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Stardew Valley 1.5 released on console and PC!

Stardew Valley 1.5 is now available on console (Switch, PS4, and Xbox One) and on PC (Windows, macOS, and Linux)!
Feel free to ask here if you have questions about the update. Remember to use >!spoiler here!< to mark spoilers (it'll appear like spoiler here). Please be aware that thread titles cannot be hidden by a spoiler tag and must be kept spoiler-free.

About the update

Bugs and known issues

Gameplay questions for 1.5

Modding FAQs (PC only)

See the announcement thread on SMAPI for FAQs and help!
submitted by Pathoschild to StardewValley [link] [comments]

A feel good Anthem story

I’ve been playing anthem since day one. Since day one, I’ve been in a struggling love/hate relationship with the game. I’m sure all of us who continue to play the game can agree that, to a point, the gameplay and design of the world has kept us going. The thought of reaching that 950 power score, being able to run missions with a few dedicated friends, the silliness of social spaces, that’s what I loved about the game. But at some point, after You’ve played the same 4 strongholds over a hundred times, after completing all the story missions, after you do all the challenges, you ask yourself what other excuse can you give yourself to play the game? If you’ll listen, I’d like to give a small story. I’m not the best writer, so forgive me if I have trouble conveying my experience.
Every now and again I check back into the game to see how things have progressed, or to do that seasonal challenges. Most of the time it just involves me playing for a few hours, doing the exact same moves I’ve ingrained into my body for each mission, then move on. But two weeks ago, I actually had something that surprises me. A kid with his Mic on.
Now, for the most part, with how often we play multiplayer games, meeting someone in an online lobby is nothing special. Well, not to discredit meeting a new gaming friend or chatting with someone for a little bit while doing a long mission, or maybe something like a “raid” from games like destiny where communication is key. But this was different. I was simply doing a stronghold on grandmaster 1, because I like to help players at a lower level get the rewards they need (usually regular players making a new javelin, business as usual) but this kid was waaaaaaay out of his league. He had a power score of 183, and as you freelancers may know, that is basically around the power you have after going through the first few story missions. He was going down left and right, and could stay up for more than 30 seconds at a time. Listening to him on the mic I thought he couldn’t be more than 11-12, especially with the gusto of his shouting and yelling about all the things going on around him. Now normally at this point, any of us would just mute the kid. Who the hell wants to listen to this young chap scream his head off while running away from basic scar enemies? I can’t tell you how many times in other games I’ve had to mute a whole lobby or take the time in the middle of a multiplayer game just to shut one kid up who doesn’t have the wherewithal to understand no one wants to listen to their pre-pubescent screeching through a microphone literally inside their mouth. But I soon realized that on anthem, this “dead game” that no one plays, I have maybe communicated with two other people on mic chat since day one. No one else has had the mind to chat with other people. No one wanted too. Not on the early LFG days in 2019, no one in matchmaking, hell even my friends and I are just dead quiet sometimes. And it’s because of the predisposition we had of the game. No one else was was able to have fun like this kid because it wasn’t a new, exciting world for them to explore, it was the same old shit over and over that made us abandon the game in the first place.
So instead of doing what most people do, I.e mute the kid, I decided to reach out. I told him that this was probably out of his league, since it’s grandmaster difficulty. I told him about the power levels suggested to play those missions and gear set up that might help. To my surprise, the kid (who I’ll call Noah just for privacy’s sake) was incredibly receptive, and was “in awe” that a max level player would reach out to him. I expected more screaming and inaudible English to keep flying out of his mouth at Mach 1, but instead he kind-of toned it down.
I told him that max level wasn’t anything special, just like all of us had experienced, and with time he would be able to get there too. On a whim, I told him he could add me to his friends list if he needed help progressing through the game. As it turns out, Noah has just got an Xbox one for Christmas (the platform I play on) with game pass, and it was the first game he downloaded. This was literally the first game this kid was playing since he got a console. And I guess it kinda struck me that, at one point or another, we had all been like this at some point. Whether it was an original Xbox or ps1, 360 or what have you, that excitement of a new world and multiplayer aspects were incredible to all of us and we just couldn’t get enough of it. My first game like that had to be halo reach, and I still have fond memories of just playing random forge maps for hours a day with my friends I made online, only this kid didn’t even have anyone on his friends list. I was his first friend online. And it hit me like a truck that he was playing for days, weeks even, on a game nobody cares about anymore all by himself. Normally when you branch out into consoles you go for exclusive titles like call of duty, where the multiplayer aspect of the game is the main focus and of course it’s a rough transition for most. Let’s be honest; although it’s much better in recent years in comparison to the past, most multiplayer lobbies are chock full of toxic asswipes, people who thrive on beating people down verbally. It’s a part of the game. Trash talking in any sense is a mainstay for any kind of competition, whether it be sports, videogames, or schoolyard hopscotch. But this kid didn’t even get to experience THAT, all the while still have an absolute blast by himself on a game that should otherwise be dead in a weeks time.
And I don’t know if it was a guilty conscience of being a toxic trash talker in the past, how depressing it was that this kid didn’t have any online friends, or the fact that he was getting so much joy out of a game that I feel obligated to play based on how many hours I’ve put in, but I asked if he wanted to go grind some gear right then, maybe go fly around the open world map like a couple of buddies. Noah was so excited that when he was trying to say something, his mic cut out from how loud he was. I got the general sense that he was pretty excited to do so.
Over the last two weeks we’ve been gaming together and he’s risen up to 612 power level. He loves using the Titan, as it “is the coolest because of how big it is”. He’s got a few armor customizations for it and he loves showing off color schemes he comes up with. I’ve got him through the whole story, often times needing to explain heavy concepts to him, like the elderly woman thinks you’re her son, and what that is/means in real life, like ptsd, Alzheimer’s etc. it was really weird being not only his gaming buddy, but also a kind of mentor. I’ve never had a younger brother, but i imagine this is somewhat what it feels like. It’s cool being able to teach him about the game, but also giving him advice on real world things as well. Of course I keep it somewhat vague, since I’m just a random dude on the internet and let him come up with his own solutions to problems. like mean kids at school, or figuring out what to do in this pandemic (he’s very open about his life, as most kids his age are). Sure, Noah is still very loud and annoying at times, but I’ve honestly become accustomed to it at this point. He’s a good kid.
As of today, he’s officially ran all the strongholds and legendary missions. I’ve got a couple of my buddies online to do one with us for a real “multiplayer communication/tactics”. when it comes to raid-like gameplay and he had a blast calling out enemies and saying what he called “priming combos”, essentially setting others up for combo damage.
At the end of our session I broke the news to him about the conference with EA coming up, whether or not to keep anthem going as a game. I explained about how the game was handled at launch, the bugs and fixes and all the reviews, the lead designers leaving, and EA maybe pulling the plug. Needless to say he was pretty down about it. He loves the game, and he’s got a big hope that it’s going to continue, but I don’t have the heart to tell him about EAs track record with this kind of stuff. Here’s hoping they keep it, at least for Noah 👍
That was really long, and full of grammatical errors I’m sure, but I felt like it needed to be shared. Since Noah’s got game pass, I recommend some other games to download that we can play together. I’m thinking maybe I’ll gift him some newer games that he can try, for a surprise. I got some extra cash after the whole GameStop thing, a new game or two for him wouldn’t bust the wallet. Any recommendations would be great. Anyways, I’m tired and I have work in the morning, so I wish you all well freelancers. Take care, and thanks for reading 👋👋👋
submitted by MilutinS to AnthemTheGame [link] [comments]

Sim racing in Linux 2020 an update

Welcome and hello from the Land of opensource goodness

First off it's been over a year since u/leillo1975 posted the first of these posts, and it's been a resource for several people myself included. His post can be found here for a comparison of the differences as time has gone on.
Also, First off before we even go down this road, sim racing itself is a niche within a niche. Linux's users according to steams hardware survey spend above and beyond on their rigs on average as it is. Some simple math on the numbers. Steam has 24 million active users in a day peak time not a total that's probably 100's on throughout a 24-hour period, but with just the 24 million number we can use the steam hardware survey to find out an estimation of how many are here on Linux with myself. .78% last month were on Linux according to the steam survey, so .8% of 24 million gamers is 192,000. around 200k of us. I believe a lot of people seem to forget because of the massive numbers but that's a dam city full of people, who spend a lot on their hardware on average.
So the market is there and works been done, sim racing and driving on Linux has been a great place to be over the last 2 years.


Vdrift, The only game I will put here is VDrift as it is still actively developed you can find the GitHub here still a fantastic thing to toy around with works on all platforms. Torcs and speed dreams are the other two, they are still great physic games, but mostly they are just used for research now from my understanding, and with a quick google I could not find any current updates. Some updates to this, Vdrift has only had minor tweaks to the code as has been mentioned below. Not currently developed
Speed Dreams is much more active and development has never stopped.... and not, this game is not for investigation, is a real simulator, and you can play and enjoy it as you can see on this videos.

Native Games

American and Europe Truck Simulator, Everything here is fine, Steam mods working great, many a hour spent just chilling to music and relaxing, FFB is working.
Dirt Rally, Everything works great, slam it to ultra, set your FFB, plug that USB handbrake in and gear box and let her rip.
Dirt 4, Same as Dirt Rally really but more arcade, works great
Drag, is an up and coming racing game, with some serious work on independent suspension physics they just implemented. Still in Early Access but from the demo I tried all works fine.
Gravel, now this game is arcade all the way really, and only the core game is on Linux native not the DLCS.
Grid Autosport, A very varied game with 5 different disciplines to choose from, such as Tourisms, Endurance, Single-Seaters, Tuning and Urban.
F1 2017: the last F1 game to get ported to Linux, all works well F1 2015 is also native

The power of Valve and Linux community Proton

Proton is the tool that in steam lets us Linux players just click install on Windows game and go to town. A pretty decent percentage of the time not only does the game work, but since Linux is a better performing OS anyways combined with Vulkan Graphics API, the right combination means we see better performance in Windows games that on windows example of this with Red Dead Redemption 2
Proton.db is a massive list of community reports on what games are working or what tweaks to get them to work
Project Cars 2 and Project Cars 1 (also 3 if you want to call it a sim), work 100% with proton, FFB, Graphics and performance are great. Proton.db Platinum rating
Rfactor 2, when I tested is working great, smooth performance and I had FFB. Proton.db Rating Gold
Assetto Corsa, Works great, no issues with the standard game, Mods are working I do not play this very often so unsure of the process for that, but can be installed via Lutris or Proton to get the mods working. Proton.db rating GOLD
Assetto Corsa Competizione, Same as the above working great, I play this more often as I love Gt Cars. Proton.db rating GOLD
AutoMobilista 1 and 2, Working great, I do not play 1, but on 2 I am same as PC2 getting amazing graphics and game play, all controls work fine Proton.db rating for AM2 is Platinum
NASCAR Heat 4, probably 5 as well, work great though more focused to the controller side, you will learn the art of drafting here much cheaper than Iracing. Proton.db rating Platinum
WRC 7, Working great really, no complaints I need to go back through and spend some more time in it, Dirt rally is just so good. Proton.db rating Silver Multiplayer might be borked I need to reinstall to test it
F1 2018-2020, Working great really not noticing any issues. Proton.db rating Platinum F12020
Dakar 18, working great really epic settings no issue here Proton.db rating GOLD
Dirt Rally 2.0, Just tested working great! Proton.db rating Platnium

WINE games

Below are games not installed through steam
Live for Speed: Another veteran, but still active and with a small but loyal group of followers. Works perfect in Linux, and much of the blame are their developers, who have made things much easier for the game to work properly with Wine. Live for Speed can also be easily installed on Linux thanks to a Snap package. I was just playing this with my DIY handbrake still working great , big thanks to the maintainer for keeping this awesome!!

Simracers or Racing Games not working or Unknown

Now in fairness here is some that are either borked, or unknown
Iracing, This one is kinda a hand toss, it did have a Linux client tell it went 64bit only, it can probably work again with some easy work between the communities as there are several full time employees at Valve and community working to get more games with anti cheat working, I do not have a subscription to this service so no way to test. If you do, and love to tinker, can you please install some Linux and give it a test? Proton.db Rating is Bronze and no updates in 2 years. the main problem is the Anticheat, that block the game when you try to ride a multiplayer race ( ) .
RaceRoom, Its just plain borked I tested this before posting this as when I was on windows I spent some money here, still not working asking of Internet exploder then crashes. Proton.db rating BORKED
Grid 2019, some time ago, Codemasters delete the DirectX11 executable, and now only works with DX12. In the last versions of proton has problems, but some months ago, It worked well thanks to the inclusion of VKD3D on Proton.. Proton.db rating Bronze
WRC 8, I did purchase this myself to test then refunded it, it is borked and didn't feel like tinkering with it. Proton.db rating BORKED
Tony Stewarts racing games, Both sprint Car and All-American Racing need testing, so no idea
Sebastioen Loeb Rally EVO, This game is reported to work but it doesn't have enough reports really Proton.db rating GOLD
If you own some of these games and like to tinker please feel free to play with them on Linux and submit a report.


PyLinuxWheel: Currently it supports a lot of Logitech Steering Wheels (from very old Steering Wheels like WingMan Formula to newer like G29 and G920) , it has more functionalities like set Force Feedback, combine pedals, export and import profiles, test pedals, set range, etc. Also, it is very easy to install as it has Appimage and deb packages. Thanks to u/odinTdh for the update in the comments!
PyLinuxWheel is compatible with the kernel driver and new-lg4ff, but if you want to configure the extra functionality that new-lg4ff gives, is best to use OverSteer as is an awesome program created by the same person that developed new-lg4ff.
Oversteer: This utility is more advanced than the previous one and also allows you to change the range of the steering wheel, combine pedals, create profiles for games, test axis and buttons, and automatically modify the rule permissions to easily use wheel. In 2020 we now have the logitech driver in the kernel thus making most of the features on the logitech wheels work plug and play
Telemetry: It's possible to activate and consult telemetry in F1 2017 thanks to this software designed to be used with Java
Fanatec Wheels, Probably the biggest update in 2020 we had, there is now a community driver on Github That has the elite and sport working. I do not have a fantec wheel to test this. I will be purchasing a few in the coming months to test this out though, so I look forward to trying something besides the logitechs


So this is what I have tested as working and reported to be working
I tested in all these games and confirmed working that I own
Not tested by me but reported to be working

I forgot Thrust master wheels first time there are two projects to get FFB working on them as u/berarma has stated below I don't own thrust master so I cant test these myself at the moment.

Some Direct drive wheel companies have reported to look into Linux Simcube being one and I have heard that the AccuForce Pro V2 works without the software and drivers, I do not know, I might pick the latter up after I toy with the Fanetec stuff. IF sim Cube sees this somehow, there is demand. We the community have been hard at work bringing more games and hardware on board.


So on this question this is what I can answer for certain, Gabe at valve is more committed to Linux as a main gaming OS than windows and as such has a team working on VR on Linux combined with so many talented opensoruce developers. If the game is native to Linux with VR its going to work, if its not like PC2 for instance it still works but you might need to fiddle. I do not know the details as I have no interest in VR, I already dislike wearing the headset for mics.

If you have any info or something I missed on here let me know, specially if I can give credit to the maintainers reddit accounts for some of these utilities

Please keep the comments civil and know we are all a niche community no matter on windows or Linux and are all here to race and have fun.

submitted by wolf_of_mibu to simracing [link] [comments]

Things I like, Dislike about Stadia (From a casual player)

Hello Everyone!
Just wanted to give some input into Stadia's gameplay as of today in my opinion.
To give a little intro. I'm not a pro player nor I own any other consoles aside from a SNES and a Anbernic RG-350 although I have played Ps1 and 2. this should tell you a bit about my taste in games and how ignorant I am about newer consoles (Xbox, ps4 & 5, and others)
I decided to buy the Stadia simply because I wanted to play Cyberpunk and racing games with my brother. we had been thinking about a PS5 but as we all know... they don't exist lol
so we googled a few options in terms of gaming and came across Stadia. we bought and we loved it!!! but after a few weeks of play and learning about it, I have a few notes I would like to share and also hopefully some of you can help as well.
This is all my own opinion so feel free to disagree/agree.
CONTROLLER: the Stadia controller OMG!!! it feels amazing, the weight distribution and size fits perfectly. And I really enjoy the clicking noises, they sound precise and not mushy.
EASINESS OF USE: the installation of the whole thing is simple and fast.. the app is really easy to use and its pretty much straight forward. (notes on this under things I don't like as well)
MULTI LOCATION PLAY: Its all wireless, which to me is actually really cool as I can simply take my controller anywhere and play on the go.
COST: the cost of the whole thing is a no brainer. compared to $400-500 for an actual console.(more on this under things I don't like) Stadia pro ($10 extra monthly) is really good if you are definitely putting more time on this platform as you get access to multiple free titles and 4k if available I believe.
LAGGING/GLITCHES OR POOR CONNECTION: I have experience 0 lag when playing even thought this is a 100% cloud gaming. (I do have fast internet and I also have an ethernet connection to it) compared to SNES and Anbernic, the graphics are amazing (I know I know lol)
FAMILY SHARE: there is family share!! which means I can share my games with someone else and they can play it without buying the actual game.
STORAGE: Unlimited free storage space from games!
GAMEPLAY: Games are smooth and quick. The controller is quick and responsive there are no loading screens!!!! at least from what I have seen Achievements!! This is a guilty pleasure as I get really excited to see achievements unlocked. I guess it gives me a sense of playing in a regular console. There's a free tier of games and Stadia's library is only getting bigger which means more games under the free tier. Streaming, and although I haven't used it I can see the potential specially for YouTube monetary gains or simply to showcase your gameplay. Online free play!
There is a lot more I cold go into such as State share, but I'm not too familiar it so I won't speak on it
I definitely dislike that after a year, there are multiple AAA titles missing such as Fortnite and COD but I assume they will be available in the near future.
MULTIPLAYER: my brother and I bought Stadia mainly to play together. Whether it's split screen, online, or multiplayer... This has proven to be very difficult in certain games.. we spend almost 30 mins trying to figure out how to multiplayer DBZ With no luck. We were able to play a few other titles together but very limited and I hope this changes....
APP: The chat app is POINTLESS!!!! It's like texting but with extra steps.(Unless there's an online keyboard I'm not using) NO SEARCH BAR!!!!! Like seriously..... That's like Instagram without pictures 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ I'm not even sure what the reasoning behind it is... (IOS APP) Seems a bit dumb....Stadia needs to have a native app on the TV ( I believe it's in the works) Simply because everything you do on Stadia has to fall on the phone at some point. which is annoying because I don't see the reason behind having to go back to your phone for messaging, adding games, settings etc, when I could easily do this directly from my TV... I guess the reasoning behind it in my opinion is that your phone is essentially the console or an extension of the "cloud console" it just seems weird.
COMMUNITY: The Stadia community is still bare compared to renown consoles but I have a feeling that it will grow eventually making online player games more entertaining.
CONTENT: I think this will change and has been changing but Stadia needs to add more games faster to start competing with the big consoles. there is a lot of work to do before this platform can be taken more serious.
IT COULD GET PRICEY.... Soo this one could definitely be subject to each individual.... In my case it seems odd that you have to buy the game at retail price.. but it's cloud gaming so you technically do not own it... If you want 4k and a couple of monthly free titles then you need to pay $10 monthly for pro. And that's not including pre-orders and add … Again this one is subject to each individual...
To end this lengthy P.O.V discussion LOL I want to add that Stadia has definitely filled a gap of free time I previously had. And I enjoy playing the available titles such as cyberpunk, ff, and Hitman and the new additions of exclusive games and smaller titles is definitely welcomed
For the average player looking for a time pass that does not want to drop a huge amount of money, or simply wants to play casually, I think the Stadia is a great choice.. I think Google is definitely adding improvement and I think Stadia is starting to be taken more seriously by not only players but also 3rd party gaming companies...but as I stated before, I think Stadia needs to move quickly or it will fall behind Luna and other cloud gaming services.
For whoever is reading. Please correct me if there is outdated/incorrect information or if you want to add additional information.
Thank you for reading!
submitted by jarias21646 to Stadia [link] [comments]

Bungie is the only reason I upgrade my technology at home

Over the course of my adult life the only reason I have upgraded any entertainment technology in my house is because of Bungie.
When Halo first came out and I found out I could play goldeneye on steroids I went out and picked up my first xbox. Then I realized 4 player split screen was better on a big screen tv so the tv needed to be upgraded.
Halo 2 introduced online multiplayer. That meant I needed to upgrade my internet and run some CAT cable to my xbox.
Halo 3 comes out and what you know, time for a new xbox if I want to finish off the trilogy. But oh I can use wifi now? Time to get that going too.
A few years pass and Halo Anniversary edition comes out. But what does it do? 3D Halo! RIP time to upgrade that TV again.
A new game comes out that isn’t Halo, but what is it? Destiny. Sure it can play on the xbox 360 but I’m sure it’s better on the new console. Time to upgrade that xbox again, hello xbox one!
What’s this a pro controller? I’m sure that will make me better in the crucible. My controller has to be what’s holding me back.
Destiny in 4k you say? What do I need to experience this? A new xbox? Ok. Upgrade the tv again? Guess I have to since the old one was only 1080.
And here we are almost two decades later another xbox so I can play Destiny in 4k and 120fps and a new gaming monitor to handle it.
That would make my 5th xbox , 4th tv/ monitor upgrade and numerous internet speed buffs to enjoy Bungies products to their fullest. Please don’t tell my wife.
submitted by DTG_circlejerk to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

Why are we getting this matchmaking experience in 2021?

Hi. New to the community here. I have no idea if these are allowed but I'm already counting on receiving hate for bringing this up. It's not my intent to shitpost or throw rocks at anyone. I love this game and believe unless there is a discussion about it's fundamental problems (not ones related to preference) we'll never have the GoW game we want.
Here goes nothing ...
I recently got an Xbox again and I couldn't wait to jump back on Gears!
While the overall experience has been mostly positive, I was surprised, after being away from the game (due to personal reasons) for several years, that in 2020 we're still experiencing poor performance due to server location and matchmaking issues.
With games such as Rogue Company and Apex Legends (and Titanfall 2) showing how easily it is to provide quality matchmaking services (and both with much lower budgets than TC), it's unacceptable that someone in EU is playing with someone in Mexico (regardless of what the devs say on Twitch - more on that later).
Don't get me wrong. I love this game. While it's not perfect I don't want to jump into the bandwagon of trash talking over personal preferences (old tuning vs new tuning). The problem I'm describing is, I believe, something we can all get behind of and something that is NOT about preference. It's an underlying problem of the game we love.
With Microsoft support TC can put a server in each geographically location they choose (with Azure) and provide the online service their loyal fans deserve.
Unless they provide us with a way to choose, AND LIMIT, to a particular geographic location the experience is going to be terrible. That's just the way it is. Anything above 50ms for ping is not gonna cut it when you have two players pressing the shoot button on that gnasher in the exact same second, and don't even get me started on lag compensation (where high ping players currently hold an advantage over lower ping).
For reference, my connection to my ISP has a 3ms response time, with a bandwidth of 500Mbs (symmetrical). I can connect to most Azure locations with a <50ms response time.
I recently watched the developer stream on Twitch and found it quite funny that they were saying: "well, if someone in the UK decides to play GoW at 3 o'clock in the afternoon on a Thursday, they can't seriously expect to have a good ping".
Well, yes. They can. And they should EXPECT good response times. And that's regardless of how low the player count in the selected region might be (ignoring the cut to 4v4 conspiracy theory because of player count). It's better to leave that player waiting for a game than to be put in a >120ms game.
Whatever money TC might save (which IS NOT an argument, seeing as how servers are ephemeral and just spawn/shutdown as needed) in not running additional servers, they are certainly losing it by players having a terrible multiplayer experience.
For anyone who wants to personally attack me for writing this: Please, prevent the "get a good internet". If this is your argument than the problem we're talking about is more than what you're capable of understanding and you should stay in your lane.
submitted by gruptl to GearsOfWar [link] [comments]

I played a bunch of games in 2020. Here are my thoughts on each.

If any of you have played some of the same games I have, I'd love to hear about your experiences!
GAMES I FINISHED (Note: I am not a completionist, so 'finished' is relative)
Half Life Alyx wins my personal pick for Game of the Year, although if I were to be totally objective, I think Hades deserves it the most. I would give Final Fantasy VII Remake a very close runner-up. And the Nintendo Switch may be my favorite console of all time.
submitted by stumpy12107 to truegaming [link] [comments]

Review after 180hrs, the good, the bad, what can be fixed.

So, I did not really follow all the hype surrounding CP 2077. I just knew that, as CDP Red said multiple times, it was supposed to be a next gen futuristic open world RPG. I found the despair of fans after each delays more and more stupid. Having played BF3 and 4 when they came out in a totally unfinished state, I know it's better to wait than rush stuff and get a total mess with some nail polish. But dumb me picked up the game a week after it came out, not having read any reviews. So, here it goes:
The Good:
At first, Night City is breathtaking, I felt like I had so much to do, see, explore. I kinda rushed through the Main Quest and the good/important side quests and enjoyed it tremendously. I play on PC and the bugs did not ruin me experience even though I noticed them more and more, especially in the Panam and late game missions.
The choice of first person is good, but I mostly play FPS and this is purely subjective. I can't stand 3rd person games and that's what prevents me from enjoying The Witcher 3 for now. I actually loved the melee combat in Cyberpunk and I rarely do so.
Also, hacking is first.
I was really invested in the story and its characters (except the River Ward quests, which felt off). I truly felt sad when the credits rolled and immediately wanted more. I thought that I had missed so much and decided to create a Corpo female V (which is way superior imo) with a blade-only build for my second play-through to explore and discover more. That's when the building started to crumble.
Johnny Silverhand is a nice touch in a game devoid of any real companion.
Props to the actors, just did not like male V at all but it's again really subjective.
The music and sound of this game are absolutely awesome. But I grew tired of the combat music after a while.
The Bad:
This is not a RPG and the so-called choices are just illusions. I did all the side quests, all the NCPD gigs, everything. Most of the fixers' gigs are boring, as are the NCPD stuff, we just go through them to gain XP and get loot, it's lazy game design. Plus, I'm a merc, not some random police, be more imaginative please.
The police/gangs system is useless and broken. If you go and kill all the Maelstrom gang bangers in Watson before you go pick up the Flathead, they still don't know who you are but Scavs remember you in a random mission after that one little gig in the intro. Again, lazy game design. I guess the Street Cred system must have been conceived around that idea at some point but was cut.
You can't personalize anything, you just slap any item with the higher DPS/armor stat on "your" character and, if you do so, end up looking like a Paris Fashion Week reject on crack. How do you immerse yourself in the world and your character when you can't even change the color of your nail polish? On that note, the hygiene of the NPCs is either really bad or they have multiple items of the same piece of clothing. Game devs, stop doing this, if your characters are well-written we will recognize them even if they wear a different t-shirt.
You can't modify your "perfect for tuning" car or your useless apartment (except for Nibble who felt like my only companion with Johnny in the whole game). Also, I take showers in the nude and I'm sure they also do in Poland. You put a shower there, but why? And why did you put a usable bed in there if I can just skip time quicker in the menu and sleeping has no effects on health or stats? And what's the point of 10000 different food items that have the same stats and are useless as you end up with a million healing items after 3 hours anyway? Lazy and rushed game design? Yes.
The AI is not broken, it's just really bad. The queues of cars waiting for me when I exited a building and got back on my bike, parked on the side of the road, was so infuriating that I then started to park on the sidewalk. That is, if some random walker-clone did not try to throw itself under my wheels, making the teleport-police appear out of thin air. If your car-AI is non-existent think about creating parking spaces in your game and make it so that your AI-walker-clones can't walk there. Once again, rushed and lazy game design.
Weapon customization is a joke. I was not expecting a Tarkov level of custom' but this is bad. Random mods that you can't take off, 2 silencers and some scopes. That's it. Plus the pool of weapons is really thin. Only 1 HMG or whatever they call it.
Crafting is badly implemented. It's too random to create the item you really want/need and the economy is broken (that painting exploit is just the tip of the iceberg). The worst part being the upgrade system for clothes. It makes you just switch every 5 minutes for whatever "better item" you found in your last copy-paste NCPD mission.
The fixers' system is also lazy. If you had put them in bars, we would have had a reason to visit said bars (except Rogue in the Afterlife but not really). First time I went into the Totentanz I was expecting some NPCs to talk to me, give me quests, assault me even. But no, nothing. Why? Because the game was rushed and unfinished or, worst, lazy game design. Shards are nice if what's on them is what you're going to find in your virtual world that's supposed to feel real. I don't want to play a reading simulator, I read books, video games are a different kind of art. I also don't want fixers to suddenly become used-cars dealers. I know you did not have time to implement car dealerships but this sucks.
Restaurants. Why? What's the point? They all just sell the basic stuff you find in the 200 rinse-and-repeat clone quests you are going through all day long anyway. There are 2 "quests" you can find in said restaurants and they are just scripted events lasting 2 minutes max.
Unfinished storylines: The Peralez and Cyberpsycho quests are a let down, especially the second one as I understand the point of the former. Regina makes me fight bosses (the real bosses of this game except for Oda by the way) all around town and then goes "oh good you did it, bye now"?! Lazy.
The progression in terms of levels could be better. I like how you start all weak and clearly see the progression of your character through level ups and upgrades but I should not be able to almost one-shot bosses in Act 3. Feel powerful? Yes. Feel like I just typed "godmode on" in the console? No.
Time system? I don't feel any urgency to act and save my life when your game is also designed around "cool" boxing matches and car races or going swimming with Judy while Takemura has been waiting for more or less 6 days. That's why the intro montage is dumb and Watson never should have been closed off. We could have experienced all your little side quests before seriously going through the main mission. We could also have discovered the city but I guess you did not have time to play your own game as you are still making it.
The UI is bad. No way to craft multiple items at once, or mark items as junk or favs; I recycled one of my favorite katana by mistake during my 2nd playthrough. This can be easily fixed, listen to your customers/players feedback, they know your game better than you think you do.
What's gonna be fixed:
The bugs or most of them, hopefully. That they can do. This so-called Gold version of the game is an Alpha at best and things will improve.
The AI? Don't bet on it but if they at least could do something about the cars, it would be nice.
Adding some complexity to the loot and crafting systems? Hopefully. This is not too difficult to do, change some numbers here and there.
Immersion? Thin air here. I don't see them adding car dealerships, real gunsmiths, hairdressers, etc... in the near future. There will probably be a couple of new NPCs in the paid DLCs we're gonna get at some point but that's it.
So, in my opinion, what we got on the 10th of December is what we will have to live with. It's gonna be polished and the bugs will be fixed at some points but that's it. No RPG, no next-gen open world, forget about it now.
But! If for once in the past 5 years CDPR was really gonna do what they say they would, they would grow a pair and work on this unfinished mess to deliver the product they talked about since 2013. Would they lose money by doing a No Man Sky? In the short term, sure. But you know what, if at some point they did deliver the real advertised RPG in a living/breathing open world that THEY advertised for almost 7 years I would be ready to put another 70$ into this game. I'm that dumb.

Oh, and scrap the multiplayer, nobody wants it and nobody's gonna play it. Finish your game.

Stop focusing on the bugs. A game of this scope is always gonna have bugs. Yes, CDPR can be blamed for the state of the game on PS4 and XBOX One but no test team will ever be able to find all the bugs in such a complex and large game. What we could do is ask for pre-release builds of these games to test them thoroughly, which could take months. A team of 10 test-players are not gonna find that single nook in Pacifica that allows you to go through the map. After the awfulness of the BF4 launch, DICE introduced the CTE where players could test the new features and give a feedback. It happened because people went absolutely mad on the internet. So if DICE/EA can be pushed in the right direction, we can do the same with CDPR.
IMO the "problems" of this game go waaaay beyond bugs simply because it could be/ could have been a revolution in terms of gaming. CDPR so far dropped the ball. Do I have hope in the future? Not really. Do I hope that CDPR prove me wrong? Please, fuck yeah.
submitted by whatever51456700 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

Building a PC for a friend whose a Teacher & a Gamer 1k budget

  1. What will you be doing with this PC? Be as specific as possible, and include specific games or programs you will be using.**

* Good friend of mine is a College Teacher in Nicaragua. I am wanting to build a small Desktop PC that can be put into a luggage bag, or just leaving all the hardware in its original packaging to give to him to take back to Nicaragua to Build. He doesn't have that much building experience but I'm sure he could follow a Verge YouTube video. He'll probably use it to teach his 20+ students on zoom while having a lot of unnecessary google tabs open in the backgroud, then later playing games like DarkSiders, Nier:Automata, Warzone, old PS1, 2, 3, 4 & Xbox games, New Vegas, GTA, Persona, Far Cry, Outer Worlds & multiplayer games like ColdWar, The Forest, Astroneer, Satisfactory, and those types. I hope he doesn't decide to game and teach at the same time..

  1. What is your maximum budget before rebates/shipping/taxes?**

* $1k if possible, but could maybe push to $1.5k since I'll the have time to save up s'more...

  1. When do you plan on building/buying the PC? Note: beyond a week or two from today means any build you receive will be out of date when you want to buy.**

* I think I have until July or August ~ summer break or whenever its safe to fly back to the states. so ill have time to collect & slowly look for the cheapest parts

  1. What, exactly, do you need included in the budget? (ToweOS/monitokeyboard/mouse/etc\)**

* just the PC tower innards, & Windows. he could take care of the monitor and peripheral's I hope, that being said he might go 1080p but 1440 capabilities would be good to have, just incase...

  1. Which country (and state/province) will you be purchasing the parts in? If you're in US, do you have access to a Microcenter location?**

* I'm in California & would most likely buy parts online, but we do have a Frys wayys away.

  1. If reusing any parts (including monitor(s)/keyboard/mouse/etc), what parts will you be reusing? Brands and models are appreciated.**

* I don't have any, hoping to use all new stuff

  1. Will you be overclocking? If yes, are you interested in overclocking right away, or down the line? CPU and/or GPU?**

* probably not.

  1. Are there any specific features or items you want/need in the build? (ex: SSD, large amount of storage or a RAID setup, CUDA or OpenCL support, etc)**

* well his internet is really slow. it takes 15 hours for him to download Warzone so I don't think he would want to redownload huge games, fortunately his Wi-Fi is still fast enough to game online, he might need extra storage for teacher work, Im thinking a good cheap high endurance m.2 for boot ssd, 1TB ssd for games & a huge HDD for work and some games. I also think a MoBo with DeBug LED's and the small debug led code screen would come in handy if he has a problem back abroad, and something that he wouldn't need to upgrade for at least 3 to 5 years, maybe...

  1. Do you have any specific case preferences (Size like ITX/microATX/mid-towefull-tower, styles, colors, window or not, LED lighting, etc), or a particular color theme preference for the components?**

* small compact case thats easily packable in a luggage bag & under 50 pounds.? Wont need a glass panel because I'm not really looking for RGB, so maybe a tough case that can take a one-way trip underneath a plane, or if its easier to have no case and giving him all the parts to take back instead...

  1. Do you need a copy of Windows included in the budget? If you do need one included, do you have a preference?**

* Ill have to purchase Windows OS
  1. Extra info or particulars:
A Solid power supply because apparently he gets almost daily brown outs especially in high windy rainy days...
Thank you for you peoples time...

Edit: added some extra detail, also would like a Nice PSU...
submitted by ThisGuySeeJay to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2020 Year-In Review Part 1

This year I finished 89 games and played a decent amount of many more. As many of you have said with your posts, the pandemic really gave the opportunity of time to dive into gaming like never before. I just started gaming again a lot last year after a big hiatus so I've had an amazing opportunity to try games I missed over the past couple decades. Thus, I tried a wide mix of games across many platforms this year. I’ve broken my year down into 5 tiers. Today I’ll share the first 3 tiers with little summaries and return later this week with the second half. I’ve enjoyed reading everyone else’s 2020 in review and hope you enjoy mine! The following are presented in no real order within each category:
The Bad, aka the Really Not For Me Tier
  1. Castlevania
I tried catching up on some retro games this year over the summer, and Castlevania on my NES mini was mildly entertaining thanks to save states. How anyone ever beat these games in the past is beyond me. Overall, the actual levels and traversal are fun (despite a bunch of insta-deaths) but the final two bosses sucked any joy I had while playing. I pressed on through sheer will and somehow defeated Dracula eventually.
The Okay, aka It Was a Video Game and I Played It Tier
1 We Were Here
This is a neat free puzzle co-op game I played with my wife that made up some for our lack of ability to visit escape rooms in person this year. While we enjoyed what this game was going for, some puzzles were a bit too opaque, and the game is riddled with bugs. That said, we’re looking forward to trying the sequels.
2 Agents of Mayhem
I enjoyed mostly mainlining this game and playing through the most middle of the road open world game I have played. The shooting in the game is actively very fun, and the game’s combat with the triple jump is really great. Unfortunately the game is incredibly repetitive from level layout, to mission design, to side quests. If the game was only a couple hours long I might consider it to be actively good.
3 Atomik: Run, Gun, Jump, Gun
The movement in this precision platformer is really unique. You can fire your gun downward to go upwards or kinda hover, or you can shoot forward but you can’t do both. The level design becomes downright diabolical towards the end and the movement is too imprecise at that point for such a precision focused game. Overall it has some really high highs and low lows which change from level to level.
4 Defunct
Similar to Agents of Mayhem, Defunct shines in one aspect - movement which is dictated by gravity (get on top of hills and shoot off ramps) but is let down by repetition and non-linear puzzle levels. There’s a great game here but I never quite found it.
5 Corridor Z
I don’t often play much shovelware but here we are. This was an entertaining Temple-Run-like and heralded games of a simpler time. It was nice to play while watching tv and just relaxing but as a game doesn’t have much going for it.
6 Binding of Isaac Rebirth
This may be blasphemous only calling this game okay, especially because I generally enjoy roguelikes and lites, but I think the aesthetic and gameplay just weren’t doing it for me. Interestingly enough I managed to play cautiously my first runthrough and beat the game on my literal first try. Don’t know if that is normal or not, but I felt fine to put it down and haven’t touched it since.
7 Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2012)
I enjoy arcade racers and played a bunch of Need for Speed this year. This particular iteration had fun racing but if you touch anything while even barely moving your car explodes and you have to watch it through a slow-mo cam. This facet, combined with extreme rubberbanding made it a tough one to finish, though I enjoyed the moment to moment enough to reach the credits.
8 Marvel Ultimate Alliance
This game was a fun couch co-op romp with my wife, but I think it didn’t age particularly well. The boss fights are weird QTE puzzles, and the money system for upgrades was strange in co-op. We had separate money for upgrades that was pooled across characters but we could never quite figure out how it worked. The punching and using powers was a good time though. The game was likely groundbreaking at the time but now is just a fun co-op romp and nothing more.
9 Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and 2
I can't separate these in my memory but I'll say I was more a Nintendo Mario kid growing up. I did enjoy playing these overall though you really need to play them a lot if you want to go fast, which may have been more acceptable if this was one of the few games you owned. There's a lot of slow jumping sections which surprised me given what Sonic is advertised as.
10 F-Zero
The trend of finding retro games only ok continues. Perhaps they are not for me, but I do really like getting the historical perspective on them. F- zero has interesting racing mechanics hindered by frustrating turning, fragile ships, and extreme rubberbanding with the AI. I can see how it was completely revolutionary when it first came out.
The Good, aka Glad I Played it but Nothing Groundbreaking Tier
1 Darksiders
This game gets a lot of thing right but ultimately is as derivative as possible. It is a pre-BOTW 3D Zelda clone with combat that mixes DMC and God of War playstyles. I enjoyed the mix of puzzling and combat though the game added an unnecessary third act that drags it out just to pad the playtime.
2 Battlefield 1
Note I only played the single player war stories. I was very impressed with the short vignette style on display with this game, though the actual moment to moment gameplay was fun but forgettable. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the game but don’t think I’ll be revisiting it.
3 Future Grind
A cool Indie game with bikes where you have to jump onto corresponding colors to grind a rail or start all over. It’s got that fast repeat Super Meat Boy mechanic that makes failure just a stepping stone to success, but once you’ve played about 1/3 of the game you’ve really seen all of it.
4 Mario 64
I really really like the idea of Mario 64 as it was a pillar of my video gaming growing up, but the camera and nostalgia glasses just don’t hold up. I got it as part of the 3D All Stars so I am excited to play Sunshine and Galaxy which i never have before. Mario 64 for me is a 10/10 historical game that plays like a 6/10 on the revisit.
5 A Normal Lost Phone
This game is interesting in that its a puzzle game that slowly reveals someone’s life by decrypting keys and messages left on the phone and internet forums. I enjoyed the playstyle and mystery, but the overall structure and ultimate voyeurism to it left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth.
6 10 Second Ninja X
A really innovative time trial action hybrid game where you have to puzzle out how to defeat a bunch of enemies within 10 seconds as a badA double jumping, ninja-star throwing ninja. The main thing holding it back for me is it becomes more methodical than action packed as it seems later levels really want you to play a certain way and you have to try again and again just to achieve that set path.
7 Torchlight
I spent a TON of time on this game, even playing a second time on the hardest difficulty. That said it more filled time than actually being a great game. I love Diablo-likes and this game really scratched that itch. I enjoyed throwing on a podcast or some Spotify tunes to chill out and level up a character. While the game is not groundbreaking it is extremely solid. Lack of multiplayer is also a big letdown of this game.
8 Doom 2
Doom 2 is a really good game except it is really just more Doom. Doom 1 was innovative and compelling and had excellent level design. For me, Doom 2 didn’t quite live up to those heights. I went on a big Doom kick this year and all the Doom games still all really hold up.
9 Doom 3
To continue, Doom 3 tried to go the true horror route, but it didn’t quite work. The game was still a ton of fun, but wasn’t any better for me than just a fun romp through Hell masquerading as a true horror game.
10 Need For Speed Rivals
Rivals is a big step up from Most Wanted 2012, and has some great Open World elements, but is repetitive to an extreme level. I also didn’t love the factions elements. Just let me play a street racer and level up at the right pace (the game does this but it’s only half the game).
11 Yoko’s Island Express
Okay this game is actually innovative and a neat pinball metroidvania that somehow just works. That said I was lost A LOT in this game and it took a while to find my groove. I enjoyed the experience overall but found that my joy with the game was more thinking about it than actually playing it.
12 Monument Valley 2
I really liked the original but this game didn’t add enough for me to find it really elevate the game. I enjoy shifting around Escher-esque maps as much as the next person but this game didn’t have a spark that the first did for me.
13 Street Fighter V
I’m not a fighting game player, and got this from a Humble Bundle, but I wanted to play some just to see the story. It was a Summer Blockbuster movie setup campaign that allowed me to Hadouken my way to victory while button mashing. Basically I got to do everything advertised and that was munch on popcorn and sip my soda at the movies.
14 Dark Pictures: Man of Medan
This was a fun pass and play game similar to Until Dawn about exploring an ancient ship that has horror elements going on. Making choices and trying to win the QTEs was endearing enough the first time around that I’m looking forward to trying this campy adventure with a bigger pass and play group once thats possible post-COVID.
15 Tick Tock: A Tale for Two
In a continuation of the efforts to find more escape room-likes, this fit the bill nicely. I enjoyed explaining what was going on with my puzzles and hearing corresponding clues from my wife. While a short game, it’s enjoyable enough.
16 Halo
I loved playing co-op Halo on Legendary with my best friend growing up. On my revisit for the first time in 15 years I found Halo’s level design to be lacking by today’s standards, likely because of the XBOX’s technical limitations. The gunplay still holds up, but while revolutionary at the time, the game has only aged to be okay in my eyes.
17 Double Dragon 2: The Revenge
Another case of save states on my SNES: mini and another blast from the past that I had never experienced before. I enjoyed the good beat em up, but didn’t find anything special about it. Glad I got to see this type of game which was heralded at the time as something truly special.
18 Megaman, Megaman 2, Megaman 3
Lumping these all together to say I really enjoyed playing the original Megamans but found them a bit rough since I grew up on the Megaman X franchise. I found precise jumping on original Megaman games to be much harder than the X counterparts, and ultimately love these less than the SNES games. I can see how these would be better for you though if you grew up with them.
19 11-11 Memories Retold
The artistic design of this game using a watercolor aesthetic is absolutely incredible and the storytelling is so good. I think this is a hidden indie gem, and yet at the same time the actual gameplay was incredibly boring for me. I wish this game existed with the same art style as a television mini-series because that really highlights the strengths of the experience.
20 Borderlands 3
While the gunplay and graphics are better in this iteration the story is quest missions are much worse. There’s not much reason to care and the villains are a big step down from Handsome Jack. That said, there’s a reason Borderlands is so successful, and there’s no other game that nails the looter-shooter aspects of Borderlands, at least that I’ve experienced.
21 Anodyne
Wow this 2D Zelda-like is weird. But I really enjoyed my way sweeping my through this game (yes, having a broom is a major mechanic). I couldn’t really tell you what this game was about even if you asked, but it evokes a feeling of unease more than an actual cohesive story.
22 Bloodstained: Ritual of Night
I think Castlevania style games might just not be for me. I really like the combat and exploration but there’s something about the obscure structure to the games that I inevitably get stuck and have to look something up which really takes me out of the experience. I got the “bad ending” for this game but felt like that was enough for me.

If you've made it this far thanks for reading and I love hearing your thoughts on these games or any you've played this year. I'm really glad I found this subreddit! You all have some amazing thoughts on gaming and I've been lurking for a while before this first initial post. Cheers!
submitted by Trumpet-man1988 to patientgamers [link] [comments]

looks like the matchmaking criteria is worse than i thought, i was testing it in the past weeks with different tools and here are the results

disclaimer: as advised i can't show footage from any game that shows my name or link my game history that shows other players names, but i'm glad to send them the mods to verify it, and more than glad to provide more information if i'm asked.
it started in previous post, but here's a TL;DR: after having a bad experience from pvp matchmaking, me and others got our access to any pvp activities disabled, so i used few tools that showed me that i was matched with players from other countries/continents all that time.
i proved (as i imagine) in my previous post that there is something wrong with destiny’s matchmaking criteria that resulted getting matched with players in different countries from pvp because they got matched in foreign lobbies (matched with players from over 1000 miles).
i’ve been told my sample size was small even when other players in the comments are suffering from the same issue, also i’ve been told it’s a platform cross play issue that accord between current and previous gen.
so i tested it out in very different ways in different times of the day with a modem that shows the lobby location:
  • my current tag + current console
  • my current tag + previous current
  • a new tag + current console
  • a new tag + previous console
all my results were the same, except few starters games as you can see in these youtube playlists that shows lobby location geographically from the modem page:
here’s an example when i got matched with players from America while i'm over 10000 km away from them (players tags are blurred) :
just so you know i don't have any problems with other multiplayer games, they run smooth as expected, such as battlefield 4 that uses server based hosting, as you can see on the ping on the right column
i checked everything possible in my connection and everything is fine, i even upgraded my speed plan which is irrelevant but i'm desperate, here's a console speed test while i was watching netflix so i can test my fibre line under pressure
then i read something called "trace route", from my simple understanding it's the info i send/receive through land line nods between me and the host.
so i used "open visual traceroute" that showed high number of nodes between me and the host, also it show weird jumps between route nods:
  • in one occasion it showed me that i was connected to France then Spain the Brazil.
  • the other occasion i was connected United States then the Netherlands the united kingdom.
  • here are some results after hiding some private info
here are some examples from previous post, i'm partly quoting them:
from u/noprolemo
I thought something was up too, multiple times I as living in northern Europe matched with players from Asia.
from u/VexOnTheField
I’m not getting bad connections, but somehow I’m matching people from China and Japan being in Australia
from u/AK-Brian
I'm in Alaska and 90% of the time I'll end up matched with players in Russia, South Korea or Japan, despite the fact that the actual ISP connection and ping times to Seattle/Vancouver are much, much faster. It's kind of annoying.
xbox connection quality post from u/georgemcbay
from u/GtBossbrah
I live in canada and matched with someone in Africa. They were hands down the laggiest person ive ever seen
from u/Lew_cobretti
I honestly think this weeks update messed something up in PVP, with connection, and matchmaking, last week I wasn’t experiencing as much lag, and not playing with people around my Skill base.
from u/georgemcbay
it got significantly worse in the last week though connection issues were already at an elevated level since Beyond Light shipped (this is also when I switched to Xbox Series X). This week about half of my games look like this:
quote from u/TFibby
Yesterday i matched a team of 5 from Korea, followed by some Americans in the next game, then a lobby where all of us were from Europe except with one Saudi Arabian player, then a mix of EU/NA players and one guy from Reunion Island which is located in the Indian Ocean.
even some sherpa clans got similar problem
as a destiny player there is no in game tool to show me if my internet is fine or not, no one can actually know as far as i can tell, players from countries like Australia, Asia and middle east should be worried these days.
i hope bungie can either:
  • implement a warning that shows that i need to check my connection
  • or at least auto kicking me from the game
  • or if they're going this extreme put a regional lock
one more pvp limitation will retire my D1 vanilla tag, it really feels bad, i hope i provided enough info to make bungie work on this issue, or maybe it will turn out that i'm wrong all along, i have no idea what to do anymore.
submitted by iHeisenburger to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

Somehow scored a 3080FE. Never thought I would get this far. Please help me pick out the rest of the parts!

What will you be doing with this PC? Be as specific as possible, and include specific games or programs you will be using.
What is your maximum budget before rebates/shipping/taxes?
When do you plan on building/buying the PC? Note: beyond a week or two from today means any build you receive will be out of date when you want to buy.
What, exactly, do you need included in the budget? (ToweOS/monitokeyboard/mouse/etc)
Which country (and state/province) will you be purchasing the parts in? If you're in US, do you have access to a Microcenter location?
If reusing any parts (including monitor(s)/keyboard/mouse/etc), what parts will you be reusing? Brands and models are appreciated.
Will you be overclocking? If yes, are you interested in overclocking right away, or down the line? CPU and/or GPU?
Are there any specific features or items you want/need in the build? (ex: SSD, large amount of storage or a RAID setup, CUDA or OpenCL support, etc)
Do you have any specific case preferences (Size like ITX/microATX/mid-towefull-tower, styles, colors, window or not, LED lighting, etc), or a particular color theme preference for the components?
Do you need a copy of Windows included in the budget? If you do need one included, do you have a preference?
submitted by SolomonGunnEsq to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

A Baker's Dozen: My 2020 in Review

I'm not sure how many of you are also subscribers to 12in12, but it's a great way to look at your backlog. I typed this up for the sub over there, but I also thought my fellow patient gamers might be interested, so here is my 12 in 12 for 2020!
This year I managed to complete 13 games (and like most of you, what I completed is a mere fraction of what I played), so I guess COVID was good for something! Here's what I finished, and how I felt about it, in no particular order:
  1. Yakuza Kiwami (PC) - Back in 2017 or so I took a gamble on my first Yakuza game, Yakuza Zero, and I loved it so much I swore I would never miss another Yakuza title. Here we are 3 years later and I finally finished... one more of them (I guess that means I'll be playing Like a Dragon in 2040 or so). Man, these games are so good. The characters take themselves so seriously for a game this wacky. How can you not love an RPG that features a TCG wherein bikini models wrestle each other while dressed as sexy insects? The side quests are hilarious and the main quest is interesting enough that I actually remember what happens when it's over! My only complaint with Kiwami was that I felt the chapters are front-loaded with side quests. If you're diligent, you'll be done with most of them by about halfway through the main quest... which makes the last 5 or 6 chapters a terrible slog of nothing but cutscenes and boss fights. And given that most of the "boss" characters have 4-6 health bars, it just becomes tedious. Finally, there is a mechanic where Majima Goro is supposed to jump out and challenge you randomly-- I don't know if this was a bug, but he only challenged me once or twice... until I cleared all the side quests. Then, he attacked me about every 2 or 3 minutes for the rest of the game, and considering Majima is a mini-boss that I'm running into while slogging my way through nothing but bosses and cutscenes... yeah. Kinda rough ending. It didn't sour me on the series though, and I look forward to Kiwami 2 in 2021.
  2. Flashback: The Quest for Identity (Switch) - This game is a deep and intrinsic part of my childhood gaming history, but I didn't see the end until this year: I was nine or ten when I found the Genesis cart in a "$10 and Under" bin at a pawn shop in the mid-90's. Almost my entire NES and Genesis collections were loose carts from pawn shops, bought on box-art alone, "Hello, Ironsword and Demonsword, meet your new orphan brother, Flashback." Since then, I've always been fascinated by Flashback; it was one of the first titles to use rotoscoping, it was developed by a now-defunct studio called Delphine Software, and the licensing rights have been such a confusing mess that the game has long been considered vaporware. So I was a little peeved when I saw that some indie "developer" somewhere had grabbed a ROM of Flashback, cleaned up a few of the more ugly visuals, slapped a "rewind" function into the game and put it up on the eshop for twenty dollars. That, my friends, is FUCKED. They have ZERO rights to that game, because the rights aren't available, because they don't exist anymore. Give the game away? Sure. Sell someone else's decades-old work for TWENTY DOLLARS? Get fucked. Thankfully I noticed it in a sale for like $2 at one point and had enough eshop points to get it for nothing. But on to the game: Flashback: The Quest For Identity is a genesis-era ripoff of Total Recall, and you play as space fugitive Conrad as he attempts to piece together his memories after escaping from alien kidnappers. It's a great little sci-fi romp for its time, but the real joy is in the locations the game takes you, including space stations, jungle planets, and giant dystopian future cities. The gameplay is famously unforgiving, and that little rewind function ended up helping me a LOT in the second half of the game. For a title I started about 30 years ago, it was nice to see the end credits (except the part where the end credits gave ZERO credit to the original developers).
  3. What Remains of Edith Finch (XBox Game Pass) - This one was recommended by my girlfriend, who likes story-based games and puzzle games. Edith Finch is definitely more of the former than the latter, but it does have some entertaining puzzles. For the most part though, this game is a walking simulator that takes you through a few generations of a mentally ill family that lives in a big house on a high hill. Each family member is kinda their own, “level,” and many of them have interesting themes like “Baby in a Bathtub,” or “70’s Pulp Comic Book.” Overall I found the story to be a little melodramatic and wishy washy, but for a video game script it was “great.” You can unlock every achievement in a single playthrough, but it’s gonna take you awhile; there is no “run” function and the walking speed is stuck on molasses.
  4. Death Stranding (Playstation4) - I waited until this game was $20, and it was absolutely worth that price. I assume if you’re on this thread, you know about Death Stranding, so you know most of the time you spend with the game is full of questions: What am I doing? Who is Fragile and why can she teleport? So I’m some kind of ghost mailman? Why is this a video game instead of a movie? How did Hideo Kojima explain this scene to Mads Mikkleson when he made him act in it? Why exactly does Kojima make video games at all? Why is Guillermo Del Toro in this game? What does the plot have to do with the gameplay? Why is the ending 2 hours long? Was that Geoff Keighley? Did they make that poor girl pronounce english phonetically because she can’t speak it? A lot of the systems like shared travel networks, delivery points, etc. actually worked extremely well in this game. But in the end it became a third-person stealth/shooter like most of the other action Kojima has made. I know a lot of people complain that Kojima’s stories are too confusing, and I understand that complaint and overall I agree, but my bigger problem isn’t that the plots are complex and obtuse; with Death Stranding, my issue is that the plot doesn’t actually connect to the gameplay in any meaningful way; yes, you are delivering the next “network node” or whatever in your deliveries, but basically you are just walking from cutscene to cutscene… the first is gameplay, the second is plot, and they don’t really overlap.
  5. Carrion (Xbox Game Pass) - Oh, what a delight Carrion turned out to be. This was one of two games that caught my eye in the always-bizarre Devolver Digital video they did this summer for virtual E3 (the other being Fall Guys). Carrion is a simple game with a simple premise: It’s a monster movie, and you are the monster. You slide your disgusting, amorphous shape into vents and tubes and use your terrible array of teeth and tentacles to lay waste to the scientists and laboratory that spawned your gruesome form. The 2D graphics reminded me of SNES/ Genesis era games like Jurassic Park and, yes, Flashback: The Quest for Identity. With delightful references to movies like Alien and The Thing, Carrion was what more games should aspire to be: a simple concept, done well. I really hope we get a sequel!
  6. Shadow of the Colossus (Playstation4) - Not my first time with this title. I love Shadow of The Colossus, and I’ve played each release since the original PS2 game. I feel like if I have to tell you what this game is at this point, you’re probably on the wrong sub. The PS4 remake was pretty fun, and while it looked lovely and controlled better… there is still something about those games that makes the controls infuriating. I rage-quit the final boss and didn’t pick it up until weeks later… actually I did that a few times. I’m not just talking about SoTC here though, which brings me to…
  7. The Last Guardian (Playstation4) - I bought this game at launch, played maybe the first half of it, and got distracted by Final Fantasy XV. For whatever reason, I never went back until this year. I actually played this before Colossus, which I only played because they gave it to us for PS+. The Last Guardian is another story about a boy without a name, who is all alone in a big spooky deserted fantasy world. Except not TOTALLY alone, you’ve got a big dragon dog friend thing to help you! This game is all about your relationship with Trico, the titular dragon-dog. You guide him through puzzles and over obstacles, use him to destroy your foes (your character cannot attack on their own, so you have to rely on Trico to save you in a few tense moments), and feed him magical blue barrels that apparently make him like you more or something. Just like Colossus, the controls in Last Guardian will drive you right up the fucking wall. There are thousands of youtube videos of Trico doing LITERALLY ANYTHING except what you asked him to do. But when the game is working, it actually manages to tug on your heartstrings a bit. The end is sad like all the Team ICO games, but it’s a nice payoff. Still not sure why it was in development for like seven years though…
  8. Horizon: Zero Dawn (Playstation4) - I’m telling you guys, the best way to play Playstation exclusives is 2 years later for $20. Picked this one up in a sale and it sat on my hard drive for a couple months before I got bored and fired this up. What can I really say that hasn’t been said? SONY makes slick, polished, AAA exclusives, and this is that. The core premise is neat, but the plot is EXACTLY what you expect it to be, and the twists and turns are as predictable as any high-budget movie or game these days. The combat can be fun, but the world is actually overpacked in terms of enemies: If you engage that Thunderjaw, you will absolutely aggro every single animal within a thousand foot radius, and when you’re done there will be 70 dead robots around you. I’ve got two beefs with this game. Beef #1 is that the objects and animals have lazy, uninspired names. Like, zero effort there. You know what you make ice arrows with? “Chillwater.” Hey, what’s that really tall thing over there with the long neck? “Tallneck.” Wow, look at that alligator snap his big maw! “Actually, that’s a Snapmaw.” Alligator is a more interesting word. Like yeah, we have animals called woodpeckers, but we came up with NAMES for animals, like bison, giraffe, ostrich. Split the difference here guys, put in a little effort. Beef #2 is a little tougher to explain, so I’m gonna try and tiptoe through this minefield here… Why do “gamers” (as in the stereotype of the greasy, basement-dwelling, no-girls-allowed neckbeards) like this game? Shouldn’t it be a laundry list of things they hate? It’s got dumb collection quests and map-tower-climbing. It’s got a cast of mostly unforgettable characters. In fact, besides Sylens I can only remember one other name, and that’s Aloy. And speaking of Aloy... she’s a strong woman who doesn’t need anyone to tell her what to do. She actively rebuffs any romantic attempts and rolls her eyes at even mundane compliments. Doesn’t Aloy perfectly encapsulate the positive feminism that is supposedly “destroying gaming culture?” Shouldn’t “gamers” have boycotted this game or demanded a reskin? Why wasn’t hashtag, “GiveUsManAloy” (or “Maloy”) trending? Is this all it takes to reverse the vile spew? Some robot dinosaurs and an “exclusive” sticker? I guess I’m just confused as to where the lines are drawn here. I thought she was a great protagonist but I just kept thinking, “shouldn’t the internet hate her?” Horizon is GORGEOUS, and I really loved a lot of the different areas of the game, and having lived in Colorado for 15 years made the world an extra special treat. It’s eye candy pretty much the entire time, but I need to give a special shoutout to Meridian and the surrounding areas. Something about the design called up images of ancient Egypt for me… so much so that I ended up buying and completing Assassin’s Creed: Origins in 2019 before doubling back to wrap up Horizon in early 2020.
  9. Pokemon Moon (3DS) - I’ve been playing video games since around ‘88 or ‘89, but I didn’t play my first Pokemon game until 2016, when I picked up Pokemon Y on a whim. I thought it looked like a simple, casual JRPG that I could wander around collecting and slowly moving through while I did other things like laundry or binge-watching Red Dwarf. Y did exactly that, and Pokemon Moon is more of the same. It’s simple, it’s cute, it’s fun, it’s easy, and I totally get why you can just keep playing them. The monster catch/ battle/ evolve/ collect element has a real hook. I’ve started a playthrough of Omega Ruby, but haven’t finished it yet (and to be honest it’s been more than 6 months since I played). Now that I think about it, I especially loved Pokemon when traveling, and I played almost all of Y and Moon on airplanes or in airports and hotels. Maybe if we ever go back to normal, I’ll mention Omega Ruby in a future 12 in 12. Final Team: Incineroar, Raichu, Fearow, Mudsdale, Lunala, Lapras
  10. Untitled Goose Game (Xbox Game Pass) - We all know Untitled Goose Game. I thought it was very fun, very charming, and easy to play. It’s a delightful game that will only take you a couple of sittings, and it sticks with you after you put it down. Just like Carrion, more games should aspire to this level of polished simplicity.
  11. Resident Evil 2 Remake (PC) - I know I’m late to the party, but this game was FANTASTIC. I played it fairly early in the year, January-February, and as soon as I started it I was hooked until I finished it. I loved the… it’s not quite Metroidvania (which I have always considered to be a combination of upgrading/ unlocking abilities and backtracking to previous areas to use those abilities… Carrion does this really well), but more like… Puzzlevania? I really liked the whole gathering keys to new areas and then carrying items back and forth between them. I only played Leon’s storyline, so I might pick up Claire next month and do an anniversary replay! Fun Fact: I played the SHIT out of the original Resident Evil 2 on PS1, which I acquired in the most 90’s middle-school way ever: A kid gave it to me in exchange for a VHS of pornography taped off stolen pay-per-view.
  12. Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice (Xbox Game Pass) - This one was really nice. Hellblade is a very emotional game about love, loss, and the people that live inside our heads. It’s told in a very compelling way, couching parables about guilt and grief within the stories of Norse mythology; very similar to themes explored in God of War (which I didn’t quite finish and will talk about next year). There isn’t much here in terms of groundbreaking gameplay; it treads the very familiar paths of puzzles, secrets, and combat. Levels are fairly linear, but you’ll have to do a bit of poking around in corners to get every single story beat and lore note. This is one of those games that really highlights the value of Game Pass: I never would have paid for this game, but I’m glad I got to play it and I’m keeping my eye on the sequel.
  13. Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch) -- This one is cheating, but technically I did see the credits, and I’ve been playing it every goddamn day since launch like it’s a new job. I like it! I don’t like the focus on crafting. I wish there were more things to collect for the museum, and I wish it had some of the functions the old game had (remember when you could play Excitebike in Animal Crossing?), but I keep logging in! I think the game’s longevity is tied to friends a bit… My girlfriend plays Animal Crossing with me, and so do her parents. So does my brother, and his wife, and a few other friends. You wouldn’t think that the multiplayer would hold so much attention, especially given that there’s very few ways to actually interact with other players… but I keep logging in! I guess that means it’s fun… right?
And that’s my Baker’s Dozen! Let me know if you agree or disagree!
submitted by CaptConstantine to patientgamers [link] [comments]

I just inadvertently passed my (2020) 24 in 12 goal already... So I reviewed them all! PART 3: The Fire Fades [LONG][Spoiler Free]

Hello again, this is my third year in review for 2020. Strap in for some quick reviews of a LOT of games. Do check out part 1 and part 2 if you'd like. These, alongside this post, makes up my complete year in review. I appreciate any feedback or comments, even if you vehemently disagree with me I'm happy to discuss the games I've played. I was hoping to post this on new years day but I forgot to prepare it in time. Whoops!

One thing that I discovered this year that I want to share is that I've changed the way I view backlogs. In short: If a game gives me no joy whatsoever after giving it a fair shot, I will consider putting it back on the shelf and marking it as "collection" and thus no longer part of the backlog of games. This has had a very positive effect on my attitude towards my backlog. I no longer stress over having a big one, I consider it a big collection I can explore and try out what I want from.
Conversely, if I replay and old game I will mark it as "replay" and I won't consider it as a game I've completed in 2020. I've included them in the reviews for fun.

Henceforth the games are in order of completion and begin around 4 months ago. The rest of my 2020 completions are in the previous posts mentioned above. I barely touch multiplayer games that aren't 1 on 1 fighting games, so if a game has a multiplayer component and isn't a fighting game I can almost guarantee I haven't touched that mode.


Half-Life 2: Episode 2 [REPLAY]:
Played it carrying the Garden Gnome into the rocket just to have done it. It’s more Half-Life 2, which is already great. So yeah. It’s fantastic. Play the whole saga if you haven’t. It’s still mindblowing. (Hate the cliffhanger though…)
The Council Episodes 1-5:
Good grief this is wonky. The story and the characters are fascinating, but it’s SO badly needed to be presented in a completely different way. It’s positively tearing at the seams. If it were presented as a traditional point and click adventure with a more conistent graphics style and had the ridiculous voice acting excised, an actual ending put in and the pointless “meandering about” cut right down, it would be good, if not great. The energy system for SAYING VOICE LINES needs to die in a ditch. The “Jesus puzzle” was satisfying but was ruined by the bad graphics.

Battlefield 1 War Stories:
Fantastic graphics can’t make me not realize that none of the character beats or emotions are earned. Given that each story takes place over an extremely short amount of time no developments feel real in any capacity. I’m all for multiple tighter and shorter campaigns but it’s almost ridiculous how rushed everything feels. I’ve nothing against the moment to moment gameplay though. It’s pretty robust and as I mentioned, the whole thing just looks and sounds fantastic.
Quickfire reviews for each chapter:
Tanks for the Memories: Good beginning but boring tank combat. Liked the characters and the general idea of the plot. Still felt rushed and the on-foot parts were somewhat flaily.
Flight Simulator: Good characters and set pieces. Very good flight controls on a controller. Pretty great overall. Incredible views in the last level.
Italian Genesis Evangelion: Woeful tonal whiplash with the narrator against what the character is doing in the game. Ended before it began. Fighting tanks on foot is no fun.
Turkish Delight: Great – GREAT - idea for a plot and the characters are loveable in every way. But the rushed nature of the plot once again completely screws it over. Should’ve taken place over months, not hours. Good shotgun though if I ever were to play the multiplayer (never happening) I’d use that one.
Desert Bus: What an absolute travesty to end on. The psychic enemies that can deduce your location from literally anywhere and fighting vehicles on foot STILL ISN’T FUN. Also, one more thing. Having a stealth section that relies on you sneaking and backstabbing enemies DOES NOT WORK when half the enemies cannot be killed by melee attacks. This is gameplay cycle 101 and it fails on every level. What an atrocious act to end on. The final boss should be considered a war crime.

Tron: Evolution:
Ah yes, the infamous movie-game mid-quel tie-in. It’s basically all right, but very loose and wonky. The acting is pretty on-point but the whole thing ends up feeling like a huge missed opportunity. The plot, while not hard to follow feels all over the place, which can be fine but here it’s pretty mediocre. Good on them for acknowledging Steven Lisberger as “The Father of Tron” in the credits though. That was pretty cool.
Sonic Generations:
I don’t really like Sonic, old or new, but I like the IDEA of a really fast platformer, so I dug up my PS3 copy and started over from scratch. Overall, it’s pretty dang good. I can’t really comment on the story because… I mean look at the ting. But the music was excellent, and I never despised any of the levels except for racing Shadow the Hedgehog (groan) for emeralds or the final boss which can, and should, AND INDEED DID, die in a fire.
Mega Man X2:
More of the same but still super-tight. Weapons are fun to utilize, and I like the level of strategy in visiting and re-visiting levels to grab upgrades. Some of the non-Maverick bosses are kind of a mess. Mustachio Tumblebotman can succumb to something horrible.
Prey (2006):
Now this one’s a ball of fleshy fun. I originally bought it in 2009 and got stuck on the dead end about 1/3 thru the game. I reloaded my save and cross referenced a longplay to see that I was supposed to backtrack. Overall the plot is fairly standard but the cultural elements feel original and interesting. The weapons are just great and the resurrection mechanic effectively excising all time wasted on repeating sections or save scumming is fantastic. Boy that ID tech engine is meaty.
This is NOT as good as it probably used to be. The gameplay might be fun but the 3 different enemies (guy, big guy, robot) and three different environments (building, shabby building and lab) makes this a repetitive slog that I cannot recommend to anyone anymore. Yes, the slo-mo is fun, but even something like Timeshift proves that can be done without sacrificing interesting environments. The frustration of re-treading the same floors over and over and over is ridiculous. It is also not scary whatsoever, but that might be me being desensitized by years of pop culture horror. There’s another huge reason I didn’t enjoy this at all though, which is the lack of subtitles. It is very annoying to not understand what’s being said due to the bad audio mix and no visual accessibility options. I did like the end stinger even if it’s a little derivative of a certain movie.
X-men Origins: Wolverine:
This was a blast. Mechanics and leveling is fast and fun, gameplay feels tight and predictable and the acting is… appealing. It’s got a bad case of ludonarrative dissonance though as the sheer amount of enemies being thrown at you gets almost traumatic after a while. This makes it rather awkward when Logan gets completely disillusioned by a single person getting a little roughed up after he’s torn through an entire country of armed goons. Boss battles are wonky, but I mid-maxed my damage so they more or less ended before they began. No subtitles here either. What was the deal with the Xbox 360 generation and lacklustre accessibility options…?
Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z:
*Insert clip of Krusty the Clown with cigarette saying “What the hell was that!?”*
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified:
A pretty nifty prequel to Enemy Unknown and so on. The gameplay is fun, and the story and characters are great. I didn’t feel a great motivation to DO a lot of the missions though. I just sort of blasted through it. But it’s not the game’s fault that I was impatient and just wanted to see the ending after a while. I can pretty safely recommend it to fans of XCOM and third person shooters were it not for the fact that the environments are extremely dull. The ones that are actual US locations are great, but they’re soon replaced by generic alien machine interiors. I didn’t experience any major (or minor for that matter) bugs or glitches though, so that’s a plus.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night:
What an absolute masterpiece this is. From the first time you enter each area and hearing the music to accidentally stumbling upon the secret ultra boss and STILL kicking its bum. The recycled castle is a bit cheap but it’s still such a blast to plow through with the overpowered weapons that I don’t care. Love the B-acting too, just great from start to finish.
Gorgous little indie gem that everybody should play. The only criticism I could possibly level at it would be that the underwater and upside down gimmicks aren’t AS fun as the other ones throughout the game but that’s just nitpicking. Play it!! It’s perfectly short too, I love these sort of 2-5 hour indie masterpieces!
Dust: An Elysian Tale:
I’m not exactly huge anthropomorphic animal character enthusiast, but I don't really mind them either. Thus, I've tried to judge this as a standalone metroidvania. It’s a fairly good one, save for the floaty combat straddling the balance between being a little “too” floaty and occasionally introducing enemies with such ridiculously long health bars that all the fun gets sucked out. No pun intended. The upgrades are a little meh with late game powers like “climbing vines” and “slightly more powerful missiles”. Overall thought I’d say it’s still worth a playthrough in 2021. I sort of lost grip on the story after a while, but that was never really the point of a Metroidvania anyway, so who cares.
God of War 3 Remastered:
Probably unsurprising that I’d consider this the best GoW save for the fourth one on PS4. I love how it doesn’t hold back because it knows it’s the finale. It just gives and gives and doesn’t waste time. Only bit I didn’t care for were some of the longer environmental puzzles but even those were better than those in the previous iterations. Good soundtrack, meaty sound effects and shouty voice acting. What's there not to love.
Layers of Fear:
The gimmick of the rooms shifting around wears thin after a while and the scare factor dies down quite fiercely. The “puzzle” in the office was a bit clever and had some of the more interesting visuals up to that point. Got the bad ending, which I actually liked a lot so that’s something. Overall, meeeeeeeeh, I think. I'm actually not sure. The frame rate on the Xbox One was probably the scariest thing in the game.
Devil May Cry 5:
I'm not a DMC veteran having only played 4 and "DMC" and of course this. I absolute loved everything that involved running around and slashing up enemies with big weapons. I liked "V" as a character but fighting using his animal friends was a battle unto itself. I'm not a fan. I love all the characters, the story and the music though so I 100% recommend it. I also realized halfway through that I'd accidentally stuck the game on the lowest difficulty which was WAY too easy. I restarted on demon hunter and didn't regret it at all. Great stuff.

Saints Row 4: Re-Elected:
This would've been a LOT more impressive if I had played it when it was new. the story and bosses were extremely underwhelming but the overall superhero gameplay is soooo satisfying. It would've been even better if I hadn't already played other better games like the Arkham games and Marvel's Spider-Man. Still, I found it fun enough to collect a lot of the powers and actually did all the loyalty missions to get the best ending so it must've done something right. Lot of good and fun guns, but some of the late game weapons felt somewhat feeble in comparison to my more upgraded sidearms which was a bit of a letdown. This is basically nitpicking though.

Final Fantasy VII:
Boy, this is a mixed bag. On one hand you got a fantastic character story about identity, belief and loss with an environmental message and a commentary on how the ends can or can't justify the means. An excellent battle system with the materia letting you customize your character build down to the individual roles and spells. And finally a huge world with interesting characters and cultures that are a joy to discover and explore.
On the other hand you have blobby play-doh figures with less polygons than I can count on one hand, huge hand drawn backgrounds that make said polygons stick out painfully and no less than four different art styles for the characters depending on whether your in the overworld, a battle, a cutscene or an FMV, completely destroying any sense of proper scale or immersion.
It's still, at the end of the day, really, really, really good. And it did actually give me the feeling I've sought for so long. The sense that whenever I was outside or doing other things, I kept thinking "Just a few more hours now, and I can get back into FF7."
Is it the best game ever made? Probably not. Is it an experience I'll never forget? Absolutely! Do I despise the Fort Condor tower defense game more than any other minigame in existence? Indubitably!

Final Fantasy X HD:
Given VII and X's status as a lot of people's favorite Final Fantasies, the comparison between them is inevitable. I believe FFVII is a better game overall, but there are aspects in X for me to consider it a more fun experience. The game overall feels a lot more consistent both in art style and animation, which is to be expected due to the higher production value and better technology. The battle system itself is a lot more refined with the act system being both easy to comprehend and deep enough to not be boring. Blitzball is a travesty of a minigame, but unobtrusive enough to ignore after the first match, even if the whole world revolves around it. I did find one match of Blitzball more fun than the constant barrage of minigames in VII. It's also important to note that I have a fairly high tolerance for "annoying characters" that the internet likes to rag on. I overall find the party in X, Tidus included, to be fairly inoffensive. I did encounter a rather annoying difficulty spike in the latter fourth of the game and I had to do some "Trio of 9999" trickery to actually finish the finale, but that's not a massive issue. I was just happy to have options.

AWARDS TIME! (In no particular order)
Total games completed in 2020: 67
Games of the Year: Doom Eternal, Disco Elysium and Ghost of Tsushima
Worst games of the year: Dragon Age Inquisition, The Council and Mass Effect Andromeda
Best music: Final Fantasy X HD, Pyre and Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Best indie game: Pyre, GRIS and Stick it to the Man
Best DLC: Bioshock 2: Minerva's Den
Most conflicted I've been about a game: Final Fantasy VII

Well that does it for this year. Good luck on all your XXin12's and remember: If it doesn't bring joy, no matter how much you try, put it on the shelf and find something else!

submitted by Boober_Calrissian to 12in12 [link] [comments]

Looking to Buy a sub-$100 Router to Replace the Verizon G3100

Hi, hope everyone is having a good day or even better evening.
I want to purchase a comparable router to replace the $15 a month G3100 router. I have Verizon’s gigabit internet, the fastest plan, and I need something affordable while still being able to give me fast speeds for gaming. I called technical support to replace my old FiOS Quantum router (the thinner black one), after Ethernet speeds began to fluctuate (slower speeds than WiFi) and the 2.4ghz band failed, only allowing devices to connect to the 5ghz band. After the tech ran a few tests, he offered to replace my old quantum router or to opt for the new G3100 as it offered superior WiFi coverage.
We have 3 smart TVs (Sony/Samsung) 2 Nvidia Shield AndroidTV boxes, 1 Amazon FireTV stick and one Chromecast 4K, 3 iPhones and 2 Android devices (no new 4x4 MIMO certified devices so far.), and 3 Xbox One consoles.
I don’t need Wifi 6 (how important is future-proofing for this 802.11ax tech?), but I like the flexibility and speed and coverage that technologies such as MU MIMO and Beamforming can provide. I don’t want to spend a fortune but save money, get fast and STABLE connections for my multiplayer games, and find a router that doesn’t fail on me in 6 months.
We use one Cat5e and one Cat6 and one “old”ethernet cable or hardwire 3 Xbox Ones.
Can someone please help? I’m considering the TP-Link AC1900 Smart WiFi Router (Archer A9) for $79.99 on Amazon.
submitted by Evolvefire to Fios [link] [comments]

RANT - I can care less about faster load times and a new rail-cam, streamline the online play!

The online experience for this game is one of the worst I've ever played. Me and my friends haven't played since 2K17 but we decided to try again with the lockdowns and everything. We are beyond frustrated that it takes like 10-15mins just to do all the preliminary nonsense it takes to get into a game. I'll list it step-by-step to highlight how ridiculous it is.
1 - Boot up 2k - if you're like me on xbox you'll have to force quit the app 3-5x because the first couple times it will say you're not connected to the internet even though you are.
2 - Ok, you're on now lets load into MyCareer
3 - From there go to the neighborhood
4 - Ok, who's neighborhood looks empty? Let's try mine. Join on me guys.
5 - Players 2, 3, and 4 got in. Where is player 5? "Sorry man it says your neighborhood is at capacity."
6 - Ok. lets try a different neighborhood. *repeat as many times as necessary*
7 - Are we all in? Let's take a slow jog over and huddle up near the rec center to make sure.
8 - Great, we're all in. Now we must send squad invites and form a squad.
9 - Take out your imaginary cell phone to form the squad.
10 - Squad is formed, Now lets walk over to the bubble to enter the Rec where we can finally queue for a game.
11 - We all step in.... *aLL sQuAdMaTeS ReQuIrEd*
12 - Wait 30 seconds.... Press A to enter The Rec
The Neighborhood in general is pointless - Congratulations you earned 1,000VC for the endorsement now waste 30 seconds of your life jogging over to the office to collect the VC you earned because we here at 2K actually think people enjoy that. Oh what's that you're frustrated with how slow you jog around the neighborhood? We have a remedy! You can purchase some wheels at the shop starting at 75,000vc aka $20USD! This will allow you to navigate around our pointless little neighborhood a little bit faster.
The park experience is such a dated concept and I don't even understand people who waste their time playing it. Imagine any other online multiplayer working like this. Call Of Duty - Ok guys we got next on TDM so we're going to stand on the outskirts of the map and watch you guys play a full game and then once your game is over we get to play! How fun!
Pro-Am/The Rec - Why is this 2 separate things? I guess the simple answer is that one is meant to be competitive and the other is casual but that's just dumb. The Pro-Am mode is actually a cool feature where you get to create your arena and uniforms and The Rec is just a basic ass experience. That's honestly bland and can be very very toxic. For Pro-Am you need either exactly 3 players or exactly 5. But if it's 3 on 3 it's not even in the arena you made for this mode and it's an outdoor game on a basic court... WTF.
You should be able to pick up free agents as they queue (like you queue as a single or squad for The Rec) and everyone just plays in pro-am where at least you have a unique experience. How this would work - My pro-am squad has 4 guys we need a big. A single player PF/C queues. He joins our team and now we can play in our customized experience. Simple.
But of course even the Pro-Am mode has it's head-scratching quirks. For instance, when you first start a team and you're 0-0 you can customize everything, courts, uniforms, arena sounds, etc. But at a certain point all of that locks up and you can't customize anything unless you're a level silver because customizing and having fun is only for winners. Right now my team is 26-22 and we are fully aware we aren't good but like what's the mystery threshold for level silver and why does it lock you out of features that were available before you even won a Pro-Am game? Just bad game design.
submitted by AvocaJollyBoy to NBA2k [link] [comments]

I am VERY impressed with Google Staida and the Stadia Premiere Edition

I don't know where to start. I am lucky to have fiber AT&T internet in a rural area and luckily have access to affordable 1GB fiber internet. With that being said though I am now a believer in Google Stadia.
I have a gaming PC and recently gave away my Xbox One to a family member. I do have a gaming PC that I use for current multiplayer FPS shooters, but for everything else I am absolutely blown away by Stadia.
Unless I absolutely fall in love with an exclusive console release, I no longer see a need for a console to game on. I have the PC for multiplayer shooters and FPS/TBS I like to play. The stadia subs in for everything else and with the Premiere Edition I am able to kick back and play games from my couch/TV.
NBA 2k21 has been super responsive. Just as responsive as I remember from my console. I have seen no negatives yet (even though I know this won't work for everybody and is not for all users).
I hope stadia keeps it up because I am a fan and will continue to look for single player games to play on Stadia!
submitted by jhammons10 to Stadia [link] [comments]

Book of Doom - “Living the Dream”

The Book of Doom
Living the Dream
Story of a time traveller trapped in a world where everything is backwards.
I’ve possibly never had an original thought. Everything is already written. I’m just discovering. I’ve lived my life and been manipulated left right and centre.
I love everyone.
I think I’ve rarely been conscious. My friends say i day dream more than participate in thought.
I think I’ve mastered life though & people in power know & are following me.
My whole life is a lie.
The whole world is a stage.
From genocide, world war & Jesus.
I’ve lived life just letting life take me.
It feels real but none of it feels like my own.
I’m writing this in a mental hospital for my own sanity maybe this will help you if you have gone through an awakening
The population to resources is a shambles but with technology and everyone working together we could turn the world green :)
They’re going to implement change through a world war where we will have no choice but to work together.
I’ve pretty much lived life for my mother and father, followed them all my life. My next job could be at the Chatsworth house. Working for the Duke of Devonshire.
I was stressed working with my mum, she ran a catering business and my Gran has moved to Greece. Alls I did from 15-17 was play video games. Outdoors had got violent and territorial. Xbox multiplayer came out and the introverts stayed in.
I played a pc game called Visual Utopia. It was an mopg, 2D map with around 200 players. A turn based strategy game, like hunger games, chess, fort nite, RISK & C&C all in one. You landed with 50 soldiers in a unit & had to find a place to settle, find friends & create a kingdom to survive. I hated it and loved it at the same time.
At 17 I moved to Greece with intensions of staying or coming back after a summer like I did. I convinced Gay to come with me before hand, I went but he couldn’t because of his dad. He came over a month later though. Damon was on holiday there with lads from work, he’d already booked before the idea and said he’d stay when I came over. Damon stayed two months and Gay stayed 1 month. Gav came back and got a job in Livingstones. I came back five months later and my neighbour got me a job in Bar Centro working for Noah the next week. I said to my mum, give me a year I’ll be manager. I was supervisor trainee manager after six months, after a year, Noah offered me managers job and a shit salary so I turned it down. He took me on holiday, now I black out when I’m drunk and I remember nothing of the holiday but I have a memory of him threatening to kill me if the truth gets out.
I’ve spent many family holidays with my mum in Greece. Me & mum loved to travel. She also took me to Paris twice, which a fell in love with but I was most fascinated by Greece, their history & architecture. From what I heard, Greek Mafia had their hands in bit coin & some of the common folk had ancestors from Zimbabwe which when I asked them about they was shady and avoided the question, as if they we’re wondering how I knew.
Here my life pretty much begins. My parents split at the age of seven. My mum and dad worked in bars, Bradbury Club, which has been torn down now. My dad was all round handy man pretty much managing the place, my mum worked the bars.
The split was rough. Me and dad moved to a flat in Grangewood then to Brimington where my Nan lived. My dads mum.
Chapter One - Age Seven
Chapter Two - Age Eight to Fourteen
Chapter Three - Age Fifteen to Sixteen.
Chapter Four - Age Seventeen
Chapter Five - Age Eighteen to Nineteen
Chapter Six - Age Twenty
Chapter Seven - Age Twenty One
Chapter Eight - Age Twenty Two to Twenty three
Theory of everything contents
The more wisdom and philosophy we attain the more heavenly life is
Wisdom is the truth known consciously
Truth is what has consistent value
We are all connected
We are the centre of the universe
We are an accumulation of our ancestors
Consciousness is the manifestation of interactions
We are a sum total of our experiences
Free will is a form of self control
Frustration is the door to perception
Hell is the burning desire for this moment to be different. Heaven is the present moment
Gratitude is the state of mastership
Everything is a phase
Good is to do love onto another; out of love for yourself, to make one love oneself. Evil is to inflict suffering on to another; out of hate for yourself, to make one hate oneself
We attract what we fear, we become what we hate
Unconditional love does not mean unconditional behaviour
Karma is when you don’t learn your lesson the same situation repeats until you accept your mistakes & make the changes.
The universe; inner and outer, is a spiral, what goes around comes back around
Change your mind, change the world around you
Our purpose is to express ourselves in order to understand ourselves and the universe
Alls life is is a story going back in time to understand creation
We are time travellers
Knowledge is power
My dad was an all round handy man. He was a carpenter in his spare time to earn us extra cash. We loved building things together or, I loved copying him.
I met Tricky, Gay & Alan at Brimington Junior School. Me and Tricky lived on the same street. We became friends when two girls stole his shoe and I just happened to be there. We became very good friends. We loved playing with action figures & watching Dragon Ball Z. Tricky was a bit mardy, hated playing outdoors and hated PC but I loved playing Age of Empires at his. With Gay & Alan, we loved to play outdoors & have tea at each other’s houses, throughout life we have loved building things together. I joined cubs with Tricky & I went to karate with Tricky.
I also gained three step brothers from my mums side. Daniel, Mathew & Liam. My brothers always stuck up for me and I looked up to Daniel, he was awesome :) we all loved building things together, playing blind mans bluff & man hunt. We also played for our local Rugby team & was learning to box at the local boxing club. Me and Liam played in the same team at rugby, under 11’s because I was small enough to be a back and get away with it even though I was 13 :) Me and Mathew was too big for me at boxing and Liam was too small for me so I never really got a fair fight. Mathew also joined the choir at the Crooked Spire :)
My Gran was amazing to me. Now let’s get to her. :) She was a very faithful woman, adored by the church and had great piano skills. She was well respected and played piano for the church. She used to get tons of Christmas cards. I loved learning to play piano with her, well, a little. :) she used to always play classical music and we’d drink orange juice and elderflower which is still a favourite, thanks Nan :) We could never say the Lords name in vein, my dad and her friend are the one’s that got me and Tricky into cubs :)
A rough part of my life in general this was. It was rough on the streets, fighting and territorial gangs of kids. I had baby sitters from a young age. Even before the break up. After the break up. I had mark bottoms who came from my street. He was still a kid really. Probably only 15. He used to bully me and beat me up. I blocked out most of my memory but I remember being trapped under a table being hit with poles. After one night another one of the baby sitters kicked him out, I called him a ginger twat down the street then he chased me to the shops and tripped me over. Fun :)
In Boythorpe I wasn’t having much more luck at my mums either. We was just being kids, taunting shop keepers when one dragged me into the shop. They then grabbed an arm each and started beating me, lovely stuff :) The shop keepers fled the country.
So I had a rough family break up that resulted in police tearing us apart and I was being beaten left right and centre :)
By age thirteen I’d made lots of new friends and felt more comfortable. School was fun, the work was not. I’d took up ju jitsu as a hobby, I was a natural and stuck at it two years. :) I remember learning to draw in perspective, 3D in the younger years, creating a tin can alley to raise money for charity and having the dinner lady steal the earnings, lovely stuff. :) We’d play army with our imagination, we’d play pokemon cards & bulldog, the usual stuff kids we’re playing :)
I met a bunch of other more friends along the way, Ryan Turner, Luke Spyra, Damon Shaw, Daniel Stirling, Daniel Wood etc... I met Luke Spyra on the parks through Ryan Turner I met in school through girls we used to associate with. I fancied the girl that fancied Turner so I clung to Turner to learn everything I could from him. He’s still a close friend now. I met Stirling & Woody through school. I met Damon on the streets. He came from Manchester and his uncle was once the head of defence :)
I don’t remember doing any work during school because I basically didn’t do it. :) I was very lazy & unimaginative when it came to writing, I could never produce more than three lines worth of writing. I wasn’t made for school. I remember playing something maybe called the game of life where we all had to pretend to be adults and work out our expenses, what we could afford and couldn’t afford, that was fun :) I remember in nursery my favourite thing to do was build with the blocks & I built a small bird house out of wood for my nursery teacher when I left because me loved her :) 13-15 was the good life after that where we just played and paid no attention to school. I spent most of my time day dreaming not bothering other kids so I got away with doing nothing :) At 15 I said I’d get 3 GCSE’s just incase and I got myself. Maths, Science & Electronics. I had a passion for business :)
Around this age, we moved twice and my dad had met Jean, we spent some time on Somerset drive where we’d play football, be more building & fighting. Jean was wonderful to us, she studied at university, loved classical music and would help me out with my english gcse :) we loved camping holidays. Unfortunately Jean died of cancer, along side my dad’s best friend who was like an uncle to us and joined us on holidays. My Dad’s life wasn’t getting much better :(
If I wasn’t at school I was at work :) I got my first wage packet at about 9 years or younger, cleaning with my aunt for £2.50. I used to work paper rounds with my brother at eleven and at 13 I had my own paper round. At 15 I was skipping school to labour for my step father plastering :)
I learned for a while and owned a drum kit & a electric Guitar at this time. We’d also all love playing Warhammer & getting eight players linked up to two Xbox’s in my shed & having BBQ’s in the summers
I was accident prone too, by this time I had broken my arm three times & my fingers once. One time at band camp my arm actually snapped in half, I stood up and immediently snapped it back in to place after my older brother threw my over his shoulders :) Proud moment. Aha
At fifteen we we’re pressured into making life choices, internet is becoming more popular. Streets are getting rougher and Xbox bought an online console out with Halo. Things got weird. We all started playing VU. I was mardy because Xbox had taken everyone indoors. But at-least I had VU. It had took a grasp on me and I became addicted. I played along side Turner, Gav, Adam, Damon, Straw, Stirlin & Woody. This was a rare time the game got a good flow of players.
I felt like there was a strange secret kept from me. I remember at one point in my life not being able to know something because I’m ginger as a joke. I linked it to VU lol.
Everyone but me and stirlin stopped playing, Stirlin was the founder. I became obsessed. I thought it was the most simple intelligent fun game there was on offer & I still do aha.
There was a kingdom called Legacy, pretty much like our illuminati of the world, all the veterans together undefeated. Well, I was determined to defeat them aha :) I set out on my own on a lower world to them where the noobs roam, Mantrax. I found two other players and created a kingdom called Trio, The Three Musketeers. All for one, one for all was our motto :) we became legendary in three era’s on the lower world. I had gathered about 20 noobs and was leading them all, teaching them how to play at the same time. We dominated every Era. On the fourth Era we went to the top world, Fantasia, where LGC roam and we defeated them :) Each era, Armageddon is cast by the winning kingdom and we all reincarnate again.
I wrote guides on this game. I was bar shit passionate about it, I felt like I was mastering life and Visual Utopia at the same time. I’ve met from the game probably around 200 people from all around the world and been trolled by nearly all of them :D I never felt respected by LGC but I felt respected and loved by other players. They mostly loved me :)
This game took over my life and I became depressed though between 15 & 17 whilst playing I was also working.
At Fifteen I started working for a company with my mum, it was silver service, waiting on for the three masons, on a steam train & weddings at Eyam Hall where the Black Plague started.
I was also working with my step dad plastering. I was working with Daniel Straw’s step dad landscaping & mechanics. I was left to change a gear box by myself lol. I did some bricklaying with Scott, my mum’s neighbour and with Damon Shaw’s Uncle Chris a couple of times.
I was also at College part time as well as school doing a bricklaying & painting & decorating City & Guilds
By 17 came I was out of work & stuck in just college not satisfied with my earnings or the fact I failed my driving test five times so, I moved to Greece :)
At seventeen Greece was the time of my life. Bars. Booze. Boobs. Beach parties & work :) I started at a bowling alley for a Greek Australian friend of my Nans with Damon. We had accommodation right on the beach next door to Mac Donald’s. Atleast 15 units of alcohol a night for 5 months :)
It was legendary. Gav came and by then we’d been kicked out of our first apartment and had an upgrade. It had a separate kitchen and bathroom with two massive bedrooms each. When Damon and Gav left, I had one of these to myself :)
I started smoking weed with my new manager and became supervisor of a night club and hosted poker nights in my kitchen after work.
I still believe Faliraki was the best place for British workers because of the community we all had. I spent the first two weeks with my Nan by myself, once Damon arrived it was all go :)
We lived off Mac Donald’s, Subway, chips & cheese or a Gyros, one meal a day aha We spent our days adventuring the island, sun bathing and go karting :)
I got back just before my eighteenth birthday. I caught up with everyone and the drinking continue’d :) Gav loved vodka and so did Straw. I got a job in Bar Centro and Gav got a job in Livingstones. I remember we would down half a bottle of vodka each before we went out. I never drank around town until my eighteenth birthday. It was drinking at parks, houses and the streets from fifteen up until now but I could get away with drinking in Brimington pubs before I was legal :)
I continue’d playing vu throughout this and we had now all started using Skype :)
I loved my job at Bar Centro. I was getting paid for a social life. Sunday BBQ’s became a thing. Unfortunately Noah was married and sleeping with a girl that had friend zoned me, even told me she wants someone like me but not me. I learnt about the affair and this caused problems at work in the end. I was close to Laura, I never let it effect work until about twelve months in. I was taken on holiday to a fake maga reunion, at one point they was posing as night club owners to Ultra Beat and introducing me as manager as if we had a club big enough lol. I remember very little of the holiday, it’s all a blur but I remember being by a pool at one point. They sent me home at night once so they could have fun with women. I remember Nick telling me in the car if his wife found out I’m dead and he doesn’t care who my dad’s are.
A few more months of working and I’m offered salary and managers job. I was expected to work 50 hours a week, clean, manage the cellar & bar for 200 a week plus ten cash. I turned it down and I didn’t leave quick enough so they put a ban on phones then drew lines around my phone to see if I move and when I moved it they sacked me or I walked out there and then.
Lauren Whittaker joined in mid game and was sleeping with me and Nick.
I quickly got myself a job at escapade where I met Joe Mosley, Kirk Bytheway & Daniel Drew who became friends for years. I had a short fling with Hannah sellars I knew from Daniel Straws sister. Town had an awesome gang of workers, we was a little community, we often merged up with other bar workers for parties at each other’s houses. Summer peaked I became less interested in work, more interested in women & having sex. I got sacked at escapade for not taking the job seriously and spending more time dancing than working before my trial ended. I had also picked up another job at Vesuvius, a factory. So I didn’t care.
I got another job in brand new bar in town. I was also offered a job to run the bar and take a % with Gary Gee. I turned it down because Gary Gee was very Un organised and I’d have had to do all the work to turn the bar around. It was a failure. He framed me for stealing a tenner then sacked me lol.
I’m 19-20 now and round about this I met Leanne Moore :)
Leanne knew Beck who was the sister of a girl I worked worked with. I was sleeping with Beck for a month before Leanne attached herself to me, we had sex in the night clubs, neither of them we’re happy when they found out I was sleeping with them both. I saw this as a way out and a start at a fresh life. I dropped Beck for Leanne and she became my everything. I was hopelessly in love. We lasted twelve to eighteen months on and off planning life and she wanted out in the end, I spent most of my time telling her to wake up and getting stressed at all the pressure she was putting on me.
I was made redundant at Vesuvius a few months in & I started working at Dominoes as a delivery driver with Luke Spyra as manager. Leanne has been going to university at Hull and I have been spending my time working full time and partying with Leanne in Hull. We loved each other too much to be apart, we went together like two peas in a pod, we was both dreamers and hard workers, very passionate people and we both clashed and argue’d a lot.
Her dad worked at Royal Mail and we decided it would be a good idea for me to get a job there. Me and her dad we’re pretty similar, both computer geeks & fiercely competitive. They used to call me stupid together and taunt me, her mum would stick up for me. They made me feel like family and bullied me at the same time
So I applied at Royal Mail a few times & got a job at Chesterfield, the head office of Royal Mail. I knew privatisation was coming and I was warned it was the worst office in the UK. I knew although we had broke up in the end I had made it, I had a job for life, I had unlimited possibility.
Leanne was inspiring though, she had come back from university and made a promotion in two jobs before we split
Leanne wanted to rush things, get married and have babies, I wanted to take my time and she couldn’t trust me, we was looking at houses to buy and I was walking a tightrope for her trying to keep her happy. I had to get a back bone and stopped having sex her at times, she gave me a black eye at one point and we just kept falling apart.
Gavin in the mean time had setup a business called Bespoke Bartenders with Rick. I was working and partying with them. I was working 50 + hours a week. I couldn’t keep my managers at work happy and my girl happy. I cheated. We ended. My managers told me to get out more so I went and slept with three girls and realised quickly it wasn’t the answer but my ego was back and I was a now a poser :)
I’m 21 now. :)
Danny Swan came into the picture. He appeared at Gav’s once and we started drinking together. Danny Swan was the most popular in town who hung around with the rich kids & got all the girls. I couldn’t compete with them so I didn’t even try lol. I believed I was stupid and ugly. Always had trouble with women. Had issues with my hair & weight. We started drinking together every weekend, it was fun just dancing, smoking drinking and getting attention from girls.
I’ve always been constantly criticised & called stupid and ugly by friends. My step dad used to say I was gay and point at me saying look at him he’s thinking, he knows what you’re thinking, that stuck with me. Girls used to call me ugly and say it was because I was ginger. Lad mates would all call me stupid and put me down on everything I did, idea I had or what I owned, nothing was ever good enough. I have often been flabbergasted at everyone, noticed people’s insecurities stop them from being themselves. I’ve always felt like everyone expects us to prove something. I hate it.
I was being used by Danny for a good time and my car. I didn’t mind, I just found it strange his need to steal fifty p from me once. Danny rarely had a job and always wanted to go out. We started smoking weed. I was paying for most things but I didn’t mind because I was in with the popular kids.
Danny introduces me to Mat Wood, Dan Malloy & Tom Smith. May wood was a tattoo artist. Dan was the leader singer of a band & Tom had just slept with everyone in town. I knew about them all previously from Laura Dawes. They all loved making fun of me and wanted me around all the time. The single life had began. I slept with three girls and realised this wasn’t the answer. I was looking for something meaningful. I just set to live & have a good time minus the sex. I made lot’s of new friends & reunited with old friends. Life was simple until point. Everyone wanted a piece of me and wanted to know what I was doing. I’d always just yolo’ it. I’d probably met 50 new people in a year.
I was a man in demand. Me and Ricky had caught up again and he always wanted me round his. Ricky and his friends all worked and I had a lot of good to say about them. They looked to Ricky as the what would Ricky do kinda guy.
Tom Smith was depressed and I was a sucker that couldn’t say no so I was also catering to him and hanging around with him to keep him happy
I made time for everyone & everyone started getting weird around me. I started questioning everyone and everyone was calling me stupid.
I had changed & I wanted to find out what was going off.
I’m now 22 and it’s 2012 :)
Danny introduces me to Mat Wood. He was very keen to give me advice and thought I was going through an awakening. He told me to concentrate on my breath. I was very angry at this point. I wanted to know why everyone was being shady around me at the same time I was trying to gain respect from everyone. This drove me made trying to get respect.
I was having trouble at work also. They noticed I had changed. I blamed them for the break up putting pressure on me to work too much. They would punish me every time I said no. I clicked on to their methods and started making them look stupid. The managers didn’t find it funny but all I wanted was respect. One postman said at a Christmas party I was the future of Royal Mail. People knew I knew something.
A year went by with all the stress from work and friends, I’d given up, I just wanted to settle down and find a woman. I was trying to say no to everyone. I wanted control of my life.
I’m 23 now and it’s 2012.
Mat Wood and Jaydee introduce me to zeitgeist. I become obsessed with it and watch it slowly. Watch a piece, meditate on it, concentrated on my breath and let the thoughts flow.
Suddenly bam. I had awoken. I had mastered life. All the dots connected in my life from past present to future. I was petrified I was going to destroy the world and everyone was out to get me for it. I was watching the whole world spiral around me from that point onwards.
I remember when my mind eclipsed I thought I was the last point in time.
This is my theory of everything :)
The secret to philosophy is, it is true if you believe it to be true. Philosophy is like taking the tomato and making tomato sauce. Wisdom is knowing it is a tomato. By these means, philosophy keeps getting closer to the tomato. We make purée then we make slices and eventually we find our tomato, wisdom. Basically all philosophy is bull**** around what could be true. Wisdom is the result of good philosophy, which stands the time until another cycle begins. Philosophy is the love of wisdom.
So for example, we look at a chair and can see it is a chair, wisdom, philosophy, we can see it is nails and wood. :)
Wisdom is the truth known consciously. Wisdom is basically what is with the times; what the crowd can agree upon, what has consistent value. As for philosophy, we wouldn’t pick an in coherent philosophy out of the air but, someone may have an experience that gives them a philosophy that is ahead of the times. It only works if we truly believe it. :)
So basically psychosis = differently sane. :)
Their’s layers to truth but everything is built on truth. Truth can have more than one answer but a limited amount of answers. Meaning it is possible to understand the universe. :)
We are unlimited awareness but what we are materialistically is limited so, in other words. Wisdom is limited. Philosophy is unlimited.
So therefore, a plastic chair cannot be a plastic chair because that’s philosophy, the chair is plastic or a chair.
ID = Our wisdom
Ego = Our philosophy
So, we are our actions.
What we have done in our past is what creates the Angels & Demons that surround us.
Angels & Demons are also manifest by the things done onto us.
So for example we sacrifice people to summon a Demon.
This creates our karma, Karma is when we don’t learn our lesson the same situation repeats until we accept our mistakes & make the changes.
Angels and Demons can be also described as what makes up consciousness. Angels being consciousness. Demons being subconsciousness, so, until we make our demons conscious we will continue to be controlled by them from our subconscious. Preventing us from being ourselves. What we have not made conscious is our shadow.
Angels & Demons are what create our personality We can think of the ego as presence and that be all our demons playing together.
Life is about growth, holding on and letting go. We gain wisdom from angels and demons.
To create a Demon we go experience something and start a ritual*, then we simply let our Demons out to play and let them possess someone else. Talk about them, write poetry, a short story or a lesson we learned. This way they lose their power. The karma is released. * A ritual is taking the long way home around an action to create a better result, we apply method to the madness, and take small steps into creating bigger actions. Like gathering ingredients to empty our minds of all the questions and gain the power to manifest something we want :)
This is us creating the capacity to fulfil our dreams. We take the steps towards our dreams. This is creating more space inside ourself for them to happen. Whilst we are doing this; we are attracting the reality we want, by implementing our intension we create a ripple that spirals back to us. This is how our thoughts create our reality. We’re forcing the universe to conspire in our favour until we master what we are doing and gain the wisdom from the ritual. “I am” is the beginning of all wisdom, what we say after these words is what creates our reality.
We are god, Demons are our imperfections we fear being seen by the crowd, the fears that control us, this is how we attract what we fear, we become what we hate.
Demons will always stay with us, they are out to get us, Angels are their to save us. Demons give us the challenges in life, Angels give us the wisdom to get through them. Demons be like our children, frenemies, we have to give them something to look up to. We can think of Angels as our higher self, the elders.
So, we are the sins of our fathers. In this sense we are an accumulation of our ancestors. Each generation naturally practices self control and has had a sense of good and evil. Meaning, we inherit less & less Demons and we’re acquiring more & more wisdom through generations over time until we enter heaven.
In other words we have to go through hell and defeat all the demons to get to heaven.
There must be an alternate universe running backwards. One where philosophy comes first we are drawing all our energy from, the void must be a wormhole our imagination is trapped in eager to be discovered.
Wisdom = time
Philosophy = space 🙂
3rd dimension = action, material world
4th dimension = thought, dream world
5th dimension = no thought, spirit world
The universe is a mirror so there would be ten dimensions, because we are in the middle of the middle looking in at the middle
They say life is better understood backwards so, the universe manifest from one point, the 1st dimension but, the universe also manifest from the higher dimensions. The higher dimensions are bigger, so, we go down the middle and we would say the 5th dimension is the centre of the universe. This is where the universe started but, this is not true. This creates dimension zero which is the egg, so, we have the 5th dimension down the middle of the spectrum which is the sperm. The 1st and the tenth, all this this creates you, a little spec, a special creation, a little miracle, a 5D, 3D hologram but, we’re not alone. We was shattered at the start. We mirror again, meaning the universe started with a twin flame in the 6th dimension. Each spec is going across distance is flat, each made of 3 points so, each spec is made up of zero, the fifth and the 3rd. Space, time & matter, creating a 3,6,9 pattern in every direction. This is the 3,6,9 method. This means everything that’s possible that could be manifest, manifest at the start of the universe with unlimited possibility 🙂
This would mean each universe is contracting or expanding. That there is only beginnings. All life is game, the universe is like a Russian doll.
This would mean we are all born at the centre of the universe. We are born with all the wisdom of the universe and life is a journey moving closer or further away from the centre of the universe as we develop, discovering wisdom or not. We are the singularity. This makes us creation & creator. :)
We all have the Ontic Sphere,
“ Deep inside the being of a human life there's a secret connection to powers and forces, the refined and raw energies of the world and the cosmos beyond it, all funneling down and inward to that secret connection and flowing through the entire ontic sphere* of the human being, bringing more reality to the reality than it had before it was fed the true foods of existence, the blending of experiences and the feelings, and from the ontic sphere spreading out to all the world, radiating like a microscopic star the rays and beams of a formative influence, making the human being more than a consumer or a parasite, but a symbiote, a producer even of the transformation flows through the topologies shaping reality everywhere. This is a good purpose for human beings, enriching the very planet and it's planes themselves, and between them, even more special the magick, the sorcery, the craft, the very tales of love and drama, the majestic other dimensions of the being of the human family. Consciousness is more than a trip, it's a vital part of our present cosmos & chaos alike. *An Ontic sphere, to the best of my understanding, is the world which you live interplaying with your psyche and it's organic expressions, creating an almost ultrafractal and transfractal appearance and relevance to life.” - written by Jerry David Rosenberger
So in theory. Each solar system is like a little universe. There are possibly little you’s running around with one leg missing. Our imagination is a portal. All the chaos happening here right now, is all the chaos happening everywhere in the universe. We could be the first to leave the planet and it’s probably already happened. Our realist us would be immortal and complete all challenges in life. All life across the universe shares the 3D 5D realm.
Everything that exists inside the mind has already happened somewhere or is about to happen. Everything is a phase. Everything is a figment of our imagination. Life is but a dream.
We could say we all share the same dream and it’s a dream within a dream. Meaning we all share the same wisdom with unlimited paths of getting there.
This means we are all connected. Meaning we all have attachments, demons. This causes frustration & frustration is the door to perception. We all desire happiness & the more wisdom & philosophy we attain the more heavenly life is. We can take these steps, (Compassion > self control > reason) on the way to attaining wisdom.
We have the question do we have free will? On one side we say everything happens for a reason. On the other side we say everything is random. If we go down the middle we say, self control is a form of free will. Yes, the universe is determined but the more awareness we have the more choice we have. The middle path is useful for philosophy. The middle path may mean going a hard right to balance a weak left.
Gratitude is the state of mastership, so, we rather ask what is this trying to teach me? instead of why me? in moments of frustration. It’s important not to play the victim.
And then there’s the eightfold path.
  1. Right understanding (Samma ditthi)
  2. Right thought (Samma sankappa)
  3. Right speech (Samma vaca)
  4. Right action (Samma kammanta)
  5. Right livelihood (Samma ajiva)
  6. Right effort (Samma vayama)
  7. Right mindfulness (Samma sati)
  8. Right concentration (Samma samadhi)
As you can see consciousness is a manifestation of interactions. Our soul is an accumulation of our ancestors, all our and Angels and Demons. We are one soul, wisdom, philosophy, we are all different souls. We came here with lessons to learn passed down through generations already so, an old soul is wise, every generation is more advanced than the next. Children are the wisest on the planet, children know they know but don’t know what they know until they are older.
So, Alls life is is a story going back in time to understand creation. We are an accumulation of the past, future and present. Souls can come from other planets as well as this as we are time travellers. We all have the ordinance of the entire universe limited by our awareness.
Everything has its place and we want everything in it’s fitting place. Good and evil can be seen as a spectrum. Intentions come into play and even the observer so, there can be a greater good and a lesser evil. When a crowd come together we all get on a level, you get what you give, for some direction I suggest:
To do love onto another is good; out of love for yourself, to make one love oneself. Evil is to inflict suffering on to another; out of hate for yourself, to make one hate oneself.
We have three forces pulling us. We all have god, we are god, wisdom. We all have our demons, our path, our philosophy and we all have our idea of perfection that haunts us.
Everything is spiralling us :)
The 5th dimension is where we are all heading. Where we are all connected at the heart and have empty minds, experiencing things like telepathy.
This would be heaven. This is where we become free spirits. This is where all our wisdom & philosophy comes from. Everthing has a spirit, all matter and thought are a manifestation of spirit.
Archons are what set the limits on our wisdom & philosophy.
The greys are the Devine perfect beings from the future that we will all metamorphosis into. They can shape shift, time travel & take hostage in our mind like a parasite. Everything get’s smaller and closer to perfection. These are what create our negative thoughts the beings preventing us from completing our challenges. They feed off of negative energy; if there’s no imperfection, they can’t exist.
if we don’t pay attention to spirits, spirits lose their power, so, we can kill death. Fear is a virus, the root of all evil.
I assume you know what to do. Our purpose is to express ourselves in order to understand ourselves and the universe. I suggest you be yourself.
This is how habits create the man. :)
We are a result of our life choices.
Knowledge is power.
Ten Commandments
Rule one Trust no one
Rule two Serve a brew
Rule three Dance with me
Rule four Don’t ask for more
Rule five Learn to dive
Rule six No quick fix
Rule seven Love comes second
Rule eight Always be straight
Rule nine Do not wine
Rule ten Master your zen
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15 Best Xbox One Games That Don't Require An Internet Connection. Xbox One is filled with games that require an Internet connection to play but some of them will let you go "net free." To play fast-paced, multiplayer games, you need internet latency that’s less than 100 ms. 2 And you’ll have an advantage over other players if your latency is even lower—less than 40 ms. If you look at the chart above, you’ll see that the latency (or ping) of satellite internet connections is too high to successfully play multiplayer, fast-paced games. You need the internet to play games online on your Xbox One, but most Xbox One games don't necessarily require an internet connection. You don’t always need the internet to enjoy multiplayer games because there are some of the best Xbox games out there that offer couch co-op for the Xbox One. Couch co-op means you and your friend can play the game together on a single Xbox One and the same couch. To play most online games on a console, you need one. Both PlayStation Plus and Xbox Live cost around $10/month, though there are free trials, and you can save money by signing up for longer. They also often include free games and other bonuses. The other downside to consoles is that the multiplayer games selection is more limited. Games are almost always better with a friend and with human interaction at an absolute premium these days, having a collection of the best Xbox One Multiplayer games is more important than ever. You can plop down on your couch for some split-screen fun, or use an Xbox Live Gold subscription to jump into online action with players half the world Games are meant to entertain you. And this sort of entertainment doesn’t and shouldn’t come at a high cost. For instance, you don’t need to invest so much to secure internet connection to be able to enjoy your favorite game for an extended period. Unfortunately, that’s one reason many don’t get to enjoy play some games.. Most games require internet connection. After one minute, plug the modem back in and wait for all the lights to return to their normal state. Turn on the Xbox console. Test your Xbox Live connection again (Profile & system > Settings > General > Network settings > Test multiplayer connection). From the PlanetXbox360 feature top 10 list: 'Recently at my apartment, something unthinkable happened - my Internet connection ceased working. It was eventually restored, but in the interim it was like living in a vacuum. No access to my instant messenger buddies, no Twitter, no going to my favorite web sites (like Planet Xbox 360)…it was like being cut off from the outside world. Most Join the fun and play a large selection of engaging free-to-play games on Xbox. We’ve got shooters, strategy and fantasy MMORPGs, and more.

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