Iacta Alea Est: Crossing the Rubicon — Latinitium

alea iacta est meaning

alea iacta est meaning - win

"Alea iacta Est" means, "The die is cast" in Latin. What are some other cool Latin phrases you know?

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Alea iacta est. Does "the die is cast" refer to a single dice or is it a mutliple meaning word (as in casting a die for something metal)?

submitted by mbrasher1 to AskHistorians [link] [comments]

Flatten the Curve. Part 70. Project Rome. Rubicon. Libra. President Trump. Peter Thiel. Eric Prince. And Mark Zuckerberg. There just might be more than meets the eye here. Stay safe and stay aware. This election might not be over yet.

Flatten the Curve. Part 69. Source Here
Words matter. I've said it before and I'll say it again. So let me show you some words that have caught my attention In the last few months.

Rome • Rubicon • Libra

Let's start with Rubicon.
“It was the intelligence coup of the century,” the CIA report concluded. “Foreign governments were paying good money to the US and West Germany for the privilege of having their most secret communications read by at least two (and possibly as many as five or six) foreign countries.” The mention of five or six countries is probably a reference to the Five Eyes electronic intelligence sharing agreement between the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The operation, codenamed Thesaurus and then renamed Rubicon in 1980s, demonstrated the overwhelming intelligence value of being able to insert flaws into widely sold communications equipment. The CIA’s success over many years is likely to reinforce current US suspicions of equipment made by the Chinese company Huawei. Source Here
This was massive. The five eyes had penatrated almost every country on earth, and were privy to any intelligence shared through that encryption.
And look at the name, Rubicon. Ring a bell?
Alea iacta est ("The die has been cast") is a variation of a Latin phrase (iacta alea est [ˈjakta ˈaːlɛ.a ˈɛst]) attributed by Suetonius to Julius Caesar on January 10, 49 BC, as he led his army across the Rubicon river in Northern Italy. With this step, he entered Italy at the head of his army in defiance of the Senate and began his long civil war against Pompey and the Optimates. The phrase, either in the original Latin or in translation, is used in many languages to indicate that events have passed a point of no return. It is now most commonly cited with the word order changed ("Alea iacta est") rather than in the original phrasing. The same event inspired another idiom with the same meaning, "crossing the Rubicon".
So the Rubicon was crossed and it was point of no return. And when was the project exposed? February 11th. By who? The Jeff Bezos owned Washington Times. And guess what, if the information is out, then they wanted it out. Because after Jeffery Boy got a share of those cloud contracts, I'm pretty sure he wasn't about to bite the hand that feeds him.
The Central Intelligence Agency has awarded its long-awaited Commercial Cloud Enterprise, or C2E, contract to five companies—Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, Google, Oracle and IBM.
So, have we crossed the Rubicon? Let's keep digging.


The long-awaited Facebook-led digital currency Libra is preparing to launch as early as January, according to three people involved in the initiative, but in an even more limited format than its already downgradedSource Here
Can't wait to grab some of that Zuckercash! Can you? But hold on and look at this:
The Romans associated the scales with trade, since measuring equal quantities of items being traded was very important to their culture. They also associated it with the Roman goddess of justice. We often see artwork related to the practice of law depicting a woman blindfolded and holding a set of scales. The concept of “blind justice” goes back to the Roman times when Libra was invented. Source Here
Well, that's crazy. We've got Trump going on about the deep state. Now you could say that he is at his Rubicon moment. And now we have the Libra set to debut. Unrelated? Maybe. Maybe not.
Trump hosted Zuckerberg for undisclosed dinner at the White House in October. President Donald Trump hosted a previously undisclosed dinner with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook board member Peter Thiel at the White House in October, the company told NBC News on Wednesday. The meeting took place during Zuckerberg’s most recent visit to Washington, where he testified before Congress about Facebook’s new cryptocurrency Libra. Source Here
Oh. Thats odd. And don't forget that Theil also invested into Facebook, and that he owns Palantir, which is in 60 countries and works with the CIA. Is that why Rubicon became worthless?


So we have Rome. Or should I say, Project Rome.
What was Project Rome? It's allegedly the campaign run by the Psy Group with Cambridge Analytica to manipulate the elections on Facebook.
Project Rome PDF NY Times
A third mapped out a months-long plan to sow discord. Together, the proposals were labeled “Project Rome,” and referred to Trump, Clinton, and Cruz “Lion,” “Forest,” and “Bear,” respectively.Source Here
I don't know if you saw it, but I believe Trump shared a photo of him in front of a lake, with the reflection of a lion recently. And it's in his campaign slogan. And the Psy Group called him LION. And this is Psy Group’s ad. It's a cat with the Shadow of a Lion.
Yep. Those are a lot of coincidences, and I don't trust coincidences. And we have more. Because Peter Thiel’s Palantir was implicated into Cambridge Analytica. And Eric Prince may have brokered the deal with Psy Group, and Eric used to run Blackwater. And now we have reports coming out of Rome about election tampering? Real? I don't know, I really don't. Welcome to the New Normal Information War.

Final Thoughts

There sure is a lot of Roman terminology floating around. And then we have Peter Big Brother Theil, Blackwater Eric Prince, Mark Zuckerberg, and the Israeli Psy Group. And then Jared Kushner gets back from Saudi Arabia and signs a peace deal for the with the UAE. Did he get the Kingdoms support? Connected? Time will tell.
And I know that Peter Thiel backed away from Trump recently. That could just be a part of the act.
One last thing, I don't trust any politician, I just write what I see.
Heads up and eyes open.
Talk soon.
Oh. And Eric Prince, Donald Trump and Peter Thiel?
January 17, 2017: The Intercept • According to New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, in December Prince attended the annual “Villains and Heroes” costume ball hosted by Mercer. Dowd wrote that Palantir founder Peter Thiel showed her “a picture on his phone of him posing with Erik Prince, who founded the private military company Blackwater, and Mr. Trump — who had no costume — but joke[d] that it was ‘N.S.F.I.’ (Not Safe for the Internet).”
Yep. There just might be a run on toilet paper soon. Again. Welcome to 2021. Stay safe.
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The Black Rose Cult part 3 of 4

Part 1
Part 2
The warehouse was still, quiet beyond the whistling of the wind outside. Light shined in through the cracked and shattered windows, and bullet holes along the walls, a reminder of a day in the building’s long history that wasn’t quite so peaceful.
From the distance, a shuffling. Bestial grunts and venomous curses heralded an arrival, and as they got closer, the energy in the room began to change. Today would not be a day of quiet, as there had been so many of before.
One of the bay doors swung upwards. Carried by the wind, a dusting of snow began to blanket the concrete floor. A drop of blood fell to meet the snow, staining it red.
The bleeding man passed the threshold of the entrance, pulling the door down behind him. He leaned against it suddenly, not intending to do so and not having the strength to stand on his own, and he left behind another red stain as he stepped forward.
“Buddy!” he called out, struggling to put one foot in front of the other. He continued further into the warehouse, more droplets of blood falling from the hole in his stomach, leaving a trail that wouldn’t be hard to follow. He was aware of this, and could do nothing about it, pushing the thought aside as he focused his energy on staying on his feet.
“Heath!” he screamed, desperate enough to let go- at least for the moment- of the profound feeling of betrayal the name had engendered within him. The thought of a secret being kept from him, no matter the motivation or excuse, felt so trivial in the moment. His life was draining from him, so quickly that it might not be capable of being saved, but it was all he could do. Grievances would have to wait, or perhaps be put aside for good.
“Em?” he cried, a shot in the dark, begging for the help of a practical stranger. As he made his way to the back wall of the warehouse, he considered how few times he’d met her since the month started. She was still on the outside of something, looking in with the skeptical eyes of a woman who knew not to trust blindly- though through experience or wisdom, he couldn’t say.
Alone and out of names to yell, he stumbled to the back wall. The display of pictures, documents and maps that were hanging from the wall a day before had all been removed. It seemed that all traces of them had been erased. Chuck leaned against the wall, the sudden chill against his wound piercing and- for a moment- almost a relief. He slid down, letting himself fall to the ground. He was exhausted, both in mind and body, but a stronger feeling accompanied him in what he assumed would be his final moments.
He was, from the surface down to the marrow, absolutely freezing. He was just so... cold.
The first step in the bug-planting job was simple: reach out to his parents.
They were more receptive to the idea of Chuck visiting than he expected, considering how he had originally turned them down when he was invited. However, they made their ground rules perfectly clear: Chuck had to be an ‘active participant’ in their holiday activities, including but not limited to watching Hallmark movies with his mother, playing board games whenever his father felt like it and supervising his young cousins on Christmas day. It sounded like a nightmare- which is exactly why Chuck began his own tradition of skipped the yearly festivities since going to college.
From how his father responded to his request, Chuck got the distinct feeling that his dad didn’t trust him at his word. He had no idea that Chuck was aware of the Black Rose, of course; no, instead he seemed to believe that greed was his son’s motivation. “I know we didn’t send you much last year,” he noted during their phone call, which Buddy and Heath had listened in on, “but I hope you’re not giving us the gift of your presence for some sort of monetary reward.”
“Oh course not,” Chuck dismissed, smiling awkwardly at the notion. “To be honest, South Washington U just doesn’t feel like home this year.” He fought the urge to glance at Heath. “I’d rather spend the holidays with you and Mom than alone in a dorm.”
“Okay…” his father replied skeptically. “I’ll have to ask your mother if she’s willing to host you this year. I’ll let you know.”
“Thanks, Dad,” Chuck said, surprised by how well the call went.
With a grunt, his father hung up.
Buddy crossed his arms. “Told you they’d let you in,” he said, smirking.
“Not exactly,” Chuck countered. “We’ll see what my mom has to say about it. She’s probably still pissed I didn’t go to Thanksgiving last month.”
Buddy shook his head. “Putting aside the fact that her father runs a cult that treats all members as part of a ‘family’ that no one can ever truly leave, no mother would refuse to see her only child on Christmas. You’re fine.”
And sure enough, a text came in half an hour later. They were in.
The ride to his parent’s house was quiet. While Em was back at the warehouse, waiting for the audio and video feeds to start rolling in, the rest of the crew were driving to the Grady’s house just near the city limits of Ellenport. Heath drove the van silently while Buddy took this last chance to go over the details with Chuck.
“We packed everything up to look like presents from the outside,” he explained again, as though Chuck had only just begun to listen to him, “so you just have to unwrap them to get the bugs, and wrap them back up after the bugs are planted. Alright?”
Chuck smiled politely. “Thanks again for the advice. Wanna tell me again that the sun is hot, maybe that grass is green?”
Buddy pointed at Chuck and smiled. “That’s the thing, Chucky: you won’t have any excuse to forget something I told you a thousand times.”
“Right,” Chuck said, brushing it off.
“And you’re sure you can keep it together around your family, knowing what they are, what they’re a part of?” He seemed genuinely worried about that, as he did the previous nine hundred and ninety-nine times he asked.
“I think so,” Chuck said. “I’m only worried about seeing my grandfather. If you’re right about everything, he’s the leader of the cult. Everything that they’ve done, from torturing and killing anyone who dared to leave all the way to child kidnappings and sacrifices, it all goes back to him. It’s a legacy that leads down to me, so the thought of looking him in the eye again is a little terrifying.”
“Like looking into the abyss.” Buddy noted, smiling sadly. “The thing is- when it comes to your family- they’re experts at pretending to be something they’re not for the sake of their cause. If you’re going to take one lesson from them, it’s that. Use that deceptive nature to betray them, and this whole thing can come crashing down.”
After a long silence, Heath looked back. “Hey, what’s your grandfather like, anyway? Is he a creep, a cult of personality, or what?”
Buddy smiled knowingly, but turned to Chuck to allow him to respond. “He’s usually quiet, but brilliant,” Chuck answered. “He has all these stories about his years traveling across the US, through Europe, and he has this fondness for bringing up the most obscure historical stories to explain something simple. There’s something else there, below the surface, where talking to him felt like talking to a dangerous animal, like a bear. He could say these cruel things, really poke at insecurities- but only poking, never stabbing.
“We used to play chess a lot, back when I was a kid. Every Christmas, from as far back as I could remember to the year I turned thirteen, we’d sit and play chess for hours. He was always so much better than me, taking my attention with a rook or a wandering knight until blindsiding me with a bishop. He always went for my queen, I eventually noticed, entirely focused on cutting away at the most powerful piece I had. Sometimes he’d sacrifice two- even three solid pieces just to get at the queen, but he’d take her every time, and then he’d beat me.”
“What made you stop playing?” Buddy asked, eyes narrowed, face unreadable.
Chuck frowned. “The day before Christmas, that last year we played, we had one more game. Grandpa was doing what he always did: going straight for my queen. In the effort, he left his unguarded- and in hindsight, I wonder how often he did so without my realizing. Maybe he did it on purpose, but I just never noticed because I was so worried that the inevitable would happen if I didn’t prioritize protecting my queen. Just as he was putting my queen in an unsurvivable situation, I took his queen with a knight. For a moment, there, he just glared at the board, almost like it betrayed him. He took my queen, of course, but then he started focusing entirely on getting a pawn over to my side of the board, letting some of his strongest pieces die in this slapdash effort to get his advantage back. I prepared for it, and as soon as the pawn reached my end of the board and became his queen, I took it again with my last bishop. After that, he seemed completely checked out, and within minutes, I’d systematically removed all his pieces- even got my own queen back before putting him in checkmate with it.”
“How’d he react to finally being beaten?” Buddy asked.
“He shook my hand, actually,” Chuck said, “and he said ‘Charles, you’ve finally done it. You don’t need to play me anymore.’ Of course, that just made me want to play again- to prove it wasn’t a fluke- but he declined, setting his king down and leaving me to put the board away by myself. The next day, I asked him if he wanted to play, and he seemed almost confused. ‘Why would you need to play me again?’ he asked. ‘You already won. There’s nothing more you can learn from me. Now you have to find something else to conquer.’”
“Maybe he just hated losing,” Buddy offered.
“No,” Chuck said sadly. “I would love to be ignorant enough to believe that, but I know the truth. That evening, I overheard him talking to my dad after I spent the whole afternoon asking other relatives if they wanted to play. My dad was getting a drink from the kitchen, and as I was just about to walk in, I heard him ask my grandpa why he let me beat him. ‘The boy’s going to get too confident,’ my dad said. ‘Now he’s challenging everyone to chess games like he’s the fucking Grandmaster.’ I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, had never considered that I was given the victory. Then my grandpa seemed to validate what my dad was saying. He just laughed at said ‘If the boy was every going to beat me on his own, he’d have done it years ago. It was an exercise in futility, pointless! Now, at least I don't have to play chess with him anymore.’”
“Damn…” Heath said, shaking his head.
Buddy crossed his arms. “Sounds like bullshit to me. He got rocked and tried to spin it into a life lesson for you. Your dad must have just assumed that Grandpa Grady wanted to lose, and in his shame he rolled with it.”
“And fuck your dad for thinking you’d get a big head about it,” Heath added. “You’re, like, the most humble person I know.”
“Thanks,” Chuck said weakly. “That’s the thing: I wasn’t going around all cocky about beating my grandpa. I didn’t even think I mentioned it to anyone besides my dad. I was asking everyone to play chess with me because, in a house full of people who called me family, I was lonely.”
“If it helps motivate you,” Buddy said, looking out the window towards the Grady Estate in the distance, “Grandmaster is your grandpa’s title. It wasn’t a chess reference, it was a nod to the cult- and that’s what we’re here for. If you’re lucky, you won’t even need to cross paths with him.”
Heath turned onto the small road that lead through the gates of the estate. The lawn was well-kept, as usual, and the trees along the path were decorated with strings of white and red lights. Every year, Chuck’s mother insisted on new lights, arguing that each Christmas was its own special event, and reused decorations was simply ‘going through the motions.’ However, Chuck was certain that she would want him to take part in the decorating of the living room’s tree, which would have the same decade-old bobbles, some of which predated him.
As they neared the front doors, circling around the large fountain that Chuck found himself embarrassed by the cliché nature of, Buddy sat up and raised his jacket’s hood. “Alright,” he said, pointing to the duffel bags they’d carefully hidden the bugs in, “get going. Remember, wait at least until you know they’re asleep, and try to keep track of the help.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Chuck said. “Listen, Buddy, I may have never done this before, but if it’ll take down the cult, I promise you I’ll get it done.”
Exiting the van, Chuck grabbed the bags, slipping one onto each shoulder. With a final nod, he watched as Buddy slid the van’s door closed. Heath circled back around the fountain, and they were on their way. Chuck turned back to the doors, and was greeted by his father’s watchful gaze. “Welcome back, Charles,” he said, the skepticism from the earlier phone call still very much present.
“Thanks, Dad. Happy to be back.” Chuck found it easy to say this, despite believing before the words left his mouth that it was a lie. However, it began to finally set in that his family home, the estate, was a comforting place despite the old feelings of loneliness that still echoed across the grounds. The dorm room felt nice and personal- a space to call his own- but it was simple a space, not a home.
“Who were they?” Chuck’s father asked, pointing to the van as it turned onto the road.
Hide your lies in truth, Chuck remembered- something he couldn’t help after Buddy hammered it into his head. “A couple people from college. Not exactly friends.”
“Non-friends willing to drive you all the way out here?” His father’s eyebrow raised.
Chuck smiled. “They owed me a favor. School project.” he half-explained, hoping his father wouldn’t question him further. Luckily, he didn’t, simple nodding. “Where’s Mom?”
“Sleeping,” his father replied, frowning. “She’s been a bit sick recently, and we’ve taken every precaution to assure that the bug she’s caught is the only one she’ll catch. The master bedroom is, effectively, under quarantine.”
“Sorry to hear that,” Chuck said, stepping up towards the front doors. Again, a truth. Again, something he was surprised he didn’t have to fake. He was terrified by the prospect of his mother dying, despite knowing what she might be part of. The urge to prove himself to Buddy, no matter what they would learn from the bugs, was strengthened by a newfound desire to prove his family’s innocence. For as many personal issues as he had with them, Chuck realized that he was rooting for them. He wanted to prove Buddy wrong.
Chuck’s father gestured to the open doors. “Come along, then, out of the elements. I don’t want to see you catch a cold.”
Strangely enough, Chuck believed him.
That first afternoon was quiet. After briefly saying hello to his mother through an open doorway covered in protective plastic, Chuck’s father retreated to his office to handle some kind of travel issue Chuck’s uncle was having, and Chuck retired to his bedroom for the night. Despite spending most of his free time in this room as recently as his senior year of high school, something about it felt so small, so cramped. Surely his dorm room was smaller if measured, but the familiar bed, drawers and bookshelf- all dusted recently- seemed to surround Chuck in a claustrophobic way he couldn’t explain. He called the room home as recently as his senior year of high school, but after a few years away, it seemed to have shrunk.
Locking the door behind him, Chuck emptied out his duffel bags. One bag had his clothes and personal electronics, and the other had gift boxes that Buddy and Em had put together. Inside, any prying eyes would find simple objects that seemed to be neatly-prepared presents at first glance, but beneath and inside the gifts, Buddy’s bugs were waiting to be planted. Chuck placed the presents in an empty drawer, hoping that no one would go looking for them while he was elsewhere.
After night had fallen, Chuck left his room, checking to see who was still up and about. A maid was doing a once-over of the dining room downstairs, and Chuck’s father was still busy in his office, so he stopped by the kitchen to see if dinner was being prepared. The family’s cook, Gordon, was preparing a soup for his mother. “Ah, nice to see you again, young Charles,” Gordon said without looking up.
“You as well, Gordon.” Chuck forgot how much he missed the staff, Gordon most of all. They were hard workers, and always found the time to be kind to the only child of the Grady Estate, but Chuck never had the feeling that they were doing so for the sake of their jobs. They seemed like truly good people. Chuck considered how heartbroken they would be to learn that their employers were such horrible monsters, and frowned at the daydream of them receiving the horrible news.
“Dinner will be finished shortly,” Gordon said, again giving his full attention to the soup. “Your mother will be served first. You and your father will be summoned when everything’s ready.”
“You want me to bring her the soup?” Chuck offered.
“Thank you, Charlies, but no. We have it covered.” He tasted the soup with a small spoon, shaking his head as he set the spoon in the sink. His fingertips danced over the spices before he reached for the salt, carefully adding a sprinkle of it. To most, cooking seemed to be almost like an art, but Gordon treated it like a delicate science.
Chuck nodded. “Okay,” he agreed, leaving the cook to his work.
Dinner was uneventful. With his extended family arriving later that week and his mother eating her soup in bed, it was just Chuck and his father. They had small bursts of discussion between the meal, his dad asking what he’d been up to in school and Chuck struggling to find anything to ask in return. “I saw the storefronts all boarded up,” he noted.
“Yes,” his father said after a moment. “Things have been hard on our subsidiaries. There’s no one passing through, ergo not many customers to speak of. We’re taking care of them, of course. Still, some of them say it’s the end of the world.”
“They really think so?” Chuck asked. He knew to tread carefully around the subject.
“Many do,” his father replied, taking a long drink of the wine Gordon had poured for him. “This year has had some… finality to it.”
Chuck shrugged. “At first, maybe. Things are looking up, though. Vaccines are on the way, the election’s finally over; it almost looks like we’re over the hump.”
His father set his glass down, crossing his fingers under his chin as he looked to his son at the other side of the table. “Charles, I would be surprised if you truly believed we were reaching the end of a tunnel. You’re smart enough to see the long-term implications of what we’ve been experiencing. The virus has so many unknowns, potential life-altering, long-term effects that could cripple the next generation. The months of unpaid rent over millions of Americans’ heads hang overhead much like the Sword of Damocles, waiting for that single hair to snap and the full weight of the blade to come down upon them. Trust in the government is at an all-time low, especially the police and Congress. I fear that this is the slow death of the modern age.”
“And what do you think will replace it?” Chuck asked. “Chaos? Anarchy? Something new?”
“I don’t much care to speculate,” his father dismissed. “I simply wish to survive the coming of this new age, and fortunately, I have the means to do so. We will be fine. The rest of the world, however… I do worry.”
“As rare as it would be, Dad,” Chuck said with a sad smile, “I sincerely hope you’re wrong.”
“Well,” he father said, taking a sip of his wine and smiling softly, “a broken clock’s right twice a day. Perhaps I am wrong- just this once.”
Chuck simply nodded at that, not bothering to bring up digital clocks.
It was nearly two in the morning when Chuck finally watched the last of the housekeepers exit the building, walking down the winding path to the living quarters near the edge of the property. In the distance, it looked like a nice cottage, the only neighbors the Gradys had. If they lived uphill, he could see Ellenport in the distance, but as it was, it seemed almost like he was in the middle of nowhere.
Untying the ribbon holding one of the gifts Buddy and Em had prepared shut, Chuck removed the top and uncovered a Christmas tree ornament he’d picked out for his mother. Unscrewing the top, he pulled out the hidden bug, a small camera that he turned on with the flip of a small switch on the back. He returned the ornament to the box and tied the ribbon back up.
Over the next ten minutes, he retrieved all the equipment, placing them on a towel. The final piece, the transmitter that wirelessly sent the signal from the other devices to Buddy through the house’s wifi connection, was the hardest to get working. After tinkering with it for a few minutes, he got a text from Heath saying that they were picking up the signals. When they were all gathered and accounted for, Chuck folded the towel and left his room.
On the way to the bathroom, Chuck saw a figure in the distance. Holding in a scream, he remembered something Buddy had mentioned about his planned nighttime escapades. Rule One is that you don’t look like you’re trying to hide. Rule Two is that you don’t look guilty. It’s your house- so act like it! “Hey, who’s there?” he called out.
With the flick of a hall light, his father stared out from the other end of the hall. “What are you doing up this late, Charles?” he asked.
Chuck held up the blanket. “Taking a shower before bed.”
His father nodded. “Better to do so later at night than early in the morning, I suppose,” he dismissed, turning the light back off. “Just keep it quiet, please. I’m using a guest room until your mother feels better.”
“Will do,” Chuck promised. “Goodnight, Dad.”
Walking past his father’s office, Chuck entered the bathroom on the far side of the second floor. He closed the bathroom curtain and turned the shower on, then pocketed the bugs and left his towel on a shower rod. Slipping quickly through the door, he returned to the hallway. No one in sight, but for how long, he wondered.
He returned to the office doors, again opening and closing them as quickly and quietly as he could manage. Turning around, he found the room as strange and intimidating as it always was. The room was circular, with the walls practically covered in bookshelves. When working from home, this was where Chuck’s father conducted his business, which he imagined meant that it got a lot of use throughout the last year. According to Buddy, this would be the room- if anywhere on the Grady Estate- where Black Rose meetings would take place.
Removing the handfuls of bugs from his pockets, Chuck made sure they were all turned on and began the process of placing them. The recorders went in first, hidden under the lips of the desk and inside a lamp his father had on a side table. The main receiver was hidden behind a large vase surrounded by dust. After that, the cameras were easy to place, with countless spots they could be installed in without anyone being the wiser. Chuck began the process of tucking them between knickknacks, bookends and other decorations that he couldn’t imagine his father picking out himself.
His phone began to buzz as he looked about, searching for the perfect place to hide the last camera. All angles had to be covered, but Chuck was sure that he got pretty much every shot they’d need to monitor the room. Pulling the phone out of his pocket, he answered as soon as he saw that it was Heath calling.
“You seeing the footage?” he asked, ducking behind the desk in case anyone heard him and entered the room.
Buddy’s laugh came from the other end. “Fuck yeah! We got it. This is fantastic! The video quality’s crap, but that’s what you get when none of it’s hardwired in. You got one more camera to plant, right?”
“Yeah,” Chuck whispered. “Any suggestions?”
“Hmm…” Heath responded, “try to get a good angle of the chairs opposite your father’s side of the desk. If he has visitors, we want to see them.”
“And make sure it’s hard to spot,” Buddy warned.
Chuck stood up, looking at the bookshelf. There were only a few options he could choose from, but the dark space between a figure of a unicorn and a book entitled The Conquering Family seemed like their best bet. Chuck tried to push the book slightly to the side, but it wouldn’t budge. He pulled at it, and it stayed firmly in place.
“Guys, you seeing this?” he whispered, pointing the camera at the book with one hand as he pulled the book with the other.
Buddy laughed again. “Sorry to tell you, Chucky, but I think your father is the most cliché rich asshole ever. Go ahead and try to push the book instead of pulling.”
Doing so, Chuck nearly dropped the camera in surprise as a hard clicking sound came from the end of the bookshelf to his right. The entire shelf pushed slightly forward, revealing that something was hidden behind it. “What, is my dad Batman or something?”
“More like Lex Luthor,” Buddy replied. “All jokes aside, this is rather common with the Black Rose. Their Portland tunnels all used the same trick to connect from basement to basement. Go ahead and check it out; they usually swing out into the room, so you’ll have to pull at the end of the bookcase.”
His hands shaking, Chuck reached around the end of the bookcase, finding a space between the wall and the back of it, and pulled. Behind the hidden door, which swung into the room as Buddy predicted, was a staircase.
“Keep the camera on,” Buddy instructed. “We might lose signal, but hopefully the wifi won’t get disconnected. These things have good range.”
Stepping through the doorway, Chuck closed the hidden door behind him. It secured with a click, but with a handle on his side of the door, he knew it could easily be reopened if he had to leave quickly.
The staircase wasn’t very wide, and as Chuck stepped quietly down, he tried to visualize where it was. From what he could tell, it was leading through a wall of the ground floor, a wall that- in hindsight- was a lot thicker than a wall had any reason to be.
Continuing down far enough that he had to be in the basement, Chuck held the phone to his cheek and the camera before him. “Still hear me?” he asked quietly.
“Loud and clear,” Heath said. “Keep the camera steady. We’re recording what you’re sending us, so you’re basically our camera man right now.”
As the steps continued, Chuck heard something from up ahead. It sounded like two men arguing. He reached the landing, and before him, saw that he was looking down upon a large room, even bigger than the Estate’s basement. Dozens of seats lined the walls, in three rows along a circular room, all surrounding a space in the center where a familiar shape was carved into the concrete- a rose. The room was lit by torches, and luckily, none of them were near the stairs.
“Got the fuckers,” Buddy said through the phone, quiet enough that Chuck barely heard him. “This is a sacrificial chamber. Sorry, Chucky, your dad’s in the Black Rose.”
Standing on either side of the rose were two groups of men in yellow robes, one of which Chuck could clearly see was his father. His dad had his back to him, as did a few others, but nearly a dozen men were standing across from them. One of the men, a hulking, large figure with a bald head and a bushy red beard, was screaming at Chuck’s father. “Your family told us that we were the chosen ones, that the world was due to crumble around us. The only thing I see crumbling is the Black Rose, under the weight of a leadership that grows fat and lazy with the offerings we give.”
“Motherfucker,” Buddy whispered.
“That’s Erick Thorne,” Heath added. “He’s a ruthless bastard, the right hand of the Grandmaster. Chief Thorne was his sister.”
“I know,” Chuck whispered back. “He’s around every Christmas. He’s my Uncle Erick.”
Chuck’s father laughed in Thorne’s face. “You forget your place, Erick. The apocalypse is coming, and the vain hopefulness of the media has blinded you to this somehow, even after all these years of preparing you for these final days. I’m disappointed, brother.”
“We are not brothers!” Erick screamed, stepping forward. Another member of the group stepped between him and Chuck’s father, but Thorne simple grabbed the man by the throat and held him at his side. The man struggled, pulling at Erick’s hand, but his grip only seemed to tighten. “You may fuck my sister, but we are not family. I have had all the patience in the world for your father, but somehow, that patience has run out.” The man’s hands stopped moving, and he remained still for a moment before Erick let go of him.
Another man, one of those standing behind Chuck’s uncle, stepped forward. “We also have the external threats to worry about. The person behind the murder of Chief Thorne, for one.”
Chuck’s dad scoffed. “You bring this concern to me? Erick and his men were tasked with finding Holtz nearly a year ago, and all they could come up with was that unlucky mute woman who he happened to cross paths with. His people failed to keep Holtz in exile, and his people failed to find Holtz when he escaped. The fact that you dare bring this to me as though I am responsible speaks volumes about your grievances in general.” He turned to Erick. “Perhaps you should call upon me again when you figure out how to do your job, Thorne.”
Erick smiled bitterly. “Murphey!” he yelled back, turning to look at his followers.
A tired-looking man with a widow’s peak stepped out from the shadows on the other side of the room, holding another man out before him. The man was in chains, a bag over his head, his exposed chest and arms covered in scars. The man called Murphey brought his scarred prisoner to the center of the group, between Thorne and Chuck’s father, and removed the bag.
“Theodore, what the hell is this?” Chuck’s father asked.
Murphey gestured to the scarred man. “You don’t recognize him?” he asked, his voice emotionless, monotone. “This, sir, is Franklin Holtz. We’ve had him locked up again over a month, you follow me?”
“Wait…” Chuck’s father said, looking back at Thorne. “You withheld this from me, from my father?! That was not your decision to make!”
“Funny,” Thorne said, staring down at the scarred man. “You’ve been saying for months that this man is responsible for all the death, for the old-timers being cut down, for my men out in the field disappearing. At first I was only skeptical that he’d done all of it, but after Susan was killed while he was in my custody, I knew it for a certainty. There’s something that you’re not telling us, someone else who is targeting us, someone you seem entirely uninterested in going after.”
“Awkward…” Heath noted on the phone.
“Finally, my work’s getting the appreciation it deserves,” Buddy joked. “Didn’t know the old man was still alive, much less that he’d been taking the heat for me. Thanks, Holtz.”
“Absolutely not!” Chuck’s father denied, and after years of arguing with him, Chuck was sure he was telling the truth. “I am giving you my word, Erick- I had no idea that this man wasn’t working alone. We will find them, and we will-”
Stepping forward with a speed his size shouldn’t allow, Thorne wrapped one meaty hand around Chuck’s father’s mouth, the other grabbing a handful of hair and twisting it. His father’s scream was muffled, but he could feel it echoing throughout the room. The others who’d been standing near his father were pounced on by Thorne’s men, all bagged and pulled towards the far end of the room. Murphey bagged the scarred man and stepped away from Chuck’s uncle and father.
“What would your father call this?” Thorne asked, pulling Chuck’s father to the ground. “Crossing the Rubicon? The Bridge of No Return? Maybe the Red Line? He does love his stories, as all men who live in the past do!” Thorne raised his brother’s head up, then pushed it against the ground again. A sickening cracking sound reverberated around them. Chuck’s father tried to claw at Thorne’s eyes, but the man grabbed a wrist and bent it backwards, snapping it with ease.
“You’ll suffer for this,” Chuck’s father managed to blurt out, his bloody mouth uncovered briefly.
“I already have!” Thorne screamed, dashing his brother’s head against the ground. “You let traitors murder my brother- and let them live in exile! You forced me to order my own son’s execution instead of letting me exile him as well! You let my sister die! You horde our wealth, and demand that we live in holes in the ground while you stay in your fucking mansion, all while promising an apocalypse that will not come! The only end of days you have heralded is your own!”
By the time he finished screaming, Thorne’s face and hands were covered in the blood, bone and brains of Chuck’s father. He sat in the silence of the chamber, his men standing behind him, none willing to make a sound. Finally, Murphey stepped forward. “Your orders, sir?”
“Send word to our former Grandmaster. A new successor has been chosen, and if he is wise, Mister Grady will take his own life before I get my hands on him.” Breathing deeply, as though he was taking in fresh air for the first time in years, Thorne stood up and flicked pieces of Chuck’s father off of his hands. “Before you do, actually, I want you to write a message here. Use his blood before he dries out. I want the words ‘alea iacta est’ written here, just above where his head used to be. The old man will get the message.”
Turning around, Thorne followed his other minions into the darkness beyond, presumably to another exit from the chamber. Before beginning his work, Murphey went to one knee and patted the dead man’s should softly. “I’m sorry, sir, but I had no choice in letting that play out. If it helps, there are moving pieces that he doesn’t know about.” Without another word, he dipped a single fingertip in the pool of blood and began the work his new master had ordered.
Realizing that he’d been holding his breath, Chuck slowly stepped backwards, not turning until he was nearly at the door leading to his father’s office. “He killed my dad,” he said stupidly, with nothing more to offer. “He just killed my dad.”
“I promise you, Charles,” Buddy said quietly, his voice shaking with rage, “we will give Erick Thorne worse than your dad got. Now get out of there; if there’s a civil war brewing, you’re in danger.”
“So is his mother,” Heath added.
“Oh fuck,” Chuck said, realizing that he was right. “I need to get her out of here.”
“Absolutely not,” Buddy said. “In case you didn’t notice, you got all the confirmation you needed that the Black Rose is definitely lead by your grandfather. Also, your mother is Thorne’s sister, so she’s fine. Just get the fuck out of there!”
Ending the call, Chuck opened the door into the office. As he pushed it open, a voice called out from the other side. “I trust the meeting went well, Master Grady?”
Stepping out from behind the bookcase, Chuck found himself face to face with Gordon.
“What are you doing here?” Gordon asked, eyes bulging. “Did you follow him?”
“I didn’t think I was,” Chuck admitted. “I found the door, went down. Did you know what was down there?”
“Things you should not have seen,” Gordon said. He took a step forward. “Where is your father, Charles?”
Tearing up, Chuck tried to find the words, but the sight of his dad’s murder stopped him from saying a thing. Shock and nausea hit him in waves, leaving him a shallow-breathing, dry-heaving mess.
“Did you…” Gordon asked, suspicious. He reached for a letter opener.
Chuck held his hands up. “What? No! I-”
Gordon pulled the letter opener off of its stand and raised it in the air. Chuck grabbed at his wrist and tried to twist it, but the large cook was stronger, batting his hand aside and swinging down, Chuck moved right, barely dodging the blade and knocking himself into the bookshelf. Before Gordon could swing again, Chuck pulled the unicorn figure off of the shelf and slammed the base of it against the side of Gordon’s head.
The cook fell, nearly dropping the letter opener, and kicked desperately at Chuck’s knee, forcing the boy to the ground. Chuck turned the unicorn figure the other way around and stabbed down, horn first.
As the horn stabbed through Gordon’s left eye, Chuck felt a sharp pain in his side. Before Gordon collapsed to the ground, his hand fell away first, letting go of the letter opener that was now halfway in Chuck’s left side.
Chuck tried to stand, but the pain in his side- along with the popping of his knee- nearly brought him back to the ground. He leaned against the doorway of his father’s office for a minute, feeling the warm blood begin to ooze out around the letter opener and drop onto the carpet. Trying again to stand, Chuck was stable enough to continue. He pulled the letter opener out of his side, dropping it before stepping out of the room and into the hallway.
Chuck tried calling Heath as he walked down the stairs to the first floor, holding the banister with a death grip, but got no answer, Em’s number went straight to voicemail, too. He considered calling 911, but remembered the name of the hospital- Grady General. He couldn’t trust anyone there, least of all anyone who answered to Erick Thorne. He had to get back to the warehouse.
Pushing the doors open, Chuck walked down the steps as the bitter cold pushed past him. He glanced over at the house at the edge of the property, looking away in guilt as he remembered the look on Gordon’s face as the life drained from him.
He had to continue, and so he did. The van was nowhere in sight, but that didn’t matter. The priority was escaping the Grady Estate. Chuck stumbled past the trees lining the road, past the red and white lights. Despite all, he had to admit- the decorations were beautiful.
Chuck could feel himself fading away, sitting against the wall where Buddy’s files on the Black Rose had once been. He touched the pool of blood that had formed next to his left side. It was cold.
A voice called out in the warehouse. “Ken! You here?” Chuck didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, or even believe that the person was real. He tried to yell back, but had no strength left.
“KEN!” The voice screamed, closer now. “I found your bugs… and the cook. Don’t worry, I cleaned it all up. No one will know that you stepped foot in that house. They all still think you’re dead.”
The steps got closer. A figure neared Chuck, who tried to raise a hand up in defense, but could not. “Oh, shit,” the figure said quietly. They pressed a hand against Chuck’s face, cursing at the cold of it. As the hand moved away, Chuck spotted the dried blood on one of the fingertips.
Chuck looked up. From up close, he could see the crow’s feet branching out from the corners of Murphey’s eyes. “Don’t worry, kid,” he said. “We got you.”
submitted by FoggyGlassEye to libraryofshadows [link] [comments]

A brief rundown of Latin terms used in Memoria Misera (tiny spoliers)

Whilst some of the terms used for attacks in the trial are rather self-explanatory, SE has also slipped a few very interesting names that I peronally really appreciate! So, as follows;
Memoria Misera - "Sad Memory", very simple
Ignis Est/Ventus Est - "The Fire/The Wind"
Alea Iacta Est - "The Die is Cast"
Festina Lente - this is one of the interesting additions! Festina Lente is a Latin phrase that translates to "make haste, slowly", famously used as a motto by Roman Emperors Augustus & Titus. The meaning of the phrase is to undertake activities with a proper balance of speed and attention to detail.
Citius, Altius, Fortius - "Faster, Higher, Stronger" (another interesting one, as this is the motto of the Olympic Games!)
Vivere Militare Est - "The Military Life" "To live is to fight" (Thank you to u/EzyLemonJuice for correcting me)
And finally, Terminus Est - roughly translated as "It is the end"
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
submitted by LordKimmington to ffxiv [link] [comments]

Siren Killers Part 4

Link: 1. 2. 3. 4.
--Arctic Sea--
--Outside the Siren Base--
The battle outside rages on with more Siren models and drone ships entering the fray. Rossiya unleashes a salvo as her comms buzz.
“We need reinforcement!!” She hears Azuma’s panic voice from the radio.
“This is Rossiya,” The battleship radios back. “What is the situation?”
“There is a new siren attacking us!!” Azuma explains. “She knocked out Roon and is now fighting Saint!”
“Comrade Azuma,” Soyuz comms in. “Describe this new Siren.”
“She is tall, has short hair, has two nautilus looking drones, no arms, and has legs that look like crocodile jaws!!” Both Soyuz and Rossiya stop cold in their tracks as they know this Siren. The Siren that killed their sisters, Belorossiya and Ukraina, during Operation Tunguska. She was still alive.
From the bridge, Soyuz bits her lips as she contemplates on how that Siren could have lived.
“I thought I killed that Rusalka!?” She thought.
“Comrade Leader,” She hears Rossiya address her in the comms. “I am heading into the fortress to offer aid to Saint.”
“Denied Comrade!” Soyuz denied her sister, her cold voice shaken, knowing how powerful this Siren is. “Comrade Azuma! Do not engage that Siren! Get Roon and Saint and fall back, immediately!” Rossiya makes a fist as she stands in the icy water, surrounded by gunfire and explosions. She takes short breaths as anger fills her eyes.
“Delay that order, Azuma!” Rossiya declares, speeding into the fortress. “I am coming to back up you guys!”
“Rossiya! What are you doing!?” Soyuz screams into her radio. “Rossiya, do not engage that siren! Fall back and-”
“Soyuz!” Her sister cuts her off, her voice full of vigor and anger. “I will destroy this Rusalka once and for all! This is for our fallen sisters!!” She then goes radio silence.
“Rossiya!” Soyuz calls out to her sister, but nothing comes out. Tears fall onto the console as she fears the worst.
Saint gasps as Kronos knees her chest. Air escapes her lung as the spikes tear her white corset off her.
“Is that all your strength?” Kronos laughs. “You are pathetic.” From the amount of blood loss and exhaustion, Saint leaned against her spear, blood dripping from her wounds. Her vision became fuzzy as for a split second, Kronos was replaced by Bloodfast, taunting her.
“Time to end this.” Kronos declared as she readied a kick. She flies towards the french cruiser, her jaws ready to snaps. Saint lets out a final breath as she remembers her defeat by Bloodfast. She thought she could defeat this Siren, but can't.
“Guess I am weak.” She whispers as she accepts her fate.
“Blow them away!!!” Kronos stops her attack as huge icicles block her path. Saint turns her head to see Rossiya charge forth at Kronos with the rage of a Siberian bear. She swings her saber wildly as her dragon rigging, Rasputin, thrashes about. “I am going to kill you Rusalka!!” Saint watches as Rossiya fights violently.
“Aren’t you looking for a brawl!” The wounded submarine siren smiles. “Bring it!” She begins to block the sword strikes with high kicks.
“This is for Belorossiya!” Rossiya exclaims, unleashing a point bank barrage in front of her. They both are sent flying back, Kronos’s metal feet scratching the ice floor, sparking flying out. Rasputin bites into the ice, stopping Rossiya from hitting the floor.
“This is for Ukraina!!” The battleship then unleashes another ice storm barrage at the Siren.
“Oh,” Kronos has an epiphany. “I faced you before.” She kicks the ice, sending it into a computer tower.
“That’s right!!” Rossiya charges forth, slashing with her saber. Kronos blocks the strike, causing them to be locked in a stalemate. “You killed my sisters and wounded Soyuz!! I am going to avenge them!!”
“Oh, you mean those weaklings I killed?” Kronos laughs. “And that white witch? I wounded her to oblivion now. And you, I thought I killed you. You fell like a fly.”
“OH SHUT IT!!!” Rossiya roars with fury.
Soyuz stands in front of the command console of her ship, stunned by what her sister just did.
“No.” she whimpers as she grabs her head. “Why is that Siren alive?!” she slams her fist on the console, breaking the ice coating above the screen. “I thought I killed that Rusalka.” Tears fall onto the console as the radio starts to buzz. “I am weak to believe I killed that thing.”
“OH SHUT IT!!!” It was Rossiya's voice. “Soyuz sacrificed everything for me! She sacrificed her rigging, her cube, her strength, for me to have a … second chance!!” Soyuz's eyes light up as she listens in. “I may be weaker than her, but with her power she gave me, I will defeat you!! For my sisters!!!” The radio cuts off as Soyuz lets it sink in.
“Rossiya.” She sniffs as she shakes her head. “You are not weak. I am weak for holding back my emotions.” She grabs the wheel and begins to turn the wheel to, the bow now facing the base. “But I will not let you face her alone!!”
Rossiya is kicked to the ground, her white jacket torn, blood pouring, Rasputin limping, and her sword tossed aside.
“Not. Yet.” Rossiya reaches out towards her sword, but Kronos’s clawed foot stops her, the back heel spike going through her hand. The north battleship shallows her pain as the siren submarine lifts her up.
“Guess you are really weak.” Kronos chuckles as she jumps onto the battleship’s shoulder and locks her thighs around Rossiya’s head. The spikes on the submarine legs embed into the battleship’s head. Rossiya tries to pry herself out of the headlock, but she couldn’t, she was locked in place. She feels the sharp pain and crushing pressure as Kronos chuckles.
“Just relax!” The Siren commands her. “No need to struggle weakling! Death by thighs is some people’s fetish!” She tightens the hold.
“Argh!” Rossiya screams as she feels her head being crushed.
Saint, who has been on the sidelines from the conflict, watches her companion be beaten by this monstrosity. She staggers forward, but because of the blood loss and fatigue, she slumps to the floor.
“Oh don’t worry. Your next after this weakling dies!” Kronos exclaims as she squeezes her thighs tighter.
“AAAARRGGGHHHHH!!”Saint could hear Rossiya scream in pain as she picked herself up.
“I...I… I am not done yet.” Saint heavily breathes as she picks up her spear.
“Quite weakling!” Kronos barks. “I want to hear this weakling scream!”
“AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Rossiya cries. “I- I have been tortured! Beaten! Humiliated! But I will not die quietly!!” Then, the room started to rumble. Kronos loosen her hold, allowing Rossiya to breathe. Everyone looks around as debris starts to fall from them. Azuma protects Roon from the debris as the Northern Parliament HQ ship breaks into the portal room.
“Wjat the-” Kronos shout as Soyuz, wielding an ice sword, jumps from her bow towards her. The Siren releases Rossiya and jumps back, dodging the swing. Rossiya falls to the ground, her head blooded from all the punctures.
“Soyuz.” The battleship faintly calls out to her sister.
Soyuz knees down and caresses her sister’s cheek. “You did well, sister.” She smiles at her. “You are strong, Rossiya. You can rest now.”
“I’ll try.” Rossiya painfully giggles as Soyuz carries her over to Azuma.
“I’ll bring them to the medical bay,” Azuma tells her. She looks towards Saint Louis, exchanging a worrying look. Saint gives her a faint smile. “Don’t kill yourself, Saint-san.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t,” Saint tells her. Azuma picks up the wounded and heads towards the ship. Soyuz then picks up Rossiya saber, duel-wielding it with her ice one.
She turns to Saint. “Still got some fight left in you, Comrade?”
Saint twirls her spear and takes a fighting stance. “Enough to beat my fears.”
Kronos looks at both of them and laughs. “You think the both of you can defeat me!? A wounded fanatic and an old hag with no rigging!? You are making me laugh! HA!”
“I have faced greater foes.” Saint proudly proclaims. “I have faced torturous defeat, humiliated punishments, bloodied battles. I thought I was weak, that my strength alone is enough to defeat any enemy, but I know that true strength lies when we fight as a fleet!!” Her engine roars to life as she finishes her resolve. “God’s love is boundless!! Engine boost!” She jets towards Kronos. She thrusts her spear forward. Kronos deflects the strike with her armored leg, the clashing metal sparking against one another. “May my holy fire purge your sinful EXISTENCE!!” she releases a point-blank HE shell shot. Black smoke billows between the two combatants, both of them skidding backward. Before Kronos could rebuttal, Soyuz charges forwards, the swords scraping the floor.
RUSALKA!!!” Soyuz shouts as she cleaves into the torso of Kronos with the ice sword.
“GRH!!” Kronos grunts as she kicks Soyuz away from her. The sword breaks as a nautilus drone dislodge itself from the arm port. “You will taste death!!” The drone starts to rapidly spin as the Siren lifts her golden right leg. “Face my strength!!” She jumps into the air and does a bicycle kick, launching the drone like a torpedo at Soyuz. The Northern leader quickly summons a barrier of ice to defend herself, but the drone shatters the wall, sending shards of ice into Soyuz’s body. The drone flies back to Kronos as Soyuz pulls an icicle out of her shoulder, the tip stained red.
“Had enough?” Kronos taunts as she readies another strike.
“Never underestimate the North’s strength.” Soyuz grits her teeth. “Taste your mortality!!” She charges at her.
“Face my strength!!” Kronos kicks her drone at her again. The drone spins towards Soyuz. She brings the sword up and blocks the attack. Sparks fly as the nautilus shell spins like a circular saw blade. The blade tries to hold, but the drone tears through it, breaking into pieces. The drone digs into her shoulder as the sword fragments are embedded into her body.
“Argh!” Soyuz coughs up blood as Kronos smiles.
“Die weakling! Die!” Kronos yells.
Soyuz glares at her. She grabs the drone, holding in place, keeping it from returning back to her. “Saint! Finish it!” From behind her, Saint Louis jumps over her, her red eyes staring at the siren.
“By God’s will, face divine punishment!!” Saint yells as she thrust her spear. Kronos quickly brings her leg up and tries to deflect the strike. The spear and metal plating grind against one another as Kronos is impaled in the right side of her chest.
“GRARGH!!” Kronos cries out in pain as Saint knees her in the face. The submarine falls backward, in front of the active portal. Saint dislodges her spear from the siren’s torso, her breaths heavy as blood drips from her body. She watches as Kronos tries to getaway. She raises her spear.
“May the lord’s judgment be swift.” Saint declares as she is about to land the killing blow.
Alea iacta est!! [A/N: The die is cast]” From the portal, Saint sees a bronze lantern with a loose chain, with some sort of green fire in it, coming towards her. She jumps back as the lantern explodes like a grenade in front of her. A luminescent green flame walls off Saint from Kronos as the portal flickers and sparks. Emerging from the portal were two Sirens. One was Omitter, while the other individual was not a typical Siren. Her skin was tan, not pale white. She had long blonde hair, with a braid wrap around her head like a wreath. Her green eyes were not dull in color, but full of life and excitement. She had a golden paludamentum (shoulder cape) with a gold ram’s head as a pin. Underneath, Saint could make out a grey robe with more bronze lantern on her belt. She had black metal shin guards and gauntlets. Her weaponry was a bronze shortsword and a large shield. The shield look Siren made, as it had three rings and a central battery in it. She had sandals on her feet as she stood before the French cruiser.
“Some fireworks,” Omitter comments as she looks at the beaten Kronos. “Strong huh?” she smugly remarks.
“Shut it.” Kronos barks as the blue Siren picks her up.
“Hey,” Omitter looks at her partner, “We got her, let’s go.”
“You go on ahead.” The other siren jumps through the fire, facing Saint Louis. “I want to test this warrior’s strength.” Omitter rolls her eyes as Saint points her spear at her, the french cruiser’s breath heavy as she is only running on adrenaline.
“Who are you?” Saint asks.
The Siren bangs her sword and shield together excitedly. Her teeth shine as she points her sword at Saint, crossing with her spear. “I am Argo, the loyal ship of Jason and the Argonauts! Let’s our battle be legendary!!” Saint has a look of confusion as they begin to fight. She makes the first move as she thrusts her spears at Argo, but the greek ship blocks with her aspis. She tries to fire her turrets, but they were out of ammo.
“Oh great,” Saint comments as she blocks a downward strike. She pushes Argo back with her spear.
Argo lands on her feet and smiles. “You are strong! Are you blessed by Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom? Did you train with Chiron? What drives you? I must know!” she playfully laughs. Saint could tell that she was having fun fighting her. It was not a sadistic pleasure, but a joyful experience.
“I am blessed by the Iris church!” Saint answers her as she blocks another strike. “I pray to my god! I train every day. I learned from my commander and my friends!” Saint swings her spear towards her opponent’s leg, trying to knock her down. “I fight for them!!” Argo jumps, dodging the swing and bashes her shield against Saint’s face.
“GRagh!” Saint cries out in pain, her nose bleeding, dropping her spear in the process. She stumbles backward.
Argo smiles as she twirls her sword. “You are a great opponent.” She compliments her. “I feel your strength in your strikes. Your loyalty to your allies reminds of my captain and his crew. But now,” she jumps forward, ready to bring down her sword on the wounded Saint. The French cruiser watched as everything around her moved in slow motion. A thousand thoughts run through her brain as she sees the blade come towards her. Through the pain, fatigue, and blood loss, she smiled.
“Commander, thank you for a dutiful life.” she thinks as she accepts her demises.
“Saint!” She hears someone shout her name. “Catch!!” She turns around and sees Azuma throwing her katana towards her. Saint instinctively grabs the sakura weapon and quickly pulls out a shiver of steel to block the strike. The bronze sword strikes hard against the sakura steel, causing the sheath blade to hit Saint in the head. Her vision goes black as she falls to the ground, clutching the katana.
Argo stands above the unconscious french cruiser, smiling.
“You fought valiantly, warrior saint.” Argo compliments her foe as she sharpens her sword against her aspis.
“Saint Louis!!” She looks up and sees Azuma run-up towards them. “Get away from her!” She fires her prototype Triple 310mm main guns at the Siren. Argo brings up her aspis, blocking the shoot. The impact knocks her back away from Saint.
Ad Undas!! [A/T: To the waves]” Argo aims her shield at Azuma. The battery sparks with energy as it is concentrated into a bolt of pure electricity. She fires the bolt like a ballista, flying straight toward the Sakura large cruiser. Azuma takes the direct hit, the energy burning her clothes as she stands above her friend, protecting her.
“A little wound like that is nothing…!!” Azuma yells, ready to fight. Argo observes her stance, her protective posture, and her teary eyes.
“Hey, greeky!!” She turns back and sees Omitter waving at her. “Let’s go before Stein gets angry with us.”
Argo sighs and turns back to Azuma. She sheaths her blade and points to them. “What are your names?”
“I am Sakura’s large cruiser Azuma,” Azuma tells her. “And the one you fought against was Saint Louis.”
“Well,” Argo pulls out a vase and tosses towards them. Azuma catches the vase and inspects it. The pottery had worn ancient designs, depicting warriors clashing. “This is ambrosia, drink of the gods. This should heal your companion’s wounds.” She then walks towards the portal, picking up the nautilus drone from Soyuz’s shoulder along the way.
Azuma looks down at the vase and looks back at Argo, confused by her actions. “Why are you giving this to us?” She asked her.
“Because I like Saint Louis’s warrior determination,” Argo answers her. “She is loyal to her allies. You came out to protect her. Reminds me of Jason and his crew back in my days sailing with them.” She smiles as she remembers the good old day. “As well as I want to fight her again on equal footing when she is not wounded.” She flashes a huge grin as she reaches the portal. She waves them goodbyes. “Make sure to tell Saint Louis that the next time we meet, I want a duel that will be passed down through the generations!” With that, she, Omitter, and Kronos leave through the portal. Once they enter, the portal powers down. Azuma stands there, confused by Argo’s request and generosity. Soyuz limps over to them, her shoulder bloodied.
“Azuma.” Soyuz calls out to her. She snaps back to reality and turns to the north leader.
“Carry me.” Soyuz orders before she passes out. Her head lands in Azuma’s bosom.
“Ummmmmm…” The large cruiser looks fluster as her radio buzzes to life.
“Azuma!” She hears Kirov’s voice on the radio. “Is everything all right? I lost contact with Soyuz when she rams her ship into the base.”
“Kirov,” Azuma picks up her radio. “She is fine but both she and Saint are both critically wounded. In addition, the Sirens have retreated and left their portal here.”
“All siren drones and models have been destroyed. Stand put we will help you.” Kirov informs her. Azuma sighs with relief. She sits down as she watches over her two wounded companions.
--Mirror Sea--
--Suren Junkyard--
“We’re back!!!” Omitter shouts as they make their way to Stein’s barge. Kronos groans as they lay her on the metal table. From the side, Stein walks over.
“Welcome back!” the Siren repair ship smiles. “And you brought back my patient! Thank you.”
“Who are you?” Kronos asks as Stein cuffs the submarine's legs and neck to the ring. She presses a button and lifts up the damage siren.
Stein stands in front of her and smiles. “My name is Stein, the Siren repair ship and mad scientist. I am going to repair you, so,” She whistles and a small drone hovers in front of her patient. The drone scans her and from the nearby console, a full-body scan of Kronos appears with sections of major damage. Stein reads the report and sighs. “Guess I need to do a whole body repair for you.” She turns back to her. “Any request since I need to repair everything on you.”
“I want more power.” Kronos declares.
“Okay.” Stein goes to another console and types a few things. “I got some experimental code that should allow you to switch between submarine and battleship. I could-”
“I’ll take it.” The submarine answers in a heartbeat. “I want to eradicate them the next time I face them.”
“Okay.” Stein grabs a cable from the console and walks behind her patient.
“What are you- OH FUCK HHEEEEELLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!” Kronos screams as she feels something forcefully enters her ass. Omitter’s face was drained of color as she clenches her buttcheeks together. She sees Stein vigorously shoves the cable up Kronos’s ass.
Stein laughs, taking pleasure at the forceful entrance. “It’s only a six-centimeter radius cable! It’s not that bad! That’s only six inches in diameter when converted!”
“SHUT IT AND GET TH- OHHHH HEE>!>@@%#$^26317323J@!!” Kronos yells as Stein shoves up further.
“Stop being so tense back here!!” The mad scientist orders her. “Loosen up those glutes! I can’t fix you if you tighten up your butt cheeks.” She pushes harder.
“AHHWUW%&^7g4t7gfwes7f5&^UBFBBXDOS*^$rv2424yhrfb!?!? DAMN SEA CUCUMBER!!” The submarine shouts out gibberish as Omitter grabs her butt, shielding it. The color drained from her figure.
“I’ll report that we found Kronos to Arbiter,” Omitter tells them, quickly leaving the junkyard.
Argo, who does not pay attention to the sexual harassment, just thinks about her fight with Saint Louis. “She has quite the technique with her spear,” Argo says, smiling. “She reminds me of Atalanta with her spear attacks.” She grips the hilt of her sword. “I can’t wait to face her again!”
“Hey, Greeky!” Argo looks over to see Kronos huffing, her body beating with sweat as well as breathing heavily. Stein replaces her crane arm with a toolkit. “You look happier than usual. Anything good happens?”
“Just met a worthy opponent.” Argo grins. “I just can’t wait to fight her again.”
“Okay.” Stein walks back to her patient and pulls out a monkey wrench. “By the way, Ory wants you. She is at the bar.”
“Okay.” Argo nods as she heads to off, leaving Stein to her own devices…
--Northern Parliament HQ--
--Medical Room--
--Three hours after the Siege--
“Argh. My head.” Soyuz wakes up. She looks around and sees she was in the medical bay in her ship. She tried to move her shoulder, but it was wrapped in gauze. She rubs her head as she gets out of bed. Bandages are wrapped around her chest as she slowly walks down the medical bay till she finds her sister. She sees Rossiya laying in bed, her head and neck wrapped in bandages. She grabs a chair and takes a seat next to her.
“Rossiya…” Soyuz holds her sister’s hand as tears swell in her eyes. “You did well today. You showed that Siren northern strength. Hehe, you are even stronger than me now.” she confesses as she holds her hand. “I just, I don’t want to lose you like we did with Belorossiya and Ukraina. You are my only blood relative left. I don’t want to be alone in this world.”
“You are not.” Soyuz looks up and sees Rossiya wake up. “You have the rest of the Northern Parliament fleet and the rest of Azur Lane. You are not alone.”
“Rossiya,” Tears stream down the north leader’s face as she leaps onto the bed and hugs her sister. “Don’t you rush off in a fight again!! I thought I was gonna lose you! Don’t don’t don’t-” She cries as she hugs her. “I don’t want to bury another sister.”
Rossiya gives a weak smile as she comforts. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I just to prove to you that-”
“I know you are strong.” Her sister admits. “You are not weak. You are stronger than me now. I’m sorry that I don’t praise or acknowledge that strength. I guess after losing our sisters and nearly losing you, it has been rough. I bottled up my emotion and never vented out, but now… Don’t do anything rash.” Tears run down both battleships as Rossiya nods.
“I won't do that again. I promise.” Rossiya promises.“Thank you.” Soyuz smiles.
Somewhere deeper in the medical bay, Saint stretches her hands as Azuma replaces her chest bandages.
“Merci beaucoup, Azuma.” Saint thanks her friend as she wraps new bandages on her.
“It's nothing, Saint-san.” Azuma smiles as she cuts off the excess. “Side, the ambrosia Argo gave us has sped up everyone's recovery.” At the mention of Argo, Saint rubs her temples.
“That Siren, she wasn’t a siren,” Saint says. “She was more of a shipgirl than Siren.”
“I agree.” Azuma takes a seat next to her. “She seems to enjoy your duel with her.”
“Yeah,” the french cruiser looks towards the Sakura Large cruiser and smiles. “Thank you, Azuma. If it wasn’t for your sword or turrets, I wouldn’t be alive now.”
“Saint-san,” Azuma pulls her into an embrace. “We are family. And family looks out for one another. That was the one rule Shikkan told us, to look out for each other. My strength is your strength Saint, and so everyone’s else.” A pink shade colors Saint’s cheeks as Azuma releases her. She looks at her caring eyes and nods.
“Oui. Nous sommes une famille. [A/T: We are family.]” Saint agrees with her.
“Yup,” Azuma stands up and puts the supplies away. “Do you think anyone in the fleet could survive Kronos’s attacks, Saint?”
She shakes her head. “I don’t think so. But… do you have your phone with you?”
“Yes.” Azuma fishes out her phone and hands it to Saint. The French cruiser scrolls through her contacts until she finds the Commander’s information. She calls him.
“I hope he is awake.” Saint hopes as she hears a click. It went through.
“Yes, Azuma?” She hears the Commander’s voice on the other line.
“This is Saint Louis, Commander,” Saint informs him.
“Oh Saint how's the mission going?”
“We finished it.”
“That’s good.” The commander’s voice was joyful as he receives the good news. “Anything to report?”
“Yes.” Saint looks at Azuma. She nods. They were thinking the exact same thing. “I request that we accelerate the plans for PR 3.”
submitted by FXFY18 to AzureLane [link] [comments]

Tactical Insanity Part 1

January 2030 - 0G Manufactory in Orbit around Terra Nova

"Iacta Alea Est." The Human murmured

"It's a bit early for that no?" Ed, a younger but only marginally less scarred version, asked.

"Like it or not Ed...Before today we could have lived and died as bounty hunters. Before this moment I could have simply passed the technology off to the leaders of Earth and... left them to their fate. But now...Now there is no turning back."

"You know. You're the only human I've met who is more melodramatic sober than drunk."

"Heh." The Human turned to Ed, his face split by a wide smile. "Well. Someone has to be. This will be the first defender of Earth. Shield of Humanity...."

"In a decade."

"Give or take." The Human nodded


June 2032 - 0G Manufactory in Orbit around Terra Nova

"I'm impressed." Ed began coming up the human whose eyes were trained on the sight before him.

"As am I Ed. As am I." The Human replied

"We're lucky. That the United States consolidated their shipyards." Ed observed dryly as workers clambered over the superstructure

"Consolidation would have put a couple hundred out of a job...it's the automation that really did a number on 'em. But I'm not complaining. Whatever my opinions on their country's leadership and their great betrayal...their people will work if you make them an offer. Even if it is in space, four light years from home with no guarantee of ever going back."

"They're adapting well."

"Extremely. At this rate we're going to have to start knocking down more valuable bounties to keep the metal flowing."

"We could build our own foundries. Jeeves mentioned that the Steel Shock is driving more and more millers into joblessness. Terra Nova can support them. The people and the foundries."

"That's an option. Would lower costs too, if we're only moving raw materials and not finished product. If they're unemployed and desperate...they might take job a trillion miles away."

"I'll make the call."


February 2033 - 0G Manufactory in Orbit around Terra Nova

"I have to admit.” Ed said as he took up his now familiar position in front of the window “The Germans proved to be better at embezzling material than I had ever dreamed." Ed said coming up to the human whose eyes were trained on the structure that was almost recognizable as a ship.

"Not just the Germans. All of them. And not just materials. It's the advantage of autocracies. If millions of people need to vanish from the census then they can be vanished. If millions of tonnes of raw material need to disappear off ledgers they can make it happen." He paused a moment to sip the drink in his hand. Before shaking his head in disbelief "I never thought I'd see Tera Nova hit ten million people before we made the announcements on Earth."

"When are you planning that by the way?"

"As soon as I can. But things are still too unstable on Earth and...our hand is not yet strong enough."


December - 2034 - 0G Manufactory in Orbit around Terra Nova

"Have you read this?" Ed asked

"The message from the Kaiser? Of course."

"He's got a pair." Ed snorted

"He's also got a point. Our timeline dropped from ten years to five because of them."

"But it's so...cliché"

"What were you expecting Ed. The Germans build a battleship, give it the biggest guns, the thickest armour, the longest rails, enough firepower to glass a planet...what were you expecting them to name it? Dein Lieber Freund Fritz?"

"Well...Let's hope this battleship doesn't end up like the last one."
“For now its name is UBA1. Unnamed Battleship 1
From the outside the first of a planned five battleships was finished but the flurry of activity continued unabated. The cap over the three engines; two fusion, one fission had gone on the night before and now the guts of the ship were being shoveled in. It was a marvel of engineering. A proof of concept as much as anything else. Experimental technologies designed by a team of AI's and scientists from a dozen different fields poached in secret for a singular purpose.


May - 2035

"Have you made the crew lists?" Ed asked "Nemo?" "Nymos!"

"Hm...Sorry Ed...It's just so...quiet out there."

"It's space. It's always quiet."

"Funny.... Furniture and final checks... Then it's done."

"But our work isn't. A ship isn't worth a damn if it doesn't have a crew."

"I know. I've put the AI's on that." Nymos sighed "This might be the diciest part. The government doesn't care if people on unemployment disappear, especially if they were 'mere' labourers. Scientists and researchers are eccentric enough that it's an easy enough tale to tell that they've moved off to pursue a passion somewhere else...But..."

Nymos clicked his tongue "Vanishing soldiers and their family’s is...a bit more difficult and. I'm concerned about the general public. There are conspiracy theorists already ranting and raving about how millions of people are disappearing and how it's the NWO or One World Government or the great reduction..."

"They're not wrong. You are making a new world order."

"Yeah but why the hell would I want to kill nine out of ten people? Anyways point is. We don't just need a lot of people. We need a lot of good people and we need to get them in a way that doesn't incite a panic."

"So what's your plan?"

"Dunno. That's why I put the AI's in charge."

"And what about the Kaiser's recommendations?"

"A few eyebrow raisers but...none of them look wholly incompetent. His suggestion for helmsman looked...interesting." Nymos said handing Ed a dossier.

"Huh...I don't think I've ever seen that combination of hair styles before...and...Why is wearing a plate vest?

"Your guess is as good as mine."


June - 2035

"Joakim von...Bro?"

"Von Bro?" Ed Echoed

"Yes. During the restoration of the monarchy our towns sign was hit by a bomb. Instead of building a new sign we renamed the town. And you have so many Joakims that...Now you know which one I am."

"Fair enough..." Nymos stared at the papers in front of him "You're my chief pilot and..." He shook his head "Our chain of command looks more like a ball of string that a kitten got to. Alright well...you're the last officer so...get yourself settled in."

"One question."


"How many instruments can I bring."

"How many do you have?"


"You can bring five. I’ve already installed a piano onboard."

"The I'll skip my keyboard. Thank you captain."


July - 2035

"Sir. Sirs" The Master Engineer added noticing Ed

"Master Engineer. What's the verdict?" Nymos said directing the man to one of the chairs. A new addition to the office that had, for years, remained Spartan.

"Everything is...in the green."

"Why the hesitation?" Ed asked, eyes narrowing

"Because this is insane. Instead of small scale experiments you've built a fifty million tonne monster with only half an idea of how everything is going to work. So yes. As best I can tell everything is working as intended."

"And what. Master Engineer do I have to work with."

The smaller human sighed calling up three dimensional pints. "As you requested. The primary armaments consist of two full length Rail Guns one on the upper and one on the lower spine each firing type R-1 shells."


"Rail type one. According to the designers we might as well make it up as we go because this is so far out of our league."


"In addition you have two demi rails that are half length each and fire R-2 type shells. Since the rails are shorter the shells were made lighter to ensure that shells from all four guns will arrive simultaneously. In addition most of the ships dual purpose batteries are located along the rails to prevent smaller ships from targeting them...or...at least making it more difficult for enemy fighters to target them. Each dual purpose battery can fire in a full arc with a built in lock to prevent them from shooting each other."

"Don't trust our gunners Master Engineer?"

"Nymos, Sir. I did my time in the army. I've seen people shoot themselves in the foot with the safeties on. I don't trust anyone."

"Fair enough. Continue."

"Important note: The rails only fire forward. Making them bi-direction would have increased both cost and complexity exponentially and severely reduced long term viability. So they only shoot forwards. To that end the rear of the ship has several dozen rail cannons..."

"Rail cannons?"

"Yes sir. The Rail Guns are accelerators only. The Rail Cannons use solid fuels to increase shell velocity. I would however like to take this opportunity to add that the number of fluorines held onboard this ship will incinerate all of you, should you suffer a severe containment breach. Not even venting will save you should the superstructure catch. The magazine is coated in a triple layer of oxides but please take care."

"That's rather the idea. There are zero things in this galaxy that like being fire. And being burned alive...that leaves a mark in anyone who sees it." Nymos smiled darkly "If we can blow 'em up. We'll burn 'em."

"That is your prerogative sir. Anyways yes. The ships cannons spread in such a way that there is no safe approach. Though. Obviously frontal fire will be the most effective because of the rails. So you have giant guns, big guns, cannons, rapid fire batteries. You also have an autonomous laser point defense system for incoming torpedoes. We don’t know if anyone uses them but better safe than sorry. Shells are likely to be too small to destroy though I'm sure the AI system will try to help. Also worth noting the cannons can be manipulated by hand for purposes of maintenance."

"Now!" The Engineer clapped his hands "Speed and manoeuverability!"

"You're excited" Ed said dryly finally breaking his silence.

"I am." The Engineer nodded "This was my part of the project. You have four graviton anchors to afford tighter manoeuverability so you don't suffer from what we've dubbed 'space slide'."

"Space...slide?" Ed asked

"Conservation of momentum. On a planet aircraft use wind resistance to turn. No such wind in space. Hence the graviton anchors. They create temporary points of massive gravity which you can use to bank and manoeuver considerably faster than you otherwise could."

"So why only four?" Nymos asked

"That's all that fit between the reactors."

"Alright then." Nymos said chuckling to himself.

"And of course you have the three engines in the back: two fusion, one fission. You also have, as a triple safety, diesel generators."

"Top speed?"

"The absolute max: One lightyear an hour."

"Impressive." Ed said while Nymos just whistled

"However. And this is critical. That speed will stress the engines."

"How badly?"

"No idea sir. Like I said we conducted zero real world stress tests. But it is capable for pulling one light year hour for at least two hours at which point...we stopped testing since that was all you asked for and we were on a hell of a reduced timeline. After two hours it took about sixteen hours for the engines to stabilize and be safe to use for anything more than manoeuvering or sub-light. One improvement you might be interested in. We had a breakthrough late in development and we were able to reduce the charge time of the engines for a ship of this size from five to ten minutes down to forty or so seconds."

"Cruising speed?"

"About half that."

"That's still not bad. Earth and back in less than a day."

"Naturally a smaller ship could go faster for longer but...UBA1 as you call it is massive and requires a hell of a lot of distortion to get it out of normal time."

"Understood. I'll have you begin designing those smaller ships once we launch...Guns, engines...The crew compliment I have...Shields and armour. What's the final verdict?"

"Shields are strong. Armour thick. Honestly sir. I can't tell you much more than that. We only have the theoretical specs from the alien data you obtained and everything else you already know. The shields are intended to deflect projectiles instead of stop them. The armour along the superstructure is triple layered with heat dissipating materials between. The most vulnerable points are obviously the engines, the rails, and the turrets."

"Alright. Let's party. Ed you ready?"

"Oh yes."


"Captain ON DECK!" Joakim von Bro shouted

"Yes yes yes. As you were." Nymos said returning their salute.

"How does it feel to be a real captain now?" Ed asked his face twisting in a macabre smile.

"Honestly Ed? It's electrifying. I don't think I've felt this much adrenaline in...well.... days but still." Nymos answered his own face split in a smile which was slowly becoming painful.

"Ready Captain?" von Bro asked

"Transmit release sequence." Nymos said in lieu of an answer.
One by one they could hear the clamps release, and feel the ship shake as the magnets which had in place since its keel was first laid release it to the void. A final shudder and clang and the ship was free, the air within charged as everyone waited on the Captains orders.

"Engineering. Bring the Fusion cores online." The electrical hum grew louder as the shape came to life with the power of two small suns.

“Status?" Nymos asked after a few tense moments. They had not exploded so far but nobody was really relaxed, if anything the realization of what they were setting out to do was enough to send most hearts racing.

"Life support. Green. Reactor output and temperature. Green. Shields. Online. Distortion Drive. Online. No faults or surges in the rail supply. Everything checks out sir."

Nymos breathed deep savouring the smell of a ship fresh off the line about the break free.

"Get us out of here. Jeeves, von Bro. Test System 1"

The hum of electricity grew louder, for the first time the Distortion drive let the crew of UBA1 feel its awe inspiring power. The crew could slowly feel reality begin to twist and bend as time itself distorted around them and spread to the space immediately around the ship. There was no feeling in the world to describe the affect a distortion drive had on humans it hit every primal instinct and set every nerve ablaze. By the time the thirty seconds ticked by and the ship left normal time and space the crew was wide eyed and coated with sweat. It was only professionalism and brute force of will the stopped them from devolving into confused hysterics.

"Control. Report."

"We're not dead Captain. But fuck me that was weird."

"We're on the bridge. Nobody will be fucking anybody here. Engineering. Talk to me."

"Everything's in line with the models sir. It seems like the AI knew what they were doing." Chief Engineer Utton, one of the only aliens and the only member of Thon, invited into Nymos's inner circle.

"And yet you sound surprised." Jeeves' voice came over the intercom "I'm also pleased to announce that all internal systems are fine and everything went just as well as I thought it would. Since I don't trust my own sunny optimism..." That drew a few chuckles from the older members of the crew "Aries and Byte are running secondary checks."

"Excellent now, you mentioned a distress call before we left?"

"Indeed." Jeeves' avatar appeared "A Carlag freighter was being pursued by pirates. They're trying to run but the will pirates will catch them sooner rather than later."

"Can we catch them?"

"Catch them?" Jeeves chuckled "Absolutely not. You commissioned this ship to be a one unit death platform not a pursuit vessel. However, our distortion drive creates enough...wake I suppose you could call it. That anyone not in phase with us will be forced into normal time and space. Pirate and Merchant alike. Once they're in normal space..."

"We nail them."


"Give von Bro what he needs and let's go kill us some pirates."

"With pleasure sir." It was an unsettling thing, seeing a hologram smile, but somehow Jeeves had made his smile a thing of dread.

The charge built again time twisted and melted as it relinquished its hold on them and then they were gone. The only sign of ever having existed was a deep bruise on the surface of reality that slowly began to fade.
It had gone just as Jeeves predicted. The presence of the battleship was enough to force the smaller ships back into normal time and space. Forced to sub-light speeds the Carlag freighter didn't have chance. Sure the Carlag weren't fighters but Ed had expected them to put up a token resistance, but no...When running failed the Herbivores rolled over and the pirates rolled up, docked, and began looting.

The Human battleship dropped in close enough to strike but far enough that their arrival might go unnoticed.

"Bring us into position. Rail crews. Get loaded, get ready."

"Aye sir."

Joakim von Bro could make the ship go forwards, backwards, and with the help of the distortion drive he could make it go at ludicrous speed. But aligning the ship so perfectly that all four rails could be brought to bear on a single target required three sets of human hands and an AI.

They had all wondered what it would feel like as a pair of three kilometer long rails prepared to fire. It was, quite literally, electrifying. Their skin crawled as the air itself became charged. Every hair stood on end, every nerve primed and then...It was gone. Four shells flying at a fraction of C.

They counted the seconds.

Every eye glued to the screens which projected updated simulations.

The pirates finally noticed their company and had kept their engines primed for just such an anomaly but they were out of time. Four shells, absolute overkill, ripped the pirate ship apart. Three exploded within the ship turning it into a cloud of shrapnel, the fourth passed through and detonated when its fail safe activated.

"Get us out of here. Now!"

Twelve seconds later the Battleship was gone and in its wake nothing but a cloud of debris and a shell-shocked crew.


The Carlag docked. Unloaded. And then the crew staggered into a spacers bar. And when they told their story they were met with laughter, jeers, and a few pints for a valiant attempt at a scary story.

Two weeks later it was a Kal-Eth transport. Different people drinking in the bar but their reaction was the same unrepentant laughter.

Ten days after that it was a Capra heavy cargo hauler. The people still laughed but a few of them began exchanging glances.

A week later a Lothon passenger ship staggered. They still laughed but now it was nerves, nerves and a small dose of fear.

Only days later a Wren luxury liner came to port. Telling the same tale: They'd been thrown out of phase into normal space and time. Then without a word a shape materialized and opened fire, ripping the pirates to shreds. And then, it ignored all hails, and vanished. Without so much as a goodbye. By now everyone had stopped laughing.

Search teams were sent out. Military patrols scoured every inch of the systems. But found nothing save for slowly expanding clouds of debris. Each one a raider. Some were independent pirates. Some had been mercenaries of dubious repute. Some had been D'Neth of Jithen slavers. But in each case it was the same. Nothing left save for broken ships each one destroyed before it could react.

Three weeks and sixty light years away it struck again. This time the authorities were ready. They launched the moment the merchants sent out the signal that they had been saved. Armed with the latest equipment they finally found something. They found the wake of the ship; they found the bruise left by its distortion drive, and felt their blood run cold. The report was filed, classified, and sealed. The investigation switched from asking what to finding the culprit. But every party, every faction, and every race offered only protestations.

And so the rumour spread. Not an official reports for there was none but by rumours and whispers. From one dark corner of the galaxy to the next the rumour grew of a shape... a ship of unparalleled size and unimaginable power. With every pirate ship and raider that vanished into a mist of debris the legend of the Terror of the Void grew.

Of course.... the D'Neth and Jithen both took exception to the ship that hounded their raiders and destroyed their proxies and so they too began hunting for the King of the Stars.

The Humans though. They loved it. Their world had beaten them, tortured them, tormented them, starved them and they mastered the long hunt. Until they learned to yearn for games of life and death where days of stalking ended in pitched moments of extreme violence, leaving them with a feeling of rapturous bliss.

It was scary, even for the carnivores on the crew. They didn't feel the thrill that ran through the Humans' veins when guns discharged. They didn't feel the compulsion to watch the enemy ships explode. They didn't understand the excitement humans could feel while pouring over maps to find pirate anchorages or how they could spend hours going over every ping reported by the Accelerated Photon Scanners or even how they could spend hours listening to FTL comms hoping to hear even a shred of a direction or even an outright distress call.

They didn't feel the thrill of discovery. They didn't live half hoping the alarms would blare summoning them to their stations. Their heart didn't race with the promise of impending violence. Their blood didn't burn at the thought of bringing brutal justice upon those deemed evil. They never felt the world fade away in the moment a ship passed in the path of a Rail Cannon. They didn't feel the ecstasy of adrenaline whenever their hands brought death. Humanity loved fighting, they loved killing but they lusted for the hunt and for the chance to fight for their lives.

And so the hunt continued: Humans hunted for raiders while The Grand Assembly, the D'Neth, and the Jithen hunted for the Terror of the Void.


"I have to admit." Ed began "We’re preforming above expectations."

"And the crew seem to enjoy their work. Though..." Nymos laughed "Everyone likes hunting pirates. It's one of the few things that are black and white."

"Indeed." Ed nodded

The two men lapsed into silence. They were cruising at sub-light while the engineers ran diagnostics on the reactors, their view of the stars obstructed by the rails which extended just beyond the bridge. It had been a controversial design but it did ensure that, should the rail tips become damaged and a shell fail to launch, the bridge and crew had a chance to survive.

"I'm impressed with how the crew have acclimatized. To the stress I mean."

"It's about what I expected. Honestly my main source of annoyance is that everyone goes down so easily. We haven't really had the opportunity to put the ship through its paces.

"Famous last words." Ed mused

"May our lives be short and full of excitement." Nymos proclaimed fishing a flask from a pocket, drinking and passing it off.



"Where's the Captain?!" An excited but breathless comms monitor burst into the forward rec room.

"Over here." Nymos stood

"A merchant convoy reported pirate activity! They drove them off but we're almost certain the pirates will be back."

"A merchant convoy...odd."

"Maybe. But there's been chatter that the Gar Loth Coalition has been looking to move something...Don't know what but they've been trying to move something."

"Clear as mud. We'll finish our game later Ed. Aries!"


"Set condition 4."

"Aye sir!"

"Ed. With me. Utton get to engineering. Eesti: Rest your gunners. Hit em with a wrench if you have to. I want them rested for when shit hits the fan. Join me in the war room once we drop out of distortion."

"Understood Captain." The Short Estonian flashed a grim smile and set off at a jog before jumping on the ladder that led to the gunnery axis: a series of passages that ran along the skeleton of the ship which allowed gunners to get to their positions while avoiding the main corridors.

"Everyone else..." Nymos surveyed the room his lips showing the barest hint of a predators smile "Relax while you still can."


The war room was a place that only AIs and masters of grand strategy could love. Its displays presented a dizzying array of information about not only the ship but the local space around it as terabytes of raw data flowed through it every second before being processed by the ship's AIs and sent to the Command deck. Unwieldly, but the War Room was directly above the ship's listening station and AI cores reducing data lag to zero. It also housed a large meeting room for the general staff and, for those in the know, a fully stocked liquor reserve for post battle celebrations. Though no battle had been large enough to warrant opening the reserve.

"How long to intercept Jeeves?"

"Four hours until we can knock them out of phase. Roughly two hours to catch them."

"Six hours. Give or take."

"I'm going to pass out in a corner. Wake me if something changes." Ed said letting himself collapse in a chair

"Ditto. Jeeves. You're in charge. Zap my implants if you need me."

"GOD FUCK JEEVES THAT HURT!" Nymos roared leaping to his feet. A reaction conditioned by far too many close calls, including one event where he was nearly mistaken for dead and eaten by an Isaad patrol.

Ed's species had an interesting reaction to being woken up. Namely: None. They were either asleep or completely alert they suffered none of the groggy groaning that so plagued humanity.

"We there?"

"No." Jeeves' soft British accent filtered through the speakers, appearing at the far end of the table. "But your comms officers have something rather urgent."

"Send them in."


"Fritz. Franz. What can I do for you?" Nymos asked trying to at least pretend like he hadn't been asleep.

"We found them!" They said in unison eyes burning with satisfaction and a touch of sleep deprivation induced madness.


"A pirate squadron. Seven ships. Two are chasing the Merchant. Five are lying in wait." Fritz's chopped sentences were awful even at the best of time but he was so excited he was starting to stutter.

"Best news?" Franz asked "They will also hit our wake. We'll get them all. And sooner than expected."

"How much? Jeeves?"

"We leave distortion in fifteen minutes. Another hour and a half to engage."

"Excellent. Set condition 3. Maybe we'll get a chance to flex our muscles."

"I hope so sir." Fritz and Franz said, each echoing the other.

"You two are coms officers."

"Yes but I don't want to go home and have to say that I never fought a real battle." Fritz said practically bouncing in satisfaction.

"Yes. That would be bad." Franz nodded in agreement.

"Well this will be your chance won't it? Alright get back to your posts tell me if you pick up any other transmissions." Nymos said waving them off.

"Yes Sir!" The two snapped a crisp salute and spun on their heels.

"Those two...are fucking amazing." Ed said in disbelief. "I don't think I've ever seen them asleep. Hell I don't think they even know where their quarters are anymore. They're either passed out in the mess, rec room, or showers or they're at their post."

"Yeah. God damn...Ah! The men of the hour." Nymos gestured to the officers who began to trickle into the war room, taking their usual places around the table. "Anything out of the ordinary? Or is this meeting perfunctory?"

"All the gunners are out like lights. They're...going to have a fun time when we drop out of distortion." Rain said smiling

"Reactors are burning normally. I put them through a load test and nothing came up." Utton said

"Nothing on the Comms beyond what F and F told you. Accelerated Photon Detection Arrays are popping blanks. Though there was a bit of...heh" Comms Chief Williamson chuckled "There was a bit of distortion when we entered distortion. But nothing since. So it was probably above normal interference.

"Nothing to report as far as the Armour goes. Hull integrity is at a hundred percent. The 0G Jockeys know their shit. I had my boys check for Fluorine breaches and everything came up completely clean." Technically Martin was head of Maintenance but after he put out a fluorine fire which nearly ate the ship he found himself promoted to Chief Armour Tech and Ammo Supervisor.

"Commander?" Nymos turned to face the commanding officer of the Ship's compliment of marines.

"The Marines are ready sir. Or. They will be once you give the order. Everything is running tight. I wouldn't mind a chance to actually do something this time around sir. It's getting hard to keep sitting them out."

"You will get your wish. I don't know when but I know you will. Ed?"

"Yeah. Yeah. We're your doctors. We're always ready. If things go well some idiot will cheer his throat out. If they don't...then we're also ready. And, let the record state, I hope the Commander spends the rest of his life never doing anything." Ed flashed a grim smile

"Yes fine let the records state that." Nymos sighed "Byte? Anything to add?"

"Nothing." The AI chimed "All the machines are good. If your Organics are good too then I guess everything is fine."

"Don't call them Organics byte. We've been over this."

"But they are!" The youthful AI protested.

"Alright. We're...right on time. Coming out of distortion... now."

Entering distortion was strange. But it was mostly cerebral. Time seemed to move slowly then quickly then stop. Things seemed close then far, then you looked down and the thing was sticking out of you. It was...strange but at least everything looked, more or less, the way it should.

Coming out of distortion was far worse and most people found it easier to just close their eyes. For whatever reason reality had an easier time letting go than grabbing on and so, for a moment that drags on forever things get surreal. Time became strange but things seemed to bend and melt in impossible ways like a Dali painting. Pieces seemed to break off and reattach in bizarre ways like Picasso's cuboid phase...and then it passed but the memory took longer to fade and sometimes soldiers complained of seeing flashes of the distortion for minutes or, in one case, even hours after return to real time.

"Time to contact?"

"One hour, seventeen minutes."

"Alright. Set condition two. Yellow alert. You all know where to be. Good luck."

Alarms blared, lights flashed and the ship became a hive of activity as everyone not already primed launched themselves into motion with time worn practice.

Nymos took his position on the bridge one eye looking into the void the other linked to the ship's AIs projecting information in a pseudo-holographic display for his eye only. Information scrolled by mostly confirming the results of the initial APDA scans.

Nymos's eyes could have burned a hole in the bridge shielding as he watched the pirate ships grow to become specks.

"TRIGGY! Blast the Pirates! Hell or high water they're never gettin' paid!" Nymos's voice was the only thing about him that was truly controlled. The man was high on adrenaline and pure hate, for the bridge staff who hadn't known him as the commander of the Grim Revenge it was terrifying.

"Yes Sir!" The Estonian gunnery commander replied.

Three seconds later two eight and two four man teams were loading the R Class shells into the base of the massive guns. The main weapons was one hundred and twenty kilos of steel filled with ultra-high yield explosives and capped with another forty kilos of volatile chemicals which would cause a primary detonation and ignite anything it came into contact with in an oxygen less fire. The main body would explode thirty nanoseconds later once it was inside the enemy ship turning the shell into a massive shrapnel bomb. The final sage: a forty kilo thermobaric device would tumble and detonate on impact with either the outer hull or flying pieces of ship. The triple explosion had become a hallmark of the Terror of the Void.

The smaller R-2 class shells were designed to leave the rails twenty Nano seconds after the R-1 and thus were one hundred and fifty kilos of high explosive hell. Each detonation would produce roughly seven thousand fragments in addition to the shrapnel from the R-1 detonations.

"ONE! TWO! LIFT!" Nenet of the Enets tribe shouted, he had been with Nymos since day one and for his service he had been given command of the rail crews.

The eight men heaved. So close to the rail, even hardened machines stopped working but humans never did. The crews could load as fast as the ship could shoot and for just as long if need be.

The two hundred Kilos of explosive death fell into the rail with a clang which reverberated across the loading bay. The sound, by now familiar, brought a smile to the rear facing gunners. They'd soon see ships bloom on their screens.

"Stand Clear!" Nenet shouted the men already jumping back.

"Magnetising." Nenet said closing the rail hatch. The ship hummed electricity arcing as the internal systems charged the shell and the rail.

"Shields online." A second soldier confirmed, an emergency shield descending over the rail.

"Opening rail." Nenet said. The plasma that had built up by the massive charge, the shell vibrating levitated by the strength of the field, was sucked out as the rail vented creating bright spots at the end of the gun that the bridge crew could see.

One last check, confirmation from the other rail crews came in moments later, and then...

"FIRE!" Nenet shouted.

All four rails fired in unison shells speeding up to a fraction of C. Every soldier could feel the shells fly by, but only after the fact. You knew it was coming and then you realized you'd felt to waves of electric discharge, been jerked to the side by whatever metal you had on you and then you knew it was over.

Nothing for a few seconds. And then a pirate ship exploded almost disintegrated by overwhelming force.

Fifteen seconds after the first shell was launched a second was on the rail. Twenty seconds after the first shell was fired a second ship exploded. Another twenty seconds and the third ship was gone. By the two minute mark there was nothing but a cloud where four ships had been.

As soon as the coast was clear, the merchant fled. Nymos never asked why someone was targeted. Maybe they deserved it. Maybe they didn’t. He didn’t have the tools to make that judgement. But he did have the tools to destroy the people whose actions had condemned them.

"God...Aries yes! What!?" Nemo demanded as the AI zapped his brain

"There's a D'Neth fleet heading towards us. They're moving at sub-light. We were looking for distortions. Two minutes to arrival."

"Do you have composition?"

"Yes!" The AI almost seemed frantic.

"What are we looking at? Broadcast to the crew."

"A D'Neth fast attack fleet augmented by a heavy carrier."


"Two light carriers at one hundred fifty one man fighters each. A dozen heavy cruisers, twenty light cruisers, twenty five frigates, one hundred corvettes. All commanded by a three hundred fighter heavy carrier."

"I see."


Continues in part two which is probably already up. I'll link as soon as I can.
References? What references? I don't see any references...

But in all seriousness this story is my (very late) contribution to the 100k event soooo.... yeah go check out part 2 which is "official" submission. This is one story that got way out of hand so has to be broken into two.
Part 2
submitted by Nec_Di_Nec_Domini to HFY [link] [comments]

I found an old post of someone translating Journey, but I found quite a few errors in it, so I decided to re-translate it myself. Here are the results!

I found this post by u/AtlyxMusic, and most of it is pretty decent, but there were some unfinished or incorrect translations here and there. I've done line for line Latin to English, as well as some commentary of my own. TL;DR at the bottom that's just a translation if you don't wanna read the chunky stuff.
ex igne pertinacia - From the fire (we) persist - ["We" is inclusive and the best way to put the sentence. "Pertinacia" is just a verb, and it doesn't relate to "igne" (fire) as they are declined in different ways. The actual Latin is relatively rough around the edges, and, as is common in Latin songs and poetry, you take some liberties to fit the syllables necessary]
Lux nos defendit - The light defends us - [Not to be confused with "We defend the light"; "Lux" would need to be "Lucem" for that to be the case.]
Post te ne bras lux - After darkness the light may come - [The original post doesn't specify if the clause comes with a question mark at the end, but the existence of "ne" in the sentence implies that it is a question.]
Sub dio fortitudo et fides - Under (our) god (there was) strength and faith - [Like I mentioned previously, one has to take liberties to properly translate it.]
Alea iacta est - The die have been cast - [A classic quote by Julius Caesar]
Luctor et emergo - I struggle and I escape - [I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, but "emergo" literally means "I emerge from (the) water", and I can't help but be reminded of this cutscene.]
Ad vitam aeternum salva ve - Save (us) with (your) eternal life - [This line is a bit iffy, and the translation is a bit odd. I think this is meant to serve as some prayer to the Traveler, given that the use of "I" and "We" beforehand implies that the song is being spoken from the perspective of either the player or at least a guardian.]
Ritate pro memoria - Recklessness before memory - [I genuinely have no clue what this is.]
lux et veritas - Light and truth - [The intention might be to combine this clause with the previous one to make something along the lines of "we were reckless before we remembered the light and the truth", but the literal Latin is a little odd. "Lux" is in the nominative case (subject of the sentence) and "veritas" is in the accusative (direct object). So, unless I'm missing something, the Latin here is just wrong.]
pactum serva - Keep the promise - [I assume this is meant to mean something along the lines of "stay true to your alliance with the Traveler. Oddly fitting in these times... The literal translation is "preserve the agreement" but that just sounds dumb.]
Ad vitam paramus - We prepare to live - [Again, the Latin here is a little odd.]
In memoria vita - In memory of life - [It is literally just "in memory life", once more, I'm not sure if I'm missing something or if the Latin is wrong, but it probably should be "vitae"]
Lux nos defendit - The light defends us
aequitas enim lucet vita nos defendit - Indeed, life makes justice clear and defends us - [I assume "life" here means the Traveler, but I could be wrong.]
ex igne pertinacia - From the fire (we) persist
Lux nos defendit - The light defends us
Constantia fortis juvat - (Our) strength gives us courage OR our courage gives us strength - [The Latin is odd here. Both "Constantia" (courage) and "Fortis" (strength) are subjects in the sentence, but "juvat" (give) only accepts a singular subject. It might be meant to be taken both ways? I'm unsure.]
Luctor et emergo - I struggle and I escape
lux et veritas - Light and truth
pactum serva - Keep the promise
in vertu te pax - In the virtue used for peace - [This is weird, and "vertu" isn't a word according to my dictionary so I'm just assuming it's virtue.]
Vita nos defendit - Life defends us - [Same clause as before, but replacing "light" with "life"]
Constantia fortis juvat - (Our) strength gives us courage OR our courage gives us strength - [Same as before]
age quod agis - do what you do - [It's a common phrase.]
praemonitus praemonitus - Forewarning, forewarning - [A warning for what?]
sit tibi terra levis - Let the Earth be gentle for you - [Levis is a bit of a strange word. It has a lot of translations, and "gentle" is the one that fits best. You could argue that it should be "let the Earth be kind to you" but it's basically the same.]
ex igne pertinacia - From the fire (we) persist
Post te ne bras lux - After darkness the light may come
Sub dio fortitudo et fides - Under (our) god (there was) strength and faith
lux et veritas - Light and truth
pactum serva - Keep the promise
pax vobiscum - (May) peace be with you - [Sounds like a church phrase. Then again, it's Latin, so everything sounds like it belongs in a church.]
Ad vitam paramus - We prepare to live
in tertu te pax - In third age of peace - [Like Vertu before, "Tertu" does not appear to exist. I assume "Third Age" as it seems to follow Destiny's pattern- the Dark Age, the City Age, and now the "Red War Age", even if that isn't a formal age. Also, "of" is a very rough translation of "te", but it's the only one that makes sense without being too cumbersome in the sentence.]
pro memoria - for the memory
lux et veritas - (of) Light and truth - [I put the "of" in there to link it with the previous clause, but it technically would just be "light and truth" normally again.]
pactum serva - Keep the promise
ex igne pertinacia - From the fire (we) persist
Lux nos defendit - The light defends us
post tenebras lux - After darkness (there is) light - [Tenebras is plural, though I excluded it since "darknesses" sounds weird. Perhaps it hints towards some type of cycle?]
Sub dio fortitudo et fides - Under (our) god (there was) strength and faith
The translation is a little rough, but it's generally solid. If I missed anything, please let me know.
TL;DR - Below is the English translation without any of my notes.
From the fire (we) persist
The light defends us
After darkness the light may come
Under (our) god (there was) strength and faith
The die have been cast
I struggle and I escape
Save (us) with (your) eternal life
Recklessness before memory
Light and truth
Keep the promise
We prepare to live
In memory of life
The light defends us
Indeed, life makes justice clear and defends us
From the fire (we) persist
The light defends us
Our courage gives us strength
I struggle and I escape
Light and truth
Keep the promise
In the virtue used for peace
Life defends us
Our courage gives us strength
Do what you do
Forewarning, forewarning
Earth be gentle for you
From the fire (we) persist
After darkness the light may come
Under (our) god (there was) strength and faith
Light and truth
Keep the promise
(May) peace be with you
We prepare to live
In third age of peace
for the memory
(of) Light and truth
Keep the promise
From the fire (we) persist
The light defends us
After darkness (there is) light
Under (our) god (there was) strength and faith
submitted by Portal3_1 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

KDF Fleet looking to join an Armada

I am an officer of Alea Iacta Est and we are starting up a KDF fleet named Alea Iacta Est Honoris. This means we do not currently have an armada and could definitely use one.
This is for PC. Thank you all for the assistance.
submitted by Grebog to sto [link] [comments]

After the End Achievement List (Update 2)

I’ve done all this on mobile!
Updated 2 with all new achievements from comments from Update 1.
As I said before, all names are subject to change and you can suggest your own achievements.
If you get one of the achievement, please post screenshots of you doing it as evidence.
Also please give a 1-10 difficulty ranking (1 being easy and 10 being very hard) based on how you feel, and rank your own achievement(s).
And before you suggest an achievement, look at both the post and the comments and make sure that someone has not suggested the same thing!
A couple of the achievements were taken out because one of the Mods told me to take them out.

Achievement List

Join or Die (name change suggested by u/Skobtsov): As an Americanist, recreate the Thirteen Colonies.
Mending the New World Schism: mend the Ursaline/Catholic schism as either religions.
1776 Fixed (name change suggested by u/Skobtsov): As the British, invade and recreate the Thirteen Colonies.
Emperor’s New Groove(name changed by u/ZonkErryday): As the Celestial Emperor, remove your Figurehead Title.
A Cetic Way with Gaians (named changed by me): As a Cetic, find the The Way of Branch.
Tagötöka Tater Lords: starting as the Tribal Chief of Duck Valley, create the Kingdom of Idaho.
The Great Money Maker: become a Consumerist from any religion and create an empire.
Monroe Doctrine (named changed by me): destroy an any overseas invaders excluding Brazil.
In Strange Eons No More: as an Occultist, defeat Cthulhu in the Cthulhu event.
Take That Frenchie!: As the Michigan Republic, takeout your former Québécois overlords.
Everything Is Bigger In Texas: as an Americanist, convert and take over Texas.
American Pilgrim: as an Americanist, go on a pilgrimage.
Old World Objects: as a Rust Cultist, find a pre-Event artifact.
A Cetic Emperor’s Word: as the Cetic Celestial Emperor, write a book
Blessing of the Atom: give your child the Atom’s blessing
Sparrow’s Brethren: as Captain Jack Sparrow, take over the Caribbean Empire
Friends On the Other Side: as a Voodoo ruler, create a zombie
Take Back Your Land: as one of the Native American religions, create an empire.
Rise of the Least: create an empire as a Jewish or Hindu ruler.
(Achievement suggested by u/Gotenland123 from another post [This time credit is given.])
Mahonic Madness: restore the borders of New England as the last remaining Mahonic
These are achievements proposed by the comments of my last post.
(Achievement suggested by u/Skobtsov)
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Great Spirit: As a Comanche king of comancheria, have a pope loyal to you with Comanche culture
(Achievement suggested by u/hadesasan)
Treaty of Tordesillas: as a Mestizo Catholic, own all of the american continent.
(Achievement by suggested u/PeanutButterJelly345)
Satsuma Rebellion: As the holder of Mobile County, have an Edokko character as the Baron of Satsuma. Then have that Baron revolt by any mean and crush that rebellion you just created.
(Achievements suggested by u/Xisuthrus)
I am Become Death...:As a Hindu ruler, own the Kingdom of Arixo
...The Destroyer of Worlds: As an Atomicist ruler, own the Kingdom of Guyana
A Destiny Made Manifest: As the Emperor of America, control the entirety of the continental US.
A Mari Usque Ad Mare: As the Emperor of Canada, control all of the former territory of Canada represented on the map.
Treeconquista: As a Gaian ruler, drive the Haida from British Columbia.
It's Simple: Successfully murder Bruce Wayne.
Longhouse Emperor: Starting as a Haida ruler, become the Emperor of California.
(Achievements suggested by u/RhodieRanger)
A Woman's Home is her Castle: As an Ursuline Quebecois female duke with the Castel bloodline, form the kingdom of Quebec.
Audit the Fed: As a Libertarian character, control and convert both Washington DC and Fort Knox.
(Achievements suggested by u/AmericanCaesar909)
Toot My Own Horn: Form the Empire of Zion as a Latter Day Saint leader
Holy American Empire: Control the continental U.S as an Evangelical Holy Columbian Confederate leader
Farewell to Nova Scotia: Starting as the Duchy of Nova Scotia form Canada
(Achievements suggested by u/BlackfishBlues) Updated
Raiders of the Caribbean: As a Norse ruler, sack a holding in the Caribbean.
A Canticle For Stewart: starting as Joseph Stewart, Count of Baltimore, become a Catholic saint.
The Happiest Place: starting as Elias Waltney of the Mouse, own the County of Orange in California
Nova Roma Delenda Est: starting as Chief Simon of Carthage, own the County of St. Louis.
Empire State of Mind: starting as one of the patrician houses of New York, create an empire.
A Pleasant Peninsula: with the Kingdom of Michigan as your primary title, control the entirety of the Duchy of Soo and the County of Toledo.
Tomatu, Tomato: hold the Kingdom of Columbia as a ruler of the Colombiano culture group
Potato, Putatu: hold the Kingdom of Columbia and the Kingdom of Grand Columbia as the ruler of the Columbiano culture group
Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off: hold the Kingdom of Columbia, the Kingdom of Grand Columbia, and the Holy Columbian Confederacy as a ruler of the Columbiano culture group
(Achievement suggested by u/anti-FBI-account)
The Industrial Revolution and it’s consequences: As a Gaian ruler, assasinate a consumerist lord
(Achievements suggested by u/screwthisdumbcrap) Updated
Lord Dagon Went Down To Georgia: Starting as Abraham Pabodie, create or usurp the Kingdom of Dixieland.
What You Watchin’, Son?: As the King of Grand Francisco, conver the entire Duchy of Goldengate to Tagalog culture.
Totally Righteous: Own the entire continental United States as the Celestial Emperor of California.
Traitor to the Crown: As a British character, become President.
Soldiers of Sorrow: As an Edokko Rust Cultist, own the counties of Prince Rupert and Gran Sabana.
Big Iron on His Hip: Win 20 duels with an Old World Firearm.
Seven to One: As an Amerodeutsch character, successfully invade Brazil.
Would You Do it for a Scooby Snack?: Have Norville Rodgers owe you a favor.
The Governator: Hold either California or New California as an Amerodeutsch character.
(Achievement suggested by u/CondemnedCookie)
The Gang Run for President: As Duke Dennis Reynolds of Philadelphia, become President.
(Achievement suggested by u/Modernwhofan)
On We Sweep With Threshing Oar: Form New California as a Norse character.
(Achievement suggested by u/Morbidmort)
To Camelot!: Starting as the Duchess of Avalon, become a vassal of a British king of New England.
(Achievement suggested by u/AfricaByToto3412)
A Pirate's Life For Me: Form the High Seas Empire as a Brethren
(Achievements suggested by u/BrutusAurelius)
Sherman's Legacy: As an Americanist General, sack Atlanta and Savanna in the same war
It's a Jersey Thing: As the Duke of South Jersey, form the Commonwealth of Jersey.
A More Perfect Union: As Emperor of the United States, adopt an Elective Monarchy
The South Will Rise Again: Form the United States as the Holy Columbian Confederacy
Path of the Profit: As the Consumerist Prophet form a Kingdom
(Achievements suggested by u/critfist)
The Rushmore Rush. Starting as the Major of Rushmore form a de jure kingdom within your lifetime.
Hardmode: Form a de jure empire within your lifetime.
Lincoln Park. Own the Kingdom of Lincoln and Washington at the same time.
People of the Longhouse. Starting with the Iroquois culture, form the Great Lakes Empire.
Pharaoh, King of Kings. Control de jure California as the Pharohs.
Cheapskate. As the republic of Chesapeake have an income of 300 ducats a month.
(Achievements suggested by u/IRSunny)
My Heart is in Havana: As a Sagrado Corazon character, have as a lover the owner of the county of Havana.
Laurentian Tributaries: As Emperor of Canada, have as tributaries the kings of Michigan, Superior, Ohio, Hudsonia and New England.
Because I'm Batman!: As Bruce Wayne, restore America.
Winner of the Iowa Caucus: As an Americanist, have Iowa as your primary title and become President.
The Grand Line: As a Bretheren character, create the Caribbean Empire
You ARE the Senate: Starting as the Republic of Los Angeles, depose the Emperor of California and remake it as a Grand Republic.
(Achievement suggest by u/skardamarr)
Norse on a horse: As a Norse Nomad, conquer and pillage St. Louis to the ground
(Achievement suggested by u/spikedgenes)
God is a woman: convert the entire map to Gaianism
(Achievement suggested by u/FrosyTheMadman)
Come and Take It: As an Americanist Ruler, defeat a substantially larger British force
(Achievement suggested by u/incomprehensiblegarb)
Mccarthyism: Use the Hunt Apostates job to catch a Gaian secretly worshipping in your realm as an Americanist or Consumerist character.
(Achievements suggested by u/spikebrennan) Updated
Fly, Eagles Fly: As a leader whose primary title is Philadelphia, conquer Dallas.
Cumorah: As a Mormon, become emperor of New York.
Celtic Cetic: As a Druid, conquer California
Montezuma’s Revenge: As a follower of a Mesoamerican religion, sacrifice the Catholic pope.
Copa Brasil: Give Saint Stanley’s Chalice to the Emperor of Brazil.
Get Your Kicks on Route 66: (I don’t have a map in front of me, but it would be based on holding important Route 66 provinces between Los Angeles and Chicago)
Viva Las Vegas: As a Revelationist king with Riverlander culture, own Las Vegas.
Friend of Dorothy: As a homosexual character, own San Francisco and Manhattan
Fighting Amish: as an Anabaptist with Deutsch culture, have ten names on your personal kill list.
Orange is the New Black: As a character whose primary title is Orange County, lead the Men in Black.
Big Love: As a member of a polygamist heresy of Mormonism, have multiple wives while owning Salt Lake City.
Aces and Eights: As an Americanist ruler of the Black Hills, win a duel.
Heisenberg: As a member of the Brethren, own Albuquerque.
Pittsburgh Pirates: As a member of the Brethren, own Pittsburgh.
(Achievement suggested by u/HiddenSquidGames)
A Pyramid Scheme: As a consumerist ruler control the Yucatan and Guatamala
(Achievement suggested by u/BentleyVZambies)
Memories of '76: As a Americanist ruler, reform America and defeat the Redcoat Dominion.
(Achievements suggested by u/electric-angel [Sorry for not posting these in the last post])
El Fusilado: as a Mexican culture Ruler escape from prison while a character is plotting to kill you.
A Venable heir: As a descendant of Leonidas V become Emperor of the HCC and exterminate the Littlepage Dynasty
With my Iron Wits: As a ruler marry a Woman from the Ironwirt Family.
Bismarck and a Kriegsmarine: Own the county of Bismarck and control a fleet.
Its Leif Erikson Day: As a Norse Character own all of Newfoundland
New Caliph-Fornina: As a Muslim character form the new Californian Empire
Springfield's State: Own the County of Springfield, the city of Springfield, and the 6 Castles of Springfield
“”Hannibal is Marching on Rome**: As the owner of Hannibal Country conquer the county of St. Louis
Blood of Disney: While Playing as the Waltney Dynasty. Have either the ''Legendary Battle Bard'' or the ''Philosopher Bloodline'' Active while also having one of the ''Construction bloodlines'' active.
Arnold The Destroyer: Form New California in one live time, as a custom Aphite Tribal ruler of Angeleno/Amero-Deutch culture named Arnold.
The Governator: As one of the starting kings in California overthrow and eliminate all the Yudkow Dynasty.
There's a new sheriff in town: As a nomad conquer the whole of the Great Plains Region.
One Nation under God: Mend the Ursuline Catholic rift and convert The Canadian Churches
Even Old New York: Conquer Manhattan and convert it to Hudsonian culture.
⁠Don't Call Me Black No Mo!(Ref: Yah by Kendrick Lamar): Convert all the Tuskegean Counties to Misrist.
New or old Africa: as a Misrist Ruler form the Tuskegean (Cultural) Empire.
You'll never get it: As King of Ohio let the county of Toledo become Dejure part of your kingdom.
Fort Sumter: Build the Grand Fort Wonder in Charleston
There's Coffee in that Empire: as a Stressed Character invade the Brazilian Empire.
The Zombi Overlord: As one of the Sylvain brothers conquer the whole of Gran Colombia.
The Voodoo Queen’s Domain: Rule all of Lousiana and Manganolia as a Voodoo Queen.
Clinton 2666: Start as Ellis Clinton of Connecticut. Become both president and reform the American Empire
It's Always Sunny: Have 12 Lovers at the same time.
It just works: As a Rust/Chrome cultist burn the Crimson Library to the ground.
All About Mormons: as Treyston Stotch convert South Platte and Denver to Mormonism.
Life is hella Strange: Have both Commander Chleo Pricer (Under Q- Victoria of Lincoln) and Commander Maxine Coalfield (under D- Cramer Puget of Puget) in your court. (Bonus points if there either your concubines or characters are in a relationship)
Sleeping in a barrel: Be the Duke of Twain and own all counties connected to the Mississippi River.
A man in a high castle: As Deutsh-American, be Count of the Lands of the Sky
Lord in the Pitt: As count of Yogogania Build the 7 slots full to there max upgrades and fully build The Great Walls Wonder
⁠Alea Iacta Est: As Edward Kaiser and descendants conquer new California
Crossing the Rubicon: As Edward Kaiser lead an Army to raid the lands of the current Emperor of California
A New Vegas: Start as a custom pophet of the great dollar and build Las Vegas into a 7 Slot fully upgraded Capital.
All most heaven: as a ruler abdicate your throne to rule the crusader state of West Virginia
It's just good business: As a British Ruler convert a Brethren province to Thelemic
4 Red birds: As Bruce Wayne have for sons by 4 diffrent woman
Indomitable: As a Druidic character capture an Emperor
Ad Victorium: As High Fabricator of the Rust/chrome cult. Have the Steel Brotherhood own the title of washinton county
Make it So: As Duke Picard John-Luke Kneel before the Emperor of Brazil
It’s not Phase Mom!: Convert all of the Canadian Empire to the Non-Conformist Heresy
A Pilgrims Tale: As Scot Pilgrim have the County of Plymouth as your main title
(Achievements suggested by u/BarbantianLion)
Guillotine the Bragança: As a French Revolutionaire have your dynasty on the Brazilian throne.
Planalto Central: As the Military Government of North Brazil (I don't remember the in-game name), own all of South America.
Brazilian Ex-pat Community: As a custom Brazilian Catholic under the Republic of New York (Not Patrician), be the King of Gothamite.
(Achievements suggested by u/PerunPerunowy)
New place to Kowtow to: As a Chino culture character succesfully invade Brazil
Truly British: As a British culture ruler convert into Anglicanism and establish a kingdom of New England
Its over isn't it?:- Play the mod from start date to the end date
(Achievement suggested by u/ImnotShrapnel)
51st State: Starting as the duke of Gitmo, form the Yanquito Cultural Empire while remaining Americanist (7)
(Achievement suggested by u/CountBlackula)
Truly confederate: Hold the empire of the holy Columbian confederacy as a character of confederates religion
(Achievements suggested by u/Rush4in)
In the name of Huitzilopochtli: As a Miclantec ruler build a pyramid in Tenotchtitlan and use it for a sacrificial ceremony.
The Triple Alliance: As a Nahua control the Empire of Mexico
The Place of the Seven Caves: As a Nahua control the empire of Aztlan
A new kind of alliance: as a non-Nahua Mesoamerican control the Empire of Mexico
The Goddesses' Hierophantes: Create a female king-level Sol Invicta Theocracy
Mayan perseverance: Starting as a Uahomche ruler under the king of Yukatan convert all Neomayan provinces to Uahomche
Hunab Ku's One True Word: As a Neomayan ruler control all Neomayan holy sites
A god's heart: As a Miclantec ruler sacrifice the Celestial Emperor
(Achievements suggested by u/Aloemancer)
The White Horse Prophecy: As the Empire of Zion, own and convert Washington to Mormonism. (8-9)
True to Kaiser: Form the Kingdom of Arixo as Edward Kaiser and control Las Vegas.(4)
Tuskegee Airmen: As General of the Airmen, own the county of Tuskegee while of Tuskegean culture. (3-4)
(Achievement suggested by u/LoseWithCake)
France Made New: successfully create nouvelle France as an Ursilne Quebecoise leader
(Achievement suggested by u/kaladinissexy)
Bizarre Adventure: As a character of either Riverlander or Appalachain culture and any Christian/Mormon faith, hold the counties of San Diego, Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Kansas City, and Chicago.
(Achievements suggested by u/Tech_King465)
Norse Horse, Of Course: As Mandan, reform the Norse faith and have a Realm Size of 1000 (10)
Banana Republic: As an Americanist merchant, completely control Central America (8)
One Land of Six Peoples: As a Guyanese Lord, have a West Indian, Native American, Portuguese, Chino, and Anglo on your council. (10)
The Lion Rises Again: As a Rastafarian, reform the Caribbean Empire after its collapse. (7)
Single Saintly Sect: As a Cult of the Saints faith, wipe out all others in your group plus Santeria. (7)
Request Denied: As an Anglican, destroy Evangelicalism.
(Achievement suggested by u/idodoappo)
Just like home: as a British ruler, form the Kingdom of New England and Conquer Nova Scotia
(Achievements suggested by u/ErichvanLoon)
Gadol Hador: As a Jewish character, have no negative traits, at least one virtue, and at least 1k piety.
Legacy of Aram Soba: Have either Brooklyn or Mexico City(?) be NeoLadino and Orthodox
(Achievement suggested by u/rexthecheeseman)
The way life should be: as the titular king of Maine have dejure land replacing new England (optional modern day New Brunswick)
(Achievements suggested by u/VictorIscariot)
Follow the Yellow Brick Road: Starting as the Duke of Kansas, own Seattle.
This Immigrant's Keeping Us All On Our Toes: Starting as a Caribbean Count or Duke, convert to Americanism and hold the kingdoms of Gotham, Columbia, and The Old Dominion.
To Remind You of My Love: As a custom Insane British Thelemic count or duke, take the Americanist heartland and play a part in destroying the faith completely.
White House of Mouse: Form America as the Chief of the Mouse.
King in Yellow: As an Occultist, hold Little Egypt
Starry Wisdom: As an Occultist Satanist, publish your findings in the "Normal" route while studying the stars.
New World Reconquistador: As an Aztec or Mayan Satanist, rule the Mexican Empire, the Caribbean Empire, or Gran Columbia.
Yea, Though I Walk Through the Valley of Death: As Duke of Death Valley, follow the path of the dove (or convert to any form of christianity/mormonism) and usurp the Empire of California
Where it's Clean and Green and Pretty: As a Gothamite Patrician, hold Santa Fe
Southern Hospitality: Reform Revelationists to be Peaceful or Cosmopolitan
You couldn't help yourself could you?: Reform Revelationists with Divine Marriage
The Hills Have Eyes: Reform Revelationists with Warmongering and Bloodthirsty Gods
Gold Standard: Have fully upgraded Louisville (the location of Fort Knox) as your capital (Bonus points for being a Consumerist and for renaming the Louisville barony to Fort Knox with the customization DLC)
See Yourself Become the Villain: As Bruce the Bat, become Scarred, Insane, and Cruel.
Arkham Asylum: As Bruce the Bat, convert to Occultism and reform it.
Go Home, Hippies!: As an Old World Cultist, wipe out the Gaian faith.
submitted by AnthonyisClueless to AfterTheEndFanFork [link] [comments]

alea iacta est meaning video

Things It’s Best to Say in Latin - YouTube Latin Language Pronunciation  Visual Latin Curriculum ... 2017.12.16 Masarap Sailing ... Alea Iacta Est Chałtcore - Rzygam The Reception of the Alea iacta est Motif  Katarzyna ... 13TH LEGION - ALEA IACTA EST Caesar is in Italy! - YouTube

How do you say Alea iacta est? Listen to the audio pronunciation of Alea iacta est on pronouncekiwi. Sign in to disable ALL ads. Thank you for helping build the largest language community on the internet. pronouncekiwi - How To Definition of alea jacta est. : the die is cast : there is no turning back. Alea iacta est. Alea iacta est ("The die is cast") is a variation of a Latin phrase (iacta alea est [ˈjakta ˈaːlea est]) attributed by Suetonius to Julius Caesar on January 10, 49 B.C. as he led his army across the Rubicon river in Northern Italy. With this step, he entered Italy at the head of his army in defiance of the Senate and began his long civil war against Pompey and the Optimates. The phrase, either in the original Latin or in translation, is used in many languages to indicate "Iacta alea est", or “alea iacta est”, is one of history's most famous quotes. It is also an old Latin expression, a battle cry and an ancient proverb. In this article you will learn more about this saying from Suetonius' biography of Julius Caesar and how to use the expression. You will get to know its origin, the situation in which it was used - if it was ever used at all - learn more about the Civil War between Caesar and Pompey, find out about Roman dice and maybe find the Rubicon. „Alea iacta est“ ist ein berühmtes Zitat das Gaius Iulius Caesar zugeschrieben wird. Es wird deutsch meist als „Die Würfel sind gefallen“ übersetzt. „Alea“ ist ein italienischer Ausdruck, der auf deutsch übersetzt bedeutet: Angst oder Unsicherheit. In any case, “Alea jacta est” means “The die is cast.” You’ve probably heard that phrase. It’s not uncommon since Caesar coined it. Or did he? But Is It Historically Correct? Alea Jacta Est Key Serial - ontauthicmocutooth.wixsite.com home Alea iacta est...What is the meaning? Answer Save. 5 Answers. Relevance. Anonymous. 1 decade ago. Favourite answer. It's what Ceasar said when he began the civil war against Pompey. It's latin and means 'the dice have been cast' - there's no return. 0 0? 5 years ago. I think the English expression is "the die is cast" To be more dramatic and less descriptive, you can use the word order "iacta The Answer: Actually, it was Julius Caesar who uttered the phrase "Iacta alea est" [the die is cast]. Reportedly, with these words on Jan. 19, 49 B.C.E., Caesar and his army crossed the Rubicon, the stream bounding his province, to enter Italy. The advancement, in violation of the senate's orders, meant the civil war and Caesar's march against Definición RAE de «alea iacta est» según el Diccionario de la lengua española: 1. expr. U. en determinadas situaciones para indicar que ya no es posible volver atrás.

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Things It’s Best to Say in Latin - YouTube

alea jacta est American English pronunciation. How to pronounce alea jacta est correctly. How to say alea jacta est in proper American English. Latin is a language beautifully suited to expressing certain ideas with concision and grace. Here are seven phrases that sound better in the original Latin t... Katarzyna Marciniak, Warsaw is the PI of the ERC project Our Mythical Childhood. she is well known for her work on reception of antiquity in present youth cu... 2017.12.16 This is the boat we have deicided to buy. The film was mainly to document the interior, but ended up being used to show to our family, relatives and friends, the boat whom we shall call ... From HBO/BBC TV Series "ROME", Season 1, Episode 2 "How Titus Pullo Brought Down the Republic"DISCLAIMER:I do not own any of this footage nor do I own the au... ALEA IACTA EST meaning "The Die Is Cast" is the 1st full length studio album released by 13TH LEGION. Punk, Hard Rock, Thrash, and Metal influences can found... BUILD WORD POWER: http://www.dwanethomas.com/LEARN LATIN: http://www.compassclassroom.com/visual-latin/overview/LATIN ONLINE: http://www.compassclassroom.com... They Were MEAN and HARSH to Him, but He Came Back to PROVE THEM WRONG! - Duration: 5:51. ... Amen - Alea iacta est - Duration: 3:50. Amen Recommended for you. 3:50 "Prezes Janusz" song - piosenka ...

alea iacta est meaning

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