TLDR: Cincinnati seems like an interesting location for a future Fallout game and I break down my reasoning and then give an idea for a story. Maybe Cincinnati, Ohio isn’t as popular as other American cities, but I think it still deserves a shot.
So this post is taking some older ideas in some Reddit posts for a Fallout game and adding some additional ideas for it. I believe that a Fallout game set in and around Cincinnati, Ohio could potentially be a good fit for the Fallout franchise. I’m gonna break down the reasons why I think it could fit the theme/work as a map and then some story ideas for what could work in the area. I’d also like to state that my ideas are based off of information from the Fallout Wiki and Wikipedia. If anything doesn’t add up, I apologize.
-So Cincinnati might not seem like a city as grandiose as somewhere like NYC, Philadelphia, Detroit, New Orleans, etc. To an extent, I totally agree with that sentiment. It’d be really cool to see those cities that were mentioned above as future Fallout locations. However, I believe that those world ideas are also so full of interesting locations that a game trying to capture it all would struggle to get all the significant locations with current technology. Cincinnati is a smaller city that is still rich with culture and history that could be captured more accurately than bigger projects.
-A decent amount of the skyscrapers and more significant places of Cincinnati and the surrounding cities are somewhat older. There is enough buildings in Cincinnati that were built before or close enough to the divergence point that the skyline and city layout could be decently recognizable.
-Cincinnati had a decently sized manufacturing and industrial sector before the IRL Midwest De-Industrialization and Formation of the Rust Belt in the 40s and 50s. Considering that Fallout is themed around the ‘Pax Americana 1950s & Early 60s’ culture, the idea of showing off a Midwest city that continued to boom in those sectors could be an interesting focus for a Fallout game.
-Cincinnati has a large, mostly unused subway system that was never finished. In game, we could see areas of underground activity like the Fallout 3 subway system. The IRL subway eventually had a section that was also reworked to be a nuclear shelter, so a Vault being under the city wouldn’t be far-fetched.
-The Underground Railroad considered Cincinnati to be an important stop along the way, as it was a large destination for runaway slaves. The city was seen as a large region to hide amongst and find work that was just north of the Ohio River, where Slavery was mostly illegal (still not that great for runaways, but better than the South). Any concepts of slaves coming to Cincinnati for newfound freedoms or a system/faction of abolitionists and runaways would make a lot of sense for the themes.
-The Ohio River would be an important location that could go right through the middle of the map. Based off of how irradiated the rivers were in Fallout 3: The Pitt, I think it’d be safe to assume that the Ohio River in Cincinnati would also be unsafe to travel across. This creates something like the Deathclaws north of Goodsprings in Fallout: New Vegas where players can follow a normal path to get to the main city. This also means that it could create fun and challenging ways to get across the river.
-Fallout’s 1950s styled America is still in love with baseball. If you’re looking for a major city with a rich baseball history/culture, Cincinnati’s your place. Cincinnati is the city where the first professional baseball team was created, the Red Stockings. It could be host to a baseball themed faction, a settlement like Diamond City, or maybe even a quest line to reform a pro baseball team.
-The Cincinnati Zoo is a long standing and prestigious zoo that could be an interesting point in this hypothetical game. Since the zoo is home to various creatures that aren’t native to most of America, we could see interesting enemy mobs like mutated gorillas and irradiated hippos.
-IRL Cincinnati is home to major companies like Kroger, Procter&Gamble, and GE Aviation. Fallout companies like Super Duper Mart and Abraxodyne Chemical could be stand-ins for Kroger and P&G. It’d be a cool bit of story building for some of the pre-war companies that have products littering the Fallout wastelands.
-While New Orleans is probably more famous for this point, Cincinnati was also historically home to a developed steamboat industry that made it an important location in the history of American exploration/expansion into the river basins of Midwest America. Fallout 4’s museums based around Massachusetts’ involvement in the American War of Independence show off the cultural significance of the region in American history. Cincinnati could have a museum dedicated to it’s prominent position as a gateway to the west, showing off it’s contributions to expansionist American culture.
-One of the cities in the Cincinnati region is a town south of the Ohio River known as Newport, Kentucky. Historically, before Las Vegas became Sin City, Newport, KY was a huge contender for that role. From the 1920s to the 1950s, Newport was a city filled with criminal bosses and corrupt public officials. Casinos, brothels, and other illegal enterprises made up a good chunk of everyday life for this town. If fans want to recapture the spirit of New Vegas with the focus on moral degradation and a city of ‘Sex, Drugs, and Rock’n’Roll,’ then look no further than Newport.
-Cincinnati was one of the major US cities that had Nike anti-air missile bases around the Greater Cincinnati area. I don’t think it’d be too far of a stretch to assume that after world tensions got worse in the 21st century, that the government would repurpose some of these launch sites into nuclear silos. Maybe we could see another Megaton situation.
-Cincinnati is also home to 3 facilities in the area that were dedicated to nuclear research and enrichment (until these plants were closed due radiation leaking out). These would be some great areas to explore and mess around with nuclear enrichment.
So I feel like this game could work if it was set between the ending of Fallout 2 and the beginning of Fallout 3. IMO, the ideal starting date would be between 2248 and 2252 due to the ideas I have for the factions that could be used in this game. I don’t have all the details for all the different factions, but I have 4 ideas for 4 major factions. Two new ones and two old ones that could fit the area.
-The Brotherhood (Chicago Faction) So the Brotherhood of Chicago is an ill defined group that exists only in references. Fallout: Tactics set up a group known as the Midwest Brotherhood, however, Tactics is no longer recognized as a canon game since Bethesda acquired the Fallout series. According to Fallout 3 & 4 though, there is still a group of the Brotherhood that still exists in the Chicago area. Like Tactics, the Chicago group of the Brotherhood arrived in Chicago due to an airship crashing into the area. Beyond this, there isn’t much lore about the Chicago chapter so this is where I’d like to add my ideas. After the crash, feeling disconnected from the rest of the Brotherhood (and their dedicated supplies and supply lines), the Chicago chapter turns more towards the religious aspects of the Brotherhood. Having a lot of connections to the airship that decided their fate, as well as possibly being based out of Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport, the Chicago Brotherhood turns towards the sky. They begin a process of turning into an Aviation cult, a society that worships and encourages air travel. Like the old Brotherhood, they would hoard technologies, just more focused on air travel and air defenses. Over time, they begin to expand around the Great Lakes region, eventually coming to a manpower crisis. At this point, the Chicago chapter would either loosen it’s recruiting standards to allow in wastelanders who would join due to their acceptance of their new faith system, or the Chicago chapter would create a Spartan styled theocratic dictatorship with the airship survivors acting as foreign rulers over Chicagoans. Either or would have interesting story choices, but I can’t chose which I like more. Anyhow, the Chicago chapter eventually comes across tales of ‘Prophet Wright and Prophet Patterson,’ the founders of flight (and possibly the sky if the chapter is naive/delusional enough). The Chicago Brotherhood learns of a ‘Holy City’ where flight was birthed and worshiped at a ‘Holy Air Base.’ The Chapter would take it’s proudest forces and equipment to claim their perceived Holy Land, the city of Dayton, OH and Wright-Patterson Air Base. Upon arrival, the Chicago chapter realized that the city was already claimed by other forces. Believing that their God (or Gods) was on their side, the Chicago Brotherhood launched an attack for Dayton. Time would pass, and no gains were made by the Brotherhood, revealing a dirty truth that this chapter was not as dominant and guided by God(s) as they thought they were. They also had to accept that an enemy force with Wright-Patterson could challenge their tactical and spiritual hold on the sky. Upon tactical reevaluation, the Chicago chapter noticed that the enemy forces were sending extra soldier South of the battle. The chapter correctly guessed that their enemies were moving to encircle them and stop their Midwestern gains. In response, the Brotherhood would send it’s own forces South to try to counter-encircle the enemy. Both forces, evenly matched and evenly stretching their lines would finally hit the Ohio River. Both sides were stuck countering the influence of the other, eventually both would settle in to starve the other one out around Cincinnati. The Chicago Brotherhood had their work cut out for them, for they would be facing off against.....
-The Enclave After the events of Fallout 2, the Enclave would need to rebuild. Bases of theirs lying in ruins, groups deserting them, Enclave members being hunted down for justice, profit, and fun. The situation looked dire for most. That was until a Mr. John Henry Eden gave orders to regroup and rebuild in the Capitol wasteland. Most Enclave members saw the writing on the wall, and decided that the move East would be better than death. This is where I believe that a certain group of the Enclave would be moving east, eventually stumbling upon Dayton & Wright-Patterson. This group of the Enclave didn’t feel like moving on past this treasure trove would be a smart idea, so the group settled there. Now I was thinking that the leader of this Enclave chapter would eventually get all high and mighty, thus proclaiming that the Dayton Enclave was the true enclave, that their leader was the rightful President, and that Eden and his Capitol Wasteland Enclave was not legitimate. The Dayton Enclave President swore an oath of duty to reunite the Enclave under him, and to invade and conquer the Capitol for their own state. While the older and higher up ranks supported the grand plan, younger officers and cadets had an uneasy feeling over these plans. Some would even go as far to talk about open rebellion and, even possibly, a return to democratic institutions and rules. (I would love to see a quest line where you can influence the Enclave and chose between a status-quo Enclave or a democratic Enclave. However, just because a bad guy says that they’re good now, it does not mean that they will be seen by the people as a good guy now). All of this would have to wait though, as a new enemy has arrived on this Enclave chapter’s borders. In less than an hour after their arrival, the enemy began a siege on the Enclave’s Wright-Patterson base. The Enclave was caught completely off guard, as none of the higher ups believed that ‘No savages of this region could possibly learn how to fly and professionally fight.’ After the initial chaos, the Enclave was able to get their air force up and defending their positions. Amid the siege and dogfights, the Enclave would learn of the name of their ‘new’ enemy: The Brotherhood. The Enclave officers had been both right and wrong. The Brotherhood was not a savage of this region, as they had fought against them in California. They were still in this region though, and they were able to put up an actual fight. Realizing the direness of getting stuck in a constant siege, the Enclave came up with a plan to hopefully solve all their problems. If the Enclave forces could just encircle the Brotherhood forces, then they could possibly cut their supply lines while also conquering lands to keep the Brotherhood from moving any further into Ohio, as well as a start on the Dayton Enclave’s Eastern March to take DC. Their forces moved south, only for the Brotherhood to match their moves to the south. The Enclave tried again, only to meet the same results. This began a race south to try to get under the other army. Evenly they moved along, until both forces hit the Ohio River. While some war-hawks within the Enclave ranks wanted to move into Cincinnati to try to gain the upper hand, the Dayton Chapter President refused, wishing to focus on the Brotherhood and the eventual Eastern March. Unfortunately, the Enclave and the Brotherhood had moved their battlegrounds too close to Cincinnati, and soon, a new force would join the fight.....
-The Republic of the Ohio Cincinnati was not spared from the horrors of nuclear hellfire. Being a city with a large amount of manufacturing, commerce, transportation, and nuclear refinement will tend to put you on list for enemy nuclear destruction. As such, Cincinnati has seen better days. It is not 2077 anymore though, and the city has learned to heal. Emerging from vaults long after Nuclear War, but long before the time of this game, a new generation of citizens of Cincinnati began the process of rebuilding. In the beginning, many factions arose, with no central authority. Chaos and violence ruled the scorched streets. Eventually, due to raiders and instability, multiple governing groups formed trade pacts and alliances. These districts would eventually merge due to the economic ties to create the city of Cincinnati once more. While not all districts complied willingly, Cincinnati would continue to grow through a combination of economic ties and small military missions. With trade being such a central idea to the culture of the city, Cincinnati began to work out deals with even more areas that weren’t even part of the Cincinnati Districts. Around this time, the wealth inequality within the city began to grow faster and faster. More individuals were gearing up to meet more locals to enact more trade, of which some profits would go to line the pockets of these traders. Soon, the very well off individuals were producing shipping vessels on the Ohio River. While this meant that Cincinnati could spread it’s wings further, it also meant that more and more land on the river was being gobbled by those who already owned the majority. Nevertheless, the city would continue to work with the ultra rich to expand. By this point, many districts were starting to look worse compared to how they were doing before the city united. Since the city had been set up loosely, it had become a confederation in principle. As such, many districts were on the cusp of declaring their freedom once more. To quell any chance of District independence, the then Mayor of Cincinnati declared the ‘Republic of the Ohio.’ On one side of things, the new government better reflected the new growth on the Ohio River by recognizing new lands as different territories instead of new additions to the city. On the other side, the Republic was formed as a new government level to force territories looking for freedom back into the greater system. While the Districts could still leave the city of Cincinnati, they would still be stuck inside the Republic of the Ohio. The Republic was based off of the government of the pre-war USA, in which succession was illegal and punishable. Not everyone listened, and soon, the poorer districts declared a counter-government to recognize the ‘forgotten man.’ The Republic did not tolerate this, and swept through the districts, taking out any opposition that could be found. It was after this point, very early on in the new republic, that the government tightened the rules until the Republic was only a republic in name. Yes, the freedoms of speech and religion and the right to vote would still exist. But if you did not worship and speak of the Republic in the ‘correct way,’ you might have just found yourself stuck in social shaming and potential revenge. And while you could vote, it mattered not as everyone knew who the ‘winners’ would be. As the Republic embraced a darker side, it began to feel the drawbacks of it’s actions. Social services and protections offered by the state declined more and more, as politicians were more focused on the pay and helping their families. It was very clear that the rich of the republic had it all, while the poor never recovered from the District disassembly and forced reintegration. The Elite cared little though, as the republic grew it’s trading operations further up and down the River. Life was good enough. Or so it seemed until the scouts of the Republic brought news one day. Advanced groups with flying weaponry were moving south, towards the Republic itself. The President of the Ohio makes the call to send all forces to defend the northern walls. Little did they know that they had weakened another front, and a force moving from the South East to meet that weakened border. Known only in the region as a rumor, they are.....
-The Kanawha Coalition Nuclear War came a little bit later for the land of West Virginia, but when it came, it left it’s mark. West Virginia was spared from the worse in 2077, leaving behind a land with great potential. While violence and death was nothing foreign to the WV Wastelanders, it was comparatively tame versus the surrounding states. Eventually, a vault filled with Dwellers opened up. These pioneers would bring about change to the region, leading to more factions showing interest in the region. The population boomed, and it looked as if the region could sustain a form of civilization. Then the bombs came again, and again, and again. The new people of WV were not all as valorous and good-hearted as it seemed they would be. West Virginia was home to a series of active nuclear missile silos. Taking advantage of the chaos that comes with societal formation, certain individuals made their way to these silo sites to bring about new nuclear devastation. So quickly was the flame of law, order, and civilization sniffed out by nuclear destruction. Many would die, possibly even more than the amount of West Virginians killed in the actual war. Many more would just up and leave the lands, hoping to find a better home outside of WV. What was left after the first round of deaths and departures was a network of abandoned communities and other forgotten homesteads. The structures left behind would decay and fall apart, bits flying away along the wind. The locals that stayed were also forced to increase their mineral stripping and scavenging to build better homes, able to stand up to the toxicity of the region. Most of these were in vain, however, as the other survivors of the region were usually the ones still launching the weapons. Many years would pass with this pattern still going the same, only the Earth around them changing. While WV had been polluted even before the war, the leftover junk combined with the constant nuclear war brought the region to a new low. But at it’s lowest, WV would find a solution. Slowly, the psychopathic souls who had fired the weapons became bored of tormenting the region. The nukes were becoming a thing of the past, now the region could focus on the other problems that plagued everyday life. Those issues that had been put to the side were finally in full view. And that view was of a homeland soured by nuclear fires and other pollutants. The people had enough of their rotting home, so they elected to meet and discuss a solution. The meeting brought together a handful of tribes that had somehow survived. Many attending the meeting were no longer human, as the radiation had ghoulified a vast amount of the populace. While most regions struggled with the ostracism of ghouls, many humans within West Virginia had either accepted them or had learnt to tolerate them enough to not cause too much damage. While some grudges still seep into social arrangements, the ghoul-human relations are comparatively better to most other societies. The tribes of ghouls and humans came together to unify, creating a coalition of the West Virginian tribes. The elders of each tribe created a council to organize and direct new objectives for the willing locals. It was decided that the tribes would forgo the technologies that brought about the conditions that they lived in. They would focus their efforts on peace and harmony with the lands that had been ruined, with the eventual goal of creating an ecologically sustainable homeland. In an effort to rebrand the region and connect with a people who focused on the Earth, the coalition would begin to refer to the lands of West Virginia as Kanawha. Consequently, the coalition would eventually come to be known as the Kanawha Coalition. Time would pass and Mother Earth would heal... somewhat. After a long period of partial success, the council would meet and make a drastic choice. No longer would they toil to make a broken land heal, a new, better land would be searched out. The tribes packed up and began a long march towards a new home. A rumored land of a city that continued to kill Mother Earth with no punishments. Now, it was time to punish the wrongdoers and take their lands triumphantly.
WHY SET IT BETWEEN 2248 AND 2252: The main reason I feel like this time period would work is due to the events between FO2&3. According to the DC Brotherhood in 3, the Chicago Brotherhood had gone silent by the time of their eastern journey. It also fits due to the Enclave moving East as well. As such, 2248-52 seems late enough for the Enclave to get out East, while being early enough for the Chicago Brotherhood to disappear by 54/55.
submitted by Iamunow to Fallout [link] [comments]

My trophy rankings of GTAV on the PS4

Hi there, so I platinumed GTAV a while ago and I ranked them based on difficulty, how long they took, and just generally how fun they were to achieve. This also is kind of a walkthrough of some sorts and includes tips for some of the more difficult ones. Oh and keep in mind that this is just my opinion, some trophies can be achieved easier by other people.
And there is some swearing in this, but that shouldn't be a concern considering this is talking about GTAV Pick option C at the end of the game so you don't miss any achievements
  1. Pimp my sidearm- works on any gun, recommend beating the game and then fully mod a pistol for the cheapest results.
  2. Los santos customs- beat the game and take franklins car (trust me, do franklin's car) and go to a Los Santos customs and buy every option
  3. A lot of cheddar- When you finish the game go to one of the stock websites and purchase every stock you can, which means you should be able to purchase 40 million worth of stocks at a time, do this until you unlock the achievement. This should take around 2 minutes.
  4. Out of your depth- Purchase a boat or call a taxi (if you do the taxi achievement before this one the taxi skips are free) and go to the ocean, drive or swim to the very end and swim down to find a shark, annoy the shark so he will kill you. Depending on how you do it should only take around 5-15 minutes.
  5. Off the plane- nothing needed to be said here, just complete it.
  6. Clean sweep- Just stay behind cover and purchase snacks and body armor, and use a gun like a pump shotgun or a one-shot weapon, such as the revolver.
  7. Trading pure alpha- you can do this anytime within the game, just purchase a stock and then kill yourself repeatedly until next to your stocks a green arrow pointing up appears, sell it and you should get the achievement. Can take up to 5 minutes if stock prices don't go up quickly.
  8. Three-man army- Play as franklin and call Micheal and Trevor and pick them up, get a wanted level and stay in your car, kill a cop so you can get 3 stars, and start driving away but still have the cops on your ass. Do this for 3 minutes and you should get the achievement easily. Make sure your car has some armor upgrades though.
  9. Alls fare in love and war- After beating the mission Mr.Philips you are able to purchase businesses when you're able to play as franklin purchase the taxi business for 200k and then you should get a call after a while, do the job and you should get the achievement. The missions themselves don't take a long time, maybe around 5-10 minutes, if you don't get the achievement to try to do another one.
  10. Red mist- After completing the Trevor Philips industries mission this will just look like standard strangers and freaks, complete it, and then the others should pop up after you finish the one before. Complete all 5 and you should get the achievement. Can take up to 30 minutes to an hour if you're not good at it, I recommend trying to get the gold for all these for another achievement.
  11. Altruist acolyte- There are certain markers that will appear as you get close to them, play as Trevor and go to the "Domestic" random event, there are a few closer to the location such as the hitch lifts but I wasn't able to spawn them. Drive to the cult and you should get the achievement after the cutscene. Took me around 10 minutes if you use the domestic random event.
  12. Wanted: Dead or alive: This will also appear as Trevor strangers and freaks, after doing it you will get an email giving a picture of where he should be hidden, you can search it up on youtube as I did and capture him, don't kill the target no matter what, deliver him to Maude and you should unlock the achievement. Took around 10 minutes.
  13. Kifflom! Play as Micheal and go to the Epsilon Program website, and pay the 1000 dollars to start this, I recommend using another guide for this but whenever you need to do something like wear the robe for 5 days just go to Michael's house and sleep until you are able to go on another mission, and when you need to walk around the desert for 5 miles just walk in a circle. this can take up to 3 hours if not done correctly.
  14. San Andreas sightseer- Purchase a helicopter for the quickest results but can be done using a car or a boat. Travel around and get 95% of the map uncovered, you can tell if it's uncovered by it being transparent, meaning you can see through the map. The reason why I recommend a helicopter is you also need to uncover the ocean as well, which can be done with a boat but the helicopter is faster, you can either steal one or purchase a helicopter hangar and a helicopter. Took around 5 minutes because I already had a lot of the map uncovered.
  15. Multi-disciplined- You'll need to get a single gold in only one of the shooting range challenges, triathlon, a flight school lesson, a sea race, a street race (which only franklin can do), and an off-road race. Complete all of them anyway for 100% achievement. This can take up to 30 minutes to an hour if you aren't able to gold one.
  16. TP Industries arm race- After beating the mission Mr.Philips you need to purchase the hangar after beating the mission, it should cost 100,000 dollars. You get a special marker for the dune buggy and the airplane, there are 10 in total, 5 for the dune buggy (which is mainly just collecting supplies) and another 5 for the airplane (which is also mainly just supply drops) After doing the two quick save your game and reload it for the two missions to spawn. Can take up to an hour if doing the quick save method.
  17. Crew cut- To easily finish this you either need to make a crew for a friend to join or join a friends crew
and play a contact mission with them to get the achievement.
  1. A new perspective- Just leave one of the characters in the first person and just wait for the 15 hours or play some of
the story in the first person, I just recommend leaving it on overnight.
  1. Calling digits- reach rank 20 and have 5000 dollars, call up Merryweather and ask for a backup helicopter.
20- stick up kid- rob every store on the map, can take up to an hour depending on how fast you move to each store.
21- enjoy your stay- for this achievement you need to play golf, play tennis, play darts, arm-wrestle,
win a shooting range challenge, rob a store, buy a lap dance, buy any clothes, buy a tattoo and change your hairstyle. Make sure you win or lose the sports activities because if your teammate leaves in the middle of the match it won't count.
  1. Three-bit gangster- Pretty simple since ranking up is easy, just play 3x or 2x events or contact missions for the best RP. Can take up to an hour or two.
  2. American dream- You're most likely going to need at least 1,000,000 dollars for everything, grind the 3x or 2x event or play heists for money.
  3. 4-bit gangster- Same as a Three-bit gangster but more grinding is required. Can take up to 5 hours of pure grind.
  4. Full refund- After rank 50 have a friend call Lamar so he can call a thief on you, kill the thief and take back your money. Takes around 5 minutes.
  5. The midnight club- You can have a friend let you win 5 races by going to the menu-jobs-races and then
invite your friend and have you win 5 with a custom vehicle, depending on the map you play on
(I recommend taxiing, takes around 2 minutes to complete it) this can take up to 10-30 minutes.
  1. Backseat driver- Do this with a friend, wait for people to join or join a rally race, and then guide them through the map. Once again I recommend making the rally race so you can play on a map you are familiar with.
  2. Run like the wind- I did this in a solo match, I stole a car, got a bounty, and survived a GTA day (which is around 48 minutes) Move around and don't get kicked, you can die by anything but another player. You can do this with a friend where they have Lester give you a bounty.
  3. Show off- Use an upgraded vehicle (preferably franklin's personal car) and search up a guide for all locations, ill put a link to the guide I used in the description, while most are easy 10 of them are a complete bitch, and took me around 15 minutes just to do one of them because of the requirements. This can take up to 3-5 hours.
  4. From beyond the stars/a mystery solved- I can't really decide on which one is harder so I will group them up into one, both took me around 3 hours to do since there are so many. You can use the rockstar social club website or use a guide on YouTube as I did.
  5. Waste management- After the second heist Micheal or Trevor and purchase the old dock for around 250,000 dollars, while it can be confusing just follow the dot on the map. Took me around 2 hours to do.
  6. Close shave- Look up a guide, it's pretty much required for this. Buy the buzzard helicopter for the under the bridge and keep in mind not to do too much damage to your helicopter or it won't count, while most recommend stealing a jet from fort zancuddo I instead bought the mallard for 250,000. Took me around 3-4 hours.
  7. Decorated- In GTA online there are certain rewards for doing certain things such as killing people with a pistol a certain amount of times, every single platinum that I earned were headshot kills, sniper kills (not sure how to be honest) Kill people using melee weapons, kill people using sticky grenades, kill players in GTA online, kill psycho's (I recommend doing most of these in deathmatches) win 10 waves of survival, (it's painful and achievement on its own), rob 20 stores which is also an achievement, pay for 25 lap dances (all you need to do is pay for the dance and then exit it) buy 25 haircuts, have a friend drive you around for a few hours (sit in a car with your friend in it, pretty simple one) Flippin hell (go to a stunt race with a flying car, get high in the air and do the flips) steal vehicles (pretty simple) Achieve the fastest lap in a race (can be done with a friend) land jumps 300 feet in a road vehicles win every deathmatch and race mode (can be done with a friend) participate in 25 races, buy 25 pieces of clothes (just buy 25 shirts) get the most kills in a 4 player survival (not too hard unless you camp all game, can be done with a friend) get the most kills in a gang attack (also can be done with a friend) shoot cop choppers down (when you get 3 stars start shooting the choppers down with a homing missile) win every race mode at least once (needed for 2 achievements) get a tattoo on every body part, win a race in a custom vehicle (needed for achievement anyways) wheelie for over 2000 feet (I don't remember getting this one, but the best way is to do it at the airport) Activate a 2 person key switch (I did this on the diamond casino heist) Complete the fleeca heist finale, do the aggressive approach on the diamond casino heist and earn 1,000,000 dollars and use the elevator on the diamond casino heist.
  8. Solid gold, baby!- Do the heist setups and the strangers and freaks, every mission and strangers and freaks I got a gold in (not including prologue) was
Franklin and Lamar, Complications, Fatheson, marriage counseling, friend request, chop, the long stretch, daddy's little girl, the good husband, carbon rifles, Mr.Philips, Trevor Philips industries, Deadman walking, did somebody say yoga, by the book, Tow truck, boiler suits, masks, The multitarget assassination, Mr.Richards, Hang ten, Fresh meat, The ballad of Rocco, reuniting the family, Architects plans, doting dad, fire truck, meltdown, stingers, every gauntlet, something sensible, the times come, every Pulling favors, every rampage, shift work, Grassroots Micheal, grassroots the drag, Paparazzo, paparazzo the sex tape, Paparazzo the highness, every vinewood souvenirs expect Al Di Napoli, Exercising demons-franklin, liquidy risk, minute man blues, exercising demons Micheal and Trevor, targeted risk, uncalculated risk, a starlet in vinewood, chasing the truth, the last one, delivering the truth.
I may have missed a few but those were the ones I counted, this can take up to 5-10 hours unless if you already have quite a few on gold. You don't have to do every single challenge at once, so you can try to beat the level as fast a possible, reload it and try to get as many headshots as required for example.
  1. Career criminal- This one requires pure fucking grind, let me tell you everything I did for the 100% completion. for hobbies and pastimes, I did Stunt plane time trials, 3 medals in every shooting range challenge, won every race (meaning offroad, street, and sea,) won every sport, got par or under in golf (getting par or under is required,) Bail bonds quarry and farm, every flight school mission, every arms traffic race (required for an achievement anyways,) got a private strip club dance, hunting, yoga and parachuting. Only franklin's strangers and freaks are required, my random events were the ATM robbery, Bike theft 1, construction accident, gang imitation, mugging 1, 2, and 3, security van 3, 4, and 6, sportbike theft, a countryside gang fight, a deal went wrong, and the drunk driver. To find out the spawn points of the random events go to the rockstar social club. All 30 misc were buying a haircut, weapon, any clothing, a car mod, a tattoo, and 5 properties, a vehicle from a website, ride the cable car, use the car wash, go on the rollercoaster, friend activities (meaning call up Micheal, Trevor, or franklin as any of the 3 characters) Visit the cinema, bar, play tennis, darts, golf, go to a strip club, 25 stunt jumps, 8 knife flights, rob a store, purchase stocks, watch T.V. (do at Micheals) complete a booty call (Play as Trevor in a strip club and get one of the girls like the bar to the max and drive them to their apartment) 25 under the bridge, walk and play fetch with chop, get 30 submarine pieces (one of Micheal's strangers and freaks) 30 nuclear waste (it's an achievement anyway) get all 50 spaceship parts and letter scraps (both achievements.) This can take up to 10-20 hours, it's a fucking pain.
  2. Unnatural selection- Holy shit, this took me so fucking long to do, me and 2 other friends grinded for 10 hours straight and couldn't even beat it. Buy max snacks and body armor and the best map to do is the nuclear silo,
there is a certain hiding spot near the stairs and the stairwell that if you hide behind it's super difficult to get shot unless you peak for too long. Use the combat MG, does a lot of damage and can shred through enemy health, be careful at the beginning when getting health and armor not to be out for too long for else you will lose all your health and maybe even die. This took me prolly around 10-30 hours to complete.
  1. Above the law- This requires so much god damn grinding that I grinded for 3 days straight, I started grinding hard on level 67 and got to level 100 by doing the 3x event "Target assault race" But by the 3rd day, it was this stupid deathmatch where if you die you can come back to life by an enemy dying or some shit, heists are also good ways of gaining RP, and heist setups too. this took me around 10-20 hours to complete starting from rank 67.
  2. Numero Uno, the requirements for this achievement is to win a single Bike, Land, Sea, Air, Rally, and GTA-Race, win a Deathmatch, Team-DM, Gang-Attack, and Survival (10 rounds), and win Arm Wrestling, Darts, Parachuting, Golf, Tennis and Shooting Range. So not only do you need to complete the survival bullshit but more on top of it, now everything but a rally race, team deathmatch, and survival you can boost with a friend. But even then this still took me around 10-40 hours to complete due to the fucking survival bullshit.
submitted by Aliasiscancer to GrandTheftAutoV [link] [comments]

Final Fantasy VI Novelization 20 & 21

Chapter 20
The dream was always the same. Terra found herself in a familiar place. Behind the control stick of her MagiTek armor. The burning rubble of a bell tower sat ablaze behind her as she continued her attack deeper into the city. Terra did as ordered, opening fire on the city and laying waste to any soldiers dumb enough to attack her. She would quickly dispatch them with her Ifrit Canon. As she stomped through the city streets, the buildings burned and crumbled all around her. She was surrounded by death and chaos as she laid waste to the city. Terra watched in horror as the destruction burned all around her.
But then the dream changed as the world slowly faded into darkness. Terra looked down and could no longer see her armor. She stood there. Alone in the void.
“Terra…” The voice whispered.
The gentle voice returned. That familiar beacon in an otherwise unfamiliar world. Terra tried to remember where she heard the voice. As if it were an itch in the back of her mind, an itch that was near impossible to scratch.
“Who are you?!” Terra screamed.
“Listen well, and think clearly.” The voice replied in the distance, and then it was gone. Terra ran in the direction of the voice. Her feet were moving fast. She needed answers, the voice had them. But she noticed that no matter how fast she moved, she gained no ground. The darkness faded quickly as Locke shook her awake.
“Alright, pal. Up and at, em’.” He said with his grin. “We got a long hike ahead of us, so eat something, and let’s get going.”
The mood was different for Terra as they journeyed South. She found herself finally being able to relax a bit as Locke and Edgar let their guard down. Though they received no escort, word traveled to the scouts. Patrols were roaming the lands and protecting the king as he traveled on foot with his companions. Her worries melted away as she found herself marveling at the beautiful sights.
Figaro was truly a bountiful land. Though her castle stood in the great desert, her countryside was not nearly as unforgiving. The weather was pleasant. The gentle sunlight beamed down on the grassy fields. The sun warmed Terra’s bones and calmed her spirit. Figaro’s snow-capped mountains looked picturesque, like from an oil painting. Not like those dreadful, sharp peaks of Narshe. Even the rains were gentle, warm and sweet. She made it a point to listen carefully to the world around her. The chirping of birds, the winds moving through the grassy fields, even her own breathing. They brought some peace to her frantic mind.
Edgar was leading the party to a remote hunting cabin that King Edwin had insisted on building for his queen, though she seldom used it. Edgar’s mother believed that sleeping outside and tempering the body to the elements was the only way a king should live. “It toughens up the blood” She would insist. Edgar would always secretly wish for a hot meal and a soft feather bed, and although he was too proud to admit it, his dad was the same way during a hunt.
Edgar caught himself chuckling quietly as he looked back on better times. The Knuckleheads were making chaos, causing a ruckus and making the castle their playground. The King was wise and good. The Queen, loving and strong-willed. “But those days are long gone,” he thought. He looked away as the smallest bit of sadness washed past his eyes.
The sadness was short lived when the sight made them stop dead in their tracks. They looked to the sky to see a massive ship sailing across the heavens. Her wooden hull soared above as countless propellers briskly spun. The ship was flying west towards the sea. Terra’s jaw dropped at the sight. Locke looked on begrudgingly while the king looked on with wonder.
“What is that?” Terra finally asked.
“That is The Blackjack, the flying casino.” Edgar said. “She’s one hell of a machine. The only one of her kind.”
“Yeah, but the Captain is a real piece of work.” Locke said before spitting on the ground.
“What do you mean?” Terra couldn’t keep her eyes off the ship.
“He gallivants around the world, living the high life.” Edgar explained. “He spends his days wandering, wooing women, and hosting high stakes poker games.” Edgar looked sullen. “I tried to buy into his last game and he said that I wasn’t rich enough for his blood.”
“But you’re a king!” Terra exclaimed.
“Indeed. That is what I told him.” He said with a sad look in his eyes. “But he assured me I couldn’t afford his price.”
“Yeah.” Locke agreed. “We’d never have a chance in hell of getting on board that thing.”
“What I wouldn’t give to get on board that ship.” Edgar said longingly. “I’d love to find out what makes her tick.”
“I wonder what the world looks like from up there.” Terra said hopefully.
They stood in silence as a warm breeze blew in their direction, as if to beckon them on.
Chapter 21
“Are you going to play or are you going to fold?” Commissioner Allyn asked as The Captain swirled his fine crystal wineglass. “You’re wasting my time, and my time is not yours to waste”. Setzer loved playing against The Commissioner. The Nikeah Trade Union always had plenty of money to burn, and its leader knew how to light a fire. Setzer quietly looked at his cards and placed them on the table as he took a long drink as he pondered his next move.
The Commissioner was on a hot streak. They had been playing for the better part of 12 hours and he was getting nothing but aces and kings. The Captain, on the other hand, was getting rags. Setzer Gabbiani hadn’t had a good hand all night as he quietly looked at his chip stack. He was short. In one bad hand, he could lose everything, even his fine doublet, quite possibly. The very thought excited him. Setzer looked at Allyn and gave him a cool smile.
“Impatient, aren’t we?” Setzer teased. “I didn’t know you were in such a hurry to leave my establishment.”
“I’m in a hurry to buy your vessel.” Allyn shot back. “I’m in a hurry to get this thing back to Nikeah.”
“That would be most unfortunate for me.” The captain responded before taking a sip of wine. “So tell me, how exactly are you going to take my wings from me?”
“You saw the bet. Five million gold pieces. From the looks of your stack, I’d say you have a couple of thousand at best.” He pointed out before taking a drag from his cigar. “Now, unless you just so happen to have 5 million, you’ll need to put something up. Now I’m sure that all of the luxurious finery you surround yourself isn’t worth that kind of money. But, I bet this ship is.”
“I wouldn’t take that bet.” Setzer said with a smirk. “She’s worth a lot more than that.”
“Not to me.” He snapped. “Five million is the bet. Your time’s up. Make a decision, what are you going to do?”
Setzer sat up from his seat and revealed the inside of his doublet. Just inside the coat pocket sat three bar room darts made of solid gold. He pulled one out and studied it. He played with the dart for a moment as he pondered. He looked to a dart board hanging on the wall to his right, then back to Commissioner Allyn. The look of tension on his face was almost comical to Setzer. Allyn may have been a man of leisure, but he couldn’t relax worth a damn.
“Well, I suppose I’ll let fate decide.” Setzer’s violet eyes met with the Commissioner's as he stared him down. In a quick flash, without aiming, he threw the dart at the board and it landed with a satisfying thud. A smile grew on his face as he kept glaring at Allyn. After what seemed like an eternity. Setzer looked over to see the dart sitting dead center in the double bullseye.
“Well, there you have it.” He said with certainty. “Looks like I’ll call you.”
Commissioner Allyn laughed heartily. “You are out of your mind, Setzer!”
Setzer shrugged. “Well, there is no point to living life if you’re not willing to gamble with it. Now, are you going to show me your cards, or should I just take your money now?”
The commissioner showed his cards. “Full house.” He said with a satisfied smile. “Jacks and Nines.” He chomped down on his cigar and looked at Setzer’s face. It showed him absolutely nothing.
Setzer sighed. “I am afraid I only have two pair.” He flipped over his cards. “Pair of deuces with another pair of deuces.”
The Commissioner's smile disappeared as the rage took over. His face turning beet red as he violently stood up. “You dirty little cheat!” he accused.
“Come now, my friend.” Setzer said as he leaned back comfortably in his seat. “You know I would never stoop to such low standards just to win a card game. Lady luck merely flashed me her grin, nothing more. Now, I am more than happy to give you a chance to win back your money if you desire.”
“Win back? No. I’m taking it back, alongside your ship, as payment for your cheating!”
“Sir, I have tolerated your blustering for the better part of 12 hours,” Stezter stated firmly, “I have taken it in stride as this has been a friendly game up to this point. However, if you continue to make such disgraceful accusations, will deal with you in an equally disgraceful manner.”
“I’d like to see you try, you son of a-”
Setzer picked up the 2 of diamonds and threw it at the Commissioner. Allyn laughed at the thought of being attacked with a playing card. Then he felt the side of his head start to sting. Then it started to bleed. Then it started to hurt. Allyn groaned in pain as he put pressure on the bleeding wound across his head. Setzer got up and walked over to him.
“Well, I believe that is enough excitement for one evening, wouldn’t you agree?” He said casually.
“You’re a dead man, Setzer Gabbiani. Mark my words.” The Commissioner Threatened.
“No, you mark mine.” He retorted. “I was able to disable you with the 2 of diamonds. That was one card. Now I’d like you to take a moment and imagine what I could do with the remaining 51.” That was exactly what The Commissioner did. He looked at his hand, he was bleeding more than he thought. The thought of what could happen turned his stomach. And that is when he noticed the friendly and playful demeanor of the gentleman gambler had disappeared, a cold and merciless look had taken over.
“However, I am more than willing to overlook this misunderstanding. After all, what’s a mistake between friends?” Setzer offered as he extended his hand. “All I expect is an apology.”
The Commissioner took his hand quickly and stood up. “Of course, I apologize. What I said was out of line. You played a fine hand, Captain”
“Think nothing of it.” Setzer said as he painfully tightened his grip on The Commissioner's hand. “Now, if you ever forget your manners in my establishment again, I promise you will spend the last moments of your life trying to fly. Have I made myself clear, Commissioner?”
“Yes. Perfectly clear, Captain.” Allyn responded immediately.
Setzer’s playful smile returned as he led the Commissioner out of the poker room. “Marvelous!” He exclaimed. “Let us retire to the lounge for a refreshment as I ferry you home. Are you still a rum drinker?” Setzer asked.
“I am.” Allyn replied humbled.
“Excellent. Shall I set a course for Nikeah?”
“That would be fine. Thank you, Captain.” Allyn said.
Setzer went above deck to the ship’s wheel. A crescent moon was shining in the night sky above the clouds as he steered his ship east towards Nikeah. He smiled as he felt the wind breeze through his long, silver hair. Setzer knew exactly what he was going to do to celebrate.
First stop: Jidoor for the appetizer.
It had been a long day and he needed a proper meal. Then a hot bath with a thinly rolled cigar. And to end the evening with a gorgeous woman and a good night’s sleep in his suite at the Silver Lantern Inn. Then after a glorious breakfast, off to his tailor’s to get fitted for a new doublet and maybe a new suit.
Second Stop: The Opera House for an evening of refined culture. It was opening night and Setzer was looking forward to the show. Aria de Mezzo Carattere was always one of his favorites. And a blonde goddess had been chosen for the part of Maria. Rumors of her beauty had traveled far and wide. He had to see if the rumors did her justice. He made a mental note to drop by the Jewlers in the banker’s district to pick out a diamond ring.
Setzer found himself in the mood for romance.

Writer's note: Yeah...been a while...
There really isn't much of an interesting story about why it's been almost half a year since my last post. Sufficed to say, life happened. Well...that and a move to the opposite side of the country. I have been working on the story on and off for a little bit, but nothing ever major. Because I got hit with a horrible case of burnout.
Then I started listening to Nobuo Uematsu's "Awakening" and the spark came back for a little bit. I wanted to switch things up as Setzer is one of my favorite characters in the game. I always had an interesting view on his character and I hope to explore that more now that I've gotten off of my butt and started to do some work once again.
But if I'm going to do that, I REALLY need to pace myself. So I'm hoping to do 2 to 3 chapters a month, hopefully more. I sincerely apologize for the delays. I really want to keep working on this. Thanks to all of you who were reading this since the beginning. I'm hoping to keep working with this story as time goes on, so thanks for sticking with it!
submitted by CaptainSpeakeasy to Finalfantasy6 [link] [comments]

A Vegas Miracle - how I won $129,000 in my 3rd tournament ever

This is how I won $129,000 in my 3rd ever poker tournament. Note: don't try this, it probably won't turn out well for you.
I spent about 6 months grinding up a $5,000 bankroll playing home/casino games ranging from .5/1 to 1/3. The week that I hit that $5,000 mark, Matt, one of my best friends from college informed me that his job had placed him in Las Vegas for the next month and that I could crash with him for a few nights if I wanted to come on out west. I had frequent flyer miles for the flight and some Mlife/Fremont hotel comps for the rest of the trip. My grand total for flight and lodging for 10 days came to $200.
Now, I’m not going to bore you guys with low-level cash hand histories. The next 10 days were filled with me playing lowstakes poker for 10-12 hours a day. It’s as fun as it sounds – it’s not. I was having a good time in Vegas otherwise – but towards the end of the trip I had a realization: 1/2’s the same everywhere. I didn’t have to fly out to the desert to raise to $7 preflop.
After 10 days, my grand total from poker (and a fair amount of dumb degenerate shit on Fremont) was -$186. That wasn’t what I came out to do — I knew that I was a better player than my recent results had indicated. The morning of my return flight, I decided I was going to play tournaments until I either busted my $5,000 bankroll or hit something worthwhile.
I impulsively decided to not get on my plane at 11:30am. Checkout time from Luxor was at 11:00 – and I didn’t know where I was going yet. I had 30 minutes to pack up my stuff and figure out where I was going before they’d charge me a fee. I sorted TripAdvisor by cheapest first – I’ve stayed in crappy hostels/motels before and overall am a very low maintenance person. I figured that by staying somewhere for $20 a night, I’d be able to maximize the amount of shots I could take before flying back home. I accepted that there was a real chance I’d go back broke – but I didn’t really care. If I didn’t take my shot now, then when?
I booked the cheapest bed in Vegas - a 6-person shared hostel just past the Stratosphere. Let's just say you get what you pay for — it was not a happy place. A fair amount of the people in there were bordering on homelessness and there was barbed wire surrounding their outdoor gym. In addition to this, I had the constant stress of knowing that all that separated my bankroll from the rest of my roommates was a tiny lock. I took the Deuce to the strip, lived off food comps, and turned down invites from my friends to hang out. I was in town to play poker, nothing else.
Disclaimer: I had never played tournaments prior to heading out to Vegas. My only knowledge of hand ranges was from watching televised events. I downloaded a free Nash chart app on my phone while on the Deuce to the strip and studied it for 5 minutes – whatever, I get the jist of it. Let’s play some cards.
The first day of doing this I played the $140 daily at the Aria. Top 13 spots paid -- I finished in 15th. It was depressing to say the least — I felt as if I was at rock bottom. Before the first night of sleeping at the hostel I called the airline to see if I could get on the flight that I had deliberately missed the day prior. I couldn't.
I made it my goal to at least cash something so that I could get a decent hotel room.
I couldn’t have slept more than 2-3 hours the first night there. One of my roommates was loudly vomiting all night, the sheets itched, and I was going through an existential crisis... like dude, you’ve got a finance degree and you’re really doing this shit?
While on the bus to the strip, I opened Poker Atlas and saw that there was a $200 satellite to win a seat into the $1,600 Venetian main event. I decided that I was going to go take a shot at that.
I was at risk twice in the satellite but after studying the GTO method on how to win coinflips, I persevered and won a seat to the main.
The first day was surreal – once again, I was running on minimal sleep due to my housing arrangements, but I remember the following hands from day 1:
  1. Button opens to 2.2x, I’m in the BB with Q9cc. SB folds, we go HU to a flop of 832c. He c-bets, I call. Turn 4x, x/x. River Ax. I check, he bets, I x/r to like 3x his bet, he insta folds. I take it down and show air.
  2. UTG+1 opens, MP calls, I flat on the button with K10ss. 3 ways to a flop of Qs43xx. UTG+1 bets 40% pot, MP calls, I call. Turn is the Js. UTG+1 bets 60% pot, MP calls, I flat. River comes the 8s. UTG+1 snap bets 80%. MP flats, I flat. I announce king high flush, they both muck.
  3. Folds to the SB, he limps, I look down at Q10o, and check. Flop comes KQ6r. He leads 35%, I call. Turn 10. He bets, I call. River comes a J. He bets, I tank for about 45 seconds then flick in a call, he shows 76o… ship it.
The average stack after day 1 was around 40k, I bagged like 65k. I walked back to the Deuce stop outside of the Venetian and headed on my 30 minute ride back home. I kept thinking to myself, someone’s gotta win this thing, why not me?
I had to get in the money for this tournament to be able to get the fuck out of there. A min cash here was over $3k – that was more than enough for me to get a suite on Fremont for a few nights and party for a bit, then get home with my head held high.
Day 2: I get up at 7am after already being completely awake for the past 4 hours. There’s no way I slept more than 3 hours last night. I hit the Denny’s by the Stratosphere then get on the Deuce.
I get to the Venetian and feel like I’m about to fall asleep. I go to the self-serve coffee/tea dispenser in the middle of the room and make myself an iced coffee. I get to my table, and the cocktail waitress comes around. I ask for another iced coffee and toss her a fiver.
Here are some highlights from the 1st half of day 2:
  1. I open 97ss on the button, BB flats. Flop comes AK3s. BB checks, I bet 35%. He throws out a 5k chip – which I interpret as a x/r to my bet. I groan, make a joke about it being the first hand of the day, and start to muck. The dealer stops my cards midway before hitting the muck, and informs me that he didn’t raise, that he called my flop bet. Everyone laughs, I go silent and wait for him to make change. Turn is the 2s. He thinks for a second and bets 30%. I tank for like 30 seconds, then flat. River is a blank. He thinks for a second, then checks. I bet like 30% pot. He tells me that I’m an angle shooter and mucks. I tell him I’m not an angle shooter and show my 9 high. Everyone laughs, we get on with playing.
  2. CO opens, I 3b 87dd in the SB to 4x, he flats. Flop comes 1032d. I check, he checks. Turn is the 6d. I bet 55% pot, he flats. River comes the Kd. I bet 60%, he tanks, tells me he thinks I backdoored diamonds, then folds. Damn, these players are pretty good.
  3. I open KK UTG to 2.5x, UTG +1 flats. Heads up to a flop of K43r. x/x. Turn 8, I bet 40% pot, he calls. River 3, I bet 80% pot, he tanks, then calls with AK.
I bring my 3 racks of chips to the new table and immediately get some comments – whatever, I’m just on a heater, it happens. At this point, my body was giving out. I was trying my hardest not to fall asleep in between every hand.
Cutoff opens, I’m in the SB, I look down at KK. I put in the 3b, folds back to him. He puts in a healthy 4. We’re the two big stacks at the table – I’d guess he was 50bb effective while I was around 65bb. God damn, am I good enough to fold kings here? No, I’m not. I shove, he snaps, I know that I’ve just fucked up my tournament. He shows the aces. The dealer puts a king in the window, and I hold. I’m for sure the chip leader now.
I lose a few 40/60 and 60/40 flips and chip down a bit. I still have a very healthy stack, probably around 80bb.
The next 3 hands are from the second half of day 2:
  1. Aggro Asian guy on the button. Folds to him, he opens to 2.2x, SB folds, I look down at 43ss and raise to 7.5x, he flats.
Flop comes 894cc. I check, he bets, I call. Turn’s another 9. I check, he bets 75% pot, I call. River’s the 10c. I check, he bets 1.2x pot. I ask the dealer for a count of the bet – meanwhile, villain looks like he’s going to shit himself. I flick in a chip, he throws down KcQx. I laugh a little, show my 43ss, and obnoxiously say ship it.
  1. I open KQo UTG+1, MP 3bets me. I figure that a 4b from UTG+1 could take it down a fair amount of the time, so I decide to go for it. He thinks for a second and flats.
Flop comes AK4r. I check, he checks back. Turn is a 6, goes x/x again. River’s another brick. I put in a 30% value bet. He does a little grimace and tanks for like 20 seconds. It looks like he’s going to fold so I start verbally telling him that his queens are good. The dealer informs me that you’re not allowed to talk about your hand to another player. I inform him that I’m not talking about my hand, I’m talking about villains’ hand. Dealer laughs and lets me continue to antagonize villain. MP starts talking back, asking if I’m really bluffing. I inform him that once he folds, I’ll show the bluff. He ends up calling, I snap show, he pays me then gets up from the table to go for a walk.
  1. We’re playing 6 handed. UTG opens, MP flats, I flat TT on the button. 3 ways to a flop of AT9ccc. UTG bets 50% pot, MP folds, I put in a medium sized raise. He thinks about it and flats.
The turn is the Kd. He pauses for a second then checks. I figured AxKc was his most likely combo. I didn’t think he could fold AxKc to any sizing – I decide to overbet jam 2x pot. He tanks for like 5 min and eventually lets it go. He tells me later he folded AxKc. Nice fold sir.
I finished day two 2nd in chips out of the 64 players remaining. More importantly, I was in the money. My friend Matt offered to give me a ride to the hostel to grab my stuff.
On the way to the hostel I’m telling Matt how trash the place is and he’s kind of like yeah man, whatever, it can’t be that bad. We gather my belongings and head on out. Matt remarked to me that the hostel reminded him of jail mixed with a summer camp.
I open a same night hotel app and see a room at the Four Queens available for $110. The lady at check in was nice enough – however, she informed me that the only room they had available at my price point was a smoking room overlooking the Fremont St. experience. I paid the $20 to upgrade to a non-smoking in the quiet part of the hotel. Vegas man, I swear.
It’s like 2am at this point -- I get to my room, sit on the bed and close my eyes. I open them and it’s 11:00am. Ah fuck man, I gotta get to the Venetian. I hop in the shower, brush my teeth, and freshen up. Even if I don’t have clean clothes, whatever, I’m second in the main, who cares.
Some interesting hands from the first part of Day 3:
  1. I had two inexcusable punts in this tournament. This is the first one: I open 5h5c from LP, BB calls. Flop comes J62hhh. x/x. Turn is a 4x. x, I bet 50% pot, BB jams 15bb. I called – and immediately realized I fucked up, big time. He had 2 big chips in his stack that I didn’t see, making his shove effectively like 25bb. In addition, I didn’t have the 5h, I had the 5d. I really didn’t ask for a count or double check my hole cards. Villain turns over 64o and holds. In my defense, I literally didn’t know what ICM meant at the time. Whoops.
  2. Someone who I recognize from poker TV jams 22bb UTG. I’m in the CO with JJ, I ask him how much it is, he’s talkative and seems genuinely comfortable/down for me to call. I fold – I run into him a few days later at the Aria, he tells me he had AA there. I believe him.
  3. CO opens, button instantly jams 30bb effective. I’m in the SB with TT and 25bb – live reads, we’re flipping. I call for all in my effective stack, CO folds, button has AQ. I hold. He’s not happy I called with tens. Oh well, sorry bro, gg.
  4. MP opens, CO 3 bets to 7bb, button jams 20bb. I look down at 2 black aces in the big blind. I reshove, MP folds, CO calls off his 20bb stack. I’m up against AQ and QQ. I hold.
Even with my atrocious punt earlier in the day, I’m the chip leader again.
We’re down to about 15 left in the field. UTG opens, I 3b AKo on the button, he jams 20bb, I call. He has 99, a king comes on the flop and he’s gone.
It’s day 3 of the main and we’re playing 5 handed with 12 people left. Let’s fucking go.
  1. Button opens to 2.5x, I’m in the BB with A8dd, I flat. Flop comes A104r, I check, he bets, I call. Turn is a 7, x/x. River A, I bet 1.2x pot. He tanks, calls, I show, I’m good.
  2. CO opens to 2.5x, I’m in the BB with 108dd, I flat. Flop comes Kd4x2d, it goes x/x. Turn is a Kx, I check, he bets 60% pot, I flat. River is the 4d. I check, he bets pot. I tank and let it go. He tells me later he checked back a weak king on the flop.
  3. SB completes, I’m in the BB with J9o and I check my option. Flop comes Q108r. The SB donks out into me for 60% pot. I flat. Turn comes a brick and he leads into me for 60% again. I raise to 3.5x his turn bet, he thinks for a while then flats. River is another brick. He bets 80% pot into me. I tank for a while, then shove. He starts laughing and folds QQ face up.
Less than a week ago I was grinding buffet comps at Planet Hollywood. Now I have guys correctly folding top set to me.
I’ve made it to the final table. I pick up a few small pots and the two shortstacks at the table get eliminated in quick succession.
This is without a doubt the most pointless and just plain out stupid punt of my entire life: I open J2dd on the button into a ~18bb SB and a GTO robot with mid 7 figures in career earnings in the BB. Don’t do this, this is quite literally lighting money on fire. SB folds, BB flats. Flop comes Kh8h3d. I cbet, BB calls. Turn is the Kd, goes x/x.
River comes a 7h, he leads into me for half pot. Whatever, I’m going for it – I put in a raise. He thinks for all of 5 seconds then calls me with KQh. Wow, I just punted away $50,000 in ICM. Jesus Christ dude, what the fuck.
For the next orbit or two, I’m clearly pissed at myself. I get up after my button and do a lap around the poker room – I’m good. The monkey tilt is gone, and I’m ready to get back to playing normal ranges.
Anyway, nothing else really happens for a while – I look down at AKo UTG and raise it up. Folds around to the BB, he thinks for a while, then jams for about 20bb. I snap, he has AQo. I hold. I’m now second in chips. We go on a 10-minute break.
When I get back to the table, the prospect of a 5-way chop comes up. We’re all tired – and the pay jumps are very significant. If you couldn’t tell from this story, I’m a degenerate, but in this spot, I’m willing to reduce variance a bit. We run the numbers and come to an agreement – we all agree to take a very slight ICM bump to give 1st place a bit more money than his stack is worth.
I just won $129,000 -- huh? This was my second tournament cash – not too bad considering that it was my third tournament ever. Maybe I should start learning how to play MTT’s now.
I take $124,000 in a check and $5,000 in cash. I’m leaving Vegas in 4 days and don’t plan on coming home with any of the cash.
The winner of the tournament’s a pretty cool guy and he asks if I want to crash in his guest room tonight… like yeah, if that’s a real offer, I’m down. I pick up my toiletry bag from the Venetian concierge and we hit the Uber.
The next morning Matt picks me up at his house – I hit the Chase bank and deposit the $124,000. I take Matt and my other friend, Spencer out to the Sterling Brunch over at Bally’s – the entire time, Spencer just kept repeating “Davis, what the fuck”. I don’t know dude, seriously, what the fuck.
I get a suite at the D downtown that night and (very) long story short I end up hitting $100 on a number at roulette at 5am. It’s time for bed.
Here’s a link to my Hendon Mob, verifying my tournament result. Hopefully I see some of you guys at the WSOP in 2021.
submitted by davish34 to poker [link] [comments]

Making Spectre the You Only Live Twice of the Craig era and a better sequel to Quantum of Solace

It’s been said before that the structure of Craig era of James Bond has some parallels with the Connery films, especially in regard to the villains. In Casino Royale/ Dr No – the villain is a mid-ranking member of an otherwise unseen criminal organisation. In Quantum of Solace/ From Russia With Love (and also Thunderball to an extent) – Bond is more directly in conflict with the villainous organisation and it is understood that bad guy defeated at the end is still just a lackey to the real villain. Goldfinge Skyfall are independent of the larger plot with a hitherto unconnected villain (until Spectre tried to retcon Silva). Spectre’s equivalents therefore are You Only Live Twice and Diamonds are Forever in which Bond directly confronts and defeats the big bad villain at the top of the criminal organisation.
While this works in the Connery era since Spectre and Blofeld had been set up since Dr No, in Spectre (due to legal circumstances outside of the film’s control) Blofeld is quite poorly forced in as the big bad behind it all with no setup. The organisation of Quantum meanwhile is retconned from being a illuminati-like society of the world’s most powerful individuals manipulating the strings from behind the scenes to being one part of Blofeld’s masterplan to screw with this one kid his father taught to ski.
So my fix is this – rather than have Quantum being one section of Spectre instead have Blofeld take over Quantum over the course of the film turning it into Spectre.

The new plot

We have a similar opening to one we got with Bond (in this version Bond will be responding to an intelligence tip MI6 received) in Mexico city walking through the Dead of the Dead paraded and up to a hotel room with an masked woman. However, when they reach the hotel room, they find a very sickly Mr White holding a gun on them. Bond tells the Masked Woman to go wait outside and Mr White talks about how Quantum has changed, becoming more divided and filled with infighting since the events of QoS and that new more ruthless players are cannibalising Quantum’s old guard, with Mr White himself being poisoned after he challenged their rise to power. He tells Bond he will give him the names of Quantum’s leadership if MI6 promises to protect someone for him. Before Bond can ask him who a shot blasts through the wall killing White. Bond exits the room and spots the Masked Woman running away from the hotel carrying a gun. He pursues and we get the same chase through the parade and helicopter action scene we got in the original with Bond killing the Masked Woman at the end rather than Sciarra leading us into the title sequence.
Cut to MI6, which is still located in the London Undergound/ World War 2 bunker from Skyfall but its undergoing extensive renovations in order to expand it for full time use. We get the scene from the film of M reprimanding Bond about his actions in Mexico City. I would remove Bond being suspended because I’m quite tired for the rogue agent trope. M exposits that the Masked Women was a Russian SVR agent although Moscow is claiming she defected earlier that year. We can also meet Max Denby aka C, and get the exposition about the possible changes to MI6 although in this version rather than it being a merger between MI5 and MI6 it’s a new EU wide organisation which will merge Europe’s various intelligence communities together (Spectre came out a year before the UK’s Brexit referendum so it wouldn’t hurt to reference British-European tensions). The British Parliament will shortly be voting on whether MI6 will be joining this new European Security Service. We then get a classic Q branch scene which includes Bond being giving a piece of jewellery disguised as a tracker along with the explosive watch from the original film.
Bond goes to Austria to investigate Mr White’s last known residence. As he approaches, we cut to group of Russian-speaking men watching Bond’s progress, with a particular focus on one man I’m are going to call ‘Russian Felix Leiter’. Bond’s investigations reveal that Mr White has a daughter but before he can investigate further the Russians begin to enter the house intent on capturing Bond. A shootout ensues and Bond is able to escape leading to a car chase action sequence as Bond phones up Moneypenny to check the records about Mr White’s family.
After Bond evades the Russians he travels to the facility where Mr White’s daughter, Dr Madeline Swann, works in hiding as a psychiatrist. We get the same psychiatric evaluation scene we did in the actual film only we regularly cut to Mr Hinx’s slow approach into the facility to capture Dr Swann. As this is his introduction, we can take time to build up his character with him forcing his stone thumbnails through one of the facility’s staff member’s eyes similar to the actual film. Following this we get the same chase down the mountain slope we got in the actual film, only without Q , as Bond races to free Madeline from Mr Hinx. After some convincing she agrees to trust Bond and take him to Rome where she knows that Quantum’s leadership will be meeting and explains that she, as Mr White’s next of kin, is entitled to seat at the table.
The journey from Austria to Rome can include the train sequence from the original film where Bond and Madeline get to know each other and include the fight scene with Hinx.
They arrive in Rome and Bond gives Madeline the jewellery/tracker gadget as she is to be taken blindfolded to Quantum’s meeting place. Bond is able to track Madeline’s location and infiltrates the meeting. This scene plays out similar to how it did in the original film only with a round table as the individuals seated are supposed to be equals to one another. Madeline of course is seated at the table but another of the seats is conspicuously empty much to the chagrin of the other members. As in the original we get some references to the various crimes the organisation has perpetrated around the globe along with references to something called the SPECTRE initiative. Eventually the door to the meeting room opens and like in the original film the final seat is filled by a man whose face is obscured in shadows. One of the members subtlety reprimands the shadowy man’s tardiness but gets nothing but silence in return. The other members bicker about the SPECTRE initiative before holding a vote on whether or not to halt the Initiative. The vote goes against SPECTRE and man shadows begins to laugh, before saying something ominous, such as “I afraid this organisation will not tolerate insubordination”. The walls to the meeting room suddenly slide open to revel dozens of armed goons who immediately open fire on the rest of Quantum’s leadership. Bond leaps out of his hiding place to protect Madeline but is unable to prevent her from being captured. During the confusion there is a brief moment in which Bond and the man in shadows stare at each other. However, before Bond himself can be captured he throws his explosive watch at the man in the shadows blinding him and causing a distraction so he can escape.
Bond does successfully escape from the carnage and is able to hide from the pursuing goons. However just when he thinks he’s safe a passer-by sprays him with knockout gas and white van pulls up for Bond to bundled into. He awakes in a small room surrounded by Russians led by Russian Felix Leiter who explains that they’re Russian intelligence agents who’ve been tracking Quantum’s activities since the defection of their own agent (the Masked Woman in Mexico) several months prior and that they think Quantum is behind a string of recent terror attacks. Bond explains his side of the story and its revealed that the trackejewellery Madeline is wearing is still functional and is transmitting from a crater in the Sahara desert.
Bond and the Russian’s travel to the Sahara and Russian Felix Leiter explains that Bond has six hours to free Madeline before the Russians go in and kill everything that moves. Bond successfully infiltrates the facility in the crater but when he enters the room where he believes Madeline is being held it is revealed to be a trap and Bond is promptly disarmed. He is then met by the man in the shadows, now scarred from the explosion in Rome, who reveals himself as Ernst Stavro Blofeld. Blofeld tells Bond about how he has been causing terror attacks across Europe to convince the nations of Europe to join the European Security Service which is of course feeding intelligence directly to Blofeld and that the UK, the only holdout, will be the next target. When Bond asks why Blofeld is revealing this to him Blofeld will turn on multiple screens of camera’s watching the entrance to MI6, proclaiming that MI6 will be the site of the London terror attack, forcing the British government to join the European Security Service, and how he has had double agents working to ensure that during new construction work the entire headquarters was deliberately rigged to explode. He will state that he wants Bond to watch the destruction of MI6 in revenge for Bond scarring him in Rome.
Bond escapes and is able to free Madeline. Together they recover the plans for the MI6 bomb and make their way to the facility’s communications tower, setting off an alarm in process. Madeline is forced to defend the two of them as Blofeld’s goon converge on the tower while Bond contacts Q and Moneypenny to tell them about the bomb and how to disarm it. Since Bond and Madeline are occupying the communications tower they can prevent Blofeld from setting off the bomb remotely however they can’t be sure that any of Blofeld’s double agents in MI6 won’t set off the bomb early so Q and Moneypenny have to keep a low profile. Q and Moneypenny are able to disarm the bomb in nick of time just as Russian special operations soldiers begin to enter the crater.
A big, Lewis Gilbert-style shootout occurs between Blofeld’s men and the Russians with Bond and Madeline trapped between them. Inevitably the facility will start to explode and Blofeld will attempt to escape. The final action sequence will see Bond chase down Blofeld in order to prevent him from escaping. Bond can either succeed or fail depending on where we want Blofeld for the next film.
We then get our debriefing scene with M and end the film with Bond and Madeline driving away in the DB5.
submitted by ProbablyTheWurst to fixingmovies [link] [comments]

[Let's Build] D100 New Deck of Many Things Cards

  1. The Maiden- A random person you have met throughout your adventure becomes hopelessly, obsessively in love with you
  2. The Wizard- You may choose a spell from the first level list of wizard spells and once per day that spell may be cast without expending a spell slot. Using it at higher tiers still uses higher tier spell slots.
  3. The Mountain- You permanently grow by one size class. The only way to undo this is a wish spell.
  4. Sloth (As in the Sin)- You fall into a deep sleep and will not wake by any normal method. You are magically sustained and your body does not age while this effect is active.
  5. The Mime - You lose the ability to speak. Can only be cured by a wish spell (By TheDirtyDeal)
  6. The Sun - You glow brilliantly like the sun and shed bright light in a 60 foot radius around you, and dim light up to 180 feet. (By TheDirtyDeal)
  7. The Comedian - +2 To charisma skill checks and saving throws. -1 to all others. (By QuintTheWarlock)
  8. Wrath: You gain the flaw "I am quick to anger, driven to extract vengeance from those who have wronged me and a real bear first thing in the morning." (By oddtwang)
  9. Greed: all non-magical coins, trade goods and other currency, gemstones and art objects on your person, held in your containers (including e.g. a bag of holding), stored within your legal property or held on your behalf in a bank or other institution under your name are instantly replicated 10 times. The copies are identical and indistinguishable, including any identifying features, flaws or serial numbers. If there is insufficient space for them to be held, the objects spill out, rupture or otherwise force their way into the world. (By oddtwang)
  10. Gluttony: You develop an insatiable hunger. Your normal requirements for sustenance are doubled and you find it difficult to stop consuming. If you do not currently require sustenance, or if you are unable to satisfy your newly increased needs for 48 hours, you develop a need to consume something unusual, taboo or difficult to acquire. (By oddtwang)
  11. The Void- (opposite of the Sun) Light seems to dim when you are around. If you are in bright light, it becomes dim light for a 60 ft radius around you. If you are in dim light, it become dark for a 60 ft radius around you. Creatures can not see you, unless they have true sight, if you are in dim light. (Similar to the Darkness spell) (By CreepShowGirl666)
  12. Serpents: You immediately contract a poison that will kill you in 1d10 days. The only way to cure it is with a potato from a different continent. [Your character and party know this] (By LongIslandBall)
  13. The Orchard:You gain an apple, that, when bitten into, heals itself over time, effectively granting you infinite food. However, if another person were to bite the apple, it would become just a normal apple. [Your character does not know this.] (By LongIslandBall)
  14. 4 Leaf Clover: the card turns into a 4 leaf clover that is unaffected by the use of force or magic and can only be destroyed by the use of the wish spell or Divine intervention. The creature in possession of this clover is imbued with great luck and gains the following abilities. You may pick one ability where any ability checks, skill checks, attack rolls, or saving throws that you make using that skill automatically succeed for 24 hours. Using this feature drains the available luck from the artifact for 1d4+1 days rendering it useless for that amount of time after the 24 hours expire. Once per day, you can change any dice roll you make excluding d100 to be equal to x-1 where x is the number of sides on the dice. This must be done prior to finding out the result of the action intended by the roll. Once per short or long rest, you have advantage on one ability check and one saving throw of your choice. (By Ed_Radley)
  15. Lust- Every person you meet of the opposite sex must make a dc10 wisdom saving throw or immediately try to seduce you from now on.
  16. The Orchestra: summons 20 unseen servants that repeat everything you say/sing. If you cast a spell with a verbal component, it counts as being one level higher if applicable. You also have advantage on performance checks. The Unseen servants do not obey your commands and last until killed. (By Capt_Bread_Beard)
  17. The Liar - you gain advantage on Deception checks but you are unable to tell the truth — your party has to roll Insight checks whenever you reveal to them information (By Researcher_Boi_314)
  18. The Crystal: Your skin crystallizes. Your speed decreases by 5 feet and you are put under the effect of a stoneskin spell. (By ThanosHeffley)
  19. Uno Reverse Card - Allows the user to hold up the card to deflect things back at the person who the card is facing, once per short or long rest. (By Abs0lutely_N0thing)
  20. The Cornicopia: you no longer need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe, and you do not age. (By Clickclacktheblueguy)
  21. The Fates: You gain the Lucky feat, but you have also gained The Fates disdain. When you re-roll your dice using the Lucky feat roll an additional 1d4 and subtract it from your new roll. (By True_Empire91)
  22. The Smith: This card immediately transforms into a +3 Warhammer that deals an additional 1d8 fire damage on a hit. The person who drew this card becomes proficient with Warhammers and loses all other weapon proficiencies. (By True_Empire91)
  23. The Coin: Immediately after drawing this card the users hand is burned and takes 1d4 damage and drops the card as a reaction to the pain. As the card is falling to the floor it transforms into a coin. If the coin lands face up (Heads) the person who drew this card doubles the amount of currency they are carrying. If the coin lands face down (Tails) the person who drew this card has their currency vanish. The Coin itself is now worth 50gp. (By True_Empire91)
  24. The Beast: Once per day, you can Wildshape. Upon transforming back into your normal self you take 1 point of Exhaustion. (By True_Empire91)
  25. The Leviathan: A great beast has your scent. It will arrive in 1d10+5 days or at the DM’s choosing. Only you can slay the beast and all damage not caused by you directly or indirectly (such as through traps) is halved. (By Astr0C4t)
  26. The Casino: You are transported to the demiplane of luck. This demiplane consists of a silver road in a desert with extravagant casinos glowing with displays of light against the permanent night sky. The casinos themselves are owned by the permanent residents of the plane, known as the Casino Barons. Barons include everything from human crime bosses to powerful wealthy monsters such as cloud giants, red dragons, and genies. The casino's appearances match with the baron or baroness who owns it. (By Sporedian)
  27. The Blank: When you draw this blank card it begins to emit bright light and smoke, than dissapear along with whatever equipment you had on you. The card then drops to the floor. The next person to pick up the card sees a stylized image of you printed on it. They will recieve an item, ability, or personality trait from your character sheet at the GM's descretion. The effects can be reversed with a wish spell. (By Sporedian)
  28. The hermit: You gain disavantage on any charisma checks. You gain advantage on any wisdom checks. Can be undone by a wish spell. (By awesomemanswag)
  29. The Clock. You gain a small tattoo of an oddly-shaped arrow somewhere on your body. The tattoo is imbued with magical power, and will appear as a transmutation effect when viewed with Detect Magic. As an action, you may invoke this power to cast Time Stop. Once the spell ends, the power is lost forever. (By Ae3qe27u)
  30. Judgement - you forever feel sickened when in the presence of evil-aligned people, and forever anxious around those of chaotic alignment. (By ergotofwhy)
  31. Temperence - you can no longer feel intoxicated, no matter how much you drink. Furthermore, you are made immune to damage/drain of your int, wis, and cha, but also immune to effects that raise those abilities (By ergotofwhy)
  32. The world - you are teleported to a random location on the other side of the world (By ergotofwhy)\
  33. The Pack, 1d6 hell hounds come every 1d10 days to try and bring the person who drew the card down to the nine hells. The player can hear the howls, and is frightened for 1d4 rounds when they come. (By MeerkatArray)
  34. The Blind Man: your character is now permanently blinded, physically losing their eyes, and gains tremorsense up to 30 feet. (By Silverdragon701)
  35. The Artist: your character is now exceptionally skilled in a random art(painting, cooking, singing, etc.) and is known around the world for their talent. (By Silverdragon701)
  36. The Fib: your character is now a pathological liar and must make a Wisdom saving throw to tell the truth about anything their audience doesn’t already know(I.E, can state the obvious, but must roll to explain a plan or tell a secret truthfully). (By Silverdragon701)
  37. The goblin: Permanently gain +2 to dexterity and Constitution Permanently lose -2 to charisma and intelligence (By fwimmygoat)
  38. The Mirror- whoever draws this card immediately understands to an instinctual, spiritual, emotional, and/or philosophical degree why their most hated enemy/enemies are the way they are and are doing what they're doing. They are able to completely sympathise. (By AndrewRequiem)
  39. The behemoth- when next the character is slain in battle, they shall rise again with temporary hit points double that of the nearest healthy enemy. For the battle, they lose the ability to cast spells, but their Strength score temporarily increases to 30 (+10). When the last nearby enemy dies, they return to normal, and are rendered unconscious, but stable at 1 hit point. (By RollinThundaga)
  40. The Mask: You immediately, and permanently change races into a random race. You retain all of your memories of your previous life, but lose all ability score changes and abilities your previous race granted you. You gain all ability score increases and/or abilities that this new race grants you. (NoireGarde)
  41. dead weight - a 5 ton steel cube appears with shackle welded onto it. you are shackled to it. you cant move five feet from the cube until its shackle is removed. if it is removed, the cube and shackle disappear. (By Tobymaxgames
  42. the fondler - you can cast mage hand if you couldn't before. this doesn't require a spell slot. (By Tobymaxgames)
  43. the substrate - a boulder, weighing 3d12 tons appears in above a random person around you, and promptly falls down. its made of some type of metal ore. it its in your possession, and you may do what you will with it. (By Tobymaxgames)
  44. the captain - if the drawer of the card owns some type of vehicle (cart, boat, etc.), they will physically merge with that vehicle. a wish spell is undo the merge. (By Tobymaxgames)
  45. The Holdout - after drawing, the location you take a long rest at is converted into some type of fortified structure. the structure takes a form that makes scene for its location. a forest will grow a great tree fort. fields become palisade camps. mountains spring forth castles to rock the heavens. caves dig themselves out and become elaborate dungeons. the one who draws the card is considered the owner of this structure. however, 3d10 days later, the structure is attacked by some force. it can be a powerful wizard, a dragon, an ork warband, etc. if the structure is not defended, that force will destroy it. (By Tobymaxgames)
  46. The Jinx - You are rendered mute until someone says your name three times. You cannot speak or cast any verbal spells during this time. (Your party does not know this). (By Jorster)
  47. Greater Balance - The next time you roll a d20 and roll a critical success or fail, you receive an outcome beyond all expectations. The impossible happens despite all likelihood. Example: On a success, the Queen not only agrees with your theories and plans for the coming battle but trusts you over her advisors. On a fail, the Queen looks disgusted at your sad attempt of sharing information and banishes you to the dungeon for your ignorance just to get you out of the way. Should a critical success happen during combat, the number of damage dice is multiplied by 4 instead of 2, but if a critical fail happens, you or an ally are damaged by double the dice. This affect is a one time use. (By WitchDearbhail)
  48. Null: The deck of many things vanishes. (By Sirvantis)
  49. Discord: For the next hour your character cannot speak common, elvish, gnomish, dwarven, etc.(By Sirvantis)
  50. Yes: For the next two weeks your character cannot decline any offers for samples, work, quests, magic items, etc. and cannot say the word "no" or similar. (By Sirvantis)
  51. Butterflies: A force of immense change you may use this card to change one small moment in the past. This will have rippling effects through time to the present day. Choose wisely. (By faerieunderfoot)
  52. The Damned- you are immediately teleported to one of the nine hells roll a D10 on the roll of a 10 you are trapped between two of the hells roll two more D10 and reroll all 10s. (By minecraftchickenman)
  53. Surface: Your body and soul are bound to a random humanoid within 60 feet, determined by the GM. Your appearance changes to match that of the chosen humanoid and neither of you may move more then 120 feet away from each other, and attempting to do so will result in running against an invisible wall. A Greater Restoration or Remove Curse spell cast at 5th level or higher on either one of you ends both effects. (By Cruye)
  54. Talking Head: You become incapable of saying, writing, or otherwise expressing a truthfull message instead, any attempt to do so will result in you telling a lie instead, usually the opposite of what you meant. You are not affected by the Zone of Truth spell, as these lies are not deliberate. A Greater Restoration or Remove Curse spell cast at 5th level or higher on either one of you ends the effect. (By Cruye)
  55. Father: A Will-o'-Wisp (MM 301) with the memories, mental ability scores and alignment of a deceased relative appears within 10 feet and is bound to you as a familliar. The Will-o'-Wisp acts independently of you, but it always obeys your commands. In combat, it rolls its own initiative and acts on its own turn. It can't attack and loses the Shock action, but it can take other actions as normal. As an action, you can temporarily dismiss your familiar. It disappears into a pocket dimension where it awaits your summons. As an action while it is temporarily dismissed, you can cause it to reappear in any unoccupied space within 30 feet of you. If the Will-o'-Wisp dies, it is gone forever. (By Cruye)
  56. Experience: Your mind speeds up, enhancing your senses and reflexes but leaving you more exposed to mental assault. You gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws and Wisdom (Perception) checks, but gain disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws and vulnerability to psychic damage. A Greater Restoration spell can end this effect. (By Cruye)
  57. Door: A magical book appears in your posession, containing the entirety of your memories written on it's pages, even ones you have forgotten through non-magical means. The book updates itself whenever you finish a long rest. Turning a page will always take you to the memory you'd like to see, and the book will always appear to be the same size, regardless of how many pages it has. You or a creature that has stolen the book can modify your memory by writing on the book, either writing fake memories or crossing or tearing out real ones. If the book is completely destroyed, you lose all your memories for 1 week, before getting them back, excluding fake memories from the book, and including memories that were removed from the book. (By Cruye)
  58. Diamond: You can cast the Creation, Greater Restoration, Mass Cure Wounds or Wall of Stone spells once per day. (By Cruye)
  59. Company: You gain the service of twelve Guards (MM 347) who appear in a space you choose within 30 feet of you. The guards are of the same race as you and serve you loyally until death, believing the fates have drawn them to you. (By Cruye)
  60. The Death Note- The first name that is written on this card immediately dies, no saving throw. (By warriornate)
  61. The infant- Your character immediately turns into a newborn baby. (By warriornate)
  62. The Mirror- An exact duplicate of the PC pulling this card is instantly created somewhere in the world. This copy has one purpose, to supplant the PC that pulled the card. The copy is indistinguishable from the PC in every visible way, and is physically in essence that PC. This copy differs only in that they believe that pulling the card sent them across the world and supplanted THEM with a copy located at the DOMT. This copy can accomplish supplanting the PC using any method (Violent, non violent, etc) that they wish as long as the final result is taking the place of the original PC. For rules purposes this created copy is the same level, class, and alignment as the PC that drew the card, and has access to all of the items that PC had on their person when drawing the Mirror. (By HimurasanX)
  63. The Fish - The character reeks of fish in a way that cannot be masked or removed. Additionally, any dead fish with the Beast creature type that the character touches, comes back to life as if had the True Resurrection spell cast on it. All Kuo-Toa are made aware of and believe in this effect on the character making it unremovable, even against the wish spell, except by the complete genocide of all Kuo-Toa. (By TheDrunkenMagi)
  64. Mystery - Something extraordinary has happened, but the players don't know what. The DM will roll randomly to determine if it is a good, bad, or neutral thing for the players and decide what it is in secret. Regardless of the roll the event will have a significant effect on the entire region (if not the whole world) and, upon encountering the event, the character who drew the card will be made aware drawing this card was the cause. (By TheDrunkenMagi)
  65. Wayfinder - A gate to another dimension appears before the character. This gate connects to the GM's choice of Sigil, The Outlands, The Astral Plane, or another Material Plane. Regardless of the GM's choice, the other side of this gate is guarded by both an Androsphinx and a Gynosphinx that the players will need to bypass in order to freely pass through the gate. (By TheDrunkenMagi)
  66. Destruction - 8 bolts of chaotic energy fly out of the card extremely fast and attack all creatures within a 120ft radius sphere centered on where the card was drawn. The bolts acquire targets randomly each round and make a single attack at initiative 20. The attack is a ranged spell attack with +7 to the attack roll and deal 2d8 + 6d6 damage. Each orb deals a different type of one these 8 damage types: Acid, Cold, Fire, Force, Lightning, Poison, Psychic, Thunder. The bolts cannot be harmed or dispelled, do not attack anything that leaves the sphere, and disappear after 1 minute. (By TheDrunkenMagi)
  67. Creation - Immediately after drawing this card the player who drew it chooses one item that they can create as if they had cast the Fabrication spell and it appears before them. No material components for the crafted item are required and the casting time is instant. Players who don't know how to make anything can create a single item of raw materials such a log or cube of gold. They must still meet the dimension requirements of the Fabrication spell. (By TheDrunkenMagi)
  68. Animosity - From now on all creatures the character encounters with intelligence 6 or greater are initially hostile towards the character. This effect does not change their opinion of the character's companions and does not necessarily mean they will attack on sight. (By TheDrunkenMagi)
  69. Friendship - From now on all creatures the character encounters with intelligence 6 or greater are initially friendly towards the character. This effect does not change their opinion of the character's companions and does not mean they will treat them as an equal. (By TheDrunkenMagi)
  70. The Dragon - The entire contents of the nearest dragon's horde is placed before you. Immediately after, the dragon is made aware of your name, appearance and current location. The dragon believes you culpable and cannot be convinced otherwise. (By rstarr13)
  71. The Rose- the card puller gains a +3 to all charisma skill tests for 24 hours (By infinitum3d)
  72. The Flood- a soft gentle rain slowly grows over the next hour into a torrential downpour that follows the card puller, centered over then the entire hour. (By infinitum3d)
  73. The Fop- for one hour, you fail every skill test, attack roll, and saving throw. You cannot succeed at anything. (By infinitum3d)
  74. The Reward- for one hour, you have the exact funds to purchase anything you want. Just reach into your backpack and the gold coins are there. (By infinitum3d)
  75. The Flumph - After 1d4 hours a Flumph painlessly grows from your body and detaches itself. The Flumph is completely loyal to you and you gain the ability to communicate with it and other Flumphs telepathically. If a Flumph dies two more Flumphs will grow from your body in 1d4 hours; this process continues until you have accumulated twelve Flumps. When the twelveth Flumph dies you magically transform into a Flumphp yourself, keeping all your statistics and abilities. (By clivedauthi)
  76. Granite skin: +2 AC, disadvantage on Dex saving throws as your skin becomes a hardy but unwieldy mottled grey colour (By sjeveburger)
  77. The Elder: There are no immediate effects to drawing the card until you attempt to sleep, the further you lull to sleep the more a sense of dread begins to build. This effect ends until you sleep or die from exhaustion. If you do sleep your consciousness is transported to a unknown realm outside the material plane, this realm appears to be a endless slab of carved mossy stone ground, floating above a dark abyssal ocean. The only sight within miles being the faint outline of a pillar. You can get closer to the pillar every night before waking up, each night you walk towards the pillar your character loses 5 max hp. It takes 10 nights to get to the pillar, which depicts a large tentacled being with its appendages wrapped around the planes of existence. If you choose not to touch the pillar or give up before reaching it, you awake with your hit points back and a forever lingering sense of dread. If you touch the pillar, the slab begins to sink and you are consumed by water before you glimpse at hundreds of orange beady eyes and tentacles, then you wake up,with your hp back and with the ability to see the world as it truly is, along with the knowledge that something terrible and older than the universe has been unleashed. (By Ford6Fingers)
  78. Open Chest: The image of an open box resting on the ground grants the person who drew the card a random magical item of random rarity determined by the DM using either the magic tables in the DMG or the DMs choice. (By equinox75)
  79. Insignificance- You are placed under a modified version of the Silence spell for 1d8 hours (By ControlledChaosJR)
  80. The Card - This card features the image of a card on it. It negates all effects of the next card you draw. (By The_Incredible_Thulk)
  81. Beast - next full moon you will transform into a werewolf. (By Dan-Han-Man)
  82. Self-Control: You gain resistance to psychic damage and are less impulsive overall. Barbarians temporary lose these effects when raging. (By Spearhartt)
  83. Gentleness: You take a permanent -2 to your AC. All non-hostile creatures with an intelligence greater than 6 now take a paternal affection towards you and are more likely to offer you assistance when possible. You gain advantage on persuasion checks against hostile creatures when the goal of your persuasion is to prevent conflict. If you witness someone close to you get killed you lose all effects of this card and gain +2 AC and +2 Strength for 1D4 hours afterwards. (By Spearhartt)
  84. Faithfulness: For the next 1D10 days, everything you do is motivated by your deity. If you do not follow a deity, one appears to you and anoints you as it’s new follower. The deity that appears is based on your alignment, race, and background, at the DM’s discretion. If you roll a 10, you gain the Channel Divinity feature at its lowest level, based on the domain associated with your deity. (By Spearhartt)
  85. Kindness: You find yourself drawn towards charity. For the next 1D6 days, anytime you see someone or something in need and you can assist in any way, you feel compelled to do so. This includes things such as healing, giving away your money, or assisting in a task that doesn’t take longer than the duration rolled earlier. (By Spearhartt)
  86. Patience: If you’re the last person to enter a room, speak in a conversation, or take your turn in combat, you gain advantage on your next skill check relevant to that scenario. If you are the first, you have disadvantage. (By Spearhartt)
  87. Peace: You gain the Calm Emotions spell and can cast it for free once per long rest. (By Spearhartt)
  88. Joy: You find yourself overcome with obnoxious optimism. No matter what happens you always feel like it’s going to turn out okay. You become immune to being frightened but gain disadvantage on insight checks. This can be dismissed by the wish spell or by being knocked unconscious by a hostile creature. (By Spearhartt)
  89. Love: You fall in love with the next non-hostile humanoid stranger you meet. You have disadvantage on any malicious skill checks against this person. This can be dismissed by the Wish spell or an act of true love by someone else towards you. (By Spearhartt)
  90. The Diminutive Tree: A random player character of the party is suddenly and unceremoniously turned into a bonsai tree. Only vocal communication is available while in the form of the bonsai. The bonsai speaks only Sylvan. The bonsai is otherwise an inanimate object. The PC retains their HP and is able to cast spells of vocal components or freecast. To revert from the bonsai, the tree must either be planted and grown for three days with plenty of water, or with a wish/miracle/etc. Otherwise the PC will remain a bonsai tree, incapable of thirst, hunger, aging, or sleep. (By RealRedditPerson)
  91. The Changeling: You immediately exchange powers and abilities with the nearest person or creature with an equivalent power level (as determined by level / challenge rating. (By Methuen)
  92. The Mind Reader - you gain the psychic abilities of an Illithid but also gain the face sucking tentacles. (By AllHailMackius)
  93. The Ghost - You immediately become semi-transparent, along with all clothing and equipment that you don (items lose this state if contact is lost). You are unable to change your opacity beyond this; you cannot turn invisible, or be made more visible (except by means of a wish spell). (By vysken)
  94. Platinum : All platinum you possess (wherever it is) is tripled, but teleported to the lair of a powerful monster or dragon. The name of the monster appears on the card before disappearing. (By Sunkain)
  95. Gold : You double all Gold coin you possess on this plane (so not in a bag of holding) (By Sunkain)
  96. Silver : You become vulnerable to silver weapons. When you touch silver at the end of your turn, you gain a level of exhaustion (By Sunkain)
  97. Bronze : You can always choose to be third in the Initiative Order in combat (By Sunkain)
  98. The Tolling Bell : Shows a tolling bell with the words of John Donne "Therefore, send not to know/For whom the bell tolls,/It tolls for thee." Throw 1d12. The one who holds the card will die at dawn in as much days. Each day they will here a bell ringing the number of days left. You can pass the card but only unbeknownst to the other person, you can't sell it. When the time is other, instead of waking up, the person will see a gigantic black bell with an eye in its center. It will toll one last time, and the soul of the person will be consumed by the bell. No resurection possible. A tatoo of a black bell will appear on the head of the dead. If it is a PC, the card will disappear. If the person is not the PC who drawed the card, the card will appear in their inventory at the very moment the bell had tolled. Throw 1d12. For whom will she toll now? (By TanhaAel)
  99. The Prophet - When this card is pulled, a projection of that players Deity forms in front of them, telling your player that they have been chosen as that deities prophet (DM role plays the Deity projection). The twist is that there is no actual affect that is granted to the player, but the DM should NEVER reveal this to the player. If the player has no religion or doesn't worship any deities, instead the card shouts at the player "You are not worthy, heretic!" in a deep booming voice, and then disappears in their hand and goes back into the deck randomly. (By metalzim)
  100. The changeling- your character dies and the spell reincarnation is cast on your character. (By Chopperuofl)
  101. Envy- Rather than sharing in their victory, your PC becomes saddened at the successes of those closest to them. Every time a party member besides the players rolls a natural 20 on a skill check, you have disadvantage on your next skill check. (By a combination of Spearhartt and Dan-Han-Man)
submitted by Lysdexic12345 to d100 [link] [comments]

Solo money making guide for new and well set players.

I've got this cool solo money making guide I tried and tested.
Fore new players who are new or broke,click on this link here hence including new players in the title.
What businesses you'll need.
Recommended locations (For players who don't have the businesses yet).
If you already own the businesses and properties then you don't have to change from your current locations, except maybe moving your MC Businesses to Sandy Shores if it's in Paleto Bay or Elysian Islands/Terminal and moving your Bunker to Chumash or Farmhouse. This is mainly for players who are looking to buy those properties and businesses.
Note: This is my personal opinion. If you think there's another better location or disagree, then let me know why that's better.
If you already have multiple Special cargo small, medium or large warehouses then stick with the ones you have.
Vehicles you'll need.
1. Buzzard.
2. Bati 801RR.
3. Oppressor MK II (Optional).
4. Cargobob (Optional).
6. Post Op vans (Optional).

The main money making guide tips and steps.

I recommend doing the steps in a solo public session.
This is not only to avoid griefers and tryhards but this guide may spread to the popular GTA online money grinding youtubers such as TheProfessional, Tylerious or maybe even Ghilliemaster and this guide may get very popular that more players will be doing this guide so most likely someone else will be doing a Terrorbyte mission, Sightseer, Headhunter or any other VIP work. See GTA Online Mega Guide thread on how to go in a solo public lobby. Or you can just keep finding a new session until you're in a solo public lobby or in a session your happy with full of friendly players who don't do Terrorbyte client missions, Sightseer and Headhunter. If you want to do the Casino Heist or other jobs then set your MTU back to 1500 otherwise you can't join a heist or other activities with low MTU.
Get the Arcade with the Master Control Terminal.
The Master Control Terminal allows you to buy supplies in one building instead of having to fly to different businesses to resupply. However sell product from the actual businesses location because if you sell from the Master Control Terminal then you'll have to drive or fly to that business to begin selling which could cost valuable time.
Before you start the steps. (If you have a Nightclub).
If you have a nightclub and five technicians then put them on Cargo/Shipments (Hanger), Sporting goods (Bunker), South American imports (Cocaine), Pharmaceuticals (Meth) and Cash Creation (Counterfeit cash). Once Pharmaceuticals and Cash Creation is full then move those technicians to Organic Produce (Weed) and Printing and Copying (Document Forgery). Ignore this part if you don't have a nightclub.
Business battles (Optional).
If your in a lobby with three other players and a business battle starts. You can collect the crate or vehicle with the crates. Once you finished, delivering the product to your nightclub then continue what your doing.
Make sure your nightclub popularity is full. (Optional)
You can make a small profit with the nightclub safe. At any time in the steps if your nightclub popularity is full in the pre step and the the game tells you your safe is $20,000 just go back to your nightclub and book another DJ to make the nightclub popularity full again and wait until the game tells you have $40,000 and re-book another Dj and keep grinding until you reach $60,000. If it reaches $70,000 collect the money straight away and wait until the game tells you, that you have $10,000 in the safe and re-book another DJ and keep repeating this process. Make sure to change DJs every 90 minutes to avoid losing popularity.
Here's the Reddit thread that explains it all.
If you have a Terrorbyte.
Spawn it and start up Import/Export source vehicle or Special cargo missions since it's faster to go in rather than going all the way to your CEO office or Master Control Terminal depending where you are on the map.
Always do Headhunter in Los Santos.
The targets are more closer in Los Santos. Blaine County targets are more spread out so it'll take longer to do it there. Make sure your completely in Los Santos since even starting Headhunter in Vinewood Hills, you'll still get Blaine County targets.
Play in free aim lobbies.
The chances of being attacked or griefed by a tryhard is slightly lower than in auto aim. But they are still plenty of them, just not as much as auto aim. Your more likely to get placed in a peaceful lobby and if you do get attacked by a tryhard or griefer then find a new session since they're just wasting your time and to also protect your cargo since you only lose a little bit when you find a new session or close the application.
Also there's less players on free aim than auto aim so your more likely to find a lobby with less players.
PC only, If you see a modder or a cheater in your session.
Find a new session immediately since they may try to give you cheated money and get you falsely banned. They may also try to grief you with the use of mods.
If nightclub safe is full at $70,000.
Make sure to collect the money ASAP so more money can be stored in the safe.
If your flying a Buzzard or any vehicles or aircraft with homing missiles around in a peaceful lobby.
Make sure to use the homing missiles only when you need to use them such as killing enemy NPCs or Headhunter targets. One you finished using them then switch to the machine guns or non homing mode or the barrage missiles (if your in a Hunter) until you need to use the homing missiles again. This is to stop scaring other players who are in another aircraft or in a vehicle on the ground and it's also to prevent accidental firing of the homing rocket that's locked on to friendly players.
Terrorbyte client missions are quick and easy.
Finishing Targeted Data, Diamond Shopping and Robbery in Progress gets you an easy $31,000 in just 3-4 minutes of work. You'll need a drone station to do Targeted data though.
Stealing supplies is NOT worth it anymore if your Bunker and MC Businesses have full upgrades.
Steal missions take too long to do and it can take up to two or three hours to fill all your businesses. You can do the pre step and step 2 to easily pay off your supplies investment and even make some more money in the two and a half hours period before the businesses and Bunker stops producing due to lack of supplies. Good thing about this Casino heist DLC is that they include the Master Control Terminal where you can buy supplies for your businesses in one place instead of having to drive or fly to different locations.
The only time where I recommend stealing the supplies is when you don't have the upgrades yet on your Bunker or MC Businesses.
If you have an associate in your CEO.
If you have friends or a random person in your CEO, after you finished a Terrorbyte mission, do Point to point and share the money for an extra $5,250. Your associate can get paid well and still have fun grinding. Also if your in an MC then promote your friend or associate to Road Captain so they can use the non weaponized Buzzard or Havok (if they own one).
Don't waste money on junk.
One of the main reasons why players go broke and resort to buying Shark cards or give up on the game altogether. You don't need to own everything in the game and get a Deluxo or the latest supercar just because your friends and "everyone" has one. The clothes you only need are heavy heist vests for classic heists, quad lens helmets and scuba outfit. Supercars are only good for driving around the map and for races but not for missions. You can get around the map faster with a Buzzard. If your gonna buy a super car then buy the one that tops Broughy1322's tests.
The steps below are assuming you have the full day off from school or work and want to grind all day.
Note: The main steps are only if you have the CEO Office, Vehicle Warehouse, Bunker (Fully upgraded), MC Clubhouse, MC Businesses (Coke, Meth and Cash all fully upgraded), Nightclub, Terrorbyte and Arcade with Master Control Terminal. Also the tips below the steps are from my experience of grinding and selling cargo.

Pre step: Buy supplies for your Bunker and MC Businesses.

Make sure they're empty so sell whatever you have before buying supplies. Also set spawn location in the Arcade.
  1. Buy Supplies for your Coke, Meth, Cash and Bunker using the Master Control Terminal in the Arcade.

Step 1: Import/Export method (Best time to money ratio).

  1. Source vehicle.
  2. Sell vehicle.
  3. Do Terrorbyte mission.
  4. Source a vehicle.
  5. Do Terrorbyte mission.
  6. Do Headhunter.
  7. Sell vehicle.
  8. Do Terrorbyte mission.
  9. Source vehicle.
  10. Do Terrorbyte mission.
  11. Do Headhunter.
  12. Sell vehicle.
  13. Do Terrorbyte mission.
  14. Repeat 8-13 or move to step 2.
Import/Export sell tips.
Tips for vehicle sourcing missions, read this thread.

Step 2: Special cargo method. (Optional)

Special cargo method with a warehouse. It's only if you want to mix things up a bit since doing the same I/E method over again can be efficient but boring.
  1. Steal three crates.
  2. Do Terrorbyte mission.
  3. Steal three crates.
  4. Do Terrorbyte mission.
  5. Steal another three crates. You should have nine after you delivered those crates.
  6. Do Terrorbyte mission.
  7. Do one cycle of the I/E method above. (Do 1-5 on the Step 2: Import/Export method).
  8. Sell crates or continue filling up the warehouse.
  9. Repeat 1-8.
  10. (Optional) If continuing filling up the warehouse, repeat 1-9. (You don't have to do the cycle again but it's up to you if you want to)
  11. Sell the crates.
  12. Do Terrorbyte mission.
After finishing a source mission.
If you go the vehicle mission then do Headhunter then do a Terrorbyte mission. If you get vehicle missions back to back and Headhunter's still cooling down then simply do a Terrorbyte mission and source another three crates. If you got a three crate pickup mission, then just do a Terrorbyte mission and source another crate after.
Special cargo tips.
For more tips with special cargo read this thread.

Step 3: Selling the Bunker and MC Product.

This is a solo method on how to do MC Businesses and Bunker 100% solo.
Sourcing and selling top range cars after selling the MC product and disbanding MC and registering as CEO.Read before doing step 3.
Step 3.
  1. Sell Coke.
  2. Disband MC and register as CEO and steal a top range vehicle and sell straight away.
  3. Sell Meth.
  4. Steal top range vehicle and sell.
  5. Sell Cash.
  6. Steal top range car and sell.
  7. Sell the Bunker.
  8. Steal top range car and sell.
Fast step 3 (If your short on time and need to do something else).
  1. Sell Coke.
  2. Sell Meth.
  3. Sell Cash.
  4. Sell Bunker.
What you'll get when buying one batch of supplies for you Bunker and MC Businesses (Coke, Meth and Cash).
Note: This is with the Equipment and Staff upgrades.
Bunker and MC Business sell tips.
For more info about the MC Businesses.
Solo Post OP van tips.
I Know people give up on the MC Businesses all because of the Post OP aka Slow OP vans and I can understand why since the vans are very slow and the drops are far apart but reading this will give you confidence to do the MC Businesses again.
This Post OP Van tips are based off having the Sandy Shores/Grand Senora Desert MC Businesses.

Step 4 (Optional): Continue doing the step 1 I/E cycle or Step 2 Crates cycle.

If you don't want to do this part for whatever reason then skip to step 5.

Step 5: Selling the Nightclub.

Once you finish doing Step 3 or Step 4 then it's time to sell the Nightclub.
  1. Sell all the product via the special orders for a bonus if there is no special orders then sell all.
  2. Source and sell top range Import/Export vehicle.
  3. Do Terrorbyte mission.
  4. Do Headhunter.
  5. If there's money in both the Arcade and Nightclub safe, just collect it, also go to the Casino and spin the wheel.
  6. Wait for the game to auto save and you should be done for the day.

Alternative steps.

Simple method. (For players who don't have lots of time to play but still want to do the steps). Step 2 is not needed.
  1. Do the pre step.
  2. Do Step 1.
  3. Keep repeating Step 1 I/E cycle until the two and a half hour timer is up.
  4. Do fast step 3.
  5. Once you sold the MC Businesses then sell nightclub and you should be done for the day.
Simple Sightseer, Headhunter and Terabyte client mission cycle. (Best to do in an invite only session).
  1. Find a car and sell to Los Santos Customs.
  2. Start Headhunter.
  3. Do Terabyte client mission.
  4. Do Sightseer.
  5. Do Headhunter.
  6. Do Terabyte client mission.
  7. Do Sightseer.
  8. Do Headhunter.

AFK Solo Method.

What you'll need.
Steps for AFK solo method.
  1. Buy supplies for Bunker, Coke, Meth and Cash using the Master Control Terminal in the Arcade. With the Nightclub, set the five technicians to South American Imports, Cargo and Shipments, Pharmaceutical Research, Sporting Goods and Cash Creation first.
  2. Now start an easy contact mission in your apartment and go to the couch where the in game TV is and watch it. Once you sit down, then press the right D-Pad to make sure your watching the in game TV otherwise you may get kicked out due to idling or you could stay indoors and rubberband the right thumbstick so the camera moves in circles. Starting a contact mission and doing this AFK method means you won't pay utility bills and you cannot get raided, on top of that you won't lose any Nightclub popularity.
  3. Keep controller charging.
  4. Leave the console or PC on but turn off your real life TV or monitor your using to play the game. If your playing on you real life TV then you can change channels and watch what program you like.
  5. Do whatever you want outside the game such as school, work or whatever things you need to do, you can even leave your console/PC on overnight if you want.
  6. When your ready to comeback, turn your TV/monitor on and finish the contact mission. If South American Imports and Pharmaceutical Research is full then assign the two other technicians to Organic Produce and Printing and Copying since there's seven types of product and there's only five technicians to collect them assuming you bought all of the technicians. If South American Imports and Pharmaceutical Research isn't full yet then continue to AFK until they're filled up or you can also sell MC Businesses and Nightclub at this point if you want or otherwise continue to number 7.
  7. Once South American Imports and Pharmaceutical Research is finally full, set technicians to Organic Produce and Document Forgery. Start another easy contact mission to AFK again.
  8. Now once Organic Produce and Printing and Copying is filled up (takes 26.6 and 15 hours respectively to fill up), you can either sell the Bunker and MC Businesses or continue to AFK until Sporting Goods and Cargo and Shipments fill up. (Scroll up and follow step 3 or fast step 3 while selling the Bunker and MC Businesses).
  9. Repeat 1-6 or 1-8.
Additional AFK tips.

If board from doing the steps.

Grinding the same steps over and over again can get boring overtime.
For more info on CEO, Special Cargo, Vehicle Cargo, Casino Heist, Bunker, MC Businesses, Nightclub and Hanger then visit the GTA Online Mega Guide Thread. (Note: I already posted the same link earlier but I'll post it again to save time from Scrolling up).
I may edit this guide in case I missed something, made a mistake or you have great suggestions that I should write down. Let me know in the comments what you think. Also ask more questions in the comments section and I'll try my best to respond.
I've checked the GTA Online mega thread before posting this and spent plenty of hours testing this guide.
This guide was made by myself a passionate solo grinder.
submitted by xInfected_Virus to u/xInfected_Virus [link] [comments]

Madison, the Queen of Cards

"Society kills me because of this curse, my cards are the only things important now."

Madison Grey, the half fox, half human. With the upper body of a fox and the lower body of a human. She wears a hood and a bandana to cover up her face and to fool her companions. She has been hated for this curse in Shurima so she ran away to Ionia to start a new life. She now runs a gambling scheme at some remote area in Ionia. In game, she is an assassin, pulling off unpredictable stunts with her passive, The Deck of Cards of Doom!

Role: Assassin
Secondary Attributes: Stealth | Melee | Physical
Lane: Middle/Jungle

Health: 590 (+80 per level)
Attack Damage: 60 (+3.5 every level)
Armor: 32 (+3 every level)
Magic Resist: 33 (+1 every level)
Range: 130
Crit Damage: 200%
Movement Speed: 360

Damage: 3/3
Toughness: 1/3
Mobility: 3/3
Control: 2/3
Utility: 1/3
Difficulty: 3/3

Real Name: Madison Grey
Alias: Queen of Cards
Weapons: Dagger, Cards of Doom
Gender: Female
Race: Human, Hybrid
Birthplace: Shurima
Current Residence: Ionia
Occupation: Cardist
Faction: Ionia

The Curse of The Woman
In an old town of Shurima lived a playful girl named Madison, her father was a famous gambler from Piltover while her mother was a Shuriman farmer.
Her father wishes to open his own casino so that his family could offer to live in better circumstances.
Her father would always be abroad so every day she would go over to her mother's farm to play with her friends. Splashing in the mud and making a mess in the barn. She enjoyed life as a kid, but when she turned 19 things got weird.
Her father had passed away in an accident and her mother and herself was devastated by this news. Her mother would start to refuse to eat and lock herself in her room. Madison tried to cheer her up but she had no interest in listening to the words of her daughter. She often hear her chanting words but never knew what it meant.
One day when gathering crops, she overheard a group of villagers talking about an elderly woman who bears the legendary crystal that can revive people from the dead but she doesn't actually as that would deny their fates.
She laid the crops in the barn and headed towards the tent of the elderly woman. She was meditating and the crystal was in her hands. Madison waited patiently for her to finish. The woman finishes meditating and asked Madison what she needs.
Madison stood there quietly and asked if she could borrow the crystal to reanimate her dead father.
And of course, the woman said no.
Madison was furious as she missed her father so much. She tackled the elderly woman and snatched the crystal from her, and Madison tried to run away but failed. The elderly woman raised her staff and summoned skeletal hands from under the ground beneath Madison to grab her. The hands grabbed Madison as she tried to run away and the woman approached her.
"No means no, child. For this mistake you made, I shall curse you forever so that you will learn your lesson."
The woman raised her staff and chanted some words. Suddenly, a flash of red light shone and pierced through the sky. Before Madison knew it, she was turned into a half fox, half human abomination. The woman then disappeared into the night sky along with the hands and the crystal.
Madison rushed back to her house, but on her way back to her house she heard kids saying "Mummy, look! A monster!" and the mothers replying "Yes, and such thing shouldn't exist." Tears started running down her fox cheeks as she continued to run. When she finally reached her house, she went to her mother and stood down in front of her and said:
"Do you recognize me?"
Her mother was shocked and jumped up.
"Monster! Monster! Monster!"
Nearby villagers could be heard starting to barge into the house to save Madison's mother from the "monster". Madison said goodbye to her mother and crashed through the window.
She ran through the desert all night, never looking back.
She traveled to Zaun but was also called a demon and was chased out.
She traveled to Noxus and was almost executed by Darius himself.
She traveled to Demacia, but she got judged by Garen.
She traveled to Freljord but was chased out by some barbarians.
She traveled to Ionia, and finally she was met by some vastayans who thought Madison was one of them. She acquainted with some of the vastayans and even had some feelings for one of them, Fiki a fox like vastaya. She started to make her own casino just like her father would where more and more people would come to visit.
Whenever people asked for the owner, she would come out with a hood and a bandana to cover up herself even though they think she is vastaya.
She now owns a casino in Ionia but is still waiting for a day for her mother to recognize her.


Passive: The Deck of Cards of Doom

"Pick a card, any card!"
(A) Innate: When the game starts, Madison has a deck of cards that grant her benefits and she immediately gets a random card from her deck that she may activate.
Action Cards:
Trick Cards:
Trump Card:

Q: Claw Through

"My claws are sad, mind cheering them up with your blood?"
Passive: Every time Madison draws a new card, she gains 10% increased speed for 3 seconds.
Active: Madison claws through a target enemy, dealing 95/105/115/125/135 (+70% Attack Damage) physical damage.
Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6 seconds
Mana Cost: None

W: Into the Shadows

"Into the darkness I go."
Passive: Madison stores 5 Stealth Points every second when she is in the fog of war with a maximum of 100 and loses 5 Stealth Points every second when she is seen by an enemy.
Active: Madison uses the Stealth Points she gained, to become invisible.
Dagger Toss: Madison throws out a dagger that deals 70/80/90/100/110 (+60% Attack Damage) physical damage to the enemy champion hit while piercing through minions and jungle monsters.
Cooldown: 16 seconds
Mana Cost: None

E: Copy-Fox

"I'm not a copycat! I'm a Copy-Fox!"
Active: Madison casts her last most recently used card, applying the same effects and increased damage. Additionally hitting an enemy champion with this, grants Madison 10 gold. Trump cards cannot be mimicked.
Cooldown: 30/27/24/21/18 seconds
Mana Cost: None

R: Claws of the Fox-Girl

"My claws will find their way to your throat!"
Active: Madison blinks to a target area as she floats above the air, being untargetable. During this time, she scratches the ground in an X shape below her, dealing 90/130/170 (+40% Attack Damage) for every strike. After that she lands, dealing 100/150/200 (+50% Attack Damage) to enemies hit.
Cooldown: 100/90/75 seconds
Mana Cost: 100

Captain Madison: Arrr! Mateys! Captain Madison is here to steal whatever booty you might have, be it gold or diamond she wants everything that you own and no jewellery shall escape her sight! Madison now has watery effects on her skills. To the sea!
Blood Moon Madison: A new recruit to the Blood Moon Cult, Madison is ready to ascend herself into a darker and stronger form of herself. Her abilities now has blood and reddish effects to them and her mask is similar to a fox.
Hunter Madison: Her outfit is similar to the headhunter Rengar skin and her skills are the same. This is just a normal skin for Madison.

First Movement:
Using a card:


Change Log:
7/3: Nerfed the cooldowns of Q and E and also reworked R.
9/3: Switched the position of Dice Roll and Betrayal. Dice Roll is now a Trump Card instead of an action.
16/3: Reworked Q to fit the Fox traits, reworked ultimate again. Reduced the amount of cards in passive. Made her father become a gambler instead of an explorer.

This is Madison that is my concept on the March 2020 Contest. I like the fact of an unpredictable assassin so I made one. I really hope you all would give me feedback on this champion concept because like I said, I accept all criticisms.
submitted by SushiGore to LoLChampConcepts [link] [comments]

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